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;a~;J COL BASKETBALL \Ie; r;==U'=Of=:.O=n~=I:G=.w=. M=d.~ Loyola vs, W. Md. Tuesday-Armory Saturday Night Last Home Gamel Armory Vol. 9, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 18, 1932 W. MD. EDUCATORS I New R.O. T.C. Flag to be SUMMER SCHOOL WILL InternationaL Honorary BioLogy Frat. WILL BE REPRESENTED Presented to Battalion BE INAUGURATED AT Organizes ALpha Mu ChapterHere AT N.E. A. CONVENTION ceremony will staged be:l on parade Field special the WESTERN MARYLAND nnd 'I'uere by Hoffa Western Mnryl~lld R. O. 'f. C. battalion Dr. W. R. Geeen, Drew University, on Monday, February 22, tit- 3:30. Tin) Cultural Courses Will Be Offered Installs Officers Convention Convenes at Washing. C()relllon.y will not only be It part oj' rue In AU Departments ton Next Week celebration of George Washington's R. CISSEL, '32 ELECTED PRES. but it win also include the CLASSES TO START JUNE 20 TO STRESS N. E. A. REPORTS of n new flag to the ba t- The Alpha Mu chapter of Beta Beta by grnduate members of tho. au Beta, an honorary inlerll~tional biology become The Represente tlvcs of the Western Western Mill')'land R. O. T. C. integral Summer of Session will year begin· fraternity, held its installation cercmou- the Maryland faculty will join educators For some tilllo the battnlicn has been mug 111 summer of There will ies at a lmnquet at College Inn ou Pri- from every section of the- United States in need of a ucw flag and it will be be 1\ tell·w,,'('k summer sehccl which dn}" evening, February 12.. Dr. A. Nor to participate in the Washington Con- with great pleasure and profound ap umn Wllrd delivered the invccnticu, and will be divided into two five-week YClltion of the Department, of Superin- predation lha t Ondct Lt.·Colonel J. H. terms. '1'11.1 first term will begin on Dr. Lloyd 1\1. Bertholf, fiead of uic Biol- tendency of tl,e National Educational Dixoll ,,·ill accept the colora 011 b~half June 28, I\n(\ will rIll! until July 23. ogy Department of western M!lrylllnd Assoe.iation, to be held in the capitol of the militnr~y students. The fi~g will 'I'lre second term will be froul ,Tuly 25 to ccuege, was toastmaster. Pcbruary 20-25_ be presented by Lieutenant Joseph L. Angnst 37. The <;meers of the society were instal- This winter meeting is nie largest au 1\[nthias, '29. Hegistratioll for the fll'st te-rm will be led by Dr. Wyman R Green of Brothers rmul educational convention ill t.he The Military Depadmellt has pro- completed June 18 nnd for thc ~ceolld College, Drew Universiby. The ceremony eured new guidons for caef com pan)' world, nnd will at tmct thousauds of tcnu July 33, so ~hnt classes will meet, was brief uud impresaive. The individual eaueetora interested in cver)' phase of aud thcal'lIls l'l'on'plly on Juno ~O nlld July 35, lind membership certiflcntes were preseuted, the e!lucational progrnm, from kin!le.r· drills the bat· will mect six t.ime~ a week throughout und thc eb:trterof the Alpha Muchopter garten to nniversit)' gradmlte school. trtlion in ne'" colors und 8t~lI- each session. Stude-lIh muy register for of Western Marylnnd College was given (huds as attempts to nphold the Ex· to Dr. Bertholf. W. M. Well Represented eellout Ratiug for the past two years either or for both se8sirms. Eigl,teell Dr. Green ~poke to the members con· the Third Corps Area inspectillg of· hours a "'ecl,-threeeours(\s,eacl'illeet- Wes1..€rn .Marylundwillberepreaented iug six times u week-,\'ill constihlte a ccrning the TIlealung and purpose of by d~l~g:ltes from the administratiou, nOl'llli'lprogrUIl\. Beta Beta Beta. Bo ~lso set forth some seicnce, und edncntiQll departments. 