Page 36 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 36
PAGE FOHR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. , \SPORTS I BEAT MARYLAND • I SPORTS I Western Maryland Scores in Every MARYLAND SERIES TIED Period to Beat Muhlenberg on a WITH A 6-6 COUNT PS FROM THE WATER-BUCK~ Muddy Field with a Score of 34-0 Th~' :\larylnlld-Western Maryland foot bull aeries stands six games to six with The tc·n.d,'from the Ullivtrsity (}f Mary Scores of all the games ptevicualy Ibe thirt.eeutlt game to be played Snt- the Terrors meet this played with the 'I'erps show this to be Saturday, is one of the best ever pnt out The Green Terrors of Western Mnry )Iaryl:nld t~rritory, but nccer got close utdny ill the BllltimoreStadiulll. Exaet· lund. which will the well·known rubber game, each team lnnd scored ;'n every pcricd ::LgainstMuh- enough to really do anything more than I.Y thirty vears ago when the first game by the institntion. ~llSt a glance at ltnviug six victories to its credit. There lenberg as they put on their final dress to nrollsethespeetatol'sintorest. I\'(\S p!a.r~(!.'Vcstern1l1nryland triumphed some of the names iu last waek'8 nne-up han, been no ties and the most con- over Xlarvlaud by u. eeore of 36·0. Since rehearsal before their annual game with Quarter then the two schools Ilave met on the against Hopklna revcaje the following: aeeuttve wins is three. the University of Marylana in the Sta- Second football fiel(1 at various tunes, fortune Poppleman, one of the best backs ill the _ dium this Saturday. The game, played The scruud period found the 'I'~r.rorsin favoring first (me team and then the Southern Conferenee; Chalmers, rated by 190~ Western }fnrylnnd 36, ):lnrylaud 0 on IL field which was in fairly good con- po~seuiou of the ball ou tuc vIsitors' the eoaehes of Vanderbilt University as 11l0" Westcru )[aryland 10, Mnrj'Iaud 0 dition consi(]\t the BHltinlore Sta· defellse. counter. The Allentowu boys were. seor' kiek-oi!', anll after being stopped, Jlunted nificeut othl'l's on the Terrapin sqnad tllat seem iliulll the following ~-car the Harlowmen ed npon twice more in the second period, to the .\luhlenberg twoytlrd line, where werll able to reverse the situation by de· 10 kno,," a thing Or two about this game und the lta!f found the home teon] au the Ihcl-isitorssafetym:lu II'lIsdo\l'ne(lin feating Mllryla.nd 12-0. Mud wus tho ealledfootbsll. 'l'lIlane sltl.!ld$ ns the ollly major unde- long end ot a :n-o score. With tI great attempting to run "\Jock the punt. The keyword of the u.iternoon, and before mauy of the Terror substitutes sent in Allentown team punted out to its own the game euded the situation Wfts as much feated !lud nntied team aud will very to rcpbee the regulars, lhe setto was a forty-nl'e-y!\rd stripe wl1Ere tho Terror a mud battie as u football tonLest. lIow North\\'e~tcrn, nfter winning the West probably he ilH'itcii to participate ill the IittIe Uloreen>nly baluuced,although the luaclJine once more went into ge:).!, and e'-cr, the outstanding feature of the ern 'Collfcreuec championship, was forced l{ose Bowl aetto. llarlowmlill did slide a touchdown across drol'e down to the oue-yard line where of West· into a triple tie for first place IIOtlOrS in each of the two remaining-quarters. Boitolll)lowed Ol'e; for the score. Itwus afternoon, the ability of Clary when it l(}Sta post·sca!!On charity gllme ern ;\fUl'yland to keep his feet proved too l j robably the most Ullusnd Inal inter lit this point that .Toues came through A 100 per tent We8t· [0 P'nduc, Don't forget I Ihe post·season game being CBting play W!iS n thirty-five yard plnce· with his elongated jll/'lCe\llentfor the ex· much for the Old Liners.. It WltSmaillly eounlnship. with the try·for-point when t.he ball was Western )faryland was agalll sueeess' placed upon tho two yard line, w~s called oud half by kicking off tD the Western ful last year when the two teams mEt in . npon to dUI~icllto his Peat from fifteen 11Hrylander~. After an exchange of the Stadium. 'l'his was pprhaps the most .,... punts the Terrors put the bull into play yards furth
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41