Page 73 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 73
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS/ Lacrosse ~Baseball ~Tennis ~Intra-Murals I SPORTS/ Washington College Stickmen to Meet BASEBALL TEAM LOSES TO LACROSSE SCHEDULE CO·ED SPRING SPORT Terror Twelve on Hoffa Field Saturday NAVY AND GEORGETOWN April I-C. C. N. Y., at New York. SCHEDULE COMPLETE April 2-Army, at West Point. Shoremen Coached by George L. NETMEN OPEN SEASON Jones and Willis are the Leaders Prattico schedules for tennis and bnse Ekaitis, '31, Former W. M. Star in Hits. April lIi.--Nnvy, at Aunn})oli~. ball, iho two major spring sports for woo BY DEFEATING G'BURG April 23-Wash. at Westminster. ml'lI,ha"cbcen eompleted nnd class [lrae LOSE FIRST THREE GAMES NI\\"y's basebnll tcnan defeated Wcat. floes began Monday, April 18. While ern ;"lar.rland, Apr-ll 16, at Anllnpolis by April 30-Penn State, at State College. the intcrelnss baseball tournament will O(mcll Ac~rding to predlct.icns emanaflng Taggert's I!J3::! tennis team the score of 11·6. M:\y H-lIIt. waah., at Baltimore. not be until :lfter a definite opened its season here with Gettysburg from the Sho' where George Eknitje is opened the game by scoring four amount preliminary playing, tho tell- coaching lacrosse lit Wasllington Col College ns the OIJpOIlCllt, Monday, April the first inning. A bnnting lit nis elimination tournaments for the four lege, the local sliekmen fire ill for all un- IS, nnd won by tho score of 7-~. tack h.Y tho ="'lllyal Academy was respon- PINCURA EARNS TRYOUT classes hare been made out, und matches pleasant afternoon this Bnturday whcn All the mlltchcs were featured by spir- sible for Ihia score. AnnapoHs secret FOR OLYMPIC GAMES will be played inunedlntcly without defin Western meets Washington ited It is the opinion o~ the agaiu in the fonrth inning while in the ite pructfee. The winner of each class Collcgo ut P. lII. at Hoffa. Pield. nud Bllssard,ofWest. fiUIl Western lI[ar~'lal~d scored two runs. "Tiny" Pi.lcurn, '1'e.rror heavyweight tournament will pia), for the coed tennis Waehmgtou College, while not ha\-ing the hardest ']_'he MiddiCl:lJlowcvcr scored fiV{)run6 boxer, is to go to Los Angele~ to compete cbumpiousbip of Western ).1(lJ"ylllud, the won :m.\" games this season is much eu- Willey lost his in tl,eir half of the illlung and one in in the final willner to be presented with a silver lov OI,Pllpic perter to last year's te.1m. But we nlso ~ 6. TIe wns troubled by a BOn' the sixth iuning. Loose in,fieldillg and A. A. U. nnd Al"m~' and trlala agninst rcprcsen- the ing cup- ).tuch competition fer this !Jelie.~ the !><1l!le of our own Incros$C snITered in last 8aturd~ly'a lacrosse g·ame two 'l'cxa~ leaguers account for most of ta.ji,·cs .durir1g the week of 15-20. honor is expcded among the classes. teRm herellt-Western nt1>:1l\"y. PillCUl'a was the The bas<.)ball schcdule for practice is The game promiS{'s to a batlle. C.1l!111in Neil -Woolley amI 1'ur:l\erma1l In the ninth Wiltis opened with a two as follows: Western Maryland lacr06l!a fans hayo pln~'e(] ngains~ the a~es of G 'burg in the !Jngger. Brow!J up next, sc.ored Willis of Weste.rn lIJ3rylnn(1 M'onda.r-3:30 to 5:30-frcsllllwn. b the best other for the N:H-y. bnd OIl' the with practice, it can end eYrr produced III -Western Maryland Woolley-W. 