Page 46 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. RADIO FEATURES OF STUDENT SOOIAL REFORMS SHOULD START INTEREST ON CAMPUSES Alumni Nr1UlI Over WABC and the Columbia Network (Continued from Page I-Col. 5) (Eastern Standard 'I'une) By "Cappy" Baumgartner, '32 Iuelance, where they organized tim Un~ GAMMA BETA CHI IRVING-WEBSTER DAlLY .EXCEPT SATm~DAY AND employment Relief Committee in their SUNDAY Miss Rebecca Moffett, '21, nnd Mr. town and raised $1,200 to thia end. Messrs. Helmes, 'f)'Bon, Ward, Benson, At a meeting lu the Society's Hall Oil 2,30 P. :M. American School of the Norman "Moyer Prederick were married To the questton, what esu students :Mathias, Moore, D. Nichol~, Lucas, Key January 11, the following offleera were Air. 011 December 21, 1931, at Ardmore, Pa. do to promote world peace, Mt. Thomas eer, Townshend and Kiefer, were t.akon elededforthesecoudije!l\C! SUNDAYS They will be at home, 206 Main street, answered that thoy should "ki(l~ throngh tI,e informal initiation of the Preeident.. . . David Trundle 12:30 P. 1>LInternational Broadcast. Souderton, Pn., after January 15, 1932. against" (lompnlsory milit.'lry training. rratermty toat Tuesd:1Yllight. V. President William P. Keemodel 7 :00 P. M. The World 's Buaiueas-c- Furthermore they should mix with ra- The fraternity is holding It dance in Secretary. . .. Prenti!!S W. Evans Miss Mary Katherine. Street, '30, and cial groups to further their understand- the Girls' Gymnasium on the evening of Treasurer. ..RobertB. Holder Dr. Julius Klein "rr. Jnlins Edwin Wilson were married ing of foreigllers. J anuary 16, beginning at 8 p. m .• Criti(l . . Howard M. Amoss i\10NDAYS on December 30, 1931, at Rocks, Md. Mr. Thomas also said if only U11lt "Stew" Black and his crchestrn. Sub Dhaplnln . . ...••. John Dawaon 4 :30 P. M. National Btudont Feder- They are now at home in Trn.ceyls, Md. few students rllfusca to go 10 Wllr un- II. seription, $1.50 per couple. Sgt.-at-Arms. . ... C. V. Moore atien of Amencn. Mr. James Billmyor, '17, and his wife dee any etrcumstnneea, the nat.iona of TUESDAYS the are noll' illustrating for the.Ludies" Home FIRST AID COURSE 7:30 P. M. Kaltenboru Edits the world would give up the idea. of DELTA PI ALPHA News. Journal. In the Pcbruar y issue Ihey il- warfare. Students who took the course in Red TnUl~SDAYS lustrated "Anu So You arc Murried!" by Iii Answer to the question, what eau The fraternity haa formally initiated aid may receive their grades 7:30 P. M. Kultcubcrn Ed'its the Dorothy Di..1(. stutlelltsdonboutthcdepression, Mr. Messrs. Harrison, Rimmer, Grimm, Dew- Cross first Registrar's News. Mrs. Frederick Herst, '95, has been Thomas said, "When students are grad- by applying at the offiee. son, Brysoll, MeKihben, Mark, Randle, will also be mailed 10 those FRIDAYS must no~ think E., and Rueteberg, Qf the class of '35, Oertifientea 8:30 P. M. March of Tirue-c-Drnmnt i- awarded a silver 10"iug cup b~\"the Dor- uated from college they that tbey arc serfs ill a. vnst economic and Whittington, '3'4. who have sat.iafactor ily completed the zation of the Week's Big News. chester Garden Club for having re(leived syatelll. They shllnld do somll bold pio- A smoker was held after the initiation. SATU11:DAYS first honors fOI' flowers (lxhibiled dnring IlQcring in the labor ficld to eorreet ex· the :rear at the mcctings. She tied with BLACK AND WHITE 7 :00 P. l\1. The Political Situation in Mrs. E. E. Lambkin of VienlllJ,president isting conditions!' BACHELORS Waahington Tonight-Frederic Wil- of the dub, who,us donor of the cup, was Abllveall thillgs, Mr.'rllOll1asstresscii Messrs. Greene, Long, Tschudy, J. limn Wile. notcJigihlemthecompc\itioo. the fnct that stndent.s should take an Messrs. Bo\\"m:w, Hall, Lllntz, Shill RandaH, Albright" 011<1 H. "Boyer wer(l 10:00 P. M. The National