Page 34 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOl Around the Campus VARIETY BOOKS, A REVIEW AND LIFE OF PLAYS, If every Bundny evening is spent as the past one in McDaniel parlor-well- CRITICISM OF TH:E THANKSGIV- be doubted by one who did 110t know ING PLAY Ilerasslleappellrsdru]y. who will wont to have a. date outside' In fact we mightdiseuss the eharacters When Prealdent Wa.rd expressed Official student newspaper of Western :Mar:.-1andCollege, published on Thursday The Cllilitary Deparbment is coopeeat- appreciation on the part of the faculty further but Ihis would mean II complete part, so discussion of each one taking during the aeaderuic year by the student! of Western Maryland College, Westminster, ing with the Aloha Staff in allowing last and himself for the excellent. interpre- we !lhall just congratulate thcm as a Maryland. Entered as eeecnd-class matter at the weatnnnster t-cetomce. year's SpOllSOI'cuts to be used. tation of '''rhe Things ,That Count?", a group. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR AI ("'l'osh) says the elcetricity in this mortem play which was presented by the College Drnmat!e Society on Thanksgiv· College is all wrong 'cause oue light in ing ereuing, he might well have included EDITORIAL STAFF his room i~ brighter than the other. tlte ilpprovll.l voiced by the student body. Reports havn it t hat Eugene 0 'Neill '8 Editor in Chief... . ,......... . C. W. KOODROGEY,'32 Much credit- is dne Miss Esther Smith new play has his Nell' York with are· ilssoci(lte Editor;'l . . MARY LEE S.lllPL)':Y. '32, ROBERT L. RODGERS, '32 "Pokey" complains that his room- who glH'e so much of Ilet time and abilJ~y SOUU(]illg"bang." ":"I.10nrlling Becomes News Editors.. . M. SUSAN STROW, '33, C. RUSSELL HERBST, 33 mato i~ keeping him awake for an half to make the presentation a success. Ree- Electra," whicll tho. critics would ollee Copy Editou LOIJISE B. CROZIER, '3~, WrLLIA!lf G. PYLES, '33 hour each night with his nighUy eppu- ognition is :dSQ due to those taking part have auld too long for commercial pro SpOTts Editors . . A. BEATRICE CROW'i'fllc"R, '32, BENJA~ilN O. BOYD,'34 eatiOll; ",hile "Barney" says that duetion adds sucthcr feather to the well "Pokey" is all a twitter 'cause he's who applied themselves so diligently to feathered millinery of America's well MAKE· UP STAFF getting down to competitive choosing of the task. kllown an(l better publicized dramatist. Managing Editor 'rncaas W. OTTO, '32 a sponsor. The play wall well staged despite Until the 'Theater Guild of New York Assistant Managing EdUor . • •. WILLUM H. SPARROW, '33 the limitations with which we have 10 produced O'Neill's now famous "Strange BUSINESS STAFF The co-eds arc still puzzled as to why work, and the \:ostuming, thongh COlU' Interlnde" no one would give even a baek bounced the ball the Muhlenoerg BusillIJ8S Mrlnager ••... ., .....• ROOER H. CISSELL, '32 before he finally ran with it. monplaee, was suggestive of the ehar passing thought 10 a play that lasted Arl1u:rtising Manager ...••...... ........ DAVIDTRUNDLE, '33 ueter portrayals. Espee.ially was this over the usual three act maximum. How- Assistant Ad'llerti8iflg Ma7lag6T . .............. 1Iln,ToN A. KATZ, '34 Studellts of European History, who not ieeable in the second act, in which so ever, successes seem to have the habl t uf Oinl'lllation Manager. ............... WAYNI!lMOORE, '32 aro strnggling to lotate Hanover on one many people were gathered ou the stage ehanging the mina_., (if any) of the at the same lime. The grouping was Assistant Circnlation Managers or ])lOreof the new 11WpSare r.espectfulJy splendid and the color combinations told critics whom Ethel Blurymore once call- by She men". "rock ed meant G~/l.DYSEL, SOMERS,'33 "MAUR1CEC. FLE~llNG, '34 referred to :illikc Patterson and Johnny thllt flU (.00 inelusive term Ul(lt