Page 42 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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'PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS DEBATING SEASON OPENS MID·SEMESTER GRADES FRANK MELLOR'SCONCRET WITH WIN OVERSL JOHN'S SHOW IMPROVEMENT Frnnk Me1101', tenor, gave a concert This year is the first time that the new Maryland College Men's Tbe western Monday, December 7, tc an audience that Debating Team met St. John's College grade system has been in effeet for the IRVING-WEBSTER LE CERCLE FRANCAIS filled Alumnj Hull to the doors. Mr. Team, December 10. ][131, At 8 p- m., in first semester of the year; so there Is no Mellor was sceompauied nt tile piano by Smith Ijnlj, fo!' its fil'St debate of the rca l eomparlaon of grades to show wbeth- The Irving-Webster literary society Thennnnal Christmas eutertaiumeut of Miss Mnude Gesner. 'rhe concert was season. The question debated was "lie· er progress in gcncrnt is better than it a tho third gil-en here by }'fr. Mellor. on has been iu previous years, but uret on Monda~' evening, December 14. Le Cercle Praucnia will take place Thurs. 'rhe program opened with three solved, that the best illtcrests of the wl.ole the grades \1'('l'equite satiafnetory. Ullin The meeting was called to order by rs.}'lemi.llg, AmOll.s,Katz Speir, Brahl\1~; "Aufentlllllt", by Schubert; and Hnssell. Coacl, Stahle)" nud Captain Mu. Pineura. Philo Literary society held n. Christ- The Home Economies Club had II spee· nnd "Serenmle", by Schubert. Tlus Unfortuuately Coach Hurloll' II'IiS uot Dehates with "arious celleges aud Imi· mns party in Ihe Philo rooms Monday ial meeting in tIm club room Tll1lrsday, lnstWl.18sowellreceil'edthatns:111en· bal· n~l'sitics hnve been I\.l'rangcd. The ncxt lillie to be pr{'seuL core l\[r. Mellor snng an evening, December 14. Clull members Dceembcr 10, when it 1I'a~ decided that lad, "Passing By." JilngUsh is rxpeeted 10 he abont the first of Jnn- Ea~h of the honor guests tll1l1 senior were entertained by a. Christmas Carol the club shonld provide a Cbristmna for Tho rest of his selections were miscel· uar.". Those 011 the state's right~ ques- meml)erso£thefootblllJ sqnadwerc ill' Bung by Louiae Needy nnd Sue Strow. a white family of fil'e. Thc gift~ will laneous. He sang in the folloWlllg or- tiOll al'e: Johns Hopkins, Unil·ersil.y of tl'o(lnced bX the toastmi~tresa, Miss Eli· Clog dance by Marietta Mills, reeitation cousist of clothing, food and toys. der: "Piggeallie", by Warloek; "My BultimOT\', lind. Washington College. nor Elnmgh, and all {'xpressed yerbally by Mary Ford, "To Eaatern Shore", and Mnnr girl!! yolnnteered to colled money llessage", by il'Hnrdelet; "Ballymore ThOBeOll cllpitalism arc: Franklin and tl,eirappreeiatiOI\totheclnb. golo, "Dear EAstern Shore", sung by for this chnrity movemeut. B",llnd", au old Irish song j "The Lit· Mnrshall, St. Thomas, Lcbl1non Valley, Emily Dashiell. Frances Glynn played Fridll.Yafternoon M.iss Carter, a repre· tIe Red Lurk", nnotherIriah :Folk song; for the guests to dnnee until Santa. Bcutath'e of the McCormick Bee Brand "Five Eyes", by Armstrong GilJb8; nud ~~~~:e~~~:~gu~~l~~cg~l~~::ight, Susqllc PRE!~cE~T=~:Y ~~A:EN. Claus arrived and distribnted eandy Company gnV6 an extremely interesting Kreisler's "The Old Rdrain". Prof. Wills is the eoach ofthedebllting oanell to t~l~ I ~~~eoan~~~~;?I~~~~~eti!~,SI~~it~t~~~u~~ Mr . .\fellcl· Sling two scleetlOllS os en' teAms. Dal'id Tnm.dle is president of ON CAMPUS cores: "Exhortalioll" and "Dnua", an the debating tlOU1leil,Prentiss El'llna is .