Page 64 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 64
PAOB TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. II 1!Juril't11 IAruuull tIll' illumpU£lI ]ntl'r-illulll'giutl' A REVIEW OF BOOKS, Nrm.6 L---L-E-T-TE-R--OF-rn--T-ER-E-S-T---- L PL_A_y_S_A_N_D_L_IT_E _j Mr. :Moylan succeeded very well in keeping the attention of the student body THE NEW YORK STAGE iu Baker Chapel except for a few of the Surely Gettsem Teachers Ageney, young ladics-c-but as Dr. Ward said, Cubberly, New York. Tllose of ua who are interested i.ll the omcial uewepepcr of weetern Maryland College, published on Thuuday during "Whnt can we expect f ' Dear Sir$;- the academic year loy t.he atudenta of Western 'Maryland College, Westminster, Rnving finished four ycars under the theatre often IJcmO)flnthe tact that we Maryland. Entered ItS seccodelaaa matter at the Westminster Postoffice. Bunce has developed a psychology of famous Dr. Cleanliver, I feel as if lean arc so far remand from New York and reversed temperatures. When it is ex- Broadwnj-. It is a disadvantage, but if Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year trf.'mdy eold he maintains that it is stand. anything. I majored in English \\'0 are optimistic and patient we call warm. His psychology hna served him and History, so I am sure you eau get find an advantage, too. Did you ever MANAGING S'fAFF well reeeufly but he sleeps with more me a job as instructor of science acme- stop to eousider New York 3S a great place. experiment stage' I can teach anything if you let than n sheet ever him. Scores of plays aro EDl'rOR·IN-CilLEF .. ·William G. Eaton, '30 me use the Morri~n Plan. The subject arm-ted there but onll' the fittest survive. Etzler and Koockogey were- hosts to MANAGING EDITOR .. · .Wilmer V. Bell, '30 two oyer·night guests recently. Exact- doesn't matter ', And survival means sooner or later a I have received my letter ill ASS't'. MANAGING EO!·l'Oa.. .... Weldon G. Dawson, '30 ly where they put them i~ II:secret, but TeQching, and I must say I earned it . road tour. While on tour "'e usnallyfind we know to Bee them-and BUSINESS l\IANAOER •. .Paul J.J. Bates, '31 we are expecting a "Lodging" sign on Mi~s Grasaod coached me, and she surely the most part what we are seeing. ADVEaTISIN(l 1\J,\NAGER .. .. Joe C. Newcomer, '31 their door in the near future. can lay the wood on those kids. The hits of New York today will be our CIRCULATION l'IfANAGER. · .James A. Stach, '30 Bellevc me I'll have order in my ncxr scason's theatre fure. WI,en the snow is on the ground and Josiah D. Stillwagon, J1':, '32 a group of young men are approaching' school. I worked in the bookstore and ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGERS. . ..... Joseph T. Addison, '32 most of the women's dormitory windows I am used to ordering people around. New York theatres are at the present { go down-if they are up. But some per- Try to get me /I job in a big ctty like Wayne W. Moore, '32 time fenturing some promising playe-c- SPORTS EOITOR. . .Alex. Ofeair, '30 sist in staying up. It seeuis that some Henderson. I wouldn't stand it if I had plnys which will have an opportunity to girls like to be snow-balled. to work in a town like Hartford or prove their worth before they open at the Don't go asking for any RRPORTO.RIAL STAFF The most absurd statement heard in money yon get me the joh either. "little theatre around the corner" for the University: "Call me for breakfast you and me to see. ASSOCIj\.TE EDITORS Bineerely, tomorrow." Smith WIISso anxious to be -Will T. Billis. Virginia C. Merrill, '30 C. w.Koockogey, '32 ealled recently that he woke lip several "Berkcle;; Square," starring Leslie to ask them to can him; und. then P.8.-1 neglected to that I will Howard and Margola Gillmore, is playing COpy EDI'rORs make a lesson every for every until 4:00 P. hl. the next dny. !.'Itthe Lyceum Theatre. It is a most un- Catherine E. Read, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 elass. Also, I had aevernl fiundeed llsunl pl11Yand in ittimc does not exist. Several radiators iu the various dorm! group ond indiddnal observations. REPORTERS tories were out of commission during the -W(Jshin.qtolO CoUegiml. Tile pest, the present, the future are one to those for whom the veil is thiu, And so Grace ArmstrOllg, '30 Hany O. Smith, '30 cold ~llap reeently but no differenees it is that young Peter Stanc1ish,inheritor wore noticed in the tempel'atlll'cs of t-he Elizabeth Clongh, '30 Jolm U. ·Watkins, '30 of i( Queen AllIle hOUSQon Berkeley AI'valene Hitchens, '30 l~oy '1'. Edwards, '31 respeeti\'e rooms. HOW ABOUT YOU? is ablc to step back into the twi· Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard .A. ]3011on, '32 The mysterious "phonesters" who nn October day in the London Isabel Douglas, '31 Charles R. Etzler, '32 ealled the Misses Ward and Lynch a~ Portl>lnd, Ore.-(IP)-Tlle doing of ~nrl live for a time the experi- 178-1, 'J'belma Reid, '31 Stanford T. Hoff, '32 some past dale ato still at large. comic strip elwracters Hppar~ntly ~re of ellces which his nncestors enjoyed Evelyn CollisOll, '31 DUllcau C. I1hll'ehison, '32 more interest to the aver~ge student n.t It sounds interesting, doesn't itt WiniL1'ed Bush, '32 Sinnnel G. 'l'ownscnd, Jr., '32 The recent Vnlentine Party in MeDan· Reed College here than the affairs of the Mary Lee :::lhiViey,'32 Catherine "\V.Cockburn, '31 iel Hall p3l'lor was eertl:l;inly a hearty llfltiOllstatenreity, it wa$ revealed herc aITnir. In fact the walls and fixtures recently in a sun'ey made. Tho Ethel Barrymore Theatre is fea· were country this year. Re- Corpse," starring in marriage, decides to .b'edya, ing in tI,e clinches are prollibited be· each time the plan was rejected by onc il-atemity or the other. No twee'n rivals by the Commissioners of snIts of the Thomdike intelligence test end it all but on second sound argument can be given against such a Council and all objection Jnt.ernational Co·edueationAI Popularity given the "ppor quartcr of tI'e 1933 elass, thought, leaves only of snicido is based upon petty interests aud prejnclices. It is time that such things Contests. rAte the pal'ticipnnts at 91.5 NS ltgainst nnd clings to life, thereby becoming a living corpse. In the end he rcalizes a]'£' cast aside and' the real benefits or 1m orga.nized Inter-B'raterllit.y "Will 0' the Wisp" D~uglas evidently [(11 [("Crage of 85 in other first class eol his mistake and carries out his originn.l leges. Council are rcall;{ considered. The main ad'\'fllltages at the present thought thcre was an exit where there Assistant Denn Eeolo!!said: intention. Gruesome--but real drama. time would be similar to those or the past and would illcluc1eplans Lor wasn't the other night during the junior "The quality of average nppli· the ITer e:
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