'lit. .Then the Terrors stllrted :lll oifeusi1"e be (,limillated onc good d.1)' of College. lie. has eharge of [he Hne an(l \"s. 60;6-4 W. M. of their OWn which cnabled Leitch to practice wns had weck, thc \\'cftther, ends. Horn-G'billg. score for Western ~raryland. From this for tile_most pnrt, inelement. Tllcke-rm:ln-W . .hl. Thirty fi,·e bo)"s Mn be secn e\'ery point until fi\'c minlltes beforc'tJlc I'nd Goa(:h Twigg fee13 that he has a fine GOi 6-4 W.l\l. 'lftl'rnOOllOll Hofl'n Fiel{l toiling with the of tIle first l':llf, the gnn~-e rem.'l.ined ~-l. Sheets-G'burg. hit_ling aggregation under him Umt wants ,-iewpoiut 01 turning out a succcSl;ful The ball see·sawed back al1d forth 'be. DOlll)Jes- to pIny bnll und arll willing to sacrificlI feit to Rill in the finals. Gelitry forfeit- seasonllext falilikethosc-of '29 and tween thc two gbals. During t-lils l)criod Bussard-Pe.rkill:S_W. lIf. .~. bit ror t,he nalion:il gaJllC. Here's to cd to Pincura for thin,) place. Four '3'0, forWcsteru.\f.arylan!l nlld "Dick." the~nme was fentured by brilliant, stops 6·4;-4-13; G·O \Y.M. them! !1l(>.l1in each "'eight d;,·;&i01l ore to go to Tho nnclcus for the 1932 grid machiue by g-oalies Remick and Portes. Th!!n l~i\'ingsgood·Robb---G'IJllrg. will be built u.rOluHI Caplnin Koppe, the·WesternllInrJI:tud team Buddenly lost WES'L'E~:'~~'a ~~;:.'a.,~1~"";~i:S\~_o~~ti:~:i;~: tli:~ ,:~l\.fi~~~ V. Palmer·E. l'almer-\V.:'If. Dunn, !\[eNu.lIy, Sadllusky :md llurley. itse-If and the :Middies scond four goals \"s 2·6; 6~j (j-~ W. M. Bowman, s. 2 1 2 2 MJI~teron, I 4 0 1 0 Ar~;~e:n~l:~:~e"~~1 ;~:(~::l:l~:~~!:~:~~:~ .hllluy places will 'be filled by players in quick sucec~siou. Tho half endetl.t A~k('y·Horn-G 'burg. "oming np from the Freshman raul;s. Seore6.1,Ntn-y. Wool1eyTllekerullill-W.71!. ~~~:~-~;,; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:1~~:~:1,: ~ ~ ~ ~ Western !lla:rylnud, Ti'l~· has becil work In thu second session the Terrors drew illg O\lt by hi'nsclf, sh:u]-ow-boxiug, roa(l. first blood, ,\·hen Leitell seon!.:] after five I \·s. 5·7; 36-G'hurg. BO),H-lIrissitcr ~~l;I~~'g:r, I.~ ; ~ ~ ~~~_~il;S,::! ~ ~ ~ ~ wQrk, and bag ]lunehing, hnt without the minutes-of play. From tl,is time on thc Wos-tern Mnryl:md plllys Uni\"ersity of KOP1W, c. 5 1 9 ] Kossler, 3 40 0 0 2 aid of SIl;~;;i:gJl~:~:I~~:~:~ledA::~e:~;;i~~ Chocolate Marshmallow game bcellllle another (luel, untillale ill ~1~ ~~:;~~J~\.]..: ~~~ the gllllle wheu tho '1':"':0; scored four more ~fnryk!lld ~3rd. at Westminster this Snturd:l~', ~~~~:~~~, ~J.! success of 1. fighter, regardless of his Sundae IOc Avril goals. latent nol!it.Y. Wc know Pil1~nra hns Western :'Ifaryll.llld had pll'Jlty of sub The first two upper I:ourls :Iro lit nJI Diklla, III 4 0 2 0 ~\~,~:;: l~. ~ ~ ~ ~ thM stilnles on Ihe beneh, but, acC(!rding to times rl.'S(>~\'erl fur \·arsity use Upon ro. CrolUn, m 1 0 0 0 EHIl though ho lost to the 'I'ulnne College Special 15c the con!nu:t of the galDE', the,\- eould not (lll(>~t of :In.1' tc.Un mcmOers. Please co- piny, for they were frr.shllliln. They will operate with 1he lenuis lemn in tlli!! wa~·. i~~lt'~h~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~~:\:l:~~l~)~:'k t:; ~1.