she in lOO!l-tion at n glancewl>ieh of the eharllllters were ZELMA B. CALV!':RT, '34 ARTHUR J. DOWNEY, '3-1- }'rame, who sccm to know its friendly and which were not. her miud thought her se.n're critics were very well. LORA M. OU'I'Tf.:Jst thil'ly .,·cars flgO, emo- o!bcr person :lppc~rs to be lrying to give tions have been keen and intel'Cst has heen high. lllln a life ~enten~e, even if no oue else In the last issue of the Loyola College Two hundred :ind thirry institntes and i~ ill 011til<' little gallie. GreY/WU'1ld, every page c~rrie(l f~ntureB Saturday's game, JJowever, promises to transcend all previous touching 80me phaBOof tlle 7-'{ tie earned schools in T,ondon offer frce courses. contests of the series. ~Ia]'ylalld will send on the field w!Jat is probab- by that college agailU!t Western Mary· There nre approximately free 300,000 people registered institutions snch in ly the best team ever Lo weal' the Black and Gold. Of the eleven Havem land .... whicll reminds one of tile sum· throughout Great Britain. who ansll'ered the initial wllist1e last year, ten wiU aguill fnee the 'rer- EVENTS OF THE WEEK nwry of the Greyhound's season which rol's on Satul'C1ay. The memory of that defeat at the llands of "\Vestern }"RIDAY, DECEMBER. ~- lll)paared iu the 1930 Football Guide: )faryland is still with them. \VitiJ a wOl'lcl of experience added since Carroll Couuty Deelmnation Con "For the first time, a touchdown was A Jlall of fame is maintained at Yale !:!(,oredupon Western Mnryland." E,,· last year's lllemorable clash, they will be prepared to 3vcnge that de- test, Alumni IIall, 8:00 P. M.; cept for outstanding J~oyola players men· for the }Jr~servation of skeletons and lent Saturday-a pO\\'erflll, confident elevcl!. Dcltu Signw Kappa initiation. tioned, Ihat statement \\'as tlJe complete stuffed piece~ of ell[lI11piondogs. Only Eummary of the 1930 season. We thank the finest champions are accepted. But 'fvhat of the Terrors, that little hand of stalwart::; who, for MONDAY, DlWEMBER 7-: yon, gentle!lle7l, we thank nearly tlll'ce y('ars hal'e dominated the State football scene through }'rank 'L. Mcllor Concert, Alnmni YOII! sheer grit? On paper, the outlook is s(1d. Bates, Elulltis. \Vellillger, Hall, 8:00 P. M. At Northwestern University the stu- "\Vilker, Kohout, Usinger, and Lawrence have graduated. Bcnson and 'l'UESDA Y, DBCEMBEB 8- And tho last issue of the Johns Hop· dents and faculty are planning to coop- Clary are missing. Kleinman, Dunn, _McNally, Scililliug and a hali' Dr. Bcn D. Wood gives lellture to kins Neu;s advocates a eontinn· erate with the Chic.'I.goollicinls in eom- dozen others are nursing serious injuries. And last yem"s complete i[lenlty; W. W. Football Banqnet, ance of the llopkins-IVesteru Uaryl:llld b:ltting the nndcrworld gangsters. sqnad list boasted only twcnty-three llames ! College Iun. grid serll's ne:.;t yellr. Another artiele in fj!e same issue hOII'e"er, quotes Dr. Van So mnch f01" those who probably can't wcar the Gr('cn and Gold },'RIDAY, DECK\lliER 11- Orman, Director of Athletics, as an· President George 'l'honms of the Uni- OJ] Sa'turday, eager as they are to be in there fighting. !IIcn's Debrlte with St. Jolm'll Col lIouMing that sueh :~ game will dcfin ver~ity of Utah asked the eo,eds to share itely 1I0t be on t.ho Hopkinll 1[132 sched· 'l'he remaining men who will start the game are going to do so with lege, S'llith Hall, 8:00 P. i\f. ule-and prints lhe sehedule to prove infhecoslofdn\.C8. a detcrmination to give their best. Unde't'gra,lualcs and alumni are SA'l'URDAY, DECEMBER 12- it. Sueh diS('rimination1 going t.o lend record-breaking support, and-remember thnt battered Sophomore l'arty, Gir18' Gym, 8:00 The Psychology department at Duke old sign in the loel,or room ~ P. M. Universiry d:seovered t1l(l.t it. takes au Some of the" Hints" in the freshman "A team