Page 44 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. A REVIEW OF Around the Campus VARIETY BOQKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE No,,' that we're back from Christmas "JOB" (ltisanoffand Assistant Circulation Managers \'inc have struggled manfully along her final mllreh wit-h the firing squad are GL"DYSE L. SOMERS,'33 CIIAl!.LES V. :MOORE,'35 soms pet animals. But lo! The scene moments ill the tllcalre to be long reo ZELMAB. CALVERT, '34 ARTHURJ', DOWNEY,'34 ig c1nlllging. "St'ew" Sundny started lllemberCl1. LORAM. OU'fTEN, '3·1 CIWIT.n, MARK, '35 tlle lIew era7.e with his pet goldfish, ~Ild, ][1'. EdiIOl', man~', ll\:!ny par· HEPORTORHL STAFF 110\\' wc tJ-nd"Bill" Wallace, hl~l'ing boo of dons, 'Vinifred Bush, '3ll. Alverla. Dillon, '32, Mary llumphroYB, '32, Sina Robinson, eome di~gustca \\'ith cats, ~ccn and felt lhe seeming injustico '32, Betty AlleD, '33, Elaie BoweD, '33, Susanna. Cookay, '33, Tesaia Cox, '33, Troy has jnst present.ed witll n. litt-er of of God's works, :\nd ho smothered hili! RlIlllbseh, '33, Anne Wolverton, '33, Martha. Harrison, '34, Kathlyn Mellor, '34, fin~ "'hit,, miee--b.I' tltcir lllother, of faith in bittel'ncss and Illisnndofst/lllding. NEW BOOKS IN COLLEGE Lonise Needy, '34, Esther Righter, '34, },JargnrBt Yoeum, '34, Editll Forney, '35. COllrse,WhOll1''Bill'' has tal",;n to miso. 'I'hen, in trne Silas Marner fashion, LIBRARY Samuel 'fown.shend, '32, J'OUIS'l'nckernwn, '32, Joseph Addison, '3:1, Roward Mendel Singer comes back int-() fullilCSS AmoilS, '32, Wil$on lIJurray, '33, Pat .Mn.honey, '34, ClareHce BUSllllrd, '34, Brady of life witl, the appearlUlee of tho young A number of new books hn.\·ebe6n n.d11· Bry~on, '35, Carlton Briusfield, '35, Keithley Harrison, '35, J~obert llinullcf, '35, EVENTS OF THE WEEK cst child, llellnchim, in Alllerica. The ed to the library Ihis ycar. A ClwrlcsL. Whittington, '34, prophecy of a Russian sr:er hm! l)een ful· list of thescnew books alld nllth· 'l'HUR8DAY, J'AN, H~ filled ill I.he bo;;-s' recovery and tile (Ie orafollo\\'s; Boxing~D:lrtllloullJ 'l'S.Westorn ltd, I'elopment of his remnrkahle musicill Surlon, G.-lIIII·oduction to I"~ nUllory Wl'stmiuster Armory, tlllcnt. of Science. Perhaps "Job" is the sort of hook lIart, J. K.-,socl~lt Illie-roOl(I'se of Ed -"'RillA):,, JAN. 15~ 1ll0st-ofusshollldrendnlittleoitcnel', ucMion. Senior Speech Recital, Smith Hill!. lor lbetendeT,simpleaeeounLo£ a rc· IIntc.hcr, 0, L.~GttiaiIl9 Rural Boys (ll\{l SA'l'URDAY, J'AN.16~ ntnrkable ehn.rnetcr gil·es ns a deeper ill Girrl!, De.emphazing Dllrillg the past year. tile admi_uislra(jon )1ncl the fae- G:UlHll;1Bi'tn Chi Dance, Girls' Gym, sight iuto an alien spirit. '\Ve bow in Osborne &, Rohllu~E1lricldllg Ihe Gilr. Exams lilty haye attempted to do their 'part in taking the em- B~8kethllll~Lo:rola TS. Wcstern humiliation before the ]lower of Meudel riillllllill for Giftcd Clliltlrc.n. phasis awar from r:;elllcsiel'examinations and the atten- Singer's and we pay to Kyle, G. C.~How 10 SttpCTvisfl. dant evil of cramming. J\l"a'·:I·land,lIwar· the dignity simplieity of his J'en.ncs, Sir JUllIes-Tlle Mysterious The plan of scheduJing semester examinations during t.he regular TUESDAY, JAN. ]!J- The Book·of·the-:1Iouth Club lias reeog U'niuersff. class schedule is a great. step forwal'(l ill this direction. The idea of tao Baskcthon~WlIsllington College I'S. luzcd the wortll of Roth's "J'ob" by Graham, Kculleth~The Goliit:n Age. king exams as pal't_ of one's ol'dinflt"y daily sehedule should certainly -WestemliarylnlllJ. seleeting it fol' NOI'embor, 1931. Maseficld, John~Tllq iVand(l'l'er in Liv take away some of the horror which the olde!' plan held, erpao1. It is hnrd to believe that some students CHllllot,see the project in "PRAISE BECOMES GARBO" T'rescott, H. W.