Page 45 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE [SPORTS [ Boxing - BasKetball [SPORTS [ INTRA -MURAL LEAGUE 1932 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE I TO PILOT'32 FOOTBALL TEAM 1932 BOXING SCHEDULE TERROR RINGMEN TO OPENS WITH INTER-FRAT. Jnu. 8-Bucknell, Slate, 47-W. ),L, !11 Dartmouth-e-Jnnunry 14 Rome OPEN SEASON TONIGHT 35--W. M. 32. Jan. 9-PeIW AND CLASS BASKETBALL Jan.16-T.tOyoln. . . .. awny Army-January 30 .. Away Dick Harlow's Mitt Tossers To Jan. 19-Washiugton Jail. 3G--Nu\'y . .. homa Penn Btate-c-Eebrunry G Away Clash with Big Green Team :tway The first games of the. intra-mural V. P. I.-February 13· Home basketball league were played during the Feb. 2-Mt. St. lIfnry's . . .. homo at Westminster Armory p~st wClek,011 January Sand 12, at 4 Feb. 4o-Georgetown away Penn-February 20. ..... Home The Grecu Terror leather-pushers will away Feb. \'i-Hopkins p. m. Large galleries witnessed each sea- Feb. 9-Buckllell homc West Virgiuia-FclJruary ~7. .Rome pry oIT UlOlid of their 1932 season itl sion and were rewarded by seeing hard Feb. 12-Marylnnd . . .. away ......•• Away the Westminster Armory tonight when fought contests. Feb. IG-Hopkins home they meet Dartmouth college in the ini- 111 the flrst round Gamma. Beta (Ihi tial clash of tlte year. llIet the Black Hnd \Vllitc,s, and the Bach- Feb. !!G--8t. John's. . away Intercollegiate 1I1ns will remember the elors played Delta Pi Alpha. Felt. 23-I,oyol~. . heme W. MD. UNABLE TO CHECK thrilling contests of the lust two seasons Tho Black al1(1White Club put up a Feb. !!7-MI. 81. :Mary's away which the lads from New llampshire 1l1\I·e fine battle but emerged 011 the short end Mareh 5-Wnshingtoll . .. away provided. 'l'hc aeries now stands in a. tie, of t!1Il17·14 score in their scramble with Western Maryhlll(1 having nosed the Big lho GllnLllIllBctes. Albright played the Green out by a 4.-3 score in 1930, and best game for the vanquishcd by putting WESTERN MAYLAND BOWS Dartmouth having garnered the boners brllf thoir points Ihrough thc irml loops. TO BUCKNELL QUINTET last year. Tyson did as well for thc winners, seer Hi{·h(lrd C. "Diek" Har-low, who ing 7 of the Ii points. These two teams Lewisburg, Pa., Jau. 8-Bucknell sub- The Stnte aggreglttioll led 22 to 15 at eo.:l(:hes the Western Maryland boxers will meet ngnt» on Fe\nunry 5, in what etitutes A1:lCKcll1.ieunrl Vuughnu, scored has had the boys hnrd at it ever since the promises to be another tight ga"'~ in the closing two minutes tc- the half and the Ten-ors were no match return from the Chr-istruns the floor. forlherlireeLio!lieumsaentou The Bachelors wore held. to a tie I)y the Bisons c 35-32 victory Except for one brief rally, which pull Prcbnbly the most proutlsiug Delta Pi until ill!) second balf of hl~rylm]{l College il1 b~sket for t\l{) ~omi]lg se~son is the u]luslwlly Ihe game. they cut loose nnd rnng ball. ed thcm up to within fh·e points of large number out for the team. Nearly up 11 points against r; for Delta Pi. State's toUII, the Te.rror~ were far behind e\"ery lllan in the college not alrendy out Western hndOI'ereQUHln10 ·Willey annk five field goals nod one foul poiut lem1 lo the Bisons. In. the Uaryl:lIJ{llho for some other sport has nnswered tile ~hot for Ihe glory of Ihe uumarried nWll, Wesinll :lI[nrylan(1spurt Satlnsky Rnd ing as a fullback on freshmun call for leather.pushing, making it the opponent by making three field goals. Brown mad{)gonls from all angles. was outstanding. Iu 1930 he 11":1Sselect· 1ll000tpopulnr sport O,·el offered at ·W()~t· opponentt I)y making three field gonIa. ed lor the po~itiol\ of fullbnck on the All cru),[nryland. The ~eorc in this game was IS·IS, favor ""'esleI"llJt[d. Bucknell team of the Bnltimore 8ulI, In tho f~ce of this lll.1ss·illllux of ncw· the B.1clJelors. GFT GF'l' E. 