Page 69 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTSi Lacrosse - Baseball \SPORTS i Ludwig Pincura, '32, to Participate in The Spectator· LACROSSE SCHEDULE LACROSSE SEASON OPENS National Collegiate Olympic Tryouts INTRA-MURAL SPORTS April I-C. C, N. Y., at New York. DURING SPRING RECESS at West Pelot. April :!-Army, The lncrosse team 111\18tcut short their Ludwig ("Tiny") Pincura, '32, Ter· VOLLEYBALL April l{i-N:lYY, at Annapofia. Easter caeattcn ill order to play the first rur heavyweight, will carry the colors of April 23-Wasll. at westminster. two games on their schedule. western Maryland to the Naticnnl Col- The first games of the Fr-aternity-Class legiate Olympic Boxiag hyouts, to be VolJeybalJ League were played in the April 50-Penn State, at State College. Coming back to college 011 March 30, held nt Penn State, April 8 and 9. "gym", Friday, March 18, at 4 P. M. :!.lny 14-~1t. Wash" at Baltimore. the team will hold its final work-out thflt Puieura, who had never drawn on a Three games are to be played in each afternoon 011 Hoffa Field. The next glove until his sophomore year at West- match, the winner being tim vtetor in moruing they entrain for New York ern Maryland, has made a creditable two of the gamcs. But, no third game where theI will stay at the Pnramount record as a leather-pusher. He has not will be played in the event that the first CO·EDS COMPLETE PRO- Hotel. At :!.S()P. J\I, April 1, they meet lost a dual competition bout in tIle last two games arc won by the same contest C. C. N, Y. in the first lacrosse game cnrrent two years, althougb his appearance dur- ant. GRAM OF WINTER SPORT of after the the game they season, Immediately West fllr leave ing the current season bas been limited, Under these rules, the Bachelors de- Point where Army will be played on duc to the fnet that, the E. I. B. A.offic- teared Delta Pi Alpha. ill two straight The last winter sport for wome11.was ially dropped the heavyweight class. games, Neal Woolley played an execl- last Saturday, when the round- April ~nt1. Against Loyoln and Navy, however, he lent game for the winners. volleyball tOllm3111cntWIlS wou by 'rhe Increase tcam has been handicap- hns shown polish lind gives promise of 'l'he aeeond match found the traditional Prcaluuun CIIlSS, '.Phe ped by bad weather. There hnve been giving some real competition in the riyals being each otber-c-Froah va. scheduled for threa dnya ' few outside practices 'but with olympic tryouts, between nine teams, The on its way better weather his ex Bophs. "Reds" Comerford and Shep- cburncterized by the largest ll\nnber of the Will Train: at Slate herd 10(1 the Fr06h to over games. co-eds participating in !L seasonal sport 'filc followillg men have reported for Sophs, bnt the match rail to Coach "Dh:k" Harlow, who graduat thia sehclnstic year. the team and Coaeh Stahley expects to ed from Penn State in 1!l12, has made The Gumma Betcs failed to put 11 team The Prealnnan had fnr 1hc best whip them into a first class lacrosse arrnugemcnts for "Tiny" to train at on tho floor, thereby forfeiting to Black teamwork and their contest- tenm: 1I1cNally, M. Seitz, Jaeger, Boyd, the Pelln.~yl\"ania College (luring Spring and 'White. ants in every good1l1aying ~\[nhoney, Doughty, Barnett, Hamill, Recess. Neither the ,Tnniors nor t.lle Scniors won for them by ~ wide margin. Pntlerson, Lueas, Heruick, Callaghan, 'l'he elimination lJouts aro scheduled to were present for their eontest. l'ollowing is a rnnking of tcnms nc· O'Leair, Perkins, Staines, McKibbin, stnrt at 2 p, m. Fridny, April 8, cording t() point-a scored: Willey, Wrigl1t, Lencll, Barlo, Hand, Ty- SOll,Brysoll, Rissey, S,'ldllSkyand Brian. Other entrants from nearby institu Won Tied Lost Points tiollS include Houchens, (HZ lbs.), of W. MD. MARKSMEN Frl,shmnll A ]2 It spcol{s well for the futUre of la- I",yola, and Danny Pyne (175 lbs.), of l'reSlll11en B crosse lit Western Maryland when ono Catholic University. The latter pulled GET SECOND RATING Senior A Hotiees the lnrge nUlllller of freshmen reo an iron·man stunt in a recent match porting for tIle game, witlJ Bucknell, scoring a knQCkoutin the Junio!' A Freshmllll B 165-lb. class and remaining in the ring BASEBALL WILL NOT BE Western Marrland College marksmcn B to Will lhe 175·lb. bout by decision. DROPPED; STUDENTS finished second in this year's Third Corps TlEEP IN TOUGH WITH YOUR DECIDE Army Area Intercollegiate Rifle Match, Jnniol' B B ALliAMATEE it was announced today Ily I,icut,·Co1. At a meeting held in the Srnagoguc Ralph H. Leavitt, l1csClTc Officers' Preshman C Read l'lIE GOLD BUG! SPRING SPORTS OUTLINED bst Tuesday noon it was decided to rep· Trninin!; Corps officer for tlle Il,rea. AT W. A. A_MEETING ;:::ttl:c:~::i~,g~aci.