Page 33 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 33
GOt Beat The Maryland Big Game Vol. 9, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Dec. 2, 1931 M,STEPHANE LAUZANNE Frank La Mellor; Tenor PRE·MEDICAL STUDENTS Terror's Clash With Terrapins Saturday TO SPEAK IN ALUMNI Will Be Heard Here IN MANY COLLEGES TO Decides State Title in 13th Series Game HALL ON JOURNALISM a Frank LaNay Mellor, tenor, will give TAKE APfllUDE TEST Monday A.lumni Hall in concert evening, December 7, at 8:15 o'clock. COLLEGE PLAtERS GIVE SATURDAY'S TILT REPRE· M. Lausanne is Author of Many Mr. Mellor, who is a native of Sykes. Assoc. of American Medical Colleges SENTS 30th ANNIVERSARY ville, is one of the leading tenors in the Books country, and Western Maryland is very Will Give Test PLEASING PRESENTAnON OF SERIES fortunate in having him here. EDITOR OF PARIS "MATIN" Mr. Mellor studied at the Peabody REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION Carrying out one of Reoord of Series Conservatory of Muaie, under Minetti, Western Maryland's old and has done concert wurk all over the 1901- In scheduling Stephana Lp.uunne, Uuited States. For many years he was o, December lItll throu~hout the cat; tradifions, the Col- 1905- 1910- editor of the largest newspaper in Eur- manager or the far-famed Oriterion L'llited States tho .Mediea.l Aptitude Icg~ .Playera presented on 1911- ope, to speak to the students, tIle Col- QUllrtet, whleh was with Rcxy'a ill New Tesf of tho Association of American Thauksgiving night Law 1912- lege has secured one of the outstanding York for eomc This quartet ap- "fedicnl Colloges wi\! be given in more renee eyre's "Th e was as fcl- III!; men ill the field of Journalism. peared at the College in 1926. Two fhau six: hundred eolloges to all pre- Things That Count" at 8 Under the auapiees of the Institute years ago Mr. Mellor appeared alone in medical atudeute WI10expect to apply !Iis~ Hilch'ens 0 'clock in Alumni HalJ. of Internut.Icnul Education, M. Lau- a recital in atunuu Hall, and it will fer admission to a medical schooillext 'The cl/-st of ehuractcn ZIlIlllC will lecture at uiauy of tile na- he remembered that this was one of fall. Since the test is a normal require. lows: Mr~. Henuoberry, Oatherine 1930 7; tion's leading ccueges, among them the moat enjoyed of tIre concerts here llIent for edmiseleu to practically all Hlt.cheue; Mr. ]J'enniiberry, Richard 'to\~l poloU!.oored: Ocr-nell University, Univorsity of Min- for scme Hme. the medical schools, and since it will be Wcngly; Dr. Stew~t. Mauhall, ~~l;oert WesternMaryland,Illl Unh'8raity of Md.,169. nesota, Ilniveraity of Denver. His sub- Attendance at this recital is required given only once a year, all studoute who Etzler; Buulah Randolph, Willi fred jects of these lectures are "France and of students, and fr-ee tickets may be expect. to apply for entrance by next; Bnsh; Dulc~<:• .MaF~nu Humphries; Ah- Peace", "Great Men I Have Known: procured for the public, fall should take tho test at this time. Western Maryland. College will meet Briand, Foeh, Pctnenre, Lloyd George, Mr. Mellor is It. brother of Edwin M. (If you are undecided as to whether ~~I~:tllL!e.N~~:01~;~~~3,I~fi~l~;~'J'!