~~eU~:'l O~r~l\~OI~~I:~ A delicious Fruit and Nut Gonrts upon whkh there :1!'e 110 nets are be lw",ilaulo to lJ!ay in atl the remaining !Jot ill tondi.tiOIl nnd arc !l01 10 bo pbyed g:lllleS 011 tho T{'rror's S(;hcdule. ~::n,~~,t:Jp : ~ ~ ~ ~~,~: aO;~l~:le ~:S;e:;\~~~~\T:::~e~\~o;~:: Sundae Summnry: upon Illltil net is pi:J('{'(l on them. ~\ny studcnt wishing 10 try for 11103 :?JlJ.tkSOll ~~~~ I IhronghIornslllcll,asheh,sllllhepnst NAVY WESTERN .MD. Porter G. Bemiek lennis team can rcport to Coach T:bns Ttopklns BfiHimore g'l1llle, the Terror's showing l:!ck of field. 1lI0rc points are eligible for a position Nm"'J' _\[.1)" H-Btis$ Ell'1!frie::t1 SdlOol-Wa~ll. ing pruttiee wllieh, thOllgh eonpled with asoffieor. \\'!%tern'\la.r,Yland. . ..... 11-2 ~Ii!r 18-U. of 1Iar.,·land-College Pnrk good hitting, WllS responsihle for the de· Installation of new officers and the o}H":-··:··H':-·:·+·!··H-!oo}·:-!o·r:·'!o·;'·H':··:·+ . Suhstitnlion9-Ka\-y: Condon for Bow- l\t~y 20----U. of Delawnro Home feat. Shilling pitthed for the first, six illn- Board will be 1lI1ldr at th~ last yenly rec- ., },Iay 24o-U. of BH!tilllore Baltimore ers, Hutchison for lIlortoll, lIf~Donald for ings, Illld pitdu)(l good ball. Lnmb \1"110 mecling, to be l.cld in 1Ifa.v. Those Miller, }fn!'])el for Dial, T. Perguson for Mlly 27-St. Joll!! 's Annapolis relieved Bud gll\·C a. creditable exhibition ommended by the Physical Education in ;.: To Please Your Palate i ?If~ly ~S-To1l'son Xor1Ha! Home F. Perguson, Bowt.'r$ for ('ondon, non(]- of hnrling also. te:lchers, :'IrissPnrker and lIfiss Todd . len for Bowers, Stephan for 'l1·ler, I•. .TulI(, -1-Lo.\'\!h Home 1furle~' fe'ltured by 3 fine hils, and the conjunction wilh the A. A. Bonrd are ns t ~ Get :t Smitll for Uo)]~nre, K. Smith for Brown. SC'lll,Mio",d cntchlllg of a high foul close follows:- .MOl·Y i WesterllIl1a.ryland-Hnlllmil for Sn· rUIl hit, :md han~ goml pitching. All by the stands. Prcsident-J.brieita Mills Hml Tasty Toasted :t dausky, Leiteh for Seitz, Seit7. for Me_- they Jl,ek is IlrfH.:tice fielding. 1'hi~ is W~stern },laryllllld collected 16 hits off Ellen Seuat Nally, "le~Tally for Seitz, 8adausky for the hl.'licf of Coach Twigg, who will the flilltoppitcJu'r, but passed up chances Secrelnry-S:lra Fadely nm1 Ma.1' llug· {. Sandwiches :~ Barnett. d{'vot(l th~ time un!i! tlle nuxt gallle, pol- to $Corl', lem'ing 15 men stran(led upon sell *" of aU kinds .;.- Nllvy Scoring-G. Ferguson, ~; Con- ishing II]! this: dC]l!.lrtment. the bags. Treasurer-Jullc Coo lin g :lnd Tro~' :f. !lon, 2; Alorton, J'.[ollrure, Nisewaner, W, M. G'TOWN. lIambsch ~ also lL1ppel, T.. Sm..iU" :lIfcDonnld. ao.l1.0.a at.ll.o.n. Haleigh Brown. playing his first game Head of Seasonal Sports- E. i Ice Cold :t ~: sllowl'd Western MarylaHd-LcHch, 2. BowUlan.s. 212 2KilgaJl!'n,r. 4210 Ht third, aptly called thaI he knew Sj)Ot." whllt to do Hocke.\·-E. Lines Jl.nd L. Fre.y Milk, at "hot tlwt Re!eree--Wylie, ~onnt \\llshington Hllrl!'y,1 6 3111Lionc, 2 4- 021 (':1rI·Jonesllnd Stony WiJlisNlIltJnued Bosl
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