Page 41 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE [SPORTSi BasKetball - Boxing [SPORTS[ ./ INTER-MURAL SPORTS PRO- 1932 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE ALL-MARYLAND FOOT- 1932 BOXING SCHEDULE TERRORS LOSEWITH SMILE GRAM GETS UNDER WAY Jun. S-BueknclI Stute . . away BALL TEAM IS SELECTED Durtmouru-c-Juuunry 14- ilome AS TERRAPINS TAKE TITLE nvav Jan, 9--Peun Jun. .ltl-c-Loyoln awo~ Army-JfJllUary 30 . .Away Jnl'.19-WnshiIlgtoH. . .. homc Perm Stufe-e-Pebruury ij . Away Mr. 11. B. Speir, Graduate xtsnager Jon. 28~"t. John'~ ... horua Althuugh the Uuiveratty of M:lrybnd v. P. Lc--Pebruxry 13 Home DiSI)],''ying a ln-illiant nttnek and of Athletics, hos nuuouueed an Inter-Ira- Jun. ;jO_~TII,")" ........•.•. awll~· dominated the All-Marylnnd ull-stnr Peuu-c-Pebruarv 20 Hume stuuueh defense, thc UlIh-ersity of },;I:try- 1\ ternity basketball league to rUll ill eon- Pc-I). 2-lIU. St.lIrarJ's home team, Westerll Maryland was not with W~8t "\7irgil\ia-Febru~I·.Y ~7 .Home land Terrlll)ius roseto the highest helghh junction with the rcgulfll· iuter-elnsa l'ob. 4--Georgetown. . awn)" our its repreeentaflve. Al Budnuskv, brfl- Nn'·~·-ilrnrdl n .Awn~· of Pree Stnte football to swamp tho league. Feb. 5-Ropkins away liant sophcmcre tackle, was the unani· Green Terrors with II 41-6 score ou De- A ecmmlttee consieting or Wilson Mur- Feb. !l-"Bndmell . . .home mons cbcice of cccrvscructoror mythical ecmber ;Jlh in the BnHimore Stadium. TUr, Blaek and Wh.ito Club; ]\Crt] woct- .\<'eb. 12-1Iar~'lallIl uwuy teeura in Ule state. Tn 8eleeting Bndue- 1931 HONORARY HOCKEY As a mutter of fact, the Terrapin team ley, Baehelore ' Olub ; Louis 'tuekcnnau, Feb.lG-llopkinl; home ky, Craig T;lylor in the Blll/illlo/·1t SI11I nan whole was not the real canse cr the Gamma. Beta Chi; Hlld J. R. Jaeger, l'eb. 20-St. John's fI\\"lI)" had this to sn.'· of him; "AI Baduaky TEAM CHOSEN Delta Pi A..lpha, has \leen eooperuting }'eb.2S-Loyoln home lI"as olle of the strollgest linesmell ill tllis Terrou'dO\1"Hfnll The fenl cause wns a ]lnir of backs who with :Ur. Speir in making the nrronge- }'eb. 2i-?trt. SL.Mur.l"s 1lWIQ· \"ieinity. Fell" grtins were regllitered _\ u(l1·cl lll·ognull wus featured uy the ",.~ be~·oHd a doubt All·Amerienn mnter ments. E~eh team will eled 11 H1uTJager lJaroh 5-'"IVlIshington a1l"0y through his positiOil, despite the fact WOlliell's Atbletic As~oei;ltiou nt 1I m('et· illi. nny POppklllHIl nnd AI Woods were who will Uleet with the committee. th[)t, 8ullport on ci1hcr siile WIlS not u)l iug hell! Thursdll~·, December 3ril, at thc 11Ids who tore around, throngh :tnd Each team will tnrn in a. squad list to tohisslalll11lrd of play." Dick Hnrlow, ij;.J.5,in theY. W.C.A. rOOIll. The out· J. n.. Jaegcr who will act us intrn·lllurni \\"ho selected ;\ tClllll for the Boltimol·C ~tandillg e,·c.ut of the program wag the oyer the Tcrtor line to enuble the Terp$ to ellllik "Il se,·en touchdowns-the lllall~ger. No pla~'er will be permitted BASKETBALL SQUAD GIVES Posl proelllimed Sadnsk~· to be the lllllin· I)!lllollncemcntuf tho 1!l;!1 TIollonll·y Var· est score made ag:linst the Terrors larg- ill to rcpresent two tellllls. The regular PROMISE OF GOOD SEASON 8tH}" of his team thronghout the ser,son. sity Hockey Te~m. 'fhi~ new idea in ye:tr~. ,·ouity and first freshman tClnn Illembl'rs Sadusk.\" olso found a place Oll \V. Wil womcll'~ sports tOt· "'estern J,[~r~·hnld i$ the l;1~t su nreilleligible. SOli Wing:t!e's .'