Page 47 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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GOt NO ISSUE BOXING Next Thursday. Penn State vs, W. M. C. Next Gold Bug Saturday Night February 18. State College Vol. 9, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTj>llNSTER. MD. February 4, 1932 CLASS OF 1882 HONORED Returns to Hill After PROF. E. K. SCHEMPP New Song Dedicated To DR. WARD RESIGNS AS AT 27th ANNUAL MID- Year's Absence SUCCEEDS PROF. WILSON Western Md. Co-ed CHAIRMAN OF LIBERAL WINTER ALUMNI BANQUET AS ECONOMICSTEACHER ARTS COLLEGEMOVEMENT Dr. O. F. Blackwelder Delivers Former Professor at Warton School Pees, H. M. Gage, of Coe College. Forcible Address on "Sun- of Finance, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is New Crowned Men" Chairman. WILL RECEIVE Ph_ D. IN JUNE DANCE FOLLOWS BANQUET Prof. Edwin K. Sehernpp euceeeda PRES. WARD IS ORIGINATOR The twenty-seventh uununt mid-wlu- lioward B. WilsOll, resigned, (IS ussts- Having sbl'led the Liberal Ar ts Col· ter banquet of the ·Western },Iaryland tllntpl'ofl)ssorofsocialacieneeatWes- lege 1'I[ovement well Oil its way to ulti- AlUlllni Assoctat.iou was I:~lil ill. tho tern Maryland. mate success, Prcaidout, A. Norman Lord Baltimore Hotel OIl January 29. Reeeiving his A. B. from Obcrlln Col- \\'aJ'(l tendcred his reeignutiou as chair. This eelebra tiou of the function eatub- lege in 1924, Professor Schempp look his. mltn of tlle movement fit ih nununl lished a new precedent in that nnly one A. 111. at th" same institut.ion in 19~i mccttng llc!!l ia Oincinnati, Ohio; 011 address was delivered. For this part of uud has since becu active in economics, Jauuary 20. tim progmm, lhe alumni lmd seeured both ill business institutions and unl This convention was Ilearly concur- Dr. Oscar F. Blaekwelder, past.or of vcralttes. rent with tbe 18th nnuua l meeting of Christ I,u!.herlln Ohul'ch, aud well- At. present he is working for hill Ph. the American Assoaiu t.lcn of Unlveral- known radio minister. D. at the Uulvcrelty of Pennsylvanill, ties and Ocuegee and the unnunl gath Golden Anniversary ror '82 II'hcre lIe has taught ruarkatiug for four ering of the Council of Ohureh Boards .ye:usin the Whurtou Bchool of Plnanee. of Education. All three were held at the 11\ keeping wifh the euetcm eatab- CAROLYN E. TULL, '33 Nethurla nd-Plazn Hotel in Cincinnati, Eshed some years ago, this year's ban- He also eomca to Western Ma rylnnd and, eiuee Western i$n uicm- quet honored the class graduated just who has resumed her etudl es fit Western with II bnekgroulld ill a ppliud economics, bcr of each orgllnization l Dr. Ward rep- fifty years ago. Tbc alnsa of 1882 was Maryland nrter IlYC!lI"S abaellec due to hl1ving serv-ed in the sales prouiottcn de resented the College at all of them. congratulated u1)on ha\,ing reached its injurics sustailled in un aut.omobilo ae· l'urtmcllt of the Iust.itute Company snd President Harry M. Gagc, of Coe Col· gold(Hl nnnil'()ranry. l'idCllt. lnn-iug dOlle rt'search for the bnsiness leg(J, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, succeeds the The toastmnster wu Roger W. White- departmellt. of the Bell Telcphone COlli' Western 1'Ifaryland prcsident as chair- ford, '06; preaident of the Bar Associa- LELAND W. MEYER, '14 p:1-I1)" of Chicago. BLANCHE },f. NICHOJ~S, '34 mun of th .. Movc-ment. wifo is a graduate His tion of Washington, D. C. lege in the class of of Hood Col· A new song, dediclIt'ld tu Blanche 1'1!. A nell' tre98Uror, Dr. J. E. Bradford, and BOhus Throughout the banquet