Page 49 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 49
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ Boxing - BasKetball \SPORTS I CARRARA WINS; TERRORS 1932 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE CAPTAINS TERROR BOXERS 1932 BOXING SCHEDULE TERROR BOXERS TO MEET 35--W. M. 32. LOSE6-1 TOARMY BOXERS Jan. 8-Bucknell, Stnte, 41-W. M., 21 Dartmouth-Jan. H, 3'h-W . .M., 3"VJ NITTANY LIONS SATURDAY Jan. 9-Penn Jnu. 16--Loyola, 39-W. 1IL, Ii. Army-Jan. 30, 6--W. M., 1 The Terror boxing team Jan. 19-Washington, 23-W. "M.,:!4. Strong opposition expected; Harlow suffered its first defeat of Jan. 30-Navy, 49-W. M., 19. Penn Stnte-February 6 Away inaugurated boxing at the seuacn, wueu it clashed Feb. :!-Ml. St. hlnry's, 24-W. M. 13 V. P. I.-February 13' . .... Home Penn State with Army at West Point Eeb. 4-Georgetown away Penn-February 20 Home Saturday afternoon, by a. Feb. 6-Hopkins away TIle Terror boxers will travel to Penn eeorc 01'6 10 1. Feb. 9-Bucknell . . .home West Virginia-February 27 Home State on Baturdny, where t.hl}Y"'il1mcet tho Nit.tauy Liona in tho third contest Western Ma.ryluud got off F(lb. D-Maryland . . .. away Navy-March 5 . ...... Away ofthescflson. to n. flying start when Carrara won the Feb. 16-Hopkins home 'State College, where Richard C. the mst bont from CJainas by a technical Feb. 20-St. John's. . away (''Dick'') IIarlow atDI·tr,dintercollegiate knoekout in. the third round. Feb. 23-Loyola . . .. home INTER-CLASS BASKETBALL boxing, and coached the first team of mit.tmon ever to represent the BIlle and Two of the other bouts resulted in Peb. 27-1I[t. SL l.fnry's .. . .away \Yhit.e, has ever since lJeen a stronghold technical kneekunts in favor of the ca. 'March 5-Washington . . .away SERIES FORCO-EDS BEGINS of tho leather-pushing sport. To say that the Terrors will have dets. Hagan, of Army, after being their hand.s full on Saturday night floored by Borchers in the second round, The Sophomore and Freshman classes would be putting- it mildly. TI,e Nit- eJt:l.llgedhis tactics by sueeesston CO·ED BASKETBALL TEAM are holding preliminaries to the annual tallY Lions lllet Dartmouth two u'ights of right,s and lefts to jaw, had LOSES TO MOTLEY CLUB CHARLES M. BORCHERS, '33 Women's Inter-class Basketball Tourney after the Terron had eked out a draw In- Borchers groggy ill tho latter part of Veteran Terror leatller-pusller, wlw has dnring the first two weeks in February. mntch with the New Enl;lallders. Lions the stead 01' a draw, however, tho ronnd. 1>6611. c1uclca. 1.0 pilot tlw mitt1!181~ The large number of eandidatca from ronred off with a G·l ,'iotor)', taking DOli Keyser also lost by a teehnienl The Western :i\Jarylll.ndWomen's Var· through tile 1932 season: each clnss ha"e been divided into equally three fights by teehnieal knockouts. knockout when he bowed before a. fur-ious. elt y basketbnll team WIIS defeated, 36-21 matched teams, and iudividunl etass tour PrObable Line-ups attnck, in the third round, by Clark of by the Club of ~!1. wushiugton, namentsscheduled. Wester» Md. Penn State Army. Baltimore, in Yingling Gym on Jan TERROR QUINT CONQUERS The sophomores are divided into. four ~\1r. Murchison 115 Capt. Stoop Kaplan, Wallaee, Boyd and Myers, al- uary 23. Although outseorcd in every teall,s, Sout.hern, ,Vester]), Eastern and i\h. Oarnrra 125 Mrv Napolccn though losing tl,eir bouh decisions, quarter iJUtthethird, the Western }Jary WASHINGTON; WINNER OF Northern. To date Western lIud Eastern Mr. Boyd ]35 "i\1r.McAndre\\'$ Mr. Calvert Mr. Lewis 145 ga\'o good M.couuts of lnnd coeds gave their opponents a goed ha"e each won one game. Capt. Borehers 155 Mr. GritSll"age, Thill was the Terrors' fint baltle since fight, and the.hlotley I·eterll.ns had to STATE TITLE IS UNCERTAIN Schedule for remaining gamcs: " they fought and t.ied Dartmolltll College put forth all their