Page 79 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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4j~, n=====7"i' I ALUMNI and FRIENDj Wekome Back to the FAREWELL SENIORS "Hill" for Happy Vacation, Commencement Underclassmen Vol. 9, No. 19 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. June 2, 1932 COMPREHENSIVE RESULTS College to Learn Prize DR. FERDINAND BONNOTTE Approximately Eighty-Five Seniors SHOW W. M. SOPHOMORES Winners on June 6th RESIGNS AS HEAD OF THE To Receive A. B. Degree as Annual RANKING ABOVE PA. MEAN was held iu Alumni Hall, Maj- '27, 193:l. MODERN LANGUAGE DEPT. Commencement Comes to a Close The annual Norment Speech Contest Wi.nMrs will be announced at the Com· Comparison With Othel; Colleges meneement exercises. Tho freshman Has Been Member of College Fac- Will Be Announced Later girls \\"110 study music Sllllg in the inter- ulty Since 1897 JUNE WEEK PROGRAM Play on Friday Night Will Be First cnt between freshman and SOp!IOUlQrQ Feature of Crowded Program D. M. PAUL IS HIGHEST ruadlngs. CAREER HAS BEEN V ARlED lmmAY, JUNE 3- The coutestanh and their readings B P. :M., Senior PIny, "Aliee in ALUMNI DINNER SAT_ NIGHT The Tctur.ns from the After thirby -flvc W-onderland", Alumni Sophomore Oomprehen- 'l'he Ballad of East nnd "Vest by Rud- years of loalliling ser- a,u. The sixty-aeecud eommC~lCell1elltac- sive Esaurinattons, taken yar-d Rjplillg, Dnuicl Moore. ville at Western tivities of Western },f[l,l'yla.lldCollege by 19,000 college stu- of the Night Rudyard Maryland Co I lege, SA 1'rr.RDA'Y,JUJ\'E 4- will begin }"'riday, June 3, and continue wntebee dents on :lIray 3 and 4, Kiplillg, Willialll Stnines. by Dr. Furdiunnd BOil' 10.30 A. M., Society Reunions. until tile eonnneneoment exurciJ:ies of are now available. One Kiug Robert of Sicily by rrllnr~' W notte is. retirillg. lie 2.00 to 4 P. M., President's Re- Monduy, J'uuc B. Arts 'I'ne couferrmg of tile Baehelcrof fact revealed is t hat Longfollow, Donald 'I'schudy. hilS been liend (If urc ception, McDauiel Hull degrees upon members of the graduab- DQrolby M. Western Maryland Col- The Party by Paul S_ Dunbar, Dorc- Modern Langnage De- Parlor. iug class ",ill take ptnee in Alumni Hall, .Paul lege, in the field of Fine thy Mil.)'Gordon. Dr. Bonno!!" partment and prorce- 6.00 P. M., Alumui Dinner nud Arts, rnuka higlle1 than the mean of last The Dav of Judgment hy Elizrtbet.h eoe of Preneh. Anllual Business Meet- :HondIIY,at 10 A. U. Dean William AI- 11m Wilbur, We ahal1kcenly A.U., year's tests g ivcn in Pennsylvania col- Phelps, Gwendolyn Krutxel. ",inllisprl!llcnce Dr, Bounotte'a en- ing, Dining Room Waahington Iluiversify, Litt. D., of George will deliver the leges. Next to that field, the stud~nts jn The Child by Alexander Humilt on, !~..D'i~Il~;~!b~~reer has been varied 8.00 P. M., Mualc Roc+tal, Alum- cmlllllcneementaddreea. this illsUtu.tion came out better 1lI the Jessie Shipley. his stholsuhin aad intoresting. His ni Hall. General HIstory Examin.'ltion thnn in :::Dii~; father kept a llbra.r1e, Approximately eighty-fivc lllell and any (lther. in every I . INTERMISSION \;nua 10 be fell and SD Dr. Bonnotte SUNDAY, JUNE 5- ",omen nre cxpeeted to reeeive diplomna IV3\·d. Cllmmissiolls President frem The students whose scores The Reveuge by Alfred Tennyson, t~r\~~et~:~i~~W.~~carly camo into eon 10.30 P. M., Baecallllll'{'ate Serv- part of the examination were above tho William Finch. tact with many of ice, Alumnillall wLi1 bepreselltcd to ninetee]) llleUill the mean of Pennsylvania SOl)homores are, The Man With One Talent by Riehard the great: French authors. He served 8.00 P . .M., Saered Concert, sc,nior cl:J.~s. The winners of academic in the order their rllnking" Paul D. M.j H. D:n-is, Wiliam P. KesUlodeL as Seeond Lieutenant in the FrllllC(l' Alumni lInl!. IlDuol's and honerary medals will also Day, lltL E.; ShaH ..r. ]'If. L.j llIitchell, Humoresque, Elmer J. Mahoney. Pruasian 'Var in 1870·1B71, aad was ~WNDA Y, JUNE 6- be mllde public at this time. Tho round (If June Week activities F. P.; Righter, E. V.; Palmer, V. S:j The Empmor's Ghost by 'I'omple present at the Beige of Paris. 