Page 35 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE MANY ALUMNI WERE BACK Last Year's Victors Over Maryland FOR HOMECOMING GAME Alumni News Saturday, November 21 wee "Rome- coming" day for fOTlner students of )'liss Nelaie Horsey, of Crisfield, and Western Maryland College. Secres of (I graduate of Western )faryland College, alumni enme beck to the Hill to root was fntally injured in au automobile a,e. for the team nud lo renew old friend- eident on November l6. Miss Horsey ships. 'I'hu alumui headquarters was Me- wns bonnd for Baltimore when the car Daniel lIali lounge where the '{home- in which she was riding collided with a eomees assembled to chat with old and truck. She waa taken 10 the Delaware now friends. Hospital, "Wilmiugton, where she died a Among the Alumni llere 011 Home- day later. coming Day were i 1IIrs. Clnrn S. Billing- Miss Evelyn Bradley, '2tl, and Mr. slea '73, Mrs. Frank Z. Miller '92, Mrs. Otis Trice, '30, were married on 'I'hanka- 1IInrgaret Pfeiffer Swindell '94, Mrs. giving Day in Baker Chapel. Currie Riuehart Wantz '96, A. G. Wood· field '97, Charles O. Clemson '98, ,V. Dr. E. James Roberta, Jr., ex- '28, a Frank Thomas '98, Dr. J. H. Straughn dentist of Cumberland, was fatally in· '99, Rev.llarry H. Price '00, "Mr8.Clara jured as his ear overturned near Centre- Morgan Straughn '02, R. R. Carmen '03, cure, Pa., recently. lie attended wee- W. P. Roberts '03, F. E. Rathbun '05, em Maryland College for two years and Roger J. Whiteford '06, George W. ne, lut er was graduated from the University tel' '06, Mrs. Lillian Veasey Dexter '07, of ),faryland Dental School. He was the Col. Robert J. Gill '10, R. Ralph Cover son of E. J. Robers, coal operator of '10, Mrs. Anna Fisher Cover '12, J. Westernport, Md., and had ae,-eral bro. Leaa Green '16, F. Murray Benson '17, fhera and sisters who also attended West· Ohartea E. UoylllJl '17, Margaret Phil- ern Maryland College. lips Foard '18, Josephine Ankeney 'IS, Thos. S. Shaw '18, Dorothy McDaniel The alumnl of W. M. C. are planning Herr '18, Richard H. Roop 'l!l, Charlotte 11- supper to be held at the Emerson fcl- R. Kindley '19, W. J. Kindley '20, H. lowing the Maryland game. Gilbert David Martin and Mary Eu- ~2~~~~~~~J~~fe~O~o!~~e~I~~i:nM~:Y genia Snader, daughter of R. N. Snader, QhVlll. Green '22, R. Floyd Cromwell of Westminster, were married on Friday, ~~:~eD:rr?a;d~:eE~r~ll~~aH;\~ki~:·'~3,~: November 20. The groom is a graduate G. ~aton '24, Nellie Parsons '24, Lillian of W.M.C.clMsof '23. H(lillns Bender '24, J. Lester Weihrauck Mnttlda Thompson, '30, WIl8 recently '25, K. Frances Merrick '25, Mh-inm married to Prof. Pugsley of the Blue Dryden Carpenter '26, Elizabeth R Lete- Ridge College faculty. Miss Thompson ear '26, Ruth Harryman '26, Dorothy has been teaching at New Wind~or High Beaehley '26, Dorothy Robinson '26, school. Prof. Pugsley is Dean of men Elizabeth J. Deffenbaugh '20, Caroline at Blue Ridga College. R Wantz·'26, Herbert L. Elliott '27, Sue Boyer '27, Joy C. Reimnulh '27, Emily A teaching position at Randallstown Lelt to right- Junior High sehocl has been offered ~~n:e~~!~ ~~i.Z~~;!hE~f;n~:~ ~:ld J?;8~ fat. row-Ekaitis, Kohout, Wilker, Capt. Bates, Lawrence, Wellinger, Pineurs. Anna Mae Gallion, '31. Miss Gallion Anne S. Reifsnider '28, Roy C. Cham- 2ud row-Lamb, Bolton, Wallaee, Beus)n, Willey, Barnett, Jones, Usinger. hlUlbeen employed at The May Company bers '29, Edwiua Kraus '29, Dorolhy 3rd row-Newcomer, Sparrow, Hammill, Brubaker, Koppe, Wentlandt, Gaeley, RopIer, Albreeht. in Baltimore. Sapp Weidenham '29, Edwin Warfield 4th row-Patterse>n, Clary, Growth",r, Grad. Mgr. Speir, Coach Harlow, Asst. Coach Stahley, Delanoy, Doughty. '29, Elizabeth Clough, R. B. Stone· The Rev. Paul L. Powles, of the class braker, C. T. DeHaven, James Stack, of 1916, has aeeepted the position of rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Helen Ha:-nr, W. G. Dawson, Helen Harry, Ehzabeth Scott, Lucille Proskey, Baltimore. He will assume his dutics on Asena!.h Bay, Minuie Strawbridge, Alice Deeember 1. The Rev. Powles is a native HUston, Amauda Bell, A. M. Reed, Maud An Open Letter to the Alumni of Hagerstown, and has recently been H",ath, Dorothy Holllday, Elizaboth doing adl'ulliled theologieal work in New York City._~ _ Mitchell, Hannah Mace, Leslie Grover, all of theelass of '80; Harry Machamer ~2r9~m~i~:t?l9,J;~~~0~ar~~9'Ma~~!