Page 70 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 70
PAGE FOllR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Qlbt£llirli, Qllub£l, nub ~l1rtdtrli I Gold Bug Buzzings Stripes and More Stripes in Ties L _.w-. O-.-A-.---~--D-E-L-TA-SI-G-MA-KAP--PA-_j I MY DREAM HOUSE Cay Neckwear Popular in Contrast to Quiet Tones in Suits and Shim y • Only a little. house on n hill rRIPES and stripes and stilllllore adds to the emarmeaa of thll hlghl;y t~:ior The Y. w. C. A. is holding Lenten Delta. Sigma Kappa wishes to an- Where all but the "Dice of the wind is S~r;l::r~~~e!v~~e~~~~s stripes ~c~w~~~: co~o:::p produced contrasts winter In IIhlrts some have de- also this are Furthermore. of gay they Bervicea in the "Y" room at 7 A. M. uounce that Esther Righter, '34, hns been still 1 colors. in contrast to the conservative mend for quiet. conservative colol'l dllring Holy ·Week. 'l'he programs are formally pledged to the club. Only a little honse, and cheap, tone in winter sultings. And they and patterae in ties to go with them. being conducted by UlC following. The club gave a dinner in hOllor of With God's own winds to lull me to sleep. are not unly gay but are of contrast- Among these are cbeer-ved such fl_g. Monday, Elsie Ebswcrth. Esther Righter, Tuesday, March 2~. This is my Wi6h-this house, sot far tng colore In themselves-contrasting pop- urea ee ure bird's eye, a"ld bound'l! tooth, most geometrtcals tleat shephud'lI One of the but bormonious. Tuesday, Catherine Hitchens. Upon the hillside nnd uear n star- ular colors' , ties this winter is brown crooks. Thus Is also a definite trend weduesdey Baru Robinson. A star that will lend its silver light, with stripes of red or wine color. Some among some particulll.l' dresseI'll for of brown stripes even Thursday, Kllthlecn Moore. BLACK AND WHITE Aiding my candle-flame at night; shades or green. Gold and neve red atrtpea of plain,' found lid effects In neckwelU'. These colors blue with "self" are in solld Friday, Mary Humphreys. A alar to greet me when twilight falls are also seen on a dark brown back- patterns. They come In rich shades Professor G. S. Wills, Honorary nee- Over my clearing's cedar-brake wails. ground. and are diBtin::uls~able by thel:t Almo~t lnvartably, ther, spoke to the fraternity at an in- Lonely, perhaps, some would call my In the beat shops weave-mIniature he ringbone. chev· ern ALI'HA MU formal smoker recently. choice. or on the best dressed men. groups the stripes ron stripes. dIce patterns, email dia.- mrmds, err; spaced in neat cluster seen are The nrmual Initiatory Banquet was Yet I nm cheered by each songster's rather far part. Not A new necktie feature this winter, Bportingly more Pili Alpha Mu was entertained infor· held on March 16 at Hillside InD. Neil rctee ; contrasting than t h rae which might Is be a t rmed of soUd color tie conservative. colors mally at College Inn, Thursday, March Stahley was the guest of honor, VI'1:1ilc the whispering wind, aa I sleep are found io a elus- bearing miniatura sports by Celeste Benson, Margaret Fun- J. Leo Delaney, '3S, has beell accept· or wake, ter and e.s A rule it figures. YOL. have to look ~ determine gaiety fiud Mary Orr Hering. cd into full !nembership. Fen.ees me 'roulld like the cedar·brake. is two. Such oeckwear. closely to tJoe little figure Is whether in striped Thu;; is my dreum hOllse on ~~ hill it is noted. calls for a dog's head. a horae's Where all but the voiee of the wind is conservatism in the heau. a golf club. a shot PASSING IN REVIEW COLLEGE STUDENTS AND ~tilj I shirt and co! I ar. gun, '··d .....d reel or lIome of RELIGION LILLIAN FREY, '31. Thig may of be a In deml- the other tiel! emblem !!ore WOI'll. sport. not Such form (Continued from Page I-Col. 2) !Josom shirt of quiet only for sports events and pattern. with collar gatherings. but upon any (COlltinl1ed from Page 2-001. 