Page 68 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \Ie; Th~~~~::..:!!:,~~omII V A R lET Y BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF here we- nr ngen triing to dig up ecm ,-----------------,--------------~ in his BAL TIMORS SHOWS keep his family of eleven children THIS nUZCj l)clle\" it or not it iz a. job.. WEEK-END homo "u!lllllll"ded, untainted by the nuyway here iz wat 'dirt' we hav:. world, incapablo of willing 01" ehoosing Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday "Calahan" claims that he sbud lmv hi~ Legitimate Theatres for themselves." But Elizabeth's daah- during the academic year by the students of Western "Maryland College, Westminster, pikchur Oil the frunt pnje ov tho gold ,l[nrylU1ld--Ca!herine COfUt'II, in "The ing Inver dares parental ,,"filth and car· Maryland. Entered IlS aecond-elass matter at the Westnllilllter Postoffiee. bug, bccoec he hae returned to the hill Barrels of Wimpole Street". Mati- ries oif. his ringletted sweetheart, to live SUlISCR!PTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR .... that junyer prom .... o, 0, "Wen nee Saturday. (Reviewed in this col- hUJlpilyo\"erafter. EDITORIAL STil'F vcr'" sez that ahethinks "Mergo"iz to umu). 'l'he Romanee of Robert Browuiug and RIUl Movie Honses First Editor in Ollie! C. W. KOOCROGl>.Y,'32 kula. fur wurds.... wat nasty boy brok Ctmtlt1"y-CJaudette Colbe.rt "TIle Elizabeth Barrett is one of the most fa- AS8"ooiate Editors. . MARYLEE SIUPT.EY, '3~, ROBERT L. RODOll.RS,'32 that window in smith haU' .. ill mous love stories in history, but de- News Editors... . M. SUSA.!' STROW, '33, C. RUSSELL HERBST, 33 Dr. Wills sugjeated thet som ov the Wiser Sex." SIIOWS at 10.19 A. M., spite its familiarttj-, Mr. Besler has Copy Editors.. . tocise B. CROZIER,'32, WILLIAM G. PYLl!S, '33 students ebuuge there brand 0.. gum 12.07,2.33,5.20,7.47,10.13 P. M. gicen jt In his playa suspense that makes Sports Editor8 .. H. Taoy HAMBseR, '33 (n .... "Ha7.cJunt" 8ez he herd that Europa--"Killing to Live", nature the nudieuee forg~t the well-known and MAKE·UP STAFF "'f:- Slcnley-"Polly of the Circus", with ton Square Company. She 'was not, bow- Louise Needy, '34, Esther Righter, '34, Margaret Yocum, '34, Editll Forney, '35. "Wynn" dmgs "liard to git Hurley" el'er an irnmedinto suce{'ss. GoodmUll Narion D~yjes. cI·alltulIll.r pl'.rmitteclhcr LO read two Amo~:,m,~~, ~~;~~no~e~:t;Tr~3)~:~~:ji~a~u~r:~~~:i, ';~~, ~~~~~~e:~~:~::d:3:34,H~~:~~ (') to the prom .... we sea thet Miss 12,2,4,6,8,10P.M. lines in one. of his productions, but dur Bryson, '35, Cllrlt(!ollBrinsfield, '35, Keithley Harrieon, '35, Robert Himmer, '35, Shriner !Jaz a seif appointed 'aida do Charles L. Whittington, '34. camp .... 0 thet virginia. fite ... "Hen" ValtmC"i-a.-Cheste.r :Merris in "Cook of ing her two ~'ears' at:ly ·\Yithhis eomp· Romito ill showin' everybody thet hiz the Air." ~n:r, ~he reeeh'e(l IlS pay the grand totul Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. nalilO 1\"U1;in last weak's gold bug .. 12.40, ~.31, 4.22, 6.13, 8.04, 9.55 P. M. of fort.r dollnrs, two weeks 1myl reJidgiOlls tcsts .... "Herbst" se1;hewor Brian Aherne, who is seell as "Robert wite glo\'s In the prom tu kcep hiz'hands "THE BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE Browning", bccnille nu actor by accident. IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI warm .... "Joolus Sewr" .... "yocum" STREET" He was intended by his pllrents for a and her 'beer pail' ... bnllet dancer I\nd WIIS accordingly seut "Hazel" scz tllct she seas "Shep A Play. Now to dancing classes. He rebclled against In With this issue, the work of. the senior members of the herd" in n"fcDnniel Hall every C\"elullg Tcrpisehore, went to school nnd e,on· Retrospect ninth Gold Bug sta.ff Comes to an end. TheTe's some- .... whew! no fish Fridny .... e,cry now Revi8w by M. L. Shipley, '32 tuaIIy entered commerce whcre he was thing terribly final abollt that, statement. 