'l'llylor. During 1931 he (lomers, sOlneof whom h:tvuhad previous The schedule lor tim second round list Snilnsk)C 4210 Cl'cnoll"cth 33 7 f{}{)tbullin Bpite of his ill· aggressivo ~xp~rienc() ill tllOring, it is rather doubt· 0 ~lills ed Ihe Sophomores against tho Fresillnen, Willis 00 5111lllaeKell7.ic 000 scoring. ful if 'rlmrsday's conlest will see Hl3ny Brown and Juniors VII. Seniors. The Seniors for· Hlllllmill 11 3 Eastburn 102 of. the samo fncC, Bill ,Vright I Six frcshmCll HOT DRINKS nt Wl'Ilterll MnrylnnlOlId teIls ed of oasketbnll lhia ycwr. Come ont terest in the di8(1rm~lnlentquestion. All us that oigarettes ar{) 1I0Wbeing put ont • Now For : regulnrly for practice, snpport you\" oftbelt'atliugcxrbangesmndc somemeu- iu llllckllges of twelve, so thnt the eus : . : i Valentine Hearts i elnss aHd ".~nrity, mak(~ hnsk~tbal1 a tion of th~ que~tion in their rccellt is· tomary litJ(>,lgedue to H package of eig· . . We Wish You success! Find out II"hen yonr ClillJ3 arettes could b{) done' Ilway with. alld (;heer \I-ill! it. Tho schedule sues. Lrlst wcok sCI·eral members of our . A jl{apP!J as follows: own c()lIt'ge ~ttended 11 1Il0dei disamm· : of : Nr111irur leas r{)· : Johnston's Candy i "'\lnt conference at Bucknell Unil·ersity. : Scniersnnd Juuiors, Monday, 7 to 8:30; College debating societies lun·e taken up St. LOl1i~ U. nrol"ts tlmt thil! year Wednesday, 3:30 to (i:30. the question in ita varions phases and ap- thQ Uni'·~rsit..v has rceeivcd and remind you of our pliClltions. Literary societies ilevote (I questsfOI· Slut1l'lltS llucded for part timll LUNCHEONETTE, SODAS, Sophomores, l\fonday 4:30 to 5:30; Wod· meeting or two to the dis~.ussion of the work tlmn full·time. i ! AND CANDIES ncsilay7to8:30. at question. Onl) or two \Vestern Colleges :E'rCl!hmen,Tuesday 7 to 8:30; Thurs(lay, hnl·e formed seminars in their history i"GRIFFIN'S"I Also ouc 3:10 to (i:30. depllrhlleuts to discuss the problem of dis· WnsIJi..ngtonState College hns con- complete line of armament. Recen.tly 650 students of Bar from brick Iound 011the college e~mpus. i MAGAZINES &: BOOKS administration its strllctml building nard College seut a petition to Senator LUNCH, SODA, AND i Prof. 1I1~l"tin of the UlIi· Borah fa,·oring world disarmament .. The By Prominent Authors yersit~· of Chicngo believes thRt a Bed· Swarthmorq Phoenix notes th(lt this ia i CANDY i ouin forellll!!l of a mine, workiuG" for the first time a student body in Am~riea West Virginia f M"yland I COFFMAN'S the Eg~"ptialls in Ihe hulf·centur.y he· h(ls scnt a formal declaration of opinion 'fhis ;rear's football sengon s~w the W,"min"", "Gift Shop" b~lIe and gold . .......................... tween 1850-1800 E. C., firat used the regarding governmental poliey io inter· Illost colorful togs at characters which have developed into national sffairs to a chairman of a sen· Universit.". The color combination was WESTMINSTER, MD. the modern alpnabet. ate committee. ro~·al purple, scarlet,
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