Page 48 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md, (;01 Among the. weighty problems of the Religion Essential to Sound E. K. SCHEMPP Around the Campus Economic Structure -PROF. and then planuing to meet production with Yf'ar, may we mention one proposed in Simple as tlli..splan sounds, it ill Philosophy 6-namc!y, is it ethical to An Interview Schempp Prof. Edwin K. them. the knottiest problems with which "01l'e8 '32 by C. lV. Koockogf';y, drown kittens' ille eecuomiat of today has to deal. Offieinl studeut newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday No organization af industry can exist "I'm also old-fashioned enough to be- during the academia year by the students of Western Maryland ocnege, Westminster, A musically minded reaident of Me· without some fo-undation in II religion, in lieve that produet iou exists for the sake Marylnnd. Entered as aeecud-elaas matter at the Westmin.ster Poatoffiee. Daniel Hall would use this medium to of Prof. Edwin K. Schempp, of cousumption rather tjinn vice-versa, suggest that "Grig" learn the second the opinion SUBSCRIPTION I.'lHCE $2.00 A Y.EAB. newly nppctuted assistant professor in the contrary eruphaaia upon modern ad- I'ClSeto his Iltigllty serenade, "My Bon· eeouomies at Western Maryland College. verf-ising methods by some of tho more nie Lies Over the> Ocean." EDITORL\L STAFF The interview was granted ill the pro radical economists, notwithstanding. "Ill of economic any considetatlon Editor in Cllie! . ......... C. W. KOOCKOOEY, '32 An announcement which should create fessor ts newly established npartment. on trends, this factor of ndverfising must, AS80Cia.t6 Editors. .. lliRY LEE SHIPLEY, '32, ROBERTL. RODGERS, '32 a stir in collcginte eireles is that Raleigh Westmoreland Street. Settliug back in however, betaken into eouaiderat.iou. He hia chair, and lighting Brown and Joe Kleinman have obtained his pipe, Prof. N6Ivs Editors ... ....... 1L SUSAN STROW, 'S3, C. RUSSELL HERBST, 33 Schempp prepared for what he hoped eent yours hnve seen an unprecedented Copy Editors. . ... LOUISEB. CROZIER,'32, WILLIAM G. PYLES, '33 the bridge eharupionshlp, and Brownie, would be an informal chat, and was juercase in !ltis field. Nearly every large S1101'ts Edito1'8 ...... IL 'fROYHumSOR, '33, EL~ER d. M.,I.RONEY, 'M at toast, aspires even to the ebampiousldp in dominoes. Such lofty ambitton in a slightly alarmed to find that he was con corporation spends from one to five mil- MAKE-UP STAFF mere youth should certainly arouse envy fronted with an interview. lion dollars ill advertising each year. Editor . TnOMAs W. O'r-ro, '32 among the more slothful! "Please remember," he-said, "that "No, there Is little waste in intelligent AS8Mtant Managing Editor. .. WILLIAM H. SURROW, 'S3 economies is one of the youngest. cfiour alll'ertising from t.he bustuess man's If we hear too many comments on the BUSINESS STAFF outcome of exruue, we may assume that sciences. Its pruielples are far less I';ewpoint. Business men long ago proved this to ihcirOlmsnti.sfaction. those of eJtenlistry and phy· Every dol cXlld than Bl1$iU8SS },[allllger.. . ..... ROGER H. CISSEL, '32 the faeult.y graded papers, as cue Eresh- sics, and therefore, anyone who makes Iar wisely spent along such lines brings A(1)crtising MUllllg{lf . . .. DAVIDTRUNDLE, '33 man has suggested, by the. "Alabam~ rash predictions as to tho preseu t or in orders whicll kcep factories operating, ASBist(lnt Ad1JeTiising ],[anaglJT . • • •..•••. :MILTON A. KATZ, '34 Curve." futur(lBlate of industry is taking his life mcn employed, and the wheels of indus· .. DONALDTSCHUDY, '35 A8~istant A(1)fI'I'tisillg Jl[anagt:r ... TIll,! following procedure (discovered in his lJauds. Eveu eeonamiats them· try turning. Seven tholls~lId dollars C;rDulat-ion Manager ..•.... WAYNE MooRl':' '3~ selves as to their own fUIlction. speut fo\" a full pllge of advertising in by R member of the faculty, and not a Assistant Circulation :Managers scienee prof. eiUl&l') is guaranteed to I suppose I'm -of the old school, a notional magazine will cnrry the mea GI,A!)YSE L. SOUERS,'33 CB_....&LES V. MOORE, '35 restore eonge.aled gold fish to a stata as 1Il0rc or Icss, hecause I beJicI"o that tho sage of the ad"ertiser to more than two ZELM.A B. CALVERT, '34 AaTllUR J. DOWNEY,'34 good as new: duty of a.n economist, at the million prospective buyers. To earry the LORA M. OU'I"l'E~','34 CECILH. }'hRK, '35 present is to chnrt aud diagllooB aame message to tho same peoplc by Pluce fish, surrounded by bowl full of William G. Pyles, '33, in charge of this issuo ice,onhotradiutor. When ice hasbeeu present rul_her than to rashly pre· means of salesmt'll would be practically dictlllopianfutnres. impossible, aud thellost would beprohib· melted and fish is again able-to navigate, "·Wh«t.').fopresent economic trends in Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. relllo"e fish from bowl lUld place umler Amcricai Well, now that's tin awfully ith'c eveu in trying to reach thl:"ill by muil. a hot shower. Follow ,,-i(ll a cold shower broad question to shoot at n ncw pro and replace fish ill bowl, whicll mean "From tha social point of view there time, has bcen refillc(f with watcr not fessor. Cert.llin tendencies arc fairly arecertainwast<,~illa{h·ertising.Anex· Among them aro the I E: - D-I-T-O-R-I over two days old. This process has e\'ideut, howorcr. mergers nnd toward ll111pleof this is theadl'erti$ing of cer Such trends toward harmful patr:nt medicinlll!. tn;n been proven-thl1 faculty member did net
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