Page 39 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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COl ~rrry l~appy QT1lrisltnas Nr1U ljear Vol. 9, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Dec. 16, 1931 Western Md. College is Represented PRESIDENT HOOVER AND Pres. A. N. Ward Launches Campaign at Model Disarmament Conference GENERAL MAC ARTHUR for New Men and Women Dormitories MAY SPEAK ON CAMPUS United:~:~~lSP~:~~;:P;:,''''tofI INTER-FRAT. OFFICERS EXPERIENCED MARKSMEN Buildings Will be the Next Unit in HAVE BEEN ELECTED President Hoover is Presented with Greater Westel'n Maryland Armament Volume of History of Liberal FORM '32 RIFLE TEAM Program Arts College Movement CONF. HELD AT BUCKNELL The Interfraternity With the. prospects APPEAL FOR ANNUITIES Council I, H II atrnggled DR. WARD VISITS HOOVER ,·cryfav:)l'llbleforasuc· Western ],[aryland College was rep- through !is first rushing ecssful seaacu, the R. O. During this week 11 enmpalgn is be- resented at the Modp1 Disarmament period, nnd, due to the T. O. rifle team was or- illg launched by President A. Norntau Conference whleb was held at Bucknell cooperntion of t.he fOUl' 'I'hu Couuult.tee of Fif\.een, represent- ganizcd the wc('k ending Wl. 3-)luI'Jland!lt coming T~~inh results j!ilcd ([nd iHvestigatioli. the Chri~t.. The Angels announced the Iwo IIlinutes after the begil1nillg of the On Saturday evening, At tIm prc~el1t time Dr. '\'ood is con' "-{hont to the sheplit!rds aud thoy camc l)nllqllct.. Tllen' was 110 suppressing the December 12, the Sopho- ducting an extellsi\'e investigation of 10 worship the Christ ,Child. 'rl,(' Magi good f.:JlowShil' of I,he crowd, in t.heir Senior Carolers Will Up- llloreelnssentertaincdthc the college and !1eCOIl(!ary BcllDols of nl~o ]ll'es(lllted tlleir gIfts. [l1'l.'·SCllaoll eelehrlltiou. whole sell(lol :.It II part.y 'rile pllgcant \\'as IInllel' the direction Simple, ellough for Westc1'1l }Jary- hold Xmas Tradition in the girls' gyllL from ~:i~I~~1V;I~:~II~~,~~~~~1l::~;.e:'~~~1:~1:~t:~~: (If )!.i$S Doret11y Jo:ldcrdiee. 1(llIdcr~ to IlI1lUnf:tellll't'.! with ease fIll 7:30 until 10:30. nLe spirit of j, holiday still in the reo The members of the Charming illvitationil ~tnllding of hoth students and colleges. molc flltnre! The 1\Iusic, the well Much of hiB time isspcllt ill makiugllis Voice, Piano Feature S\lnior Cluas nS,*,lllbled F. p. }JitdleU !~r e~~~r)~~~I:e '~~r~,h~ldi~~ findiugs nvailubte to sc~hools and eel- planned surrOllndjngs, to tllat. and the Only meal in tile students' lounge, i!.~(·lf 1111contribut('(l that Hall, ing hall. They werc very well de~ig?ed (COntinued 011 Pnge 3, Gn!. 3) Student Recital f'lIIliliar dish that we 1'Xpcct to erown Smith li('cemher 'l'hursday ill 10, night, and eau6Co II grC:lt oe:i1 of CUriosity. all Yuletide feasts was lacking: we did· Invitations to each member of the fac· 'I'h(' ~tlldcllts of tile DepRrtlllent of lI't 1,,~I'(' mince pie. But a satisfactory ::~;~a:~;(;~,l:inf:l~/~~l'~~: Ilny who is :I 10WU rcsident werc sent AN APPRECIATION l\lusie glln:. !lieil'. firat recit~il for. this ~·'Xl!l""'lljOH w!la OifCI·cd. It seems tlmt mus carols. Tn aeeor· Ollt. to them. school ,Year 111$ulItll lInll, FndllY 11lglit, ".(, Hlust Iw\'c ~O\lle dduil to lIlake n~ d3ncewith au lJld Ira· The hall wns especially well de(lomt· It ill my earnest wi~h and desirc DecemhCl'11. look fOrl"ard to home fcotivities, aud (jition, tile Senior sere· cd, the central theme bcing the South to th:ll1k [)ublicly Oill' Stlldent-body mince pill Illll>, fill this need. Ilow naders will make their Sea, Isiel!. Several po~h were arranged for tliCSp\(!lldid way in which they ,.0~~\C a~l~oc1~'~::~, ~t~::~i:';~~~I(f:d ~~'~II:I~V~:l: thoughtful, aay we nil, attempting to roullds of the eampus carlyon tIl(' to rel)rese.nt palm trees, and n dever rnllicd to the support of the belle' fi('ult l1umbers. ~OU\lel1trnt1' 011 the prospect of minco pie morning of depllrture for tho ClIristmas sign, beautifully cut to carry out t.he tit foot.ball gallIC with Mt. St. This recital will be followed by ,,~ ~ ,·OI1lP('llS/.llion for l1YO week's vaell loolidllYS, This year tllIlve been heltl,and the das" .Ill original daute. Tho Tbeatre man· ullsolieitc(l work 011 He goul pORts Iller EISll Virginia Gndheilll, a. member the 1,01'(1 Bl.Himero lIotel, one of has :ol'llieved a high degree of efficiency. P.I., IIgers wcre )Jr. Ri8SUY and ].fr. Kaddy. nnd score-board. of the been jUllior head claSll atV. conch for whcJcNeaJ pa:lt tho filleHt lIostelrie~ in the Bonth. haa football the Rebcslllllents were 8('Tveo, and the 1t makes me personally proud of Tloi~ b1111qllet is each yenr tile Iligh· rest of the cvening was spent ill dane· ollr st.udent-body ns a whole te see two yl'an;. Tile briue is the daughter of lighT of thc Westeru i\Iarylalld ALOHA SNAPSHOTS ing with mllsic furnishcd by a college incidents such as this. Hurr)' Gudheim, profeS$or of mathc year_ Tell your parcnts to join orche~tm.- (I!igned) maties at tIle college. After the wed hllnd$ witll Ihe nlumni ill tho en- Students are requested to bring bnck to Frank P. Mitchell was chairman of RICllARD C. HARLOW, ding, whieh look place la~t. .Thursdny, joyment of a real Western :Mary· "Ihc Hill" inleresting snapshots taken the party. He was assisted by severaJ Director of Athletics. the coupl~ mot(lred west 10 Slrlney, Ne 11
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