s(r('ugth ia the last Wed. Feb. 3, 7.30 Southern ys. Northcra Mr. Wallace 165 Ur. Updegrove Mr. Polak, or at the 'Vest.minster Armory Oil January llalf in order to keep tbeir lead. The Terrors Lose to Loyola, Navy, Well. Feb. 3,8.00 Bastern ,·S. Western Mr. Renry 14tb. }Jurehison, Tuckerman, nnd Huut· "arsily did remarkably well considering Man. Feb. 8, 4.30 Southern 1"8. Eaijtern Mr. Kaplan 175 Mr. Slusser, or er, ulthollgh giving good exhibitious lost the mUllYodda against them aud they and Mt. St. Mary's MOll.Fcb. 8, 5.00 Western \'8. Nor!.hern Mr. Nebel their bOllts by deci.siolls. will have opportunities to prove their Rising to heights hitherto unapproaeh. The I<'rosh, with their characteristic wort.h in th(l near fujure. The next game Myers, Borchers and Keyser won de to "be played is with Al's. A thletie Club ed this season, the Terror basketeers con enthnsiasm lIud large attendunee, haTc "John" Everhart eisions o,.er Janjigall, March, aud Kahn, of Washington on February 21. quered Washington Collt'ge by a On!! played half of their games. There are while Kaplan fought Captain Bri.ster of point lllargilLin the closing minutes of it six temns and games arc ~eheduled to THE COLLEGE BARBER Dartmouth to a draw which tied the The Motley tcam worked smoothly to· contest played in. the Westminster Ar· last till J:'ebrn."lry!l. 'J'he Red and AND BOBBER gethcr Oil tl'e floor lind piled lip on enrly mory on January 19. Orllnge teams 1\renow tied for first place, lead duo to the playing of thcir crack The 24·~3 score put Ibe Shoremen dor each having won two g."lmea; Blue anll AT THE FORKS Results of IhoArmy Mateh are: forward, Roso Ruthk". K. Cockrllu, si(]e initely I)ut of the mee, but left the Green hal'c lost and W(lnone game, and 1~5-1)OUlld elass-Gnrrara, \\'estern ceuter for the visitors also played a l'ast scramble for tho state title as tangled Purple un!! Yellow ha~e each lost two #++io·:-+oHo4+·j<++·H4io+·:·+4-+·H-.:< + ! Maryland, defeated CllliuBS, Army, by game, Irhile Westcrn Maryland's star as ever. games. Please Your Palate ! Westen' "Maryland was lending, 11.10/ technical knockout. One minute of WflS Pat :Murphy, IlIIpt.ainof tho \'arsity, at tlle end of the first 1Ialf and main iTo third r{lUnd. \\'ho scored all gORlsmada for tllC l,omc Ule second. ,Vith only two minutes to FIRST ROUND ENDS IN i tained the lead for the greater part of 125-pound e1ass-Clevelalld, Army, do· team. ! Get :j: f feated nI~'ers, Wcatern 1.1aryland, by de· The third quarter {lan easily be called play, howe"cr, Troutfoot scored a goal INTER· FRAT. LEAGUE Tasty Toasted from the floor wbich allot the S1Ioremen d~ion. Three rounds. the most interesting to spectators, for iuto the-lead, 23-21. -+ Sandwiches .... 135-poul)(l e1ass--Greeo, Army, defeat- thenl'i'.M. rallied and held the 1l.otleys, The Terrors had been playing heads·up au Fridny afternoon, February at 1.' of all kinds 3~ ed Boyd, Westel"u}.Iaryland, by deeisio-n. each leam gaining 10 point-s. In the basketball all evening, however, and Pat 3.3{} in the gym a tellm picked from • Three ronnds. fourth period, the Baltimoreans again ~fnhoney brought tbe count to a 23-23' O t.. H5·pound class-Hagan, Army, de· forged ~hea.d, linally winning by the tic with a. retaliating goal. Freshman Class will pIny the Fre;;hmanj; t:~ I"e C'oll'dMilk, Come ::t .. team from Blne Ridge College. An extra period seemed imminent when feated Borchers, Western Uaryland, by score of 36-21. Lineup:- a foul was called on Robimon, giving out 10 cheer your Frosb in their first in j toohnicnl knockout. Two ronnds. Will Murray, Terror forward, a free lo5-ponnd class-Clar]" Anny, defeat- WesternMd Motley Club throw 3t the iron boop. With the timer's ter-school game as ,Vesteru Marylanders..1- t Ice Cream, Cake : . The final games of the first round in ed Key!ICr, Western ~faryland by tech· Ebaugh,E. r.f. Rutbke, R. whistle ready to end th~ game, the crowd tile Inter-frnternity Basketball League t Candy, etc_, t Smith, L. :Murphy,M 1.f. lucal knockout. Third round. Cooling,J. stood witb bated brcRlh as the ball left * 1[urray's hands, soared upward, and then Cockran, K. 165"ponlHlclass-Olson, Army, defca.t· Hull,D. Johanseu, feIl dramatillllll~' through tho basket to ~~:o~:::e~nb:t~;!