1'his progrum satisfactorily complet- of the stnrtling facts which prove that 'I'heir chief purpose in attending most LIFE OF WASHINGTON IS ench CURRICULUMREVISIONCOM. the world was prepared to the most min- the cQuvention will be to study tho ed will cnru six scme~ter I,ours ute details before it was Ulhabite(l by recent trends in educational prOcedure, THEME OFSPEECH PLAYS tunn or twelve semestcr hours houn for ihe ap· HOLDS FIRST MEETING hUlllan beillgs. He gave specific ex' scmester session. '1'\\'el\"e with a view to ap'plyiug them here at proximut\,;S the credits em'ned in oue- amples of lUltural III-ws to prol"e hi~ the 'Vestcrn Maryland. 'l'he stndentcOllllllittoe,whieh was se· ory, and stated that we are merely vis· Two onO·aet plays, WfUlhington's First Udrd of u college year. Th'! theme whioll appears on the for· Defea.t, anll The Birthday Ball were pre- This SUlllllJer Session will achieve lectNl b.y l'l'csident A. Norman War(\ to itors on this carlh, pluced here to ac' mal announcement of the convention se-uted by the junior division of the Gol- certaiu d~flnite obedivcs among which stnil." the 6ul'Ticululll of the college, compli~h whate'i'cr we can. is: lege Pla)'ers in Smith Hall on l"riday, :H'e the following' met 3:30 Oil MOIUl/\y, the February 15. ex- to Beta Bet(\. Beta was foulld!Xl interest in 1922 Ward and ])octor group undergl'aduate encoumge spoke to Edueotion, our guide and our safe· February 5. 1. Tt will l\l,,'ble students 1.0 conti:me the study alld re)Jert which he investigution in biology. It is for the guard; and one of th.e chief sources of TIle dramas, whicl, were produced un- tlleir study durillg the summer alld to mnkc. The COUlmittee, lie purpose of ndl'ancing resesrch and dis· 0111' spiritl,nl lif!), Qur cnltural growtl" der the direction of Professor Esther graduate in thrce years. By eliminating .-;xplaLlled, was IllJt ehOHen wit], t:J,e in- seminating tn'th. There :Ire thirty chap· stnd';'lts and ·our material power. Smith, n]lpTopriately "arried out as tll(l loug summm' three ""c...1"iOIl~, the eight so- tention Of letting a few students revo. tees of the society in the United States, securc yenrs in lllay Alt.hough tlH~ convention will !leal their theme the life- of Georgo Wnsh· 1l1l'Bt~rs of worlc usually r~quircd lutioni7.e the cnrricnlum on the Hill, but IUld other chapters in foreign countries. with e,·C'ry eoneeivable education~l i\lgton, ,,-IIOs-e two hundredth annivcr· for grnduation. thou secure with IIJ(l hopes that some of the suggcs- All students IIm·jug sixteen bOUIS of sary tho notion is. celebrating this problcm, attention ia expected to be fo- positiona, go to SCllools, Qr fions offl'reil in the gloup'a reJlort would biology, and whose scholarship is abo\'o month. e.u.~ed upon the two annual reports of pron worthy of consideration. nv~rngc are eligible for memberShip. TIle continue fol' n year of ~t1vnneea study the. N. E. A. whie]) Iwve JUSt been rc- During tile intermissiou, two mu~ieal All members of the committee ex- members of Alpha Mu are Anna CtLllu ntWe&tcru:M:arylaud. leased. Both are of particulnr interest nlllllbcra of the eightcenth ccntnl')' per- 2.ltll·illenabloonrstndents, trails- IlTess~ilul\ cnthusiasm fol' the stud~' and I han, Theln:a Snader, Barol.d Chandler, to Wcstern Maryland as a growing cdu· iod were playe!l by thc \\' estern Mary fel's, :11l11 othe1's who nre Ollt of rcgnlllr agreed to hold l\lecti\lgs each Thursday Dorothy T.lmmOns, Roger Clss~I, Hen.r y catiomtl illstiutiou, one denlillg witll land concert orchostrn, under the di· clns8l'unk,toadjnstthcircreditennil ut 1:30. ClIpl~, ana, Dr. Lle),{l M. Bertholf, ],liss new methods of teaching science, and rcetiOll of Mr. Phillp A. Royer. impl'ovc their stand.illg in the eolleg~. Deml Sa1l\uol B. Schofield, the fncul. Pnuhllc Vi ym:m and Prof. C. J~. Ben· the other with recent radical changes Washington's First Defe.1.t portrayed 3. It will cnnl.lle teaeJJCrsRud othOl's IV ndvisor (lnd chuirmnn of thc commit. nighof, all of the Biology Department und eX)Jerimenta in curriculum :lnd ad· the <'.harm and '<'igor of colonial life, to ''i'orl, fol' selr·impnwemcllt aud ad· t~e, will supervise the study of currieu. as Faculty advisors. The offieers of the min.istrntion. !llld gil I'e 1111 inteNlsting sitle light on I'anced credits during the 'i'~eRtion per- lum nn!! lead diseussions :It tho regulur Western Maryland ehapter arc us fol- the probable clUlmcter of thn porsonnl iod. 