1 i 'or four and then "Barnet" gits extra strong .. quite successful. When Ilis firm wished years we, as a group, have given whatevm we had to the pflper- .. thoz speech phys .... suIllbucly axed us Katheriae Cornell and "The BUrrett's to scud him to the Africnn Gold Coast, he worked all night, cut classes, Illade innumerable trips to the printer's. who we we.r; 'Y€- don't n() ourseh·ez .... of Wimpolc Street"! They've become· resigned. Unable to seemo another po· almost synonymous duriug play's silion lind Heeding money, he appeb.led the III that time the Gold Bng has gotten migh1y dose to us-sort of uud'er 'musik will be fufllished .... ,. lOng run in New York. B~ltimoreans om' skin. It wonld be absmd to say that we feel no re.grets at parting "Koppe's" hart 1\" lite the othnr nreeagerly awaiting March 28 (when the to a casting agency and was immediately from such all old fl'ieml-and yet a glancc at the new eoml1landel's of day thet lie fell all the- way up Smith "Barretts" como to the Maryland) to engaged for "Pa(ldy" in the Ncxt Best tIle staff assures us that OUr work has not been ill \'fjin; that the Gold Rail steps. decide whether the makes the ae· 'fhing" starring Peggy O'Neill. Bug will rise to llew and greater heights in the years to come. thoz year bnk piksdmrs ... sum bad The other members of the east of A great deal of water has flowed llllder the bridge since last April boy hit ")Jary Lewis" on the hed with tress or the 8.etre!ls the pIny. "The Bnrre!ts of Wimpole Strret" arc: wIlen we took command. Dlu'ing tile intervening year we have en- it sno ball ... f!"iday J)1ournin' chapel, "'rhe Barretts of Wimpole Street", :Mnrgll.l0 Gillmore, CiJarles Waldron, the lo,e'story by Rudolf Besier is gineered a few ellflngefl, all of which we hope 'were for the better, some let's hav mor ov tllem .... thoz inter- Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett. of Joyce Carey, Bronda Forbes, Myra il:unptoll, jolm Buckler, George Reddell, of whieb we hope will become perlllflllcllt. collegeiates. ~.. " .Mahatma Gand;" iz The course of theh love runs anything Oswald Marshnll, Tan Wolfe, Vcrnon June week was marked by the appearnnr:e of the fil'st six-page issue acJ,'ertiziug fur a nn fnll dress suit; but smoothly, impeded as it is by EJi~- Downing, Frederick Voight, Richard of tIle Gold Bug, and in this, as in evel'y subseqncllt issne, the work of snb bed linen will be greatly appre· nbetll's cantankcroua IJ.nd tyramue Lambert, LesUe Denison, Ian Emery, David Trundle, '33, was invalunhle. Ilis tirelesfl effort,; to illcmase and shiated .... March 2:"jth.... three cheers father, whose passionate desire it is to Robert Champlain and Flui;h. improve the advertising of the paper 1111.\"0bceu commendable. fur the tee danile; "Hazelnut" didn't sea no tee tho ... and now, volleyball September saw what we still feel to be OUl" most important contri- bution to tbe College-a pre·school issue, SCllt to every "\VeIStern .Mary- tornaments .. College Students and land student, incllHling the incoming fl."cshmen. Judging from the CIl· BY HOWARD tlmsiastic reception accorded this innovation, it seems to deserve a Religion M. AMOSS, '32 place in the alll1Ual calendar of the Gold Bug, as a clell~ge not plague he! with verbs lind participles. leisnre Over find above the stern ncees But JesllS ne,'er said "Come unto me ail sities of life. It is that life we lh"e as :e~~;e~l~J : ;~~~?c~~l~t~~~ :;!,e~~e~,h~o~~~!~.~~c~~: ~\~Ojll~~c f~\~~ll!~u ~~~·li.sOl·, APn.U~8- ye who fire too lazy to Uiink for your· a result of onr eoutnet witl, tlle Divine. The Times Pdllting Company, 0.£ 'iVestl1litlf>teJ", friend of many H Curiis Institute Artists' Recital selves." It is utilit~rinll in its primitive state; Gold Bug staff, has been inl'alnable during tllC post :>e[II·. Ever \\"illiug With this superficial background many but JlS it becomes ma!.ure, fear, snper to cooperate to the limit in making the paper better and more rcad· April 12- Btudenh enter college. Many are able sfition, lind magic have no plaet> The able, they ha\"e f1toned fo"\: mOl'e than one of OUI' Sh01·tcomings. )Jen's Debate, Franklin and to reeoneile science, history, literature, religir}ll whl'eh WllS t:l. way of gettiug rain, Lastly, to our readel's, wc express that scnse of obligation whicll .:\1flrshall and religion. Boing able to sce the unity of killing enemies, of warding off a lecturer at a. requircd attendance must sometimes feel. You are the APR-IL 14- of all knowledge, they deepen their re· ghostly foes of the demon ,,"orld becomes p.eopie· who, in. the end. have had' to suffer for our mistakes. May you ligious experienee. But others, who pre· a religion that dances, that holds festi somehow forgIve us our sins of omission and and commission find Speech Recital, McDaniel Hall '£t>rto do the minimum ~mount of think that giveg birlh to art ana music remembcr that, all, our intent-ions m?re good. Lonnge, 4. P. M. ....~~= ing, de~celopIt neutral, p~S!iive attihlde life. .Adieu! _ -::._ =~~~""'...., r toward religion as they eonefive h. l+- ~C
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