~e~h~~I This sample copy of the GOLD BUG is sent to you as another evidence of the progress of your W. M. C. REPRESENTED AT Samucl Downer '29, Wilfred Whiteraft, I SCHOLASTIC CONVENTION '29,. Vidoria Mildred Smith, Raum, ik~:'sl~~~~eYDa~i~~ieIs;:~f' :o~~~~ .AlmaMater in scholastic prominence, in athletics, and in general wide-awakeness. (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) Heleu Myers, Christine Rogan, Catherine I During the past nine years, the Collegehas attained national recognition. Plant equipment has gives the special treatment over a per- Hobby, Ruth Kelbaugh, James Day, been materially increased. Scholastic standards have been raised to an even higher plane. In ath- iod of three years-the Benior high SClloolperiod. AU;05 Pennewell, James Mann, George letics, the Green Terrors have been talked of from coast-to-coast, and intra-mural sports have pro- USlllger, Walter Kobout, W. C. Price, vided recreation for all. "Theoretically," he said, "a ~urricu- all of tile class of '31. lnm should be available for each pnpil, based on an intimato l1ud accuratc cn- Throughout these nine years, the GOLD BUGhas grown with the College. Its immediate ances- mulative record of his achievements. There is, or SllOUldbe, just one tiling sacred in school and college adminis- SUNDAY SCHOOL PLANS tor was a small weekly sponsored by one of the clubs, bnt-, from that beginning, the paper has kept tration. That is the personality of the step with Western Maryland until now it is one of recognized reliable college newspapers among CHRISTMAS PROGRAM the nation's collegiate publications. individual student, to the end that it in may be conser,'ed and integrated Several of the alumni have expressed so much satisfaction with the paper that we believe that terms of its highest possibilities. "If the {\urriculum can be thonght of The College Suuday school held its you, too, will be interested in keeping in touch wit.h yonI' College and your fellow-graduates. as a suggestive grouping of subjects to of iusure a certain desired eontinuity regtllar session on Sunday morniug, No Through the cooperation of your Executive Secretary, Mr. T. K. Harrison, a full account of all elIort, subject always to desirable mod· vember 29. Miss Dryden playcd au or- ificntioll9 of emphasis and content, to gan prelude, which was followed by the alumni activities will be printed each week. Once a month, an alumni supplement is planned which meet known noeds of pupils, theu only siuging of "Holy, Holy, Holy." The will carry write·ups of prominent graduates, together with annonncements of banquets, reunions, I suhmit, are we in a position to eon· first Psalm was then read responsively struct and coutinuously revise Sellool by the superintendent and the school. and dances. a.nd college curriculums and adminis- Tho sup",rintendent offered prayer and ter them effectually, I'll" the edueation read the ninth llhapter of the Gospel of The price is only $2.00 for a whole year's subscription. Pin your check to the coupon below and in citizenship of youth who are to be St. John. "Sun of my Soul, Thou Sa· the inheritors and conservators of our vior Dear" was sung at the couclusion send it in, along with news of yourself or classmates. cherished ideals and institutiona." of the devotions. Yours for a bigger and better Western Maryland, Wherover posable, the grDup in a The Sunday School is plauning a spec· giveu schoo] will be under the guidnuQ.6 ial Christmas program for Sunday even' The GOLD BUG Staff. of the same high school teacher during ing, December 13. the three years of the experiment. On November 22, the sehool opened Friday afternoon, Principal Perry of with tho organ prelude; Bohn's "Still Pllillips Exoter Academy, gave an ex- wie die ::.-laeht" played by Miss Drydcn. position of education in a guilt·edged Minions in build- school. proparatory The singing of "0 Worship the King" SEMINARY STUDENTS WILL ings and millions in endowment enable was followed by the superintenrl"nt's Attention, Alumni! GIVE NATIVITY PAGEANT ths New England proparatory school to prayer. Mr. Eugeue Lamb Bang "Beau- substitute eouferenees in groups of tiful Isle of Somewhere." 