Page 43 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 43
Last Issue until after Exams." SE lOR BOXING SPEECH RECITAL GOt W_ M. vs. DARTMOUTH SMITH HALL TONIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT WESTMINSTER JANUARY 15 ARMORY Vol. 9, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 14, 1932 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE I Exams Will Be Given FRENCH EDITOR SENDS Dr. Bertholf Elected DR. W. B.YOUNT, FORMER . IS' I ,. r . REGRETS 0 ON WASHINGTON TO BE Reoular Class Periods [Note: In tllli issue of the GOLD t Z oo oglca ocietu HEAD OFCLASSICAL DEPT. Dr. Bertholf, lreud of the department GIVENBYW. ELLSWORTH in the regular examinations will' be given BUG for December 2, announcement WILS of Biology hcrl.', has recently been elect- SUCCUMBSAFTER ILLNESS Semester ma(le thnt Btepbune Laueanne, in- 1\.[. class periods under the known system employed last June, from Thurs- ternationally Lc Malin, publicist, and editor ed I1n active member of the American of the Paris lecture on would "The Victorian Age" Will be Sec- day, January 21, to Wednesday, Jauu- February ]9, in Alumni Hall. The fcl- Society of Zoologists. This is an urgani- Was Former President of Bridge- is self-explanatory, ond Lecture nry 27. lowing letter, been received :from M_ ea tiou of Zoologish of America with water College which has about four hundred and fifty members, since Because of the irregnlarity in schedul- Lauzanue.] and it ia the highest organization of FIRST OF LECTURE SERIES I am very sorry to say that I ~trict Zoologists in the country. CAME HERE IN 1912 ing 9n(\h elasse~ as music and methods courses it. is \'ery diflienlt to arrange the shall certainly be unable to come One mny be eleeted u member of thia Willlam W. Ellswcr th "ill lecture in to the United Status iu February society only' by recomlllondation of Dr. Walter Bowman Smith Hall on January 27 and 28 011 the eXatnilllltionB. Threo have examinn- next, to make the tour of lectures some mcmbt'r, and no one is elected un- Yount, former head of subjects of "T'he Personal Washington" tious as tl,ey were last mid years. It planned, the only reason being the til he has done subetsntial work beyond the elusaieul- language and "The Victorian Age", respee tively. is felt that. this new system was not. aertous poll tical events which are loisPh. D., so as to givc cvtdcnee of con- department at Western The former lecture will be the first of givel) a. sullieicnt trial Insl June to de- going to take place. in Europe dur- tinuing rceeurcu work. Maryland College, died a series of lectures in celebration of the tcrunne its merlta or dcmerlta and itia ing the mOllths of February and Dr. Bertholf hilS, since 19Z8, been all last weduesdcv mcru- t.wo uuudreth auniversary of the birth hoped lhat under this system the impor- Murcb (Disarmament Conference, nssoeinte member of this SOciety, but it ing at his home, 156 of Washington. It will be illustrated tance of examinutlcns will be mini- Reparution and' Debt Coufereucee, was not uut.i.l its recent mt'eting at New East Urlill Street, with 120 stereopticon yieWfl, including mized in thc mind~ of the studenh. etc.) I found Oll my return that Orlean~ thflt he was elected all actiye Weetmiuatcr,.Mnrylall!l. reproductions of Wnshington'H enrliest my paper was ullwilling to let me member. Funeral sen'ices were-l'cld at his late letters, poems UJHl portraits. go away ngain next winter at II residcnce on Priduy morning at 11:00 l)lmses of COL. SEOANE SKETCHES The latter will also be illustrated and tillle when my presence flnd scr- o'(IJoek. Dr. Alhert N. ''lard, president will treat of tho various vices will be imperativt'ly needed MORE STUDENTS NEED A of Wcsteru :Maryland College and Dr. Queen Victoria's