5) ELMER N. HASSEL, '33, REPRE· to mdch or white. occas'ion with II tr e st Other Nations collar, or it may be clothes. Tho eollege student, I SENTS 1. M. M. CO. in the form of whtte Reports to neckwear manufacturel'l Sir John Simou, astute, revered, pre· broadcloth. with continue to sustain the old rule of process of becomiug truly separate collar or with collar at- good t!!oste laid doWl) for shirts, col- \'cnlell the T~eague from committing sui- because he lUust, bnt becllusc 'fho INTERNATIONAL MERCAN tached. If the latter comhination is l:trB and ties: Ga.y ties with quiet cide bst week by it yote on used. : clesp or pin or II. tab collar sb.irts a.nd vice versa to be. Frcqn('utly he gets It glimpse of 1'll,E :IlfAHINE CO. are vcr) the Sino·Japanese Realizing what is possible for him te be. At nnnounce the appointment of Elmer tlwt immodiate action would result ill times he ratches the spirit of drama, of N. Hassel of the Junior Clnss of irreconcilable argument, Sil' John wise- mu~ic, of poetry, of architectnre, of ern Maryland College, as their official JUNIOR SPEECH STUDENTS PRE. COLONEL CLARENCE DEEMS ly engineered the appointment of a Pa· painting, ef sculpture. At timell in organizcl' to solicit passenger bnsiness SENT ONE-ACT I'LA YS IN SMITH SPEAKS ON JULIUS CAESER eilcntioll COUllU.itt.e-e (on w}!ich 19 na- conl'ersatious, ill the classroom, audevcn for their Trans·Atlantic, West IndiclI, tions ure represented) which will sit in the "bul1-sc<;sion", he feels the pres· California al1d Far Enst ocean services. HALL, MARCH 18 (Continued from Page 1-Co1. 1) on the casc until the Asilltic mess is 3) en(le of something which he knows is of The INTERNATION~o\L MERCAN- I (Continued from Pago 1-Col. elear~d up. Colonel Deems is excellently fittod to great mIne. In the elllssroom of a cer· TILE :MA}HNE CO. comprises the France-slapped an embargo last tain professor whose teachiug is art it· United States T.JillCS, Amcrican Mer ·Wilbul' Stont an(l Elloy Ta:;" offset 01) Caesnr, for besides his spe- week on all "fresh fruits, etc., from the self, I feel that I Im,·s caught tim chant Lines, ·White Star Line, Rea Star ~I~:l:~:~~'~;: ~~~!:~~n~y the dmma. been kl:~o~~Je:rthOef ;~~)a:.~~j:::!ol~c ~i:~ U. S., Clmada, Australia, New Zealand, of t.he teacher. Alld I wonder I Line, Atlantic 'l'l'ansport LiIlC, Baltimore district I Army China, aud Japan." haTen't rediscovered something that the Jlail Steamship Co., ROOSfNclt Steamship 'fhe scene was laid in a a of at the LCflvenworth, Command Kansas. and Staff ages have felt to be uniTersul in human Co. and PHlluma Pacific Line. U. S. applc·growers nre iu an nproar. lifc. Last year we shipped $3,000,000 worth Mr. Hassel is Ihoroughly equipped to June eyening. Dixon, ~fDlD of apples to France. unusual I render complete travel service. Tho cast was as follows: Biriam Dix- -:--.!'.-.!'. -.!'. -.!'. . Kath· lira Gol'IllJl.ny---c"pel'ienccd He AROUND THE CAMPUS on, leon :Mr. Moore; Wentllandt; Lee; Ann Johnson; ____:________ Annie situation of seeing Prance npplaud a -- JUNIOR EDUC. STUDENTS OB- David Trundle; Jack, Sarah Louise .- German statesman last wO
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