Page 67 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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LACROSSE C. C. N. Y.-April! Army-April 2 Vol. 9, No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MQ, March 2'l, 1932 TERRORS TAKE 4th PLACE I JOE CORBY NEWCOMER, SENIORS TO BE INVESTED M. SUSAN STROW, '33 IN INTERCOLLEGIATE Passing in Review PRESIDENT, CLASS OF'31, IN BAKER CHAPEL, APRIL 6 HEADS GOLDBUG STAFF BOXING TOURNAMENT L- ~ ANNOUNCES MARRIAGE Tho a1l!lw).1iuvest.lture FOR THE COMING YEAR National Affairs service place in Baker Chapel, Bunny Tuckerman is Only Terror President--took a stnnd Wednesday morning, April 6. The grad· New Staff to be Inaugurated at Boxer to Reach Finals uaf.i-tg members of the senior class will Banquet This Evening week whkh is interpreted be formally invested ill academic cap SYRACUSE TAKES MEET as indicating positively and gown on this occasion. FIRST WOMAN EDITOR agam this year as a Dry. According to the tradit.ienal ]I]·Dee Represented 'by a weak. He signed a bill insisting that the dure, the Baker Chapel choir, singing The 1932·33 GOLD BUG ened and inexperienced War Dept. purchascall supplies with the "A Mighty Fortress is Our God", will staff will be inaugurated at band of Terror boxers, U. S., evcu if they cost niore here. W;lT lead the The fifty·t.wo \Yom· a banquet to. be held to- Western Maryland emerged Dept. hus be~1l lately charged with us- men of the senior night at College Inn. from the enlleg+atc ing Russian matches. M. Busau Strew, '33, has Boxing Toumumeut, held Also approved the release of 14 car been elected Editor-in-chief laet. Friday and Saturday loads of government-owned Omaha 1\1, s. Stro .... for the coming yenr. As· Tu~k~:::;'Qa t Syracuse Universtty, \\"j,cnt for slii]JUlClIt to drought and a Ntul Edil., sociate Editors will be Es· trailing Syracuse, Peuu State, and grasshopper- stricken Sou bh Dakota. ther V. Righter, '34, and William G. Army to. held fourth place. Bnil-onds made no charge for handling Pyles, News Editors, Elsie Bowen, Fer the first timQ in three years, relief consignment. '33,011d Hirnmar, '35; Copy Edi- Western Mnryln nd failed to. aontribute tors, lI:Inry Ellen Bcnat, '33, and Charles a. champion. Bunny Tuckerman (135 The Congress--spent moat of the Wllittington, '34; Sports Editors, Troy Ibs.) W:lSOle only Terror to reach the week debating ihe largest pence time Hnmbseh, '33, and Harry Callaghan, finals, where he lost a game battle to in" bill ill U. S. history. Confronted '33. MeAndrews, of Penn State, by duciaion. wilh the tnsk of raising over a billion Managing Editors, William II. Spar- A jinx pursued the four other Terrer dollars to. bnlance the budget, the row, '33, and C. nesscu Herbst, '33. eutrauta. Borehera (145 lbs.) was uri- House Ways and Menus Comm. has Business Ma..nager, Dnvld Trundle, able to patt.icipnte because of a tooth junked polifies and partisanship ill fin JOE CORBYNEWCOMER '33; Advertising Managers, Robert illjury. In the 155-lb. class, Runter effort to save t.he sinking ship of state. 'l'he marriage of Joe C. Newcomer, of Cairnes, '34, and Donald Tschudy, '35; lost to Olsen, of Army, in the scml-flnals Here's the lineup they suggest witl, the Williamsport, und l\[ii:lSMillie C. Hines, Circulation Manager, Lora M. Outten, Df BrullBwiek, on Sa-turday, MarcIl 12, W.M.DEBATING TEAM WINS on Friday night. Wallace (165 Ibs.) amouuts they oxpact to raise from each: '34. the OVERWASHINGTONCOLLEGE suffered It rather poor decision when he 011 mnuufacturel's' has becn allllOuncad. The ceremony was 'l'hr lIew staff will take (lyer the pa· mct GutzmaIl, of Syracuse, eu the Barne $595 milliens llcrfOl"mcil at th& pal'Sonage of pcr under tho gnidnnce of the retiring aftcl'1loou, and Kapla.n had the aame Ind.ivi!lual incomes . 112 Evangelical Reformed Church, in 1"red· The debating team of Wastern 1I1ftry· seHior9, beginning with the first issne erick. luck in t.he fight with Weilcr, in the Corporation incDmcs . 21 Mr. NowCOlller is a teachcr jn tha land College defeated the dobating team after spring reccss. semi· Estates and gifts. 35 1I1iss·Strow will formally accept hel' Thi~ year's ahamps follow: Admissions 90 Jlrun~wiek High School, und is a grad ~u;:~SI~~:gt~~l!~C~I~:~;ioSnai~~~:i~dni~~~t~ ]]eW responsibilities tOHight at the In· 1I5-lb. class-Stoops (Penn Stat.e) Stock transfers. 28 nato ef Western lIlMylnnd, class of '31. stallatioll bflnquot which will be pre· 125·lb. dass-Wertheimer (Syracuse) Lubricating oil (-100. l)er co:'~~il~c:: :V:~~::~c~:?!~~dB~~I~:::~ ~;~)i:llq~~::i:sn~~!!I~S~hC~!lebJ~~~:"~~~:~e~l~ sided over by retiring editor C. W. 135·Ib. class - McA.ndrews (Penn gal.) 25 , ' .. .M:arylall{l tefllll composed of Messrs. Koockogey, '32. State) Malt, grape concantrates 50 Tha first woman to edit the GOLD 145-lb. lllas6--Lewis (Penn State) COllllllnnicationa . 35 ~~h::Cti:;~~:~:t:~a:~I::.l·d~:n~:~~e·~:~~: ~;::~~~:~~;~~1I.Tl.;~:le:Wg~t~~~~0~~~3~~~ BUG, the e(litor·clect has made tl bril· Hall of }':uno of the class of 1931. I 155·lb. class-Moran (Syracuse) Imported oil and gasoline liant journalistic ri)cord during har 165-1b. c.las&---Gutzman (Syracuse) Administrative loop.llOle ~~~:s
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