'Yashingtoll. 4. It will enable minist<',·s !Ina others \\'C;I~~;'l:~ll~~c~~I~~:e eemlllittee IHe: ~:~cnt Roger Cissel MISS BUSH TO OPEN$s El'b 1.1S Luc? Gr.vllWS, 1Ifr. J,m· interested in Religions Educution to Seniors: Amoss, Koockogey, lIfurchi Vice·president Enrold Chandler Snader Sceretnry·Trcasurer Thelma RobinSOll, Owi,. SERIES OFMUSIC RECITALS kin ns George Washington, and the Miss stndy during Religiolls \·acaUon p>'riod. will (All be SOll, l~bs\\'orjh, DeluHey, Herbst, lIud Hitchellll. Historiun Dorothy Timmons courses '.PrUlldle, na Camellia eomposnd Education cust. in Fowble JuujOl'S: 'rile p~,ts wen' read sll1oothl~' and tom· gil'en tIle seeond term.) £I'b, }lloore, nnd Strow. pleted u wol'thwhile production. C(IlIUM will be offc,.~d in the follnw· Sopilomorcs: Keif~r, Sliker, Needy, FRENCH CLUB DANCE A voieereeitul will I)e given by Miss ing departments: nlld Rigl,te_'·. _ '\\,jnU'red Bush in Smith Hall, Friday L. K. Weaver,'32, Chosen EngliSh-Language, Liter"ture; Ln- HAS COLORFUL EVENTS evening, February 19. Mias BUSh's re- tin, F)'l'nell, GCrlll!ln, History-An"'ri· David Trundle Elected cital is the first oT' n series to be pro· as Sponsor for "Rat· Tat" cnn, European; Economica, GOl'ernment, Editor of '33 Aloha Bcnfed by students specializing in voiec-. Mathematics., Biology, Chemi$tr.'f, Ph~·s· The FrCllcll club dallec, held ill the Louise WeaYel', of ElIi- ics, Religious Edncntion, SocoudHY girls' gylll\lnsium Saturday, February Fourteen students of music pnrtici At (I meeting of tl,(, eDit City, hros bel"u receutly Ednea'!ion, Music :Education, Pl!ysienl 6, W(lS ;1, most unuauul and colorful paied iu a recital gi,en in Smith Trull, Junior Class last \light, Febnwry 9. Th(l group included Elea- choseu spOJ\sor of the aUI' Educution. ))(I.\"id Trundle "'nB elect- nor Kimmey, :Martha Harrison, Marr lctie scction of the Rat-Tat, ed .Editor-in·Chil'f of the Thc gyl!lna~jum witS couvorted fM Tsnbe\ Elliott, Dorothy Hull, Laurleno the .'i'cnr book of St .. Tohns Educational Sorority 1933 Aloha. a l\ d J0»<,})1., thn e"cning iUio tho fnmous Prcl\ ..~h College. Slle- ,,"lIS Hamed night club, the Moulin Rouge. Carry- Straughn, Dorothy Ackerman, Eva Dl'a- Albrecht, BU>iiness Mun· b~'Philip Lotz, also of El- Honors Prof. Ebaugh ing out the idea of tIle French cabaret, por, Ann Johnson, Winifred Bush, Mar- !lgCI'. licott Cit~·, n scnior at St. Jol,ns, who is garet T~ee Nelson, Charles Forlines, The \lew oflieers were 11 program of singiug nnd dancing \I'M H\\ all-nround athlete, starring in foot- given. As mastcr of ceremonies, "Bun· Jumes Bopst, Richard Weagley, and Professor Mary Olive }~bangll, of the elc<"tNl radier than usual this Y('aT eo Lloyd Eldcrdice. b:lll, bnsketboll, and Incroase. Be W:1S of Edue.lllion nt Western that tlory moy gain cxp(lriCIlCe ami aid ny" 'l'uckcrn,nll first introduced :Master a member of the AJI-Amel'ic311 la~ros$e Gn.Y Smith who danced in the manlier Miss Bush will Sillg the following ee- team last year. from working \\"ilh tlw 1932 sl.nff and typicnl of the Parisilll' gamin. Le Ros- Icetions: g6t the 1933 Aloha off to an early start },fiss ·Weuver, un athlete llerself, is honorary ellue.lltionnl ~ororitr. by conlrncting ads, selecting n theme, signol (the Nigbtingale), Winifred Aria from Agrippina liandel'·Bibb cOlisequently- int.erested in athletic ac- took plnee at Johns Trop- nlld making arrangem ...nts with the pub- BU6h, sang l'Alouet!e with the au(1ienec tivities of all kinds. Slle is a member Ari/\ from T'llomeo Handel·Bibb kins Unil'
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