Page 40 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Ma.ryland College, Westminster, Md. Around the Campus VARIETY f --- A REVIEW-OF BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE Tiley Bay rllat the Iuatituticnal man- MOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA ADVENTURES IN ARABIA agement course the girls are t.aking this A Play by :C'!lOClle0 'Neill. Publisiled By W. B, Seabrook, year is just II cnse of lo\'c's labor lost. in- "book form by Horace TAw;l'ight, Hareou rt, Bruce & Co., Inc., 19~7. 'file fnmily notu usually relegated to Inc., 1931. Reviewed by M. L. Shipley, '92 the Alumni column mny well be inelud- Reviewed by 111. L. Shipley, '32 Official student newspaper of wester» Mnryla.nd College, published on Thursday ed h.-:re when tJley refer to two gentle, ".:ld1/Q!ltllres II, ~rabi(j." by W. B. Becomes play, during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland Collega, weatmjuater, men still on the HilL We inquire with In his new Eugene "~[ournillg has takeu Seabrook (who witS at one time u native Wcstminster) Maryland. Entered us second-class mutter at the Westminster Pestoffiee. unxiQus sympatJly for Clem Noble's au- El!l{:tra~', Greek O'Neill and placed a of nrryone who has read holds 'Ind fnacinnfiou for as accepted convontionnl tragedy SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 ,\ YEAn ing falnily, and congratulate Hlssey on iI, in the mic1dle of the last century in a glamorous raet his "Arabian Nights' the fine little fellow who proudly claim New Englund seaport tOIl'II-and, be Tales." Por Seuhrook ecrroboratoe all eel him thc other dlly on Main Street. ing O'Neill, has done it W:it~lout tncon- our strange, yi";d draarae of A.rallia ne EDITORIAL STAFF Rumor has it that the course of gruity. Tho somewhat Dl~'stifying title n prace of "temples and palneea, galden serves two purposes. It disposes swords, and beautiful Editor i1L Ollic! ......... c. W. KOOCKOGEY, '3Z John's fl'om tatcneee n brunette at milit:u'Y class was his stint of the pl:\'~"s reIntioll to the lit Greek the domes, black gia.ntij with curved chained slaves GireRssian ~ldft to a blonde! .d.ssoeiat6 BdiloTS .. ..• 1I:L!.uy LEE SrrlPLEY, '32, ROBERT L. RODGERS, '33 dmma, Agamenmon, and at the eaute to l!ll!rlJle colUllIns." It is 'refreshing News Editors .. .xr. SUSAN STROW, '33, C. RUSSELL IIEB:Bs'l', 33 The good looking nell' student from time, indicates II'hCl'ein O'Neill's IlIa)' n- to find II wdler of tral'el who does not Copy Elli/ors .... LOUISE B. CROZIER, 'S::!, WU.LL\M G. PYLES, '33 Seminar)' tho turnod ont to And he he nOlle ac· ttifl'ers from its minor mo(lel. pRrt Electra the plnys Greek attempt . to disillusioll liS of ourromantie in "Skipper." than cOllll'nrntil'ely fnncics Sports Editors . IT. TRQ'I:"HAllBSC'H, '33, EL}J_ERJ. !lfAHOKEY, J3·~ ttippedthelightfalltllstietl1 Iragedy, while LUl'inia, hcr counterpnrt Seabrook is a joyons ndl'euturel'. He in the modern triology, is stressed. confesses freely Ihnt he went to Arabin MAKE-UP STAFF )_loybe Stew's dance of the 1 ribbon 'I'lle play is divided into tbree parts for "no useful, moral, seholnrly, l)Olitic result spent A[(1.1wgillg Editor ....... 'IrrO.!>Ll.s W. OHO, '32 WRS the to keep track of his of his evening gid friend, in Or like the triology or the Grc-ek dralllRtist, ai, humnuit;trinn or reaf><.lna\)lc purpose trriug )Issistallt ],Janagi1~g Editor. ..•. WILLT.\M H. SPARROW, '33 ~l!Outd we say boy,friend~ "The '''rhe lIome-coming", "The plot Runted", whatever," but he purely for he ill(} joy of love it The briefly Haunted". aud thought beeause would and he tral'eled BUSINESS STAFF Quesiion: Is it jlOssible for three boys is nne, this: awoit Lllyini" tho ana her mother, of Chris· it. lllan And should, because reapecting all as a gentle- customs, homB·coming Ezra in Business Manager.,. ... ROGER H. CISSELL, '33 to sleep ha"e in one 110 bed eo-"ersi and the Asl. one Strangler the Mannon from the Ci,-il War. Christine whether great or small, of hi~ hosts, and middle .JdVl.Jrtisi'llg M(l1lager .. ...•••... DAViD TRUNDLE, '33 Ehler is ill the midst of lIll intrigue with Cap making ite1ellrthnt he desired to be ac· aouis l'uekerman, '32, Joseph Addison, '32, lloward Wnl' IIlHl she discloses to him what she places. No tale is too taU for him to Ims learno{l. Orin shoots Brant olHlthc helie,'e or to present to hi$ readers for Amos~, '32, Wilson Murrny, '33, Pat lII;thoney, '34, Clarence Bussard, '34., Brady nc:resented just in cnse you mlght 'l'he )_[y deM SU, eiosel,Y the Greek model. In "Agamem fiad time holiday betweoll with buses t{] start off the a SIlO\\' or two, When liTO you going to learn the "\V. llon," Or0 b.y entllgories position, tlH~ Unite(l Stlltes is in tho po· tbe new yeH, and that is the fact that it will sct the stage fOI' timc to begin is now. TIIC impending vacntiOll offers eacL SO~;;:~ll~~~tx~~~l~,;:iee~1 .i~a!~~: o!i;~: Conferen~e of 1922, lind the London political progr('SS of a eountry-Russio1 traditIonally each yilar rrlOr to this onc. NavtlI Conference of 1980. Russia is E-xnetl~'. Students are paid io attend student II golden opportunity to find out Wllile he is home, just how to Wl,en it "':l~ found that it WM impos- 110lnanding absolute (lisarIDument ba· tho nni"crsitics. A Yes. thero tbose catch a money is go about registering in bis own community ill order 10 be eligible to sible for the part,\-· to De given this cause tho is needed spent work for out. national tho Five de· ~Ylllplli_~letie in with it. the Only government who ha"e are fens(, was clllss to vote ill next November's elections. year, the a new type of delightod to snb· YeM Plan, Germany, Austria, Hnn· this pl'lvilege bestowed npon thelll. But entertainment, ~tituta w40 or be The right to \'oie is too preciolls a privilege to lose through ignol'. Throngh the coopcration of Dean Sto· gary, and Bulgaria-stripped of their then, pleosingly couldn't indifferent sympathetic a. country at least to v€r it '~'a9 made possible for the pl1rty armaments by the Treaty of Versailles ance or Pl'ocl'llstitllltion. J1IVcstigate !lOW, to be given, -demand equality. Italy is ready for which grants such privileges'
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