~~n~0=~8 aea~l:~e~~ Virginia Military Institut.e, witb a SPECIAL! At the regular IDneting of tho W. A, :~~eti~; \~:: It;:~! r:8:e~:! ~~::~m~!st~:05 g~~!e!:~ ~:~~%~I:iVi%:;~ EQUITABLE LIFE A, ou TllUrsdllY,March 17, Dorothy Tim- Hair Bobbing 25c mons described the Playground Athletic is in S~hOOI~~ bui~d. the 1!l32 e:i~iol~ ~::I~nOl~;;,:t~:ithC~~:8Ct;oin~~,B~~,~:t~hir~~ INS. CO. OF IOWA We specialize in League Spring Carnival Wllich was held Permanent Waving recently in B:lltimorc and at which sev- ~,::';\ ~:r:~~y S;i;~ine~:;oo~e::~ ~nxi:~8 ~::rt~lhew%~iV;~S~~~of Marylnnd was Represented by Finger Waving eral memhers {If the coaching class as- t.o pllly baseball, ' , Marcelling sisted, The team will lJe TUn, however, en' \ Pifth place was taken by Lafayette Buck Cash Gloria Beauty Parlor Eleanor Ebangh, the basketball man· tirely by tlJe students, no support being College, w11ichscored 3,619 point~. The ager, summarized the results of the aea offered in Il, fmancial way by the Ath· marksmen of these five schools Wll! rep- WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 358-J son which, recently eompleted, found the Ictic Association, resent the Third Corps in the National 88 West Main Street juniors ill the lead, Pcp talks in eon· It was learned that there are fifteen Intercollegiate Match, now being fired. WESTMINSTER, MD. junction with spring .aports-were given suits left o\'er from last year, All the by Omn Lougridgc, volleyball nlll_nager; games with the exccption of possibly a. ******+:",(");-';;"f.-.)(.**.;:.*".:.*********, $ ~ Lonise Weaver, bnsebal\ manager; and home alld homc series with Mount St. Mnriel Bishop, the teunis manager. Mary's, willlJc played away. ~ If!! t An Easter Thought The season opens on April 16 at Navy Sel'eral awards were presented for and there are hopes of retrieving Ihe de- hiking and basketbalJ. It was then de· feat of last, scor. '.rhe boys are working AN IMPORTANT m ~ ei(Jcd tllat the eleetion of the officers of the association for the IUlxt year will ont now and promise to work lIard dur- Start your vacation right by come after spring \'ncation. Easter vaeatiou at lJome. ANNOUNCEMENT ~ enthusiasm wus displayed and t W il ~ visiting us before you go maDY freshmen reported for blll!eb~l1. home. We should like to show The haseball team asks the cooperntion Regarding Subscription · j ~ you our enticing supply of "HeTe, aunty," called out a mau as he of Ole student botly to make their sea- ~ f was passillg a negro shack, "do yOll son tl success. After all, what is spring EASTER,GOODIES Jl!tve to whip that boy so hardf What's without bnseball' Rates to the tho matter'" Immediately upon returning from the ~ · ~ You want a high-class job of * :i: "Re's let them chickens out," an- \'acn,tioll the field will be scraped and GOLD BUG EASTER BASKETS swered tlH~old negre~s. conditioned by the aided by Ihe ILaundering and ~ "III tbat all'" sootlled the man. "Don't nOll·athleti(! member.;; the fresllman Our Special you know chickens always come bome class. will be made in I Dry Cleaning WHITMAN'S CANDIES toroostf" Arrangemcnts are being made to play _,,__ "Come home I He's done Jet 'em go Dickinson, Bncl{l1cll,Georgetown lllld p, the near future, t at conservative prices-see * home!" U. C, WATCH FOR IT! iE. N. HASSEL, Agent ~ BONSACK'S t Empire Laundry Co. ~ The College Shop THE • .. ...*******":'****')1-*,:,**-)(")1-****-)('* Military Ball Sponsored by the Officers Club SCIENCE HALL APRIL 16 Prevent CHAPPED HANDS Subscription $2.00 AND FACE Betty: As a matter of fact, my dear, the food is really delicious! EMKAY'S Names of outside guests must be submitted to C. R. Etzler. j. H. SKIN LOTION COoed: And these new low prices! We'll have to drop over often Dixon, H. C. Hammill, or D. C. Murchison before April 6 from now on. King's Pharmacy COLLEGE INN Formal Dress Required The Rex.all Store On the Campus J 55 East Main Street
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