~Dcvclopmel1t of Vir- this light. For them tile only consolation lieS in thc fact that exams gi/"e Art, can count only one·third toward the selllestcl' grade. Viewed in this Reviewed by ,\V. G. Eaton, '30 Smith, H. A.~JloiJ. Ourl'cnls Of Modern Light, is cramming worth the ellcl'gy involved V VOX CAMPUS I Fre-lIch Dramll. This nrticle was to !H:lyebecn written SYlllonds, J'. "\.~SllOkesp6are's prede· about the lUuch disenssed O'Neil mnster D·r(l'lll,(I. Intra.Mural -'iYhcthel' the. student-body reeognized it OJ' not. last The GOLD BUG welcomes intelligent liolU'lling BOGome,~Ell1c~ra.. But In(lt,ics of SIIl/islks. Sports 'I'hnrsday was an irnpodflllt elate in the llistor,)' of t.he COnllmlUicn.tion~ilCll"ing upon student xkL('stor, J, S.-N!llriliOf~ alld Diet in life. Libelo-us mnnnscript-s are Bubject to College, On tllat day, for the fil'st time, tlie fraternities blne pcntil, All eon!ributiolls to "Vox Hi'!nlth. aull Disease, met {)ach othel" in athJetic competition. '1'he 1'e[llsignificallce. of COlll'se, GlllllPlI,IJ" Illust be signed by Ihe n.uthor 110nroc, W. B.-COlistitlllion of tlw U1lit· lies IIOt iJl tho. f!:lct '[lillt these '\'el"e inter-fl'atcrnity contests, but in that as an e\'idenee of good faith, 'The aetnal ell Stl,leQ. these games mHrkrd the fil'sf concrete cyiclcllcc of whHt purposes 10 be signature will not be printed unless so ]:lcale, 11. K.-Ille CrfUeu/ Yellr. a greatly expanded ilJtrll-JlHlI'aJsports program for Westel'll i\fllrylancl. stipulatod. LYlid & Ly""~Jllidci"do,,,". Tile co-eds tool{ the lead in inaugurating the present era of intra- E(Utor, 'rhe GOLD BUG, Thompson, S.~Pop1l1alion Problcms. Illtll'al spods WhCll, In 1920, clcflniteintel'·clnss leagues in basket hall My Deaf Sir:~ created aHd executed trio Lowell-JoII1l.Ke(l./$, flnd indoor baseball were estnblishe(l. Hacentl}' thcir fields have been J humbly ri$e to protest. My protes· ology, lest we pass OI'erthe jrnc merit of Robinsoll, E. A.-Iristram. vastly extended, until now, \·il'tuall_,. evel')' womell in t.hc College hilS tlllion being Umt tho use of profane 11111' auother dramlltic. llch;';)I'ement inllllother "'f~son, }'rnnces-Crc(tliQII by E'lIoflltioll. all opportunity to engage in competitive athletics, guagc shollIil be eliminated 01' our cam· fielcl of the sallie art, I hllmbly address Rnmsey, R. T...-S"orl Stl)riQs of America, Definite progl'ess fol' the men iU1S come only in the Jnst fcw puS. And, I plea(l with the my comments to Mali Hari~nnd its stllr, Jark-Jolln Barley Corn, months. Under the lCllclcl'ship of H. B. Speir, grndlwte mllnngcr of men, hnying in a. quo· Gnrbo! &, Saudford~l'llIYs fur 01/1" llthlctics, three leagues, the R O. '1'. C. inlel'-compnn,Y, the inter-frutm'- tntion froll1 Ohesterfield's letters. To wit; DOll'~ misunderotllud me. Mali Had AWH'riCIllIHo/i(j(lYs. 4 Vols. "Women, tllen, ara only children of n. nit,}', and the inter-class, have heen formed. Since no man is permit- larger growth; tIle)' h;)Nenn entertaining is not the outst,lllJ(ling pieture of its pro· Koch, F. H.~C(ll'o/ilia. Folk: Plays. Third ted to pal'ficipate in mOl'ethm, one league, these three loops practically duct-ion year, TIIIJ GuO]'JSJllIIII,of ooursa, scries. glHl1'8llteeathletic c.ompetition fOI'c.Yel'}'lllllll not out fol' vHrsit.y teams. tattle and sometimes wit, but for solid, takes thn.t honor. But lhe pietnreMati Pupin, ll.iehae1~TII" New RqorHlalion. rensoning good scnse, I nevcr in my life The final cffect of suell ilitl'l)-lTIurnl expfln>;ioll <:an1101 he oVCI'csti- knewoncthathlldit.,orae.ted consequen liar/- dces present a glorious opportnnity E"aus, Mary-CostlollC Throllghout /.lIe lIlated. Director of l,\.lhletics TTarlO'\'is to be ('ongl"Htulntcd on his Ull- tially for four·and·twenty hours togeth· for a great star to exercise her houndJCB& Ages. rclentillg support of the program. cr." A factpcrtinellt here, amI explaiu· 31Jility, probably more so than any