Page 74 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 74
PAGE FOl1R The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. COLLEGE I WASHINGTON MEET TERROR STICK- MEN TO (!11u£lllrn. OUUb£l. uub .@iortdtr£l I TWBL VB ON HOFFA I :-: (S 01 b illUg iIl'u1!i:lug£l :-: I FII:LD SATURDAY '-----------,-----------1 (Gontinued from Page 3-Col. 1) IRVING-WEBSTER SHAKESPEARE CLUB ed the other point against Western Mary- Ilanil. THE MAGIC OF THE RQSE GARDEN APPRECIATION "The most important position of nn The regular monthly meeting of the All of the OiCoring WllS during t.he first editor is to maintain harmony, ccopern- Shakespeare Club was IICItl Tuesdny half. New York scored after fi'l"cmin I llu'I"efelt the umgtc 0.1'the hills and We were. in the garden-spring 1\1«1made lion, and everything running smoothly," ()1'ening, ..,\pril 13, in the Y. W. C. A. utes of play and the Terrors retaliated of tue seas, her firat eall, snid Mr. Kcockcgoy in a meeting which room. The program which was centered inull(J(liately Yin. a pass from Seitz to And tlle magic of the mountains when You noticed the brown-patched, leaf- strewn sod; the members of tho GOLD DUG etnrr about the play, the Merebant of Venice, Boyd who scored. Late in tho first half Ihey whisper, look charge of in Lnnf a lInll, April n. coneiatcd of the fel1owing: the City College team seared their other And the lungm of n. IOI·c])"garden But ill every blade of grn!!8 and tightly- In apenking of tile -editor's positi~n he Outline of The Merchant of Venice, tallies, Wrapped in beauteous blooms of spring, folded leaf, said further that if cue is normal ho Sara Robinson Cc-captn.lna Barnett and Hammill re Shedding perfume in!-o-the air. I SIIW beauty-c-und still 1Il0re--I saw thu will work terribly hard, but if he is 'I'reatmcnt of tb e Juws in the t.ime ()f peatedly led spirited drives into the A cottage grayed with nge, hand of God. Inzy he will let the Btnff do tho work, Blmkeepcsu-e-c-Etsia Ebswort.h enemy's territory during the seeond half Over growl\ II'WI careless weeds, We both stopped and admired the por- and it is likely tllat if ihe editor tried How Shylock may hll'-e ended his but City College succeeded in halting Stnuds bleak, and bare; I\l1d unattended trait, to overdo his part, confusion would re- daye-c-Susnn Show mcsc reutes. Behind the garden. 'fa ron it InlS simply a WOUlIlJI-YOU sult. A review of the recent perfcrmnuca At goal, l1ike Herniek played (L fine But IUIll voiceless in the presence of the pralaed it in some way or ather; Miss Strow, in her talk on news-edit- in whieh Maude Adnms and Otis game, stopping many drives nt; tho gnal !Illlgic scene T retunICd time and agnin to admire the ing, reumrked, "If vou bate uewepaper Skinner stnrred-AII'ertll Dillon. during tIle first baIt Despite illness, That meets my eyes. picture work you will III"lYDrsucceed; but if you After the program, the prcsident, "Goose" Dougllty gllve tl splendid ex- For I saw lIat ollly a womun, I saw the like it you will be lrilling to givo up Louise Crozicr, Illude u closing speech hibition of lncrosse lind the spirit·to·lI'in, Rejoicing in their freedom of r~strni"t, MUst'smotlter. over.\'thing for it." Sho went on to say lind the officers for llext yenr were fenturing in el'ery pl~lyduring the gal1l!'. The roses climb tl,e lonely dwcllh!g ihat the nssignDl(l.nts are mllde at the 1l1ec!cd 'l'hese nrens follows: 1'he line·up: So neglected hy man. I relld .ron the poem aud you listened quietly. strdl' meeting by Ihe news editor. Theil President-Susan Strow \YEST.EUN 1IID. C. C. N. Y. Up tlte posts and oyer the brown porch it is tlle rcporte.r's job to secure tho Vite"pl·csidc.nt-I./Couel Cheyney lIcmiek G. Singler roof You praised style and Juetre, but your story :.lIldwrite it np. Betretary and Treasuror _ CleOll1l Lucas P. ?trallrer They spread their we1.l1thof color, eyes showed 110glellm; "Some people thi.nk n good reporter Brinsfield Barnett C. P. Vaneo Sen'Cniug the windows with n grncC£ul I Imclnot noticed rhythm, tiute or verse has to llnve n noso for news, but I IIrurutl1l1 }'.D. JoeknOwitz in.tticeofl'ine, form think t.ho 11IIbitof notidng everything BLACK AND WlilTE .Pattc~()n S. D. Tcdlill And branch, and leaf, nnd bloolll, For 1 had read of II 1)oet'$ grent dream. is tiS 'grist for the. mill' and can be de. Ca.llnghnn T. D. Schnlltnrftcr Up to tho ridge nlld the cornice, We lteurd Brahms.' A ]JOSe Brt:oks Tnlu yeloped." 'l'he Illld White Club wish.:a to Dought.y C. Clcmons '1'0 the. elld of the shingled. roef itself, BloDm, "lI.fnking up n ne,,'spu1)e.r is vcr.> dit- ~nllounce th!lt John C. ThornlJ.erry, '35, Seitz T. A Kllshner E'I"cn to the chimney top. You saW the organist wllspcrfcetas fM fienlt yet "ery interesting," stated Mr. has been Ileecpted IJS a pl>!dge of the Jllcger S. A. Gise lIS technique goea, SJl~rrOI\ III illS talk, "Ho1\ n. Newspapar Fraterl1Jty McNally }'.A Abraff Swclling nc."t in passion n.s if it wnrns r was not conScious of technique, organ, IS Made Up" ae brought out the fllet-/ _~ _ Boyd I.R Deitz of or orgnnist, thflt the hardest Job of tho managmg DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Leit!!h O.ll. Rosenthal Ringing fear, sobbing, wailing, I saw more than that-with Brahms I el'iltor IS balnlJ~lllg tho. front pllge Gonls-Boyd, Gise, l~osellthnl, 3'. monning, saw the roae. "rhoug!J fl bit dr." Lotl!ar's Clalr1JOJI :Mnry Humphre,s and ],tunel 13lsh Substitutions-Cit.,I' College of New Clearly, gloriously, triumphnnt, ROBeRT L.\NGFORD ROOERS, an.t showed t.hat ebin-oyrulcy, the op entertained the dub ~t br-idgu and 1'0rk-Dn'l"is, Puller, Whnekma:n, Binder, Then sinkiug, Inning, into the call1llless bestowed art of reading th
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