'l'he first eight or ten for the ,laual recitations chapter of St. John was then read, after (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) with groups of twenty-five to forty. which "Take my Life and Let it Be" Dorothy Hull, Jnne Cooling, Laurlene The confereuee in eharge of a higlily was sung by the tchool. Straughn, Eleanor Kimmey, Anne John· paid teacher is held about a table in an (The GOLD BUG will forward a spec· man whom you feel ought to know more ial Christmas gift card to any friends about Western Maryland. Like lhe old son, Sue Ooekey, Marian Humphries, informal way. The plan requires a fac- whom yau may select for a subscription. story of killing two birds with one Btone. Mary Isabelle Elliott, Martha Harri- nlty of seventv·five te teaeh six hun· Here, a.gain, the curricu· dred pupils. Other studeuts STATION W. M. 33 BROAD. Such a gift is an usually good plsn when Don't forget to seud us the address of son, nnd lIIu_ryLewis. sing the carols lum i$ unitary or unified aud large de- of tim College will te.ndered to a young man or young woo the recipient.) accompany which CAST JR..FROSH PARTY Glee Club. the action of the pendonce is placed upon comprehensive examinatioDs. The cast of "The Star Gleams" is Dean TIawkes of Columbia followed. (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) composed of the following; As democratic in his outlook as Princi· is' intellectually pal Peny and fimln- The Render Prof. F. G. Holloway eially aristocratic, Dean Hawkes dis· Isaiah. . J. O. Byrd restcd his voice, Conule Boswell and Micah .. W. T. Jackson cussed the different types of rollege Bing Crosby rendered several voeal SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Mala~.hi _. _ R. M. Reed students and the absurdity of givhlg dnets of popular music, the latter star The Watchman W. K. Lyons the same treatment to all studellt$. being portrayed by William Herson, '35. Tlle Shephcrda O. B. Auvil, J. T. Bowman, J. J. Von IIagel, C. E. No radio broadeast would be com· Brantley, H. C. Emriek, C. A. RED CROSS DOCTOR SPEAKS plete without Edna. Wallace Hopper, Mr. Roger H. Cissell SuttDn TO STUDENTS and as the program was io be a well- Angela Mrs. C. E. Brantley, bnJa!lced one, Barhara Dnskum tool. the Business Mgr., The GOLD BUG !lfn. C. A. Suttou, Mrs. Paul Dr. Willison, from the Red Cross "mike" and in the sixty words-a·minutl'l Western Maryland College Quay, Mrs. J. M. Kay, Mrs. C. Headquarters in Washillgton, spoke to Hopper style rattled off a beauty talk W. Saye, Mrs. J. R. Helms, Mrs. the students of Western Maryland Col· l\'hi<;:hrivaled those of rsdio's expert Westminster, Maryland. W. A. Wilson, Mrs. F. L. Gibbs, lege, yesterday afternoon, on "First on pulchritude. :1Ifavin Huss, Mabel Goodwin, Aid". "Piano Moods", by William Herson, }.[argaret Hoffman, Sallie Bett The three phases of First Aid eov· was the last !lumber on the program be· I'm enclosing $2.00 to cover my subscription to the GOLD BUG Barnhill, and members of the crcd by Dr. Willison were faint, burns, fore Ben Bernie and his orchestra be- for one calendar year. Girls Glee Club from Western nnd artifillial respiration. Dr. Willison gan Il. merry period of dance musie. Maryland College. gave the causes and bow to prevent The Buccess of tlle party was dno to Magi J. M. Kay, accidt'nts that usnally llll.ppen around the Junior class 11,5a whole, but com' Send to: H. C. Cheyney, and K. Takagi the home. The speaker stated tbat mittees who took ~harge of tbe various AttC'lldanh .... Rhea and Hazel Huss, many fatal accidents coulcl be prcveut- preparations wero as follows: Enter· Mirialll Shroyer, Fred Holloway, ed by tbe prompt applieation of first tainment- Wilson lIurray, chairman; Name ..........•..•....•..... Willard Baye, and Olifl'ord Byrd. (Lid treatment to tJle !njured. "\Villiam Pyles, Mason Sprague, Mary Cl!ildreu for nativity tableau .. Florence Dr. Willison was secured as a speak- Ellen Senat, Susan Strow; decoration- Byrd, Philip Shaffer, Catherine ~r by Captain H. D. Wooley D. O. L., Troy Hambsch, chairmanj Tessie Cox, Addre&<>, ....•..•.. _... _.... _._ Alice, Marjorie and Betty Little, Profeasor of Military Scienee and Tac- June Cooling, Herbert Leitch, Julian Allen Saye tics. Dr. Willison is one of the few Murchison; refreshment - Kathleen Saint AlUla. . Mrs. M. B. Reifsnyder doctors in the United Sta.tes authorized Moore, chairman; Ida Duphorne. Caro· Mary Winifred Holloway to give inst,ructor's courses in First Aid lyn Reed, Rizpah Winkes, Jane Wine. Jos.eph .......•........... D. T. Huss Treatemnt.
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