Page 65 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 65
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE 'j SPORTS j BASfiE.TBALL BOXING j SPORTS I BOXERS BEATEN BYCLOSE I I pusbera nre scheduled to- mOot both of KEEN INTEREST SHOWN IN WOM_ DRIBBLERS DROP GAME MARGIN AT PENN Sf ArE Punch-Drunk Says: these le."1nlslater on. Looks like the Tars EN'S INTER-CLASS GAMES BUT SHOW REAL FORM arc living up 1,0 Uwir reputation! The class games for girls huve sue- Well, the Nittany Lions ccrtllinly Georgetown, another tealll which is on eessfully gotten under 11'11.)' to what prom Stnte College, Pa., February 15--'fhe to ieee to be u very interesting battle for An inspired basketball team represent- Green 'I'error boxing team took its first roared la~t Saturday night, and net ell' the Tei'ror ecnedure, lost 1\ close meet supreillany. The girls taken ing Western Marylund gave the drfbblera Army by And a 4-3 score II '1·3 score. hnve defeat of the soaaou here to-night at [he tirely in "ain, either. The outcome of cluss in this new inuOI'ation and of )ort. St. Mary's a great battle at the keen intere"t hands of the Nit.tany 1.ions coming out the meet auowed clearly that Penn Btnt.e with. Army means soruetlung ! enjoyment. armory 'rnesda.y e\'ening. The tiMl on the short end of n Ilking of the Intercollegiate rc Inke- Virgin.ia University over by a 6-1 Class standing: tluie. 'I'he home boya staged a. grcllt The Green Terrors won the next two minds PunchDrunk that everyone of us score. 7000 tuxedos and evening gowns Games Games Gamea comeback ill lhe final period and scored bouts, \j\,t these points ouly brought their ought to run up to Philadelphia for the turned out for the match! Won Lost Tied 11 to the visitors 9. Led by the total to three. wc('k·cnd to support the Terror team. 1. SENlORS playing of Wwllny' aud Well- Epstein, of Slate, and Crosby, of West· Bumming should be good by then (the Remember "the days of old when Senior A.. inger, the W. M. C. quintet took on It ehampions, bouts are scheduled for March :lIst and ern 1laryland j lmights were bold~" Chi\'nlry seems to Senior B .. ilifferentaspect. They were plaJ'ing the '~01l their bouts Two of the 2~ud) and nearly eYEry one of lIS know be coming back i11tUfn,·or. At u. recent SeniOr 0 .. type of baaketball which they nrc capable bout~ were tkeided by knook- of some llO~pitable "brothnrs" or "sis· indoor polo match ill the 110th FieW Ar- of but whieh they only showed for a outs. Not one of lheam'en matel,eswent t.ers" in the dear old "City of Brother- tillery Anllory iJl Pikesville, a Captain 2. JUNlQRS little. while np until this gmne. till extra round. ly Love" who will put up IdUI us for E\'an~ was watching the game from the Juuior A. The }:[t. St. ].lary's five was led by two days. gullN)' in the company of o-ne of this Junior B .. Lions Score Two Kayoes who scored 10 poiuts for lli.'lteam. SeaeOll'S debutantes. Ris companion was quite a surprise to the boys from SlOOps, J25-pounder, and Lewis, 145· Shonld you be- uneasy a9 to the kind complained of being eo-ld, so the offieer 3. SOPHOMORES the neighboring school anil they were ex· poun<1rr,for St:lte, registered the knonk- of entertainlllellt yon find atthebouts,- mnde 1\ bargain that he woul(! enter the A .. treUlely forlunate in coming ont of the ants. Stoops finished his man ill the just nsk someone who went to last year'a g:llne and make ~t le~st three goals if B. tilt the I'ictor. 6cc.()nd round, th~ referee stopping the e{lition of the Intereollegiate at Penn the young lady wonld wear his ovcreoat 0 .. bont :liter Hastings, the visitor, lmd State. ror the remainller of fl,e time. We don't 4. FRESH~rAN A noticeable fanlt of the home boys c[lughLonto the ropes twice to save him· k'no\\" whether the young lady kept her Fresllllwn A. was their apparent inability to make fonl self from falling. Did you knOll"that Western ltaryland part of the or not, but Cuptain }'reshman B ... shots. With more practice nlong thill Lewis !leo-redI,is second straight lmoek- Jlad a wrestJing team tllis yeart Lnst }:"Il11S entered gnme and seore(l 10 },'rcshmnlLC.. line we hope IlIa tellm will t.nke Blue out by sending Borchers, of