that won't be beaten, can't be beaten!" bibles which havc been gil'~n to all tbe average of ,just si" minutes for the nor- mal bull session to turn to 8ubjeeh eon- freshmen at Smith College lIrc: "Com· eerning women. Ululli8!l1has nev~r been sueeessfnJJy work. ed out. Wear your own clotJles and let A Solution? The Amel'icHli college girl, believe it or not, has TInally ot~cr~ wear theirs." "Bridge is the The enterprising students at St. Thorn- realized that there is an economic depression! Anel, in I VOX CAMPUS 11nef of time." Rcmember you eame to liS College, Sf. Paul, l\liJmesota, take out characteristic st.yle, she has begun to take st.eps t.o aJlc\'Jate the situa- Smiih and not to Amlillrst." illsumuee policies :lg~iust being eBUl'd tion as it affects hel'selL There has bcell a depression ill dates, so the on in class. For a dowlI payment of :;5 cents they may coll~ct Ih-e dollars if college woman is doing her hit to relieve it. Please do not dl'll\\' hasty Editor, THE COLD BUG t.he professor calls their naD1C~. M. Aecnrding t{) testl! made by Dr. W. conclusions, now, she is not giving the boys money. A clever Little Sir: )larstl>ll at Ratlclitre College, Tufts Col- scheme has been originated by hm', wbich, if applied universally, will Strange isn't it, thM we so-called in· lege, snd Colnmbia Ullifcraity, JUenhave he a boon to men. telligent l.'oll~ge people need a two-bell 11 Ulu~h better opinion of their own sox The eomptroller at Barnard has issned signal to inform ns thHt we hm'e finish 'l'he coeds of Boston College are responsible fOI' the plan. (Reader cIl a llIeal and !lIUY lea\'e the dining nnd a mueh !JQorer opiuion o_f the op· this reprimand to girls who steal signs t.he buildings and c,ampus. now rises, if he is not alre/ldy standing, and gives t.ill·ce lusty cheers room1 What do- ~'O-ll thillk of itt Or posite sex than have women. Tne men from "If there is any sign whi.;ll n student very lhey could find only ten report€d dayou! that for tile Boston College coeds.) It seems tbat the New England gentle· 8trJIllge, too. that in our demoerajie nllple.ulI,ut traits in their own sex, and much desires, pleasll do not steal it, but lll('D llllve been somewhat 111..-":: in attendiJlg to their socii;! obligations conntry, in eollcge---;---~tudeut~nre suppos tw<'nty-six pleasant ones, while the fl" np)Jly nt the of!:i(~e:l1ld II- duplicate cnn b6 siuce the economic depl'es~iOll, or panic, rathel-, has seized the country. cd to he leaders lJ\ dClll(l(:mey, aren't maie sex has twelve good and twenty- obtalnedateost." Now New England men (:ome from the best of familics, and tbe girls at they~-\\'e lire informed with whom we nine bRd ~haracteriBtieB, aecordiug to the answer to the qnestion In Boston Collcgc felt thl'lt they should, hy all mCJ:lns, maintain their mnst al;S{lti:~t{'at-meal·timc. No-t only !Hen. "Would you Tather be an unhappy mas' A},al friendships with said men. Why let a little thiug Jil.:e money intel" UI.~t, but we are ~upposed 10 like it and ter or a happy shwef" an ovcrwhelm- those "slips At IU8!we'n~ discoHlred one of lhni pass iu by ntrnble con· the lO e"idcn"e our liking night" fere1 'rhey therefore put their heads together-in football it's a hud- '-~rsatiun. Somehow, ~'ou know, it iug HI~tjorityof the men e:.;preBseda. pre· And it's in Tilt l1(}ya, too; that pRragon dle-and hit upon a plan. Probably the idea waH derin'd from their docsn 't ~cem logical or CH!l po~sible. Do fecente for being llnhapp~' master~, while ofcollegialejonruaHsU1 which is pub- most of the girls wonld rather be happy mothers, bl1t we won't try to detract from their origimdity, so 011 with )"Ou thiuk so~ Shll·CS.In reply to the question, "Would lished by the student·body of our old the story. The dean was consulted, and miracle of minlClcs, she gave Yours truly, N. I. L. you prefer a perfect 10\'Cllffair to Il mil· frknd, Georgetown University. The slip was simply lhis: 'rhe Western hel" whole hearted support! Now this in itHelf \l'as an _i~lspiration, for P. S. 1 gue~s maybe I ,lin 't enlighten· !lon dollars!" ewrry nmn replied in the ~laryland freshmall e!..:ven were styled whoever heard of a dean approving anything done by 1\ studentY But I'd. nl'g(ltive, while 92% of t.he girl!! ex· as the Western-Maryland "B" squad in l'm Hgaill off my subject. 