entertain- RECEIVES Ph. D. DEGREE something ill commOil '\;'estcrn Nichols, 134, of Federa laburg, M(l., was WHSelected to succeed President J. II. men was provided by profcssional- talent illtrodnecd to the nation over the net- Apple, of llood College, at Frederick. in singing and dancing uumbers. M.arJ'laud. work of the Columbia Broadcasting sys- Dr. Bradford aho holds the position of Leland ,V. Myel', 'H., head of tile do· Professor Wilson, wllosc classes Fro· tem 011 Jannary 21 by Bing Crosby, Exeentive Secretary of the Bonrd of partment of histo1'Yat Georgetown Col- fessor Sc\lcmp{) will take over, was populal' radio erooncr. Education of the Uuited Presbyterian Dr. Blaekwclder, in giving the ad- lege, GeOl'getown, Keutucky, has re- forced to resign beeause of impending Church. dress of the evening, ehose for llia topic, ceived his Ph. D. degree from Columbia ill health. At prescnt he is in Philadel- "You're Just a Beautiful Melody of '.rogether, these two heads of Mary- ---- "Sun·Crowned },(en.". University. His doctorate tllcais, The phia wheTI'>his cOlHlition is reported to Loyo" is the nalllO of Ole new Ilit, the land colleges, Presidents Ward aud A.p- words of whieh were writtcll by a stu· "We may attain a nearly perfcet so Biography of the Life and Times of be illlproving. dent at the University of PennSl"]vallia. pie, have giyen an impetus to the cial life by liying the,principles which Richard M. Johnson, is being published A largo musie pubHshing house has ta movement sufficient to spread it across Tnking as the sul)(!.etof hiB PROF.SCHAEFFER DELIVERS lay bellind tIle Jives of {ive g~efLtmen," in book form by th" Columbia Uni'l"er" ken oyer the rights to the new melody, the entire contin.f!nt. said the speaker. ~ity Pross. an(1 will soon prcseut it to the public in President Ward was Progenitor For these five illnstrious characters, dissertation a man who influonced great- BAKER CHAPEL SERMON sheet music form. he selectcd Lee for his purity, Lincoln ly tlle history of Kentucky, Dr. Meyer Again on Saturday President Ward has been especial1? for lJis fri{lndship, Rooseven for his de- has produ~d [I, work toward which hi8- valuabloto the cause, since it wns in his termination, JOIlll R. 'Mott for his vis- tory students will look with interest. Professol' Carl La\vyer S(lhaeffer de· Bing Crosby is scheduled to repeat mind that the entire Uoveillent origi- nated. ion, and Russell Oonwell for his service. Georgetown College is one of th(J 01· livered tIle .Bakcr Clmpel sermon Jun· the song this Saturday, Pc-brual'y 6, at Having become himself inspired with 7:15 P. M. over station WABO and af- 1l11l''y 31, 1932. Tnking his scripture les- Dancing, W:itllmusie furnislled by Lon dcr educational iustitutions of this son from thc one huudred Ilnd fourth filiated at.ations of the Colulllbin. sys- the idea of 1], nationwide campaign to Becker's Lord Baltimore orchestra; fol· eonntr}', having b~ell establislled by t.he psalm, Professor Sehneffcr re.nmrked tent. WCAO, Bnltimore, is the local aid and thus preserve the liberal arts lowed the banquet. Baptist Church ill18~9. Last month the that the "graudcst gift God ever be- outletofthisehaill. (Coatinued on Page .J., Col. 3) eollcge celebrated its 103rd nnnivet3ary. stowcd upon lll[!nkin(\ is hi~ capacity to A week before this eclcbration, Dr. grow. Miss Nicltols, a sophomore, is n mem- W. W. ELLSWORTH GIVES Meyel' addressed the D. A. R-.. He ia a of "'1'0 be bOl'n wit.h 1l determination to bC.l· of Phi Alpha Mil Soei{]ty. and WORK ON 1932 ALOHA