life, the Literature, MANCHURIAN SITUATION in Paris. I regret it alI the more J. John, of New Win(lsor, officiated. A Art, Politics and great events of her as you had taken so Hluch trouble KNOWLEDGE OF FINANCE quartet made up of the :Missc.s Mar reign. j.n ~rrangiJlg !J,O loctures and ns I gnret Lec Nelsou and Dorothy Hull and WiliiaHl 'V. Ellsworth is the author of Colollcl Consuela A. SeoaHc, SignlLl believe that, owing to yOllr kind The llumbcr of students who fail to the Messrs. Leslie \Verner und Pau.! "A. Golden Age of Aut-hors", "Creative Corps Officer of tho Third Corps Area, efforts, tlley would ha"e been a "::l.Y tw.ek college loalls flfter graduation SehweikH, sang. Dr. Yount was bur- Writing"; ''Readings from the New ufBllltimorc, Md., spol\e to the Carroll ahows that the 3Vl'rag<1student comes ied in t!Je Mt'a(low Braneh eemetery, Poets" aud of mauy historical and tit· County ResoT\'e Officers' Association at. out of college today without an appre- nel1rWestmillstf'r. crary lectures. He has lectured in mal1y Wcste>rn Maryhllld Collegl', Monday, dld.ion of the actual financial situations Dr. Yount was graduated from thc of the leading colleges aud llreparatory Junuary 4. The fa~.ulty and shld~uts he \Iill !Jave to meet iu his business or Wealnynn Uull'craity, Illinoia, in 1890, achools, and promises to bring to Wcst- of Western Maryland Collllge were in- DR. WILKENS, PRES. OF uffai·rs, deelares 'V. Burke ~l]d was honored with the degree of ern Mnrylf1.nd Collllge a valuable as well vited to aitend the lecture. president Of th(l Harmon Fonn- LL. D. in 1912 by Blue Ridge College. as Ii most interestiJlg program. Colonel Seoflne, who has lived ill tho N.S.F. A. SPEAKS ONTHE dation_ lie had bcen teaching Greek and Latin Orient for over seven years, t.ravelling Dnriug the ten years that thc Har· at Wcstern Maryland College since extensively in the Philippines, China, PRESENT TREND OFEDUC. Hlon l~oundation !Jas been making stu- ]912. DISARMAMENT SENTIMENT and Jnpau, was well qualified to speal. dent loans, about 4,500 loaus have beeu He is snr,.il·ed by his widow, )[rs. en the hist.ory of the oriental cOUJltJ'ies, EXPRESSED INSTRAW VOTE since he hns become tlloroughly ac- Dis(:usses Changes in Ameri(:an made; that is, about $800,000 182 have been Emma Eller Yount, and his two sons, and Dee Karl E. Yount, of Baltimore; in differeut :ld\'/lnced to students qnllintcd with the lailguflges and char· acteristics of the casler'l peoples. Colleges colleges. Qne tllOu~a)ld, nine hundred A. Yount, of Ncw York Cit.y. Students Oppose Compulsory Drill It'rturc was \'ery comprehensive, Dr. Wllkens, l)re~ident of the Nation· and ninety-four loanslmyc been paid in loans which have full, but ont of 740 And Favor W orId Court inelud'hlg a Sllllllllfll"y of oriental his- al Student Federation of America, spoke l)een in nrrears, only 15 loans ha\'e been. SOCIAL REFORMS SHOULD A nation-wide straw vote On disarma· tory of the pn~t 3,000 yeaTS and ex- over the rndio Monday, December 28, lost by death, which shows that 106Ss polit.ienl groups. They should organil':o Seventy-four per cent of the votes cnst but also for all "who hnye genernl sehol· "Aloha", arc rt'(]ucsted to hand them ill Promote World Peace'" The conteat political elubs8ucbnsst.u(lents hnl'e ill snpported ....mericau lI(lherenee to tho ultert'sta, and will be a lJon·t.ceh- to E . .t.\. Lmub, '32, or MnriHn llnm]lh· is opon to all students of tlie eoHrgcs Enrope. In such groups they can di~- World Conrt upon tIle basis of thl' Root journal of intelledu,i\ Jife." toys, '32, us soon as possible. Prints and universitit's of the United States. CI1SS the pros nnd eous of politics," he Protocols. (Contillll('d on Page
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