Page 50 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE FOllR (!lIU!l!l.r!l, (!lIUb!l, UUll ~nrt.rtt.r!l :-: make any remarks on the subject, but OH WHY? The staff is in its place. IRVING-WEBSTER DELTA SIGMA KAPPA we imagine he had his hands fuU when An is tranquility. Delta Sigma KIIppn. has elected the lie took fiiteen weds to Baltimore on It's over now- Yo editor appears. At a meeting ill tho Society's Hall, Saturday, Juuunry 16. The group com- Why cltn't I forgetf February 1, lhe following program was 1'ollo\\illg officers: .. Carolyn Tull prised 1Il0stof the Sophomore Sociology 1''1"13 tried-and lost. Su1.ldued murmur ings. Preaident The volcano erupts. given: Vice-Prcaident Mary Humphries Class. There are only two men ill the I wouldn't mind the cost Much uneemphmentary language. "Americanization of Andre Francais" . . .. Barbara Daskam class, and We hlt\'e been. wondering 11'11)' If only, somehow Peace again reigns-tbe wigwam Cecil!l~l"k Treasurer.. .. Mary Parks they did-~'t go. While some boys arc Her face I could forgot. Is half full. The editor just na turatjy shy, we feel they might I still can smile-------- The njumnae of Delta. Sigma Kappa Poem . . .. Mnurtce Fleming held a meeting in the elub room Satur· have put up a brave frOIlt-if ouly for Thank God for that! Disappears. Work. More Work. The frout page. Current Events Robert Cairnes day Janu~_.:_,_'. _ the sake of Prof. Brumbaugh. • 1(..may help o'cr tho miles. Is complete. Cheers! '1'lle object of the tour was to sec tho But still it'.s a. faet-- where are all tho .sports' The Manehurtau .Affair~ GAMMA BETA car It's only a mash Charles Whittington practical appllcatdcu of the book learn· Which may not last Not in'l I Didn't have time. The following officers have been elect- ing gleaned duriug the semester. Deprecatory language. What Boxing Can Do For 1I1e- The first stop was at tho Baltimore To wenr and tear- s roresetd articles are begun. Kale Mathina ed for the second semester: police headquar-ters, where the group But, why must I always see They are finished-in Goals for our Literary Soeicty- Chi. . 8. D. Karper, '32 spent ever two nours in learning about The face, though turned away! Due season. G, D. Lamb, '32 Viee·Ohi M. R. Stevens Gamma... . C. H. Noble, '32 the ruuning down of crime. Guns, lear mind bring~ back to me The page is complete. eyes of brown. My Most Interesting Date- Vieo-Gnnuna ..... Louis Tuckerman, '32 gail, nlld hundcufla presented few tee- They IlIiSIIa. sparkling jet. Shovel fl'om Lho cart for Norman Ward Beta.. ..R. H. rsssei, '32 rora and roused much Interest whun seen Iseethemsmile,audyet- The next page. Vice·Bcta. . .S. G. Townshend, '32 behind glass. 'L'heulatrOll of the wom· Last two pages fillished! n was decided that the Society join Ii en's ward becamQ quite friendly anti I know, like If. kingly crown What t.imeis it.f luonthly book club. This idea, originat· Chaplain. . .... A. N. Ward, Jr., '35 eonfldentiul, but she-was somewhat wor· TlICY co,'er a hcart of gold. Two o'clock! Ye Gods! ed by Mr. Koookogey, 'will undoubtedly pm ALPHA MU ried at the illadequaey of her quarters Her hair, aJtllough ofa darkerlllle The paper is drngged O\'er grcnlly benefit the Soeicty. The parti- in providing fer sueh a motloy crew. T\\-jrled round und round when The coals. cular club which the Society plnJL!!to The member8 of Phi Alpha :Mu were II~ fact, ~he was all hut o\·Cl'whe!rued. 'I'ho wind blew, but it was '.Palk of resignation. Prettier, so I found. jail! offers one best seller and one classic entertained informally Friday, January At the Snlvatioll Army Refuge for And othBr memories What ([oes it meant each month. 