10.00 A. i'lL, Commeneemont, will begin with the pluy, "AJiee in Won- Jones, W. B.j Burkins, M. F., and Yo· Bailey, Mildred Burkins. Dr. Bonnotte reeei"ed his A. B. de· AlulUni Hull. derlOlld," to be preaented by the speeeJl cnm, M. A. Th", First Oboe by James Glover, gree at tho Uhi\'ersity of Parts, and ill DeplI.rtmout, in Alumni 1111.11,Fridny The el.ltire o" was made an officer in the reunions atlendnnt. UpOIlthe alumni re- O. Ir.; Whit- LANTERN CHAINCLIMAXES W. B.; Palmer, V. S.; Timmons, J. B.; Freneh Academy. ADVANCEDSCHOLARSHIP nnion on Satnrday evelling from 2 tD Wrigllt, W. T.; Everly, 4 O'clock Saturday ofternoon, President part During World Wllr he of t.he tington, C. L., and Kimmey, E. ]'f. FAREWELL TO SENIORS wn~ emplo.ved by th(l Bethlehem Steel Wnrd will entcrtniu facnlty, alumni, Ganeral Culture, lIissey, E. C.; 1101- Company, translating eontrads betwccn Physical Education To Be Required stndents, and their friends at a recep- der, R. B.; Waltbell, R. L.j Paul, D. M.; Tile Sonior Farewell p:lrty held the St>Rl" Fil'st Two Years for Men tion ut his IlDme. Day, :U. E.; Sharrer, ]\f. L.; Outten, L. Wedllesdn~', June 1, on East was Cnmpus. the }"'rellch gowm~lnellt end The Alumni ASMei~tion of \\'eett\rn rows Point Plant. M.; ].[itehell, F. P.; Kiefer, R. W. and The program opcned with the impersoll- ECONOMICS DEPT. CREATED lIIal'ylnnd College will hold its anllnal Palmer, V. S. Dr. BOllnotte states that lie is retir- dinner for the soniors and !henn husi· ationa of the seniors I)y the underclass· ing beeausc of incapacitntion, and fur ness meeting (It 6 o'clock Saturday Forcign Literature: Dfl)', M. E.; His· men. For the first time tho seniors Wit)l the distribution of ihe new ev~ning, iu tha DinlJlg Hall. The se- sey, E. C.; Holder, R-. B.; Paul, D. M.; wore prh'ilcgcd to soo thcl1lselves as no other rellsen. time. IIe lJa-l!been iu ill Western l\IuT}rland College Bulletin, nior music recitnl will take plnce that health forsoille Willinms, C. V.; Waltllen, R. L.; Mitch- others Boe thcm, and evcryOllC, includ· se'"cral enricular eh/luges wero an- evoning at 8 O'cloek in Alumni Hall. ('11, :b'. P.; Finch, 'W. R.; Outten, L. M.; ing the seniors, onjoyed tim clevlll' anfield alld was al',arded to 2nd Plll.toon of CODl- 9, Dr. Whitfield, head of t!!-ehistory de- (lerland!' 'fhe pre.~cntation all Fl'i Outstanding alll(lng his lectures are thc Caroline Reed, lleld the eup and pre· part!l)ent of Western Maryland, read a {llty night, tIle last projoet of the grad. YaJe leetures ,,-jlieh were given in 1929. sented carh scnior with a rOSE',in the pauy B, headed by Cadet Lieut. C. R. paper entitled, Attempt (If the U. S. to uating students in the Speech Depart- Harrison Cllristian, \V-ell known bari- traditional cup cetemony. Caples; second place to 1st Platoon, -enter the Permanent Court of Inter- ment, is being directed b~' :hUss EsUler tone, will give a recital in Alumni Hall Afterdinuel'Wm.lli'l'igllt,}ll'CSidentof COlllJaUYB, led by Cadot Liout" C. S. national Justice. A brief resume of his Smith. A fell' members of Mher plaeo to 1st Platoon .JonQs, llud third on Jnne 5, nt S P. M. Mr. CllTistinn has tile sophomDre class, presided over the COlfll,:lny commanded by Cadet of his tren.tisefollows: cIussesare also in tbe east., whieh is as A, studicd under a suecessi(lu of world fa- i')"plnnting. He find Harrison Db:(ln, Lieut. W. 11. I\"allace. The U. S. had earl)" favored judie.ial follows: mous singers. StRrting his career uudor prc-sident of tIle senior class, said a few ~cttlmnent of inter!latiOll~l pellee. The Alice J-Dss Marion Hnmphreys the direction of Percy R. Stevens in words, whilc 1[IIrgaret Yocum, vice- The judges for the compditive drill Amerk"n representative to the first Lewis Carroll . 