Page 78 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 78
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, F. G. HOLLOWAY I REV. ED PRES, OF SEMINARY EL~I I OlIannl'n. OlIuhn. anll ~nrtdtl'n I ",~h~I~::::"::;;:;::;::;,,,~;,::::::: :-: 0; n III i u g i u;: ;:t n ga :-: L----- -, __J I ed the election of ReI'. Fred G. .acno- SHAKESPEARE CLUB HOME EC. CLUB way, A. B., 13. D., to succeed former oors- FISRIN' L President Hugh L. Eklerdiee. The regular monthly meeting of the The Horne EcollomiCH Club held its The new president was graduated from (A Boy's thougllts lUI he might write Blmkespeare Club ""IS held 011 'I'uesdny moututy mc('ting "Monday, Hny 9 aud western hlarylaud College in 1918. He them) By R. B. HOLDER evening, .\fny 10, ill the Y. 'V. C. A. elected the following officers for the was a student of tho Westmiuster Theo· rocui. The minutes were read and ap- 1.93~.33 season. lcglenl Seminary for one year and con- When you're just a boy like me, After the rain the sky will lighten; prO\·ed. Plans for next year's programs President Kathleen Moore, '33 tinued his studies nt Drew Theological And can fun in all things see, Not so queer. were suggested and outlined. Dorothy Vice· Pres. . Aunn Frances Seward, '34 Seminarv, being graduated ;111921. He Then you like to steal away, Paul gave :1 dese tlptlou of a theutre of Secretary Jane T"'igg, '35 has held tIle ehuirs of New Testament All' spend a jim-dandy day We see here, Sltakc~peare 's thne. Louise Crozier de- Treasurer ~rar.l' Mather, '3')' Greek nlld Associate in Hebrew at the Goin ' }~ishill'. Paces brighten 1I'11eU sorrows disappear. ~t;ribcd the audleoee which attended these Gold Bug Reporter .. Tda Duphorne, '33 local instit.ution for the past five years. Or when pain theaters. To show what a part Shakes- Hood Goll('ge will be tho place of The resignation of Dr. Elderdice was In a shady, leafy an ' line, nook all' hook Like heavy rain Witll a bait, I'('[ll'e plays in present da.v ~ultmal life, meeting of the Maryland HOllie Eel)' allll0nuced at the exerctsea of the West On the bn.nks of some bright atretm, Is forgotten ngnfn. CI('QH:1 Brinsfield read a series of poems nomtcs Club on Sntur(lny, Uny 14. Our minster Seminary's forty-ninth ecm- Where the fishes flash .1nd gleam, Americ;lll poets on Ihe great college expects to be represented by a I)lt'IlCClllCllt, held in the Methodist Prot· Gciu ' F'iahin", Dillon reported 011 the brgc dl'll'g_",_"_,,. _ estant Church, OH Tuesday evening, nell' Slmkl'spe~re library :Ind l"eo· May 3. 011 your hook a big, fat worm, Il' "..". ~ nell ('he.nler ou the n('w Shake5peare BLACK AND WHITE CLUB The Ne'·. Johl) Cahin Broomfield, pres· Then a fish will twi~t all' squirm l\felllOrial 'l'he:ltre located at Stratford· ident of the General Conferencc oj' the Tryin' hard to get aW3Y, Subscribe Now! ~ O!l.·.o\l·on. Methodist Protestant Church, fHldressed Geel It is some gre.1t ole day, 'l'he Black and White Club aunouncCfi ehl~s of thc following oflieers for ]932·33: the grllduating fourleen memo Goin' Pishin'. ....."... ............................... ~ BROWNING-PHILO bers, Alpha Russell Herbst, '33 When you ha\'e a great big catch, Vi~e-.~lplta Leo D('lnuey, '33 You'll go home an' lift the lateh, A reorganizntion (If the socie· BCla RidlIlNl ).!lIrtin, '33 MEN'S STUDENT GOV'T. ":'IJUlll, look wllat I caught today, ticsII'ill lI1k(' plate in iite fall. pl:UI Vice·Bet" .Roland Sliker, '34 ORGANIZES FOR 1932·33 Guill' Fishin'. NEXT YEAR ~~ IIlIS be('11 moppe(l out witcreh.r the pre!!" Glllllrna Willinm Sparrow, '33 ellt Browning and Philomalhr:m Bode· :'IJn$terol' Crr('mollics WilsollMurrar, '33 Clwrles .\1. Borchers, '33, has beell But as proud us you call be, one tics will1)e uniter, '3-1, hn5 \)CI.'I1 ro('.eil' erine Hitchclls t look around. i slipper hik~. ediutoful1ll1('llIbe"ship, Lueilr, daughter of l\f. Jourdain-~,me. A Rollins etuuont begins ilis day at Margaret. Erb eight in the morning aud has clnsses J * Cleonte, in love with LlIcile-).[ Hal" right thro-ugh to three o'clock. For the i F.or that parting gift- 19,000 STUDENTS TAKE COMPRE. RIFLE TEAM ACHIEVES DISTmc. rison Dixon lJext two hours he is supposed to s~nd t Have your favorite snap· + HENSIVE EXAMS TION IN MATCH Dorimone, Marquise-Mllc. Margaret his lime in some outdoor acti,·ity. In shot enlarged and mounted. ~ .M.'·ers 3dditiQU to the SCholastic and athletic (COlltinued from P3ge I-Col. 2) (Colltinnod from PngC' l~Col. 4) Dorante, eount, ill love with Dorimene activities, nollins also sponsor~ u con i Thank you cards for gradu· ! About I3,(l,1) of th('~e wcre students in rrscntnti"e of Mr. Hearst wi]] be here -nt. Cornelius Gisreil eert orchestra, dramatifs club, journal· ~ ation gifts. + liberlll nrts. One hunched two of the to officiall." present the placque '''+++++++++++++++-H+'..-.++ mCM, th\' loust interest was shown in l"elleing Master-]l.L John O',Lenir dnll S., Dixon, John H., Woolley, Neil the northeastern s~etioll of the coulltry. Tailors-Miles. .\[arion Humphreys, 0., Del:!uey, John L., Lant;, K. Timmons, 'Vatson, Westminster, Maryland York Cit,Y. The preliminary results graphic Studio, fhe Jalm and Ollior Hurd, H. Janes, l\{. Mills, Parks, Snow· will prohably be rel1'1).8ed late in ,ua.y Ellgradng COIllPIlIl.\', and tile Baril dt'll and Rose, who will reprt.-Sent the or earl." in June, .1>" Illorc complete Shafer Printing Caillpan.,·, l1a\'e been of eltildren of th~ Old WQmati whQ lind record will be made ill September. invaluable aid to the staff. in a shoe,
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