Radio For- adult attitude. "They should create an ing, Trundle, and Orosa went throngh the formally taken into thc fraternity last um from WaShington, D. C. Dr. Mary Jones Fisher, '90,whoison(l atm(lspl'erc of seriou~ness ou th(l cam- -~-- frat(lrnity's infornHl1 initiation last TuesdayevCJJing. OvC'r the N. B. C. Network of the editors of the BiolOgical Abstrac· pus. th3t is a(leolllplisl,cll t.hen Wlum Tuesday evening. The fraternity is plnnning to give 11 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY to-r, financed by the RO(lkl'feller Foun· grcat(lr tltiuga can be dOlle." G :45 P. 11:. 'l'opics in BI'ief-Lowell DELTA SIGMA KAPPA dunce uHllr first semester examinatiOIlll. Thomas. WJZ. dation, recently attended a Scientific ,._.. Conference in New Orleans. PHI ALPHA MU MONDAYS Ddla Sigma Kappa entertained its 2:30 P. M. Current Events-Anthori- membcrs at I\- dinner Wednesday, Jan- Phi Alpha. 11u held a dinner for its tat,h-e Talks on Signifkant. Topics. uary 6. members January 5. WJZ. Duke University 8:00 P.:M. Dramatic Sket(lh(ls ef Historical E,'cnts. WEAl'. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DR. WILKENS, PRES. OF N. S. F. A. TUESDAYS Durham, N. C. I SPEAKS ON PRESENT TREND 2:45 P. M. PersOlllllity iu Busincss- ApplicRliolls fer ndmiisiell to thllfirEf FRI..SAT., JAN. 15-16 OF EDUCATION Gold Bug Buzzings O. G. Van Campen. WEAF. and third y.~r medical ciu,ea enter- "MURDER BY THE ing 7:45 P. U. Bnek Qf the News-Wil· CLOCK" (Continued from Pag(l I-Col. 3) litlluHard. WJZ. WEDNESDAYS Cartoon-News-Comedy chiefly by Lhe genernl nature of the THE STORM 3:li'i P. :U. Iutcruational Current first two yenr's work and tho definite Eyents. WJZ. Matinee-----SAT. 2.30 apeeialhatiou in the: last two years. It The wind, t.he wind THURSDAYS is Dr. ·Wilkens's tlltltthisten- Blow~ hnrd aud harder. 2:45 P. M. Vocntiollal GuidanC(l Scr· MON. TUES. JAN. 18·19 doney will rl'sult many of our smal ies. WEA.}~. ler colleges becoming Jnnior, or two Itsto]lS--- 6:30 P.::\1. The World Touay-James WILL ROGERS in year colleges. This division would A mysterious calm G. M(lDonald. WEAF. "AMBASSADOR BILL" bring the Senior Colleges into doser reo Befa]]s. SUNDAYS News-Comedy lationship witll gradullLe schools. A sil!lllec--deathlike-- 3:00 P. M. Youth Gonfef(lllce---Dr. Dr. Wilkeus stat"s that our (lollcges Qnt(ltnde around us Dalliel A. Poling. WJZ. \I'cre origiultlly designed to meet the Sceills to el,oke and hold us. 9: 00 P. ]'L Our Go\"erlllil(ln-Dnvid WED. THUR., JAN 20·21 needs of the pre-profeasioual stud(lut, Then it breaks- Lliwrence, }~dHor of United Sl(tte~ UWICKED" and are not adnpted to Lho m!lSS<.:9 ef 'fhe storm-nard and fast, Daily. WEAF. with young people nQw elltering college to Faster and liarder it (lomes. Prevent gain metra training to .prepare them for Rain and wind mixe(l together, CHAPPED HANDS VICTOR McLAGLEN the business world. So Iher6 11118 de· DISARMAMENT SENTIMENT EX- AND FACE ..... ..,...rI'N · ·.• 1 ~'eloped an urgent need' for two d(lfinite Swishing and splashing comes PRESSED IN STRAW VOTE tYP(lS of colleges to take e:tre of the The rdn. EMKAY'S pre·professional group, and th6 larger, Whistling und whirling (Continued ftom Page I-Col. 1) SKIN LOTION non-professional gronp. It is probable Louder aud sllriHer that a now typlJoeollege to train the The wind-Moaus and howls 62:0/0; Middle Atlantic, 63%; South, King's Pharmacy lntter group will be sOlllething between 'l'hrough tr(lCS and Windows. 