'l'he result was this. NorQmb{'r 30, 19:)]. pressed a preferenell for the love Itffair. the story of the football elash between Ule frosh teams of the two institntioDJl. _A "baek-to-the-dorm" moveuH'ut has been begun ill Ci-Il'llcst by Now how did that happen I' the Boston College coeds. When the boy friends caU f1l"otllld the~' tact- Two yea~s ago a commission was ap- fully suggest that instead of going to 11 movic, or t.he thedcr. OT'1m ex- N.l. L. pointffi to lUv'~tig(lte the d~plornble sit uation of overwork among the Btndent~ 111 "John" Everhart pensive dance, that they go down to the parlor. (Everybody will see Sir: With nIl dne r~peet to the high degree that this is jnst a repetition of the gay old nineties. but ,",'l1at's the dif- of intelligence di~J1lllyed by cQllege stu- France. They nre allegnd to be menaced THE COLLEGE BARBER by many diseases because they study too fercnce') Anyway. thcy go to the parlor Hild there spend the even- denta, I would say that Our Dean's hard. Tho eommission is still deliber jng at bridge or ping-pong or what have .1'011. (Please note that mcthod of disllliH~ing us in the dining· aling. AND BOBBER "wink", "post·office'·, and "spill-the-pall" nre not listed.) These gil'ls hall is qnite justified-in fact, even AT THE FORKS fll'CeSS!lry. WitllOnt thnt bell, !!ir, many have also arranged for the serving 0-£ tasty suppers 00 Sunday even nil imporllll1t. aUllouncement would never S1ndellts at C-onneetient College lor ings, each girl paying twenty-five cents fOl' her rseol'L's I·cpa."t. (And he put across to the students. Women IlaVe founded a Fox·Hnnt Club. that is a noble idea.) 1'he plan is complete with the "fudge rooms". One might judge yOI\J"letter n bit BEST PHOTOGRAPHS We a1-1know that making fudge was a pop1l1ar pastime rears ago. Tt hast)· from thn id('as it s~em8 to uphald. THAT SKILL CAN still is! 'rhe fudge rooms [Ire so arranged that the fudge is made under Pielure, if you e:m, thrl'C hundred and Se,'erallllOyie studios are offering fel· the date's supervision. Uueh fun is thus provided, ueeausc masculine 8~"~nty hungry atndcnts punring into the lowships in connection with the work of PRODUCE ideas of cooking are usually not except.iolmlly brilliant. TIle coeds be- dmillg hall, without al3lligned tables, and at the students at 1116 University of South- themselves quick!,v located gettillg formed the ~rl) Califotni:t whJl have lieve in and are carrying out theil' plan, and the boys lik~ it! iablcs where el'eryone Rt eaeh table was Cinema G1ub io promot-e the study of Kodak prints by e.x:perU But then, of course, it may not be snell a good idea aitel' alL The tickled to death with the other nine din· tIle movie industry. is be· llrs. eonceptinn Such aJl idenl only means of getting rid of the depression is to spend money, so we yond me! Wilson Studio are back just where we began. But then, how are the boys going to Here's hoping you may devise a. new II, "World" Princeton UniveT!Iity held spend money if they have none1 And that question puts us back on our and better pll!n fur seatiag tile students. Court Rally" au Armistice night in or- Phone 319-W fet't and offers the Western l'IIaryland coeds a challenge. Wha.t are Yonrs llOoperatively, der to further the entraJlC6 of the Unit WESTMINSTER MD. they to do about it 1 JOE, The Junior Editor. cd St.ate9 into the World Court.
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