Page 38 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 38
PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md CERCLE FRANOAIS IRVING-WEBSTER DELTA SIGMA KAPPA LEARN THESE FOR THE MARYLAND GAME La seance du cerele.Fruueaia a en lieu At n meeting held on Monday, Novem- 10 premier deeembre dans In ehnmbre de ber 30, the newly constituted Irving-Web- Deltn Sigma Kappa entertained marry Caleb O'Connor, Western :Maryland "SINKING OLD MARYLAND" Y. W. C. A. La programme a eta ar- former members of the club nt n tea No- oese par Mile, Mildred Johnson et Mlle. ater Lltcrnry Society, a merger of the two vember 21. ~lrs. George S. Wills, the alumnus who wrote the original words Time: "Give Y(Y!J.rl$dfa Pat 011 the Mildred Horsey. La program entiere suit : former men's orgnniaations, elected the sponsor of the club, was the guest (If to "Dear Western 'Maryland", bas just 1. Duo-"des Centes d' Hoffman" following ofliccrR for the first semester: honor lit Open-house, held Thank$giving forwarded the GOLD BUG a. copy of Back" PrE'siilent, Howard Amoss, '32. Day. par Mlle. Nelson et Mlle. Hull. Viee-preeidect, William Kieler, '34. !lnew TCtS(!. Here it is: Aetualttes Delta Sigma Kappa wishes to an- Around the ends and bucking Ihe line, Premier Laval-e-M. Bjssey Secretary, Prentiss Evnus, '32. nomtce that tll(l Misses Ruth Gillelan, Cheer Western Maryland The Terrors are hnmmeriug all of the Mlle.Laval-Mlle. Senat. grt~~:lr~~;,~~il~~d~:a~303~el, '34. Martha Hnrrteon, Dorothy Hull, Louise 3. Devinettes-c-Mlle. Miller. Needy, and 'Mary Parks have been for Cheer, We8tem M(lrylmld, wtl're lIere to time, -1. Ae.lualitea Cllllplllin, Charles 'iVhittingtoll, '3.1. ma.lly pledged 1"0the club. 1(>1.11, We're ready 10 go, we'll never say no, Sergeant-at Arms, Pnul :Myers, '34. Premier Grandi-M. Bopst The club was entertained nt break- We'm beating the Terps today! Monuinentertge a L'amiraJ de fast in honor of the now pledges, No- Slloltldor to should/tr now it's time to be· Hit that line, you backs, again and de Grasse-c-Mlle. Myers. vember 27 by Emilie Brown, Sue Coekey, gin, to agllin-RAYI 5. Jeu-Mlle. Tanner zm ALPHA MU Barbara Dnekam, Elizabeth Buckey, Dor- M(lruli, march tOgotlltN, to victory 6. Chanson de Noel othy Donor, and Susan Strow. Figllt, Fight, with YO'IIT 'Iuight for We'll yell off our heads until the very Daus lea ambres de In nuit Th.... nlumna of Phi Alpha :>.lu held (Ill cnd-YEAt LeCantique pour Noel !l remuon on, Nm'ember 21. W . .M. O. Tacklo 'em hll.rd and tbrow 'e.m for 1. Marseillaise. Phi A11,iJ(l Mu is pleased 10 aunounce W. W. CLUB losses that the following have beclI formally Abo learn this additioulli yell: The Terrors will prove that they are the OHOIR pledged to the club: Misses Helen Doell W. W. wiahes to nnnounce that Misses ·W.1!.-rnh! rah! boose.!!, ges, lfildred German, Cll.rolynGreen, Vir· Ellen Holmes, Eli:w.beth HUmphries, The Baker Gllllpel Choir was enter- ginia Helmstetter, Adelaide Horner, Mil Ka!hlyn Mellor, May Russell, Dale Wat· W.i'>t.-rah!rahl Slay in the fight-we're with you, all tained by Dr. and MrB. Whitfield at their dred Johnson, Blancl
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