\II·Star tealll selected pattCl"lled aiter the selcelioHs uf simil:tl Terrors Lose With Smile Grunes will be pillycd OJI Tuesdays {lIld Bnskdlmll got under wa~· when abollt ror the BultilllOl·e AmlJric(llI. Ho will tcnms at large collegeg auch as Vassar, Despite the disappointing score, Coacll Fridays nlterllately, at 4 P. lJ. Two reecive a gold foolball, s.rm\lolizing his i'lllLitb '"ld Wellesley. The represeuta- "Dick" Harlow und the "\\'estern Mary gnmcs will be plnyed eneh (by, with 15 seloction as a memher of the Smt'8 All- th'e~ dl)"tmll lellgue reprcsenting tbe Imlldle lhe squad. 'fhe. outlook lit pres- Norman Bnl"lldt, ~iellar gunr(] who en ,·arsity.1re; were quick to follow. BOcfore the teams same pnrtieipanls il ....... llighll.Ilside ~r:tr}"ln!ld dressing room to congrntuJllte the men who Imd eurned tlle stlltechnm- The schedule for th(' basketball l('aguc '32 tenlll. The \'ctCl"ml~ returning nre Ihis distil1diolI, hewHs plm:ed on the see.· ... C{'ntcr FOl"wnrd pionship whieh Weateru tille follows: Brown, i:)st yellr's leadil'g slioror, H;llll (\l\d tcam of both lhe SumillY 81111 11lId .Left Inside hos held fo,· the lnst two yCllfS. :Marylllnd ~nd Callnglmn. Woolloy PlRST ROUND mill, Murray, ~lld Clllry were the onl)· two the Baltimore Post. ..... J~efi Wing Marylund Weste!"!! ~rnryll'!ld Welliugcr Jalluury Sth- rcgulnl·s lost i'rom lflst;year's team. l1;1r<)l(l Koppe, whow phly lhi~ IJIlst .Hight Halfbaek Pease I. e. llommill Gamma BetH \"8. B.und W. Sc'·eml promising youngslers CIUlIeup ~~ason was lI(>tup to tha 6tandard of the ....... Center Halfback Garliss I. t. Pillclira Bachelors \'1:1. Deltll Pi Alpba from the llllc\efcnted freslnmm team of pre"ious .yenl·, wh~n hc ga:rnered Hie full· ........ Left Hnlfback JJnydell I. g. Wallace lQnm, 8101'8 hack »O$ition ('n tI,e SUlIdny Jallnary l:lth- last renr. IllchHh'd in this group nru WIIS J!laeetlonthc se{"(mdte'll!) of :Illfour ... 1~ight Fullb:tck :Faber c. r. g. Lamb Krajco,·ie Gregg Seniors vs. Juniors Willi~, BO,nj, .l3nssnrd, ami .hl~honey, BlllHm(,re pnpers. .. Left HnlflJllek .. Keewm r. t. Saduus"ky 80phomores "1:1. Freshmen forwnrtIs; Sadallsky lIud Shi\lillg, een· eo,.l.\" s~nSOll 1'·01·1; of Jim DUlin Hurley JflllUfll"r19th~ ["I·S; lind llurley, Duull, and Di.ksn, a JlI~ce for him on the Amari- ... Goal Keeper Norris q. b. Bolton Poppelman All nrc expected gUlirds. to ehl\!l{mge Juniors \"s. Sophs Uw \·et.erIlIlS for regular berths. Coach sccond tCHm, 'd~spite tllC fad tll:lt Seniorily, ijl;ill, ~portSl!lnttHhiJi. aut! fit C.1lal!llcrs I. h. Donghty Seniors va. Frosh Stahley will be pro"ided \\"ith U1\ abun- wasol1tof thrlnt1er part of Ihescll- tifIHI,' were the points considered in mak. Berger 1". h. Koppe Jnnuary 29th- dance of r~n·e materi:d this year. Be SOH with a leg injury. Severn 1 other iug t.he sel<:~·!ion~. Weods f. u. Joncs him hOllornble 8eore by qllarters- mention. B. aud W. '·s. Dclta Pi Alpha sel"1·CforCes were sadly lacking this S(ln J~lel'tiOll of the lfJ32 V"II('yl):111.\bw GumIl\a. Bcta "~So Bachelors son alld the team showod this failing to 8ta.r IU1{l f;C;,'~;·;.~s!~~:dt~:~~d~)'~li~~~lng~\~ege~~~Sre: :\tmyl:llld Ii 0 14 l-l. 0 6- 7--41 Ii 0 W~s't'~rn Md. Fehruory 2nd- wa:rd tho elld of the. sdlednlc. ~!. 's wCI"eprcsentQd to Hyon, Kephilnlt, M:lrylnml scoring; Touehdowlls-POp· Sewn Free teums appelll" on ulis Scniors '·s. Sophs SCllSQll'S ~chcdnle, according to nn )f. J~lm50n, E. Browll, Cooliug, M. -"liIls, pelllHlIl (3), Berger (2), Chalmers. Tri1'9 Junio\"Svs. Frosh lIll· for points-Chalmers (5 ill.6 pla~ekicks: nouneement Illnde by U. B. Speir, grod· ~~r~~lji:'r~~~:~\1;i:t~:~E;~l~~·ll~~::~~r~\"~~ Wooosholdingthoball).Westerll·Mary- SECOND ROUND "ate lIuJ.llager ("If athletics. This. moal'S lund seoring: Tonchdown-Jo.ncs. . 