15, by Helen Doenges, .'1.1111Johnson and Homeless Mcn tIle. class was 8110W)1 Como back to me Nothing. Virginh Helmstetter. through II. buil(ling which, while ill a The GOLD BUG is again ready Election of officers was helli Tuesday, bad state of rej_lairs, is rapidly And eOlllltlcss are For thc press I w.w. January 19. made into a COlllfortablu sheltor for The tllings I see. President Marifill Humphries unemployed and homcless. Oh, why must Tbe 'Lfool The mellibers of W. ",V. gal'c nn in- Vice·President Helen Doenges The Goodwill Industries al'onBed the As through life, the greatest aehool formal dillller Wednesday, January 27. Secretary Helen Pyles intcrcst of the I;irla,!llld sOllietime was I always play the clown' The fonawing oft'icers haye been ejected: 'l'reasurer 001c5te BeUJIon sp(!nt ill inspecting tho buil([illg. }'rom 011, why' You kno.....- Prcaident.... . .. Mary McComas DELTA PI ALPHA there, they wcnt to the Snlnltion Arm)' Butnel'ermind- bnt tllO kiddios Imd the Day Nnrsery, Vice-President.. . Evelyn Hyon At a meeting of tho fratcrnity, Janu· day off, und rows of empty cribs proved Por se do II Seuetll.ry.. . lIfn.y RU8sel1 ary 26, tile following officers were elect· unexciting. W.H . .8., '33. FRI. SAT. FEB. 5-6 Treasurer Kathleen Moore ed for the secOll(1SCllleater: "The Anchorage", at tIle foot of "SURRENDER" Sgt.-nt·Arms ... .. Juno Wine Delta. . . ... J. D. Stillwagon, '3"3 Bnmdway, was sOJlletlling lICW ill lhe ...................... #++ • WARNER BAXTER and . .E. A. Lamb, '32 Sunshiue Mellsenger l1argnrct Yoeum Vice Delta. .. L. E. Werner, '33 lives of t.he coeds, and there were just : : LEILA HYAMS ~ • ¢ "gob~" of gobs t1lcre. ~ecrctar.\" Alumnae Secretary Eileen Evans A ride through the "Ghetto" of BaHi. : Trcllsurer E.N. Hassell, '33 moro cnde(l the tour, but we \\lust not i Specials! Big Action Picture Inter·Club Repre.sentath·cs- Chaplain T. E. Landis, '33 t Elsie Ebsworth, )fary Ellen Senat Sgt.·llt-Arms W. W. Moore, '32 {)verlook the fnct that somehow, in lJc" tween visits, th{) seekers aitcr · : : : MON. TUES. FEB. 8·9 knowl- edge Jured Prof. Brumbaugh into tllC PROF. SCHAEFFER DELIVERS BA- SOCIAL SERVICE OFFERS FIELD Celestial, where chop sney and chow i : Fresh Fruit Strawberry :: "DELICIOUS" KER CHAl'EL SERMON FOR TRAINED MEN been that the professor · Sundae 15c :: JANET GAYNOR and mcin were much in evidonce. And there CHARLES PARRELL (Continlled froUl Page 1, Col. 3) was the orchestra, too! It JUay have : t (Contiuued from Pnge 1, Cot 2) llad his : Chocolate Marshmallow WED. THUR. FEB. 10.11 you ()f th1ucators told lhe nation, yia ........ 9 " II-eavens and of the earth, yet it is a wonld be- needed in the :field of family radio, the purposcs and aiUls of the humbling ende>lvor. Howover, as our service nlone in tho {'nsuing year, Dr. Liberal Arts College :'\Iovement. tliegreat knowledgc iucreases our minds are Hibbs stated. 'I'i1is figure took no 11.0' task Hn.vingaC(luitte(l llimsolfof ill motioll, of getting the bronde'ned b;v companionship with God's eOUlltof therCljuireme<.Jts in the varioue Preside-nt Wnrd has forced to re· creation. fields of social work other than family sign from active ellairl1lanship of the "The world has made tile most Tal)id service. committee. Fram now on, he will eon· progress sLnce l\1en began to turu their Among the graduates of the Rich· c611uato his Itctivities toward putting attention to )Iature !lnd to seek food for lIIond Sehool of Social Work aro lllany tJeross the locI,I cuds of the project, lUld Valentines int.elleetual growth. Then too from 