~:eD~~~~ P:n~~::~:J;~ i at I'd Wallace, Western Maryland, by de Senat,M.E. r.g. R IJring the T~rrors out on top. the Gamma Bctes and Bachelors, on .fau :t M &E " Black, B. cision. Three rounds. Hambsch,T. l.g. Ziukham, B. Three days before, ,Vesteru Maryland t argaret ar!'s :~ 175-pound elass-Remus, Army, de· lost a loosely pillyed eontt'St to Loyola, u"'Y 2otb. feMed Kaplan, ,Vestern Maryland, by Substitutions: ],J. Russell f" 39·17. A Baltimore scribe comput.ed 13 Bl~c~t:n~i "~~~:e8t~~r a g:c:;e f::n~5 t~~ t We specialize ± decisio.n. Tbree rounds. Rambsch, B.. Ruthke for Co-ekran, J. out 01'79 tries at. the bnsket for Loyola, t Grafflin for ZinkhuUJ. with 5 out of 60 for the Terrors. Forty- 18. The winners led at the end (If the ;.... in student needs 1: one fonl shots were attempted during the Goals! Murphy 21, Black 4, Smith 16, game, Loyola made 13 out of 20, and first half 5 points. Not uIL!il the :.. FIRST ROUND ENDS IN INTER- R. Ruthke 17. Western lilaryland sinking 7 ont of 21. st~~: o~ll~la~~:;~d ~;:I~ -+ Just Off Campus .t FR.A.T. LEAGUE by The Terrors approached mid,·season First-13-2; sccond-22.9; third- witl, a 49·19 defeat at the hands of Navy (Continuel ill Column One) ?~'H.""":-':''''+'H'-+'';4-+'''io.:-'''r!-++++.t (Continued from Column Pive) 27·17; fonrth-36-21. on SlItnrday and a similar loss at the night. IcnUl work. Thereby, Ihey seored II hands of !1ft. St. 'Mary'8 on Tuesday counters. Jaeger played well for Delt.1 We Still Have Pi in the first llalf, but Kesmodel callie LOW PRICES through in tIll; second half for 6 points. Green seored 10 onto£ Black and Whites for students 18 points. Mnrtin seared 5 points. KATZ Say It Glllnma Betes lost to the Bachelors, 30 to H. '.rhe Bae1wlors, showing ex Quality Shoe Repairing With Photographs cellent eo·operation, took tile leud early. WESTMINSTER, MD. Their ril'als weren't nble to Ol'erCOllle Wilson's Studio the 15 poin~ handicap in the second per· iod, because a seoring spurt was started WESTMINSTER, MD too late. Statistics for the games follow: Phone-319·W Delta. Pi I'S. Black and Wbite "Whither away?" GFT "Party." :'>hKibben 1 1 3 Green 210 "Eheu!" Randle 0 0 o Sliker 0 0 "Ainchu goin'?" 1[urk, 3 0 .6 Et.zler "Nah." ... ?" "Whatthe Kesmodel , 8 Martin , 1 5 "Coin, lad, coin.." 3 Jaeger 6 Sparro~v 0 0 0 "None?" "Not II. sou!" Totals JO 525 Totals 7 418 All Branches of Approved "Long "Telephone hom"." Distance?" Referee, J. DUllne. Beauty Culture "Checkerina." Gamm.tLBotes ,·S. Bachelors PERMANENT WAVES • G F T GFT For the hair N:icllols 1 0 ~ Kimmey 3 0 6 of women who care Murchison 1 0 2WiJJey 4 0 8 Holmes 2 J 5 StaIlings 3 0 G SPECIALS Try our Tyson J 1 3 Bolton 3 1 7 During January FOUNTAIN AND EVENING, (BBtw,...n 7p.m.and8,30 p.m.) 15%10 20% lowerlh"n Moore 1 0 2 Frame 1 1 3 LUNCHEONETTE d..yr"lea and February SERVICE NIGHT, (Betw ...." 8,30 1>. m. and 4,30 a. m.) 40% t., 50% lowerth"n .dayralao Totals 6 214 Totals " 230 Call 395 TOASTED SANDWICHES. 'l'h.5. reductions apply on allnl ..s ahove350 Referee, G. Ryscavage. or come in for a test and I an eKamination of your HOME MADE PIES, and The rating of the teams at tbe end of hair HOT DRINKS It the first round is: I Our Specialties Percentage Lowry Beauty Shop The C::'03apealte a..'"tdPotomac Bachelors 1.000 Mackenzie's Pharmacy r.l~e:&phor.eCompany Gamma Betes .667 105 East Main Street, of I::altimore City Delta. Pi .333 I WESTMINSTER, MD. (~st"m) Black and White 0.000
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