'Pry l'ebrmtl"~' 5t.b- that Weste:rn l\Jarylnud will enoonntcr Blazer, the highest all"lrll for women's for point-Jones (missed Jllacekle.k). every eollego tealll in tho state ut leH~t Gamma Beta vs. B. and W. once this yellr with the exceptiOl1 of the athlvti(·s, sbQul{l represent g{J{ld times, Suhstitl1liolls-i'lfaryland, Settino for Bnchelon ,,~. DeltaPi Alpha mClllories after college, hard work, hon Woods, Woods for, Mitchell for Uni,·ersily of Baltimore. Navy and Dnley Februnry 9th- :Maryland, the Southel"ll C?"ference ehmn- estantlpuI"jlfJsefullabor,aehie,-cdgoud, }'nher, Koelle for Hayden, Feldman for Cul"iiss, Colo ror Keenan, for Seniors ,·S. Jnniors pions,nrethelilootforUlldablest:!!eo]l· 111ld hondsof friend&uiL). 'l'hoin(livi· R\"~jco,·ie, Kiernan for .Bel·gel", lI1iller Sophs \"s. FrOBl' ponents to be met. Besides the Uary DR. BEN D WOOD ADDRESSES duuls s{:lccted 10 repn'S('nt tho ideals nlld for Chalmers; \Vestern 1rurylund, Bar- I!tandarcls of the A. A., tha~ is, persoll· Bucknoll, land !i.-os, the cag~rs February 12th- Penn State, lI.1,d Georgetown, meet flS features MEMBERS OF I'ACULTY nett for Gregg, \Viley for Barnett, Hun ter for LUmb, C~llaghan B. and W. ya. Baehelora oj' the :>eventeeu gnme schedule. ~~~;~:'l\i~~,~~~,!\~~~des~~~;l;~,J'p)lys:~~~ll~~: for Hnrley, Gamma Beta \'S. Delta Pi Alpha The ae(lson will not opcn until after \Continllc<;t from Pnge 1, Col. ~) nesfO;nnt! hl,orismnHsllip are !\liH8e~2Ilar.'f Diksa for Rnullnill, Wentlandt for Pill- Febru~ry 16th- the Ohristmas holidays. On Jlllilwry 8t.h HUHlphreys, Mllrph~·, Crowther [)ud eura, Browll for Bollon, lreNally fOl Doughty, Albrecht fOl"Jones. Juniors '·S. Sophs the Terrors will U\(!ct BUI·knell lit Lewis l~bllugh. Hefcrec---Jaek Clinton, Yale. Umpire-- Seniors ''II. Frosh burg. The I!~xt (1:1}" Penn State is listed leg\)~ all ()q)l· the COUlltry l.>~. his lee- 'rIle lrtst fealure of thtllll"ogrlllll WlISII C. J. McCarthy, Gormantown Academy. ~t State College. '1'hc home season begins h"·,,s "1H1 tllarts. Hodg by the l\fisses Timmons find ll'ebrullry 19th- on JHnuury Hl with Washington College Dr. Wood is OIlC of the foremost per- Ebaugh TIem"!lulesmall-C. E. Price, SW(lrthmo!"e. B. and W. '·s. Delt.a Pi Alpha sonnel ,,·orkcrs ill 1"he"U. S. lIe works Field judge-E. S. Lane, Na,·y. Time of Gumma Beta ,·s. Bachelors as the oppoll~nl. Frolll lhcu on lhc Green two \\"it·11D.. L(':,,·nel of tho.lCarncgio FOllll· Plal!$ MI! IIntIer 11"~yfor the baskct· (jnartl'.l·s-15minutes. of Terrol1l will ]'1(1)' un n\"omge Februnry 23rd~ gnilles :Lweek. Tho Cllrtnin will be rung datioll. IlIo~t of his work l)eing een- lmll season nn;] jJractice may bogin he- the since fore tlH) Christmas 1tolida~·s Seniors \"s. Sopbs dowu on :\I:,rch 5th when ·Washington tere,l in I·csei\rch aull ilH-estiglltioli of f'loecer tourualllc;ut wiU not be playe(l. Juniors vs. l'rosh College is e!l(-ouutere(l at. Chellt.crto\\"ll ,-,oll,'gu. Tile thrOl·~· ,Ii libc,",!1 self·de-!o dn'ys for gym practice will be \·,·I01)!1H'I,t ill the Nlutation field i~ in Ployoff of the inter-frntcruity league, Ihe e~rl~· ~trtgl'S of de.\"elopmellt, lind l)o~ted; sign np tor bnskctLall, ~o·eda, February 26th. Plnyoff of inter·clHs8
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