the "isitors, Sund~y 's Baltim-ore Su-n carried the fol· goals in the remaining period. Fre~hU1nn D .. Ridge over on Tuesday nigllt. down ff>r n count of ni,~e it\ the !hir<1 lowing score: The line·up: ronnd. The refcrc~ then halted the bout WRESTLING "'e're ratller in doubt as to whether Seore of gllmcs ull to date: W. M.3-25 MT. ST. MARY'S-28 to prC\'cnt a possible inju.r,r. The round Penn Sta.te, 46; W. Maryland, 13. "nything good has come out of (or gone Senior A, 21; Freshman A, ;l. Baker f. Lynch had only 20 seconds more to And now -you tell one! into) this column, but since we're just Senior B, ~4; Freshman B, 6. Woolley E. Ryscavage Tn i1eiCllting the. 1i5-pouod sprouting onr wing-feathers, suggestions Senior C, 30; Freshmlln 0, 12. liammill McCall (capt.) Rlepac, Stnte's sophomore successor to A sport event of last week of interest \\'ou1<1be reneived with joy. If yOIl llap- Junior _A,31; Sophomore A, 11. Engle g. J. Ryscllvage Allie Wolff, Chaiko\\'ski, earned a close to Western Marylanders, was the 5·2 de· peu to know of nny pertinent sports B, Senior B, 2. Wellinger g. J. COllllell (l~ciHion by ontl)oxing the dsiting Cllp· feat which Navy handed U. of Pennsyl" news, jnst !lend it to Puncb·Drunk, care 13, Jnnior B, 10. Substitntions-Challowska for Connell. tain in tlle second and tbird ronnd~. vania. in boxing. The 'I-error lealher 'rhe Gol(l Bug. Don't rush us! D,H. lkferec--P. Menton. Klllpac eouJd not get tllrough Cilllikow· ski's long reneb aud iu the third round took seycral stiff blows about the face ",hen t.he State illnn begau to nnleash his right. BaI'1l.ett and PinellI!!' Win / Barnett and PiUCllra ndded two poinh .. _on the lot to the \'isitore' totn! in unirlteresting bout~ in tIle hl"Otop cl:lsses. The latter • '(lUtw~i-gbing---'M:'ck1rltrl3ws;~o~ta'ro,----br l'early 40 pounds bl'td little difficulty in holding off the ~!!ate captain in the be~'''YI''eigllt bout. Fillter the visitor's one-fifteen pounder, who was knocked ont on both of his for· mer I'isits here, held the clmmpion Ep· stein II,-enior most of !l,e Ollening roun;1, hut coul(l not offset Ih~ State man'a effectiye jabs to the face. Crosby, GaS(lni, of for the third time in a rOil",proved right to ehnmpionBhip classification by olltboxing hh opponent by l! deeish'e margin. hi the olhar tW[) bouls StOOPf:I nnd Lewi.'l~haa little trouble in winning re%ily. Th~ latler, who flattened Stnnkard, of West Virginia, in one round U,ree weeks ago, proved his claim to the hnrd- est pnnllh in college circles by sending Borchers to the canvas with a yolley of blows to. the- eMn. 115 pOUnds-Epstein, Penn Statc, de· feated .Pinter, judges' decision, three rounds. 125 po.nds-Stoops, Penn Stnte, de- deated HllstillgS, lecltnieallmockout, see- OJldround. 135 ponnds-Crosby, Westerll ~Iary land, defeated Casoni, jndges' decisioll, threerOllnds. (Continued on Plige 4) W. M. GIRLS TO HELP OFFICIALS IN BALTIMORE CARNIVAL Some of the girls expecting to in Pl,ys. Ed. ha"e had the llOnor of i~g askod to hell) oilieiato at the Carni· "EASY TO SAY. hard to do." Easyto claim val to be given in B~ltimore, on Satur· everything for a cigarette; not so easy to give day, "'hS. The college h~s ~lso been im·ite(1 to send a teum to partieipnte in the onc thing that really counts: taste. the Cllrni"aI itself 80 a volley ball team Hard to do- but Chesterfield docs it. Spark- hus been selected and has ~lready started ling Bavor.richer fragrance. the satisfying char- practicing for the coming el-enlo The acter that makes a cigarette-because. in every Baltimore Carnil'al is to be held i,t Ole step. we aim at taste ••• :Fifth .Regiment Armory and nil schools from Ihe State lIre to lake flart, from tlle Gralll1~Jnrf!Choolsnp. Tills is the first time thnt the Physical Education stn· to put thcirtllcoryillto prnctiecsolel.'s \\'isll thelll ~uc;:U~S-jlJI!.lIota of it. The c:lJl(lidalc$ for jhe volley1rall team: 1. DIl\'is. 1. Cockburn. :!. Ri~h:1rds. S. Thornbnrg. ;). Elmugh. D. Benson. ~. llu111J>hl"e~·s. lJ); E!FQwlhcr. !i. '1"01.1\1. 11. ,UHchcl1. 6. Rognn; l::!. Jlus~cll. ---~1-3.Read, C. CD1929, L"",.,..III Mnu TmlAlI«! Co.
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