sorority, J'hilomllth(,~111Literary regnlnr eontrihutor to the &agister SERIES OF LECTURES recognized as one of the lendillg histor gl'{l1\'right is /I grent gift with wl,icll to IS NEARING COMPLETION the Kentucky Historical Society, aHd is Tho. moment:J person is snt- l)egin life. isfied wit.h Idmsclf, evcrybody else he· iaus in his field. ('Oln,l$disSl!tislilld with him. In tllC di- REWARDS OFFERED FOR Mr. William Webster Ellsworth, emi pl·incil'lp." PAPER ONUNDERSTANDING nent pnblisilc:r aud lelltnrer of Hartford, \'jn~'peall of 1I'0rld buiJdiug the growth of JUNIOR CLASS TO ELECT COlllleeticllt, pres('nted s series of lee- id('il wn.~ II fuudnllJrntnl tures to the students and faculty l;I'er our own earill is the product of 11 Western "Maryland College on January HEADS FOR 1933 ALOHA God-willed AHd just as God Teachers alld sj\l{lents alike will be 37 and 28th. The fir$t evening's Icc· is the oftheg'l'o\\'thofuatural iut(l,l'csted ill two awards of $1( ture was "The Personal Washington"-a 1!I'Otesses, so he wi\) direet u~ ill our which are offered Southern tellchers' 'I'he editor-in-chief alld businCSBlUan richly illustrated talk resulting from ager of the 1933 ALOTIA will be elcct· Hlol'~l nud ~l'ij'itu;!l gl'O\\'tlJ if we rillo\\' eolleges and ('Ollege depn.rtlll~nt6. of thirty ycars of resareh nnd study pro· cd the Junior Cluss sometime in tl!O him. Nlucution fOl·p.:ll·ticiJllllionill a simple ducing a collection of rure mnterials for "Nature roquircs that objects shall untitled "Thu Quest c,)]" Under- stereoptican views. Ur. Ellsworth cou· This policy Jlas bee.n adopt- through a pel'iod of growtll IJefore 'rite project is ~ponSOl'('(lby siders this lecture a celebration in hon- ed by the Class of 1933 so that the rcach a full measure of u~efulncss. of SontlJ{'rli educators in or of the two· hundredth anniversary of he3d~ of next year'S lllUlUlllmay obtain TIll' necessity for gro\\'th an(l the loug· ierestr-(\ in promoting a mlnet'(lucational the birth of Gcorge -Washington. Iu experience nud information by working ing after higllcr attainllleuts are :facts approadl to the problems of jnstice in- wilh the editor and business Illanager the leeturo he traces Washington's life of tl,e 1932 ALOHA. il) our own cxperienteas stU(!CIIU. '1'llis volved ill tim South's racial situation, until his inauguration as Presidcnt of continent 011 which we live with its and is pn~:loted by the Commission on the United States. In the morning ehnp- Not only will the new ALOliA heads mountains as God's tl.oughts piled up, Interracinl Cooperation. D. O. MU.R.CHISON el son'ieea preceding ltis sccond leeture be ia a position to obtain vuluable in- its plains as his thoughts spread out, Olle :!wJlJ'dof .'UOO will go to the stu· 1'Ifr.Ellsworth gave u. s1mrt talk on the formation and oxpericHcC;,but moro time and its ej'~'3t.aloceaus as his thoughts in dent submitting the best paper on this Worll on the 1932 ALOHA is now character of George WasllingtOll. A will thus 110 allotte{lfOl'theselecliollof trallspnrellt fluidit.y hlld to gro,,' up out snbjeet., based upon sources and sug- progressiug I'cry rapidly, according to group met Mr. Ellsworth on Thursday a theme nnd pla.nniHg of tlJe book. If of a chaotic evolution before iteould gestiens which will be supplied \\'itllOUL statements issued by ihe editorial and afternoon in McDaniol nail parlor for a the year book is pnt in the huuds of the become the hOlllO'of 01\1'splendid civili- charge. An CfJnalsum will ho awarded business staffs of tll
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