Page 66 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!llann,(!llub,nUll ~ortdy ilotugn I Five Years Ago II ~olll iug iuntugn :: I APR.IL 29, l!lU L -----' BROWNING A SONG WITHOUT WORDS THE SOPHISTICATED ATTITUDE W. M. wtne at Elizabethtown TIIll Science club was nfldresaed The Browning Literary Beclety mct on A song when the moon is shlntng , I am bored by eophisticn tlon. Ind· On Fr-iday the negative team of W. hl. Thuuday evening by Mr. William Hobbs, 1fonday, Fehruaty JO. The program Tnter-Collegiute Debaters, Trader, Day, A song when tho sell. is calm; mit my weariness of tile blase and the Jr. Illllember of the class of 1930. Mr. WJlS in elTh.rgeof Catherine Hobby. A and Belton with Eaton as Chief of A song when the night winds whisper; mater-ialism thut nllls.ks me, my essoer- Hobbs is one of the most talented mem play "Politeness Incorporated" was 't'rnnsport, and Edwards. Business Mnn A SQllg when tile air is balm. a tea, unrl in general. In short, burs 01'this elaaa, lmvtng several ingen· presented. The chnrnetera were: Mr , nger, journeyed to Elizabethtown Oot- I (lln sick of Deep within the tons inventions to his credit. One of Also Prosper, Peg Hamilton; Miss Juicy lege, Elizabethtown, Pa., and engaged A song with a smothered pnS3;01l; natures of us all there longings and these is an apparatus which will draw Prulb, his aecretarr, Ellner Ebaugh; Ths. the affirmative team of that institutiou A song with hnshc.rl words; passions that it would be saerilege to four geometric figures, circle, ellipse, Budden Ricll, Hilda Cohcn ; Sweet in deb:ltillg Ule question, "Resolved, Like the twinklin,g stars in tho heavens; reveal. Our personalities are not mere (If uceting birda. Like the twitter pnrabolu fmd hyperbola. Young TIling und her lover, Ruth Kcl That the U. S. Shonld Enter the Worhl surface, they are living complexities to Mr.liobbs spoke on the life and work baugb and Sue Cockey. The ridiculous Court As Now Constitnted." The A song with n lU!6hmangirls at a Valentine Party in eliltions21:6. .llcD1mieJHall parlor from three to Ii,'e "I will give unto him that is athirst PRESIDENT WARD REVISES HIS Capital $50,000.00 o'clock SlItnrdllj-' afternoon, February of the fountains of the water of life Surplus "Earned" $400,000,00 freely." WELL-KNOWN PAMPHLET F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. (Continued from Page 1) CAMPUS CASTES bnt yet subservient to his lord and mas· speaking are needed, and if added re· Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. ter, tilOactivity man. sources are necessary to their highest Jacob H. Handley, Treas. If colleges and universities are sup· After t,lds upper stratum of campus efficiency, then something sltCuId be posed to bo the cradles of tIle eoun· society is nallIed, we have but to add dOlle about it. A convention of our SECURITY -SAVINGS-SERVICE lry'8 fut,nre le~del's, and if customs in the long list of students, grinds, m01\ American colleges sbonld be called, and the higher institutions of louming are and WOillll.11working their wa.y tbrough, Ute wlwle situation gone over, overy preeursors of national habita, then and those who do little or nothing. It phase and angle of it, and then con- America is headed towanl autocracy. is sad, but trne, in our present eollego clusions llrrived at 11tat would aet a SILVERWARE WATCHES In the colleges of today it is the same feudalism, thafthis,last class named is movement going that might foro~-er es- Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr as the feudal systems of old-a well- easily likened to the ssrfs in medieval tablish upou It SUbstantial foundation A. H. Fetting Co. rllgulated caste system with as careful times, a necessary psrt of society and every college ill Amoriea that is needod and exacting divisiOnS as the most rig- yet unheralded, their work unsung, and to earry on in the field of higher ednlla ].L\NUFACTURING JEWELERS Goods for Young Men idoiall!liell,olleS. their individnal existence as unimpor- tiOll." tant to the whole system as tbe life of 314 Cl!Url<,sSt., Nortli ,Ve have royalty-tlle athletes. They 10 per cent Off for College Students arc untouchable in their aloofness from an anGlent vassal, but their existenll~ BOXERS BEATEN BY CLOSE tile common herd. They are not to be as a body a vital part in our aecepted MARGIN AT PENN STATE CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS c.ondemned, it is an inheritanee, the system, collegiate feudalism. These classes as painted ate true to same as the young prinees in aneient (Contillllcd from Page 3) times who stood in lino to take their campus life. It is regret,able that SUell 145 ponnd~-Lewis, Peml State, de fathers' crowns when vacated. They should he the truth. It is as hard to feated Borehenl, technical knockout,third D. S. GEHR arc accepted, envied, and above eriti· vault from one stratum to anot.her as round. Soolehody, Somewhere, wants your it was in ancient times; the honest., cism. The king can do IlO wrong and lOO pound>;-Chaikowsld, PCIUl State, "-10 have our first
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