0111' who are nOlI· oel:upied as visitors for rnisillg funds for Western lIJar.l'land. contacts with nature in the field, in tho bonrds of public welfare, visitors of lnboratory, and in thc classreom OUI"bc· for fallljl~' welfare societies, social case lief in Go(1 is strcngthened. It is nn· workers, probation workers, directors of 'rhomas D. D. Braun, '30, 220 Prospect Quality reasonable Hot to believe. lIow call we Children's Aid and of Girl Scouts, social A,·e., So E., Clel'e]nnd, Ollio, is doing account for the exi~ting order of things' research II'orkOI'II,uud visiting tea~her~. gruduot.e work in education at Western Sentiments that are right W-heneeeomollllthesethings' IsisllOt R('plics to (ju('stiollllltires recelltly Si'nt Reserve University. lIlr. Braun is fol· nnreasonable to think that they come to these grmlllatcs SIIOWi'dthat thei,. lowing up his Y. :!If. C. A. work, which Ie to $1.00 about of themselves ratlulr thall to havo salaries rangod up t.o $3,000 n year, and he began at Western lIIoryl(lIId College. ___,,__ faith in a Hving, intelligent, an(l om- that Leginning ~alaries averaged He is studying nnder tI,e anspices of nipotent Godt $1,350. the Cleveland Y. N. C. A. Meet and Eat ''Let us study tJlis great book of na In the opinion of Dr. HibbB, the ex· ture with pure eycs and Chr.istian pll1nntion of the rapid growth of Bocial *************************-1:' hearts. God will l"(jv-ealhimself to liS work in Tccent;.·cars is twofol(\. In the than fOIlllerly in the reliof and * even in the cloudl; as he did when he first rlaee, tI,e public now tllkes more in * * * COFFMAN'S led the children out of Israel." terest If !! i guidance of the misfit, the UllUdjusted, ffi "Gift Shop" and the unfortunat.e, nnd this concern t ~ WESTMINSTER, MD. WORK ON 1932 ALOHA NEARS service now made on a. city, state, and ~ ~ is reflected in tIm provisiOns for soeial COMPLETION vate commercial and industrial interests , Wj"~"S ~ ~ national scale. Tn the second place, pri- : (C':mtinu~{l from Page 1, Col. 5) ha\'e cOllie to rellliz(I the benefits of so· * * fee of fifty cents beforaMareh 1, 1932. cial"sen'iee amoug their employees, and • * • * * * Smith & Reifsnider .A 11orders must be sont in by Marcl~ 1 of many * * and beoks will be ordered fOI"only thoso this ha~ occasioued thcercation : t studeuts who have obtained a reeeipted for traiued workers. order. * $ You want a high·dass job of * ~ Coal The 1932 ALOHA promisea to be one Lumber The col· Ani! now we have mom news. of the best aunuals ever produc-ed at lege has recei\"cd tlle folloll'ing announce· $ Laundering andi We-stern Maryland College. The ment: Sash, Doors, Blinds skctclles of the prolJosed buildings will on Deccmber 11th and I $ interest everyone who is in any way I just want to let you know tllat I am Dry Cleaning ~I General MillWork eouneewd witb the conege. The view here. Iarri\"ed My :unme is * * section of the book Las been expauded wall! to introduce myself. $ at conservative prices-----see ~ and will be prescnted in an originaluud Thomas Howllrd, and I weigh 7%, Cement and Plaster more at.tractive Dlann"r, new features poun([s. Mother is getting along niee· ~ E. N. HASSEL,Agent ~, .... have be-en introduced, and the book as Iy, and Dad is tickled avery time be looks a whole is expected to create quite II ~t me. I .hope I shall see you t1le next ~ Empire Laundry Co. ~ , Phone 227 WESTMINSTER, MD. sensation when it makes ih debnt on time you pay us a visit. i $. the eampus in May. Thollllls Howard Braun. ~===================~ **********t***************'
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