-- fndg~, filled chocolate cake, sandwieh English bnllad. t~le lllanagn and C,'llarlcsWllittington as· I (Contllllle{lfl'om P(lgc 1, Col. 3) 1l00\'er through DELTA SIGMA KAPPA. _ !~~\~~?l'I!hO:e!~~~~l~~,e\~se:ed:r~~er.Of W;lS Mr."'lellor,lI'iJO!lchomeiormnnyyears slstallt manager. tenderud to President eonllnitt'llC was all S)'kes\'ille, drew lIllIlly peoplc from President 'Ward's Delta Sigma Kappa wishes to an I all over Cm'roll eOllllty to heal' his eon- elaborate, richly-bound volume eontain- nounce that Ruth Gil1elan, Martha. Hal" eert. illg ~ l~i$t(lry of thc Movement, an ap· rison, Dorothy Hull, Louise Needy and SH.AKESPEARE CLUJ3 pl'eew.tlon of the part the Prcsident Mary Parker havo beon received into full WESTMINSTER H. S. WINS played ill t.he broadca3! and in aiding membership. the Movement in general, nnd person· Delta Sigma Kappa had 1m informal The regular mont.hly JIIeetiug of tha DECLAMATION CONTEST nl letters from tile prl'sidellts of 250 Christmas party for its members Weducs' Shnkespeare Club was held Tuesday even· colleges and .universitif's, illllllkin8 .Mr. day evening, December the 16th. iug, DOCClllbcr8, at 7.3il o'clock ill the llClo\·crforIJlJ>COO!lerntion. Y. W. C. A. room. The program which On 1~ridn~'e\-cllillg, Deeelllber Jth, t.he consisted of an intensive study of Ram· Ele\'enth AUllual Cnrroll County Dee· ALHA G.A.M:MA TAU let was as follows: lnmatioll Contest \\'<1$ held Elel'en ill AIllI)luj o'dock, school Hall 8 nt 1. Summary of plot-Anna D1Jl'isl'ope. "teams" were rCJlresented-l~ boy aJld 11 Alpha Gamma Tau takes great pleasure Ramlet's Madness-Virginia \Veeks. girl on each uf them-from the High in nnn'ouncing the following Illen as new 3. IIamlet (lnd The Spanisll Tr~gedy- Behools of TJ\ueytowll, Charles Cnrroll, members: B. L. Bowman, '32; W. S. Plcnsnnt Vnlte)" Mcdl!luieSVille, Sykes' Junkin, '33; C. 1'01. Bender, '33; J. M. Alverta Dillon. I-ille, Ma.nchester, Westmi11l;t.el', llamp· Lantz, '34; J. R. Shilling, '3lj G. W. 4. Deaths ill Hamlet-Dorothy Paul. stead, New \VillUSIOr,Elmer Wolfe aud tCll(l,mt of Sehool~ ill Carroll County, "1fr. Gifts A Plenty I Comerford, '35; J. },f. Framc, '35; C. 5. Familiar Quotations in Hamlet- Mt. Airy. The Carroll County Declama· FRI.-SAT. DEC, 18-19 Kaddy, '35; G. Jones, '35; B. Fergn· Louise Crozier. tiou Blillller was presented liy Superin "THE SPIDER" ~on, '35; P. B. Schweikcr, '35; J. Stal' \ I"'glh, Op.ll d\unnco\on folI0,,',d Featuring 1 ""'...,.,_. ~ lings, '35, L. D. Patterso)), '35. l while refreshments were BelTed. ;>'faul'ice S. H. Unger, to Westminstcr ED;\IUND l~OWB Miss Jean High sellOol, rcpreaeutel1 by BETA em !a;10~;,~~r~I~~~e''G~I~~llt:~~,es~~~oeb;!~~ GAMl'dA FOR GIFTS MON.-TUES. DEC. 21-22 PHI ALPHA MU his intc)'pretntion of "Danny". Second LA WR8NCE 'l'lBBBT1' The fraternity ann(llinces the follow· l'l;~:~ t~'~e~\\~;l~~~o:~ Taueytown, mId THAT ARE m Uu wishes Phi Alpha ing pledges: Holmes, Tyson, Wnril, Ben· that Helen. Doenge.'l, Mildred lo anuonllce DIFFERENT "THE CUBAN LOVE German, son, Mathias, OIsh, .Romito, :Moore, D. Carolyn Greene, Virginia Helmstetter, SONG" Nichols, Lipsky, Mergo, Ryscavage, Lu Adelnide Horner, Mildred Johuson, eas, Keyser, all of the class of '35; Blanche Nichol~ and Helen Pyles llave Come to Don't fuil to see the great Tow'l1shend, '32; and rueier, '34. beenreeeivedilltoiullmemhership. See our Complete Line of musical Tibbett-he's great! Phi Alpha Mu had a Christllllls parly Selected Presents DELTA PI ALPHA for ita members Monday night, Decem· WED.-TRUR. DEC. 23-24 bor 14th. "HUSH MONEY" The fraternity announccs tllC !oll
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