Page 81 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 81
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS/ Lacrosse ~Baseball ~Tennis ~Intra-Murals /SPORTSi Company B Earns 103 Points to Win STICKMEN LOSELAST GAME UNDEFEATED NETMEN TO W. A. A. HOLDS LAST First Place in R. O. T. C. Track Meet TO MT. WASHINGTON MEET LOYOLA SATURDAY MEETING OF THE YEAR Defeats Other Two Companies By Western Maryland stick w l e l d e e s The "Terror" tennis team, undefeated The Women's Athletic Association held Largest Margin Since Meet TERROR NINE DEFEATS brought the 1932 lacrosse season to a this season, concludes its long and ardu- its last regular meeting of the year, Was Inaugurated BALTO. FIREMEN, 16 - I elcse on May H by bowing to the ~{ount QUs schedule this Saturday with the Thursday, May 19, in the Y. W. C. A. Wolfpack by a 10·0 score. Washington mutch against Loyola at homo. The Terrors entered the fray with the Room. Installation of officers for 1932· CO. A WINS SECOND PLACE Endy in the season Neil Woollcy'snet ]933 was followed by a novel anneunee- On May 16, the Western Maryland knowledge that a cietory would climax menrambledoverthewyolaracquetteers ment of the winning class and individu· baseball team trouueed the Baltimore one of the most successful seasons ever with a 7·2 victory. The Western Mary CQmpany B stepped out handily to take firemen, 16·1, before a holiday crowd in experienced by a Green and Gold lacrosse land team is now in tip top form, and alsin the first Womeu ts Iutee-class Track the annual R O. T. C. track meet beld Westminster. Bud Shillingpitc.hed a fine team. But the perfect atick-bandling o~ there would seem to be no doubt of at aud Field Meet, held Wednesday, May 18, on Hoffa Piei;, and Bill Armneost New York: Navy, VB. Rut.gers and and fought it out until the tape was Fridillger; 3, ],fartinj 4, Holmes; 19 both tenms injected several SUbstitutes of St. John's, snd :Moon Evans of the Army '·S. an Indian t.eam thlltwill be de· reached. feet 9%. inches. into !lIe line·up. All of the freflhmen University of Maryland. termined by a series among the six t.ribes Cadct Captain HamUli! brought glory Discus-1, Shepherd; 2, Lamb; 3, Gor were given a chance to partiCipate, in Man.-logerClem Spring hns beeu pleased. in New York State that will end June 4. to ],is Company by winning t.he high ski; 4, L. Kapilln; 109 feet 3 inches. order to gain experience for next·Sllason. with the way Ekaitis has handled him· If the program goes through as plan. jump. Sadausky and 'Villis him Hop, Step, Jump-l, Brown; 2, Murray; Herniek G. Kelly self to datE'. It is expected tbat the man.· ned, Hopkins, Maryland, Army and Navy plenty of opposition in this event. 3, Patterson; 4, Boyd. 41 fect 2 inch. Hammil P. Bernnrd agement will offer him a contract soon. would be thefal"orites to reach tll(lsemi· Eknitis held the position of lacrosse '1'be discus aud baseball throw' were Barnett C.P. Jenifer and assistant football coach at Washing finnls li~ted in Washington on June 18. won by Shepherd and Koppe, respective. 12·lb. Shot-I, Sadausky; 2, ROmito; 3, Kleinman F.D. Barger tiln Coll£'ge,during this past year. George This bracket, in ease the choices won, ly. Shephcr(]'s 109 ft. 3 in. mark gave Pineura; 4, Lipsky. 47 feet 2 inches. Patterson S.D. Gertsmeyer porformed his duties of lacrosse menter would put llopkins against Na"y and him the event with plenty to spare. Dick Baseball Threw-I, Koppe; 2, Mnrtin; Callnghan T.D. J. Brown .MnQ'land against Army. Afartin extended Koppe to take the 3, Lipsky; 4, Sehweiker. 312 feet 6 Doughty C. O. Norris so well that a movement, launched by the Baltinlore or New York will be the stUdent body to do away with lacrosse, in throwing contest. inchefl. J.,eitch T. A. Harwood favor of baseball, was dropped. scene of the final on June 25, with the Sadausky heaved the 12·lb. allot 4.7 SPECIAL EVENTS Willey B.A. Stinson Ekaitis served as student·playing coach Monument.11City holding the edge if two feet 2 ine.hes, to best Hcn Romiti and Three· legged Race-Gol1lkl·Kaplan. '. McNally F.A. TIlrnbull in his seniorYCllr at Western Maryland. of the teams from. within the State sur· viee. Tiny Pincura. Brown, of the band, 1I'0n Wheel barro"\\"Race--Sliker·Outten. Boyd O.II. P. Norris the hop· step, and jump affair. Jockey Race-Chandler.Brynn. Mahoney I. H. Tomsen A list of speeial events and nO\'elty Sack Race-Gorski. Goals: Thomsen (2); O. Norris (2); races was productive of many spills Rooster Fight-Palmer, V. P. Norris, Gertsmeyer (2); Colosimo. among the contestants and much amuse. Tug·of·War-Company B. (Sub. for Thomsen) :McDonaldj (Sub. ment lUnong the spectators. Gorski and Pie Eating Contest-Rom.ito. for P. Norris) Stinson. Referee: {!1nlnuial 1Juu Kaplan teamed up to win the three· Sehwei.ser. legged race. SlikE'r and Outten beat a crack ficld in tbe wheel barrow event, and V. Palmer retained his cha.mpionship AN ENJOYABLE VACA. WESTMINSTER, MD. by lIurviving the r&'!t of the eontestsntS' in theroostnfight .. _ F. W.Woolworth CO. TION TO ALL IIenry Romito got himself a largesHce • of glory and fI severe stomach·aehe by WESTMINSTER, MD. and upon your return next wiuning the pie eating contest, which fall, meet your friends at Bill's was limited to freshmen only. TEA~1 SCORING 44-46 W. Main Street NEW STORE LUNCHEON Company B .. 103 Direcdy across from TEA Company A .. 41 Company C .. 35 State Theater Band. 21 SPECIAL DINNERS TRACK RESULTS Good-bye until next fall 100 }"IIrds-l, McNally; 2, Shepherd; 3, J. Stoner Geiman Fridingerj 4, Harrison. 'I'ime: 10.5 seconds. GENERAL ELECTRIC SANDWICHES AND ICE CREAM ALWAYS 220 Yard_I, Green; 2, Murray; 3, Ry· REFRIGERATORS 8ca"agej 4, Fleming. Time: 24.18ee· "GRIFFIN'S" EXCELLENT DINING SERVICE onds. 440 Yard&--l, Dunn; 2, Berger; 3, Seitz; RADIOS and ELECTRICAL SODA, CANDY AND 4, Calvert. Time: 55 seconds. APPLIANCES 880 Yards-1, Diksa; 2, BUssman; 3, Rusteberg; 4, Martin. Time: 2 min· TIRES AND GAS LUNCHES Continuous Set-vice,7 A. M. to 9 P. M. utes 8.9 seeond~.
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