other Post, Emily-Elil]llctte. ing lny appenl to tho masculine clement, picture Gorbo lias ever made. Cocke, Dorothy-Eti!l,/.ctte of BBlJUry. S/ol'y Bekker, Paul-Th" is thnt cltildren imiwt-e their superiors. Tho Rtory of Mnti Hari, the l~ed Danc· of M1Isi.c. A Day-Student Several of the hOllrfling stlldents. I'calizing the cnjoy· whicb, 1(ceoriling lo the sagaeiolls Earl's er, is intriguing in reality lind ono is to Williullls ,'I" Huglles- ..tlIhictics in Edl1' Lounge ment which they derive f!'om hal'ing tlleh' regula]_' opinion, obYillles need of widening mr Illidersttlnd that in the film version it has oa,IW'I. rooms to study OJ'spcnd an idle moment in. possess im· appeal to include women. 'Vhat oppor· lost a bit of it-s intensely drnmntie np' Seligmnn, K R. A.~Bllcyclo[lo,lia of /J,e SCWllces. 3 Vols. SooW agillatiom; vil'id enough to realize that cla),-sttlrlent life migllt be lllndc tnnity for ehil'nlrous action! but nlllessone is a stiekler for his- Burl1ey, C, F,~TII6 Poell'Y of 0111'Lor(/. more Hgrecablc by equipping a 101lIJgC 011the first tlOOl'of 'Vlll'c! Hnll This prote!';t ia drawn from a. weary truths, one doesn't st.reuuouslyob· MoITa!!, Jallles-l'lltl'o{lucli{>l~ to Litera· for the especial use of the male commuters. '\Then the refurbishing of he~rt-; n heart bored to the core by pro· jed, and, surely, nil one II'ntches Garbo's otJlel' student lounges heing discussed last fall. tllese studcnts ap- fnne, meaningless ailjccti\'CS and (lX' portr:l)'al of the "glamorous esvionngo" lure of Now l'es/ollle'lll. proached members of admillistration willi thcil' plan ~lnlllatioHS, I knoll' t1mt enuing is llot onc simply docsn't carc. Olle merely Potter, C. F.~Slory of Rp,ii.qw7I, Adnms, Sir J'ohn~Everym(l1~'8 '1'he." were met with all account of D similHr pl'oject which lilld im!Hor.1l,and that it occ.3sionully relieves lIlTiIls nt hc.r acting and nnconsciously Pffyclwl. og.~. been carried out some sevell or eight years back. After the lounge hlld ollC'SemOUOllSjbllt of whut furlhcr ynlue realiz~s that h(l{l thQ role been more de· J'eronte, J, K.~The PMf!1~ngof the Third hcell completcl~r equipped, iJowevel', the room had hecn completely is itT Profallit.y is no louger shOday "pnnsy", I would rec.o!Illllendu.gain that the Frcnch capital. He has his agenl-s H:111, C. C,~NlIrraliJJell of the Eurly students or the boal'del's IIrc l'('SPOlISiblefor the lI'auton wreckage is profane lauguage is eifcmiMIe--af slain witllOutllUY apparent fear of their .JIaI·ylllnd, not of fundametal imporiEl.11ce. Botll prohably hild fl lund in it. effeminate as skulking off to a back lot denths attracting the attention of the Pershing, .T. .T.~My 1)1 tlic 'rIle ugly fact remains, Lowcvel'. Some people within tllO grollp tOSllloke. Parisi~11 authorities. And SQme of I.he World War. 2 ha\'e proved tllelllseJ-ves so low flS to delihenJtely dcstroy that \\·hicll Gentlemen, consider my petition, hll\'c situations are almost too perfect iu tllllir Nagler, A. W.~TIu: Church in. Hl,~tory, was provided fol' their eolledive bellefit. And, l\'~l'st of ali, not. a single merey on my boredom, nnd distinguish drllmntie intensitY-II 'i1ltporte-G arb 0 Morley, Christopher~Off D~/J'p Ellii. hand has heen raised in protest. our campns as one too worldly·wise to never O\·er~c.tlland plot is alwn.ys sub· Mllrley, Christopher~Mi-nce Pie, Such actions CAnnot possilJly contribute to\\'al'd building either demei!.lIitself by uring profanity. ordinate to ber 30ting. For this simple Assorgin, Michael~Qu(:et Street. lnell or institutions. E"en a four·year oLd could see that this is the ROCK MAN. reason she ll~s been able to remain suo Byrd, R. E.-LiWB Amer;-ca, surest. way not to acquire a student lounge. J'annary 10, 1932. preme after such trite stories as 11I.llpir· Andrews, C. M,~Colonk11 Folk Wo.ys,
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