1\[1'. Richard Weagley New York, :11[1'. Christian later went tD president of the sophomore cla8s, as- were: Mnjor E. H. BertllrHlIl, GettY$ lIagua Conferenee in 1B99 wns instrnct- The Duchess.Miss :Margu]'ot Lee Nelson Italy where- he continued his work un· sisted in tile l)lanting, on thc wcst side burg College; J..ieut. Robert N. Youug, ed to prop(lse the crealion of an Intor- The Red Queen. Miss Catherine Hitchens dcr Signor Unieo Roshei who was at of McDaniel Hall. University of Maryland, and Lieut. Jo- national Tribunal to settle internn- one time the teacher of the incompara- At B o'clock the same evening, I.he !('pll L. Mathias, Jr., O. R C. tiollal disputes. This pIau failed, but The White Queen ... M.i$B ilflll'icl Bisbop The Queen otHeart,s ble Gigl;, In Rome Mr. CIIristiau stud- women of the freshman clUBSescorted F(lllowilig the company drill the ind.i- the proposal b~' the British for 1I COllrt lIlissMurgnretMyer9 i{ld under sucll masters as GC(lfilo de the senior womcn to Hoffa Field, in t}le "idual prize drill WIIS held. C(lrpornl of. }lel'luanent arbitration was eonsid- The King of R~arts.Mr. Howard Ameas Angelo and lla'l:CautDni. annual luntern chain. Following tho john H. Whitmore, of Company A, won ered. At the sel'olld conference thll U. The White Rabbit.Miss Elsie Ebsworth Till! singer's program, whiell is quite eustomary snnke dance, the freshmen first plnec; Corporal EIlwftrd W. 11ur· S. renewed its Ilttem]lts, but again The ful~"(l of Hearts, Mr. Hollert Etzler varied, includes two groups from Men- formed 'the nUlllerals of each DI tlle four 1(')" Company B, second plaee; Corporal failed, J)eeanse of the diffic.ult~· of eleet- 'rhe )[lId Ratter.Mr. Josiah Stillwagon delssohn, one group frm Handel, one classes while singing, "Wllere, OIl,where Jame~ 'V. Dunn, Company B, third ing judges. At lost tIle U. S. triumphed, group of spirituals, Ilnd one group of lire the Yerdant freshmenf" The fresh. plnee; Private John B. Til]llllons, Com when it succeeded in embodying in ,\r The March Hare .. Miss The.lm:l Sumler The Dormouse .. ?tUss Mary Lee Shipley Ilymus. lllen then sang two songs, origilml with pany C, fourtll place, and Priyate AI· tide X of the League of NatiDlls COI'e- Tweedle Dum Miss Winifred Bush" Mr. Christian gave a recital (lnee be· William Rerson, '35. The ''Farewell to (C(mtillued (In Page 2-Col. 3) nant II. provision for the creation of a Tweedle Dee :Miss Mildred JOhl1S01l fore in Alumni Hall, in 192B. tho Seniors" had ns its tnne Ole Mary- e(lurt. The eourt wns start-ed on Feb 11umpty Dumpty .... Mr. Rllbert Ehler TIle commencement address will be land Stale Normal SeJlo(ll Alma Mater, ruary 15, 1922, and tlle mnHer at pres· The Gryphon ... Mr. Chnrles WelltJllndt delivered by Dr. William Allen Wilbur, while the- second song "Frosh of 1935", SYMPATHY ent is the question of our joining. In Thll' ?trock Turtle .. Mr. Theodora Landis Dean of Columbian C(lilege at Gcorge words nlso by Herson, used an adopta- JUne, 19~6, tlle Senate rutilled thlt Pro- The Cheshire Cat Washington University. Associated tion of the Notre Dame Victory Mareh The Staff of the Gold Bug wishes tocol of Signature Ilontainiug tile sht· with the university since IB97 .as pro- fDr its tone. t.e express, for the student body, utes of the U. S. The members of the Miss Dorothy Kephart fessDr of English, Dean Wilbur was ap· After the singing of the Alma Mater, d()!lp IJYDlpathy for MiSS Those Todd court, endea\"oring tD lDeet these reser- The Caterpillar ... Mr. Riehard Weagley Leslie Weruer The- Frog Footmsn.Mr. pointed to his present positiDn ill 1904.. the seniors wllte escorteil hack to .Mc- MiS!l Eva Draper, and Miss Evelyn I'alion&, effected in 1929,a uew protocol, The GllrdenerJ:i and Ring's Atteudants, Dean Wilbur is a writer (If distinetion Daniel lla11 bakony, wlH're ther SIlng t(l Ryon, in their recent breavements. permitting the U. S. to enter on its own Mr. Frank Mitchell, lU. Lora Out· as well as Ii teacber and orator. I tile fresllmen. (Continued (II!- rage i-C(li. 2) ten,and lIlr. Paul Myers.
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