Page 37 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE WHO MAY Green Terrors Defeat Mount St. Mary's TERROR ACTION SATURDAY SEE JUNIOR HOCKEYITES SOCCER INTRODUCED BACK By a Score of 20-0 in Charity TRIMMED BY SENIORS IN WOMEN'S SPORTS Game on Annual Homecoming Day Thc Juniors, fighting gamely, lost their A now minor sport, soccer, is being third and lost game to the Seniors, 3-1, iutrodueud into tI,e Fall Schedule for Women's Athlotics Mary- at weeteru A courageous Mt. St. Mary's cleven over for the second touchdown on a (In Hcmeeonung Day, November 21. The lnnd College. Prior to thia, bockoy has went down in defeat, 31}-0, before Wea- buck nud successfully kicked the try- game was mude interesting to the many been the (lnly fall sport for the eo.ede. spectetcra and rooters ~ecnuse of the tern Maryland ill the annual Ilomeecm. for-point. dcterminatiou of the J'uniors to conquer At meetings of the Women's Athletic iug battle staged on Uo.tIa Pleld, No- Lamb again kicked off for the Tel" the Seniors and the equal determination Board and tho At.hletic Association, to vember 21. A I tho ugh outplayed rors. Hopkins received the ball he (If lhe Seniors not to allow the Juuiors be held this week, final arrangements throughout the entire pame, the Moun- bind hiS goal line and ran it back 1.0 score. Team work and eiaee or- for this sport, its playing, and points taineers lived up to their reputation of twenty yards before l,e was etnppcd. g(mization were more in evidence than ,viII he made, always sending a scrappy eleven on the Ferko, Mountaineer tackle, was hurt in any other interelnss game. This fast The Preslllllan class has been divided field. and had to be wlthdmwu from the and (lx~iting match may truly be called into Ii teams aud will hold a prelimin- Record Alumni Turuout game. Mt , St. Mary's gained fourteen a fitting climax to a highly successful ary clnea tournament rrom November ~·.uds 011 a pass, but the following onc [0 December 8 in OIcler to select a The contest, played for the benefit was incomplete. A rush gained one hockey season whlch again 'puts the class 26 tenm to represent '35 in tile inter-tuum! of '3~ at the top as winner of the hockey of the unemployed cf Carroll county, yard. The next pass W[' Fontaino M. Mills 3:·15 Senior vs. JunioT Illl off·tackle thrust, and tl1'o incomplet· Hopkins as indil'idual star for Ut. St Displaying a "crsatile attack, which O. Longridge 1'.1. R. Rawson ('d pnsses failed to gain a first down Mary's. This doughty l,all·totcr gained ineJudc(l everything from an off·tackle E. Ebaugh c.f. M. E. Senat for th~ TerrofS. l\[t. St. :lIbry's opened lUore yardage in this quarter than the smash to a triple reverse, the Freshman T.J. Wcaver l.i. E.Andrews up a pa-ssillg attack, but Western Mary· cOlllbiaerl :Uountaincsr efforts in the S. Cockey rf! lund effectively smothered it, regaining cntire fiut half. moleskin wearers sent their yearling B. Crowther 1.11'. T. Hs.mb~ch I " ~••" ,. ;. possession of the ball on the 'rerrors' adversaries down to def~Jt i.!l a trlldi· M. Humphreys 1.11. c.ll. P. Murphy tionnl turkey-day battle. thiTty-yanl linc, where Donghty pnnt· Koppe Makes Last Score Th() 15·6 score is a clear indicatio1' of ed to the 1\lounts' t\\'Cllty. In three tile relative strength of tho two_team~. ~'.~~!:~cr ~t J. J~o~~~~~I ;~ ': rushes, Mt. St. Mar;.·'G could find no With the ball in possession of the w.oak spot ill the Terror line und Hop· MOUlll~ 011 their twenty·eight-ynrd The l'rosh were the l)l3"ttor organized E. g't:r~~! - - . ~ .kms punted to Western 1\IarJ'land's line, the quarter ended. Ineompleted of the two, rwd took an enrly advan- g: ~i~~;~a:~st ~~f. twcllty-s()\'en-ynrd line. passel! put the Torrors in possession of tago of their confused c>pponellts. TIley Referee: Rulh Scarbath, P. A. L. WED..THUR. DEC. 2_3 ~ the pigskin. Brown and Bolton dupli· cntcred the contest with a determinn." Linesman: Marie Parker. First TouchdoWlI catcd t.heir l\lethod of paving the way tiOll which wa~ forcefnl enough to give Timer: Lnurie Brown. JOHN GILBERT Scorer: I. Flalllligan. An end run brought no gain, but fOI' the first touchdown by bucking to them:I thirteen-point lead at half-tlmo. individ\lnls in "A" I in lina. the fifteen-yard 1l0lYevel',110small amount of their suc- carried Koppe BrOil'll started thc Terrors' first t.ouch· the 1)111\nine ~'ards, and completed the cess was duc to the ine'>"'Perienceof the Gonls: Weaver (1), Crowther (1), "PHANTOM OF PARIS" ~ down Jlllrade when, on the next play, he parade with a touchdOI,n on the next Sophomore lino. What the Sophs lacked )[lIrpllY (1), Sennt (1). ~ lore off ten yards on a reverae. Bolton play. ']-,he tr~··for-point failed. Conch in pig-ijkill finesse tIIey more than made nnd Brown alternated a$ ball-toters 011 Rorlow injected several snbstitutes, up ill fight 0,](1 determint1tion. A summary of total goals scored by ~ straigllt line plunges, advuncing the and the remainder of the game was Poor reception of the opening kiek·off games during the GFEROI.·RSGAET·OD,EBCRI4E·N5~ pigskin to within silo: inches of the scoreless. lllaced the SOpllSin hot water from the hockey t(lurnalllCnt is as follows: goal line. Tho Mounts heW solidly on start.. Kesmodel's attempt to kick out thc next rush, hut crumbled us Bolton Stnrtiug lineup: of the !lange'r zone wna blocked and the M.E. Senat-7. earricd the oval o,'er tho line on the Westornhld. Hl~~e~~R~!je~k~s~~~r, B. Crowther, M. «RIDERS OF THE llcxt play. Jones kicked the try-for· liammill Mt. St. :1Jl:ary's Frosh put tho ball into play on thrir point by lliacement. Pi.ncura L.E. Zubria opponents' tW()nt..\,-fivc"yard line. TIle o. I..ongridge--2. I PURPLE SAGE" • Lnmb sent the pigskin soaring for L.T. Ferko Sophomore forwards were not accus, L. Bork, B. Daskam, M. Murphy, hl. ~ large Cnllins gaps sixty-five yards on the kickoff. After "Burnett L.G. Delaney tomed to their positions; Quarterback C. Lamb in the line. II'ere left fUiling to gain on two rushes, Lyuch Wallace R. G. Kennedy Moore, who displayed marked general. punted to Brown, who ran the kick Sadusky R.T. SuJliV3l' ship throughout the contest, was quiCk Hm"on-J. MON .•TUES. ~~~~. buck twcllty yards bcfore he was Diks4 n.E. to 11Ike adYnntllge these openings. GRETA GARBO ~ stopped 011 thl; Mounts' 30'yard mar. Bolton AnderSOll It unly a matter of of Beven W:lS l
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