71%; ROllky :Mon.ntllin States, 72%; tile IlreaentJonior QQllegoand tho four Vivid flnshes renting tim hea'-ens and Pacific Coast; 78%. The Rexall Store year college. The zigzag conrses ].It. Holyoko CoLiego wlle-re Mias 55 East Main Street Of the atorlll's wild fury. Mary E. "Toolcy, recf'J1tly appointed PHI BETA KAPPA WILL ISSUE Lightning followed by thonder woman meinher of the U. S. dclegation Bring this Ad. to our store and Visit Us First the to has Conferenc.e, disarmament NEW MAGAZINE Witl, low rumbling roar and hea,"y been presid('nt for 31 years, voted 3% we will allow you for it JOc on Columbia Jewelry Co. hooill. the purchase of your orst bot· (Contin oed from Pag(l I-Col. 2) J'.,rutureso]lcalleful agaillst any disarmamout, 19% against tle of Emkay's Skin Lotion. WESTMINSTER, MD. allY rednlltioll by example, 37% for to- Now so nwfuI'. tal disarmament if. all nation9 agree, About 100 pages of the n(l\\" maga- Unrelenting ill its Iur.\', zille will be devoted to general artides A fury ,dId l\lld fearS!JJllC. 21% for totll.ldiS:lrmament byexalllplc. alld POCIllS, un(125 pllges will consist of T)J(lliitstops- Students in institutions with compul· II(lWSitems froU) the ,,'orld of letters. The storm,-slow and slowt'r sory militar.l' training voted 62% thollC in colleges The first issue is expected to (lontain Dripping and dropping, ngaillst compulsion, l'oted 83% agninst "Hi, guy." with eelcl'.til-odrm artidllS by Frank AydeloU,c, John W. 'L'hl!ruin eeases. CIlmpulsioll, nud 5clIOols with 110 drill "Hi." Da"is, Jolm Filll(lY; Dorothy Canfield 1>foaning low, quiet now W(lI"\'840%against (lolll]lnlaiOll. "Homesick?" Fisher, alia Oll'en D. Young, und a poem The wind leashed again "Omigosh." .. ?" "Whynchugohom by Odell Shepnrd. B.Y its God, "Tooiar." Tile editor is William Allison Shim- Wafts on]y gc.n!lc bn\('zl'.~. "Talkto' ..m." er, PhD., formerly a professor of phil- Its fury rent. osophy at Ohio State 1iniversity, nn(1 Its energy spcnt. t.he !'.on8lllting editor, Clar Sutherland Nat.ure is pea~eful Northup, profel!sQr of English at Cor· OnlOll(lgnin. nell Ulli,·rrsity. Tlu;l editorial board 'Y. H. SPARROW, '33. consists of Ada Louise Comstock, Johll Erskine, John Huston Finley, Cliristian Gaus!!, Will David IIowc; Adalll Leroy TRIBUTE Jonca, ·William Allnn Neilsoll, Rany Allen O,·erstreet., J_ Herman Randall, I've scen a singing flame Jr., and .l:~reaeritk J. E. Woodridgc-. Mnkc beauty of the air, Pvo watched a ],awk swoop down on blackbirds All Branches of Approved MAGAZmE WILL HOLD OOLLEGE Sealtering 1111'[11eVCl"ywherc-. Beauty Culture PEACE CONTEST PERMANENT WAVES I've wat(lhed the moon grow ~'ellow, For the hair (Contiuued from Page I-Col. 4) And I've seen the night grow blue, of women who care But I never ;vet have seen anyt.hing Three pri>:"s are offered-a first of H:llf as beautifUl as you! SPECIALS $300, a se(lond of$200:lIld a third of During January $100. . T'vclooked ou flowers growillg Judgeij of the contest arc: Devere Beside langhing waters, and silent and February .Allen, Associate Editor of till! Nation; pondsj Call 395 Dr. John Dowey of Columbia Univer· 1'\"e seen myriads of suulit leavcs, or come in for a test and sity; William Ford, Editor Ilf the Arbi· Giant oaks, white birches-fern fronds; an examination of your EVENlNG:(B ..tween 'Ip.m.and 8:30p.m.) 15% 10 20% lower than daynla. p. m. and 4:30 a. JR.) 40% 1050% lowe~ than day n.1•• 8,30 tractor; James G. :McDonald, CI'alrman And 1'1'0 watch(lu wlli]c it was snowing. hair NIGHT, (Betwun The •• ~ed,.cUo"" apply on ..11~;>te... bove 35C1 oI Foreign Poli(lY Association; Kirby Page, Editor of World Tomorrow; Tuck- I've viowed a hundred sunsets, Lowry Beauty Shop er P. Smith, Se(lretary of the COlllmit- Anu gazed at crystals pure, ==='= The Chesapeake and Potomac tee of Militarism in Edueatioll. :Maal1' But nowhere lWI'e I ever aeen, 105 East Main Street, Telephone Company scripts of Militarism in Edu(lation. A.nrthing ns beautiful as you are! ~ of Baltimore City Manuscripta are to be aC(lepted between WESTMINSTER, MD. (S..IlSyslem) January 5th and April 5th, 1932. ROBERT B. HOLDER, '34.
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