~: the University of Maryland on the Roosevelt", and "The French Press, Mellor, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court vcu will apply or not, you hnd better son; Mrs. Egener, Elsie 'Ellsworth; gl·idirOll of Baltimorc Stadium on De- Mirror of the French Nntioll." for Carroll Oounty, and uncle of Knth- take -the te~t.) Failllr~s to take it will l\iTs. O'Donovnll, Mn.rgll~et Myers; eembet 5th to deeido the 1931 State For lUore than thirty years M. Lau· Iyn Mellor, 01ass01'34. ltnlldknp your chances :l'or ndmission to Blauche O';OonovlI.n,Mhrr Lee ShiJileYi Championship title, zaune hus been Editor-in-Chief of the practically nil the medical sehools (lnd Mickey O'Donovan, Thelma. Snader; Began Thlrty Years Ago Paris "l\1atin", the great French daily. will pre"\'ent your admi&sion to anum· Frail Bundef The game will be the. thirtecntll con- Ris interdews with European states- beT of the schools. nor V))'IUIi, ilion and his articles ou foreign affairs WOMEN'S DEBATING TEAM :J.'hetesh wi!! be gil'en nt 3 p, M., on V:lI),lIi/Duro test of ene of tbe oldost football fueds ll~ve won him a world-wide reputation. Friday, December 11th, in Room L, I\"i, V-irginla . ill th(l state. Thirty years ago, in 1901, 1n October, 1916, M. Lauzb.nne came CHOOSESTWO QUESTIONS Lewis nllll, under tIm supen'ision of the series was illaugumted when West- to the United States as head of the Of- Delln Schofield. i'he test will require prtJ~C[et~1~~1~i~rli~OI~~!~ltld&::~ ern Maryland defeated the Uni~ersity, Since thut time, uach instItution 36-0. fieial Bureau of French In.formation, slightly leSljthall two hours. Eaell stu· tbr ·of tlUJ.,perf,9r.mance, u. coprof Eu· has won si.-.:games, bringing the series and remainod in this eountry until the Two questions will be debated by the dent shoul(l. bring witl1 him two 'weB- gene; O'N"eilUsplay entil;Jed "Mourning elld of the wsr. He was given the hon- women's debating team tllis year. They sharpened pellcils and tIle. iee of onB Beeom,es E_'J,_,,,_a_·", _ to a tie, and gl\.>ing Lo t~e Groeu Te.r· rora an opportunlty to gaIn the edge ill orury degreC!:lof Doctor of Letters by ure: dolla:t:to dafrll.Ythe ne'cessary ex.pllnSil8 the University of Michigan and of Doc- 1. Resolved: That Capitalism, as a of the Assoeiation in the v'repar£ltion, !lumber of Ij-OlltestsWOll. tCS~B.-Students !lre requested to be ·in ALOHA ADDSMANY\NEW tor of r~aw by the University of South system of economie organization is un· udministrntion and intl~rpreting Qf the Terrors Will be Underdog . Carolina, IIe is a Commander of the sound iu principle . In spite of such a setting, injuries Legion of Honor. 2. Resolvud: That the UnHed States their Bea.ts"promptly so that :fees may FEATURESTHI~ YEAR have Be riddled the 'oVr.stern Maryland In the foreword to M. Lauzanne's cancel all debts incurred by the World J;!e eoHeated, rapers distributed, and squad that, more than E""Ct before, the book, "Fighting France", Mr. James M. War. all Dlay begin the test simultaneously Terrors will euter Satnrday's as Beck likuns the Iluthor to Benjamin Tlle memben of tho team debating without confusion and nnde}· the most 'fhe 1932_Alohe. Will.J:U11 sl\_vernlen· tlle underdog. As a matter of fact, a~ Franklin in llis tact with dealing with on capitalism are as follows: Susan £uvorable conditions for !lll. til;l>Jyn1.\W~catmes, i1l ;'vaa ajlnounced far as the Terrors ureeoncerned, "team" .~ interl,lntional affairs, In. none of his Strow, Gladyse Somers, FranciS Glynn, The Avtitude Tests were ado.ptea by at II- 1~lectillg of the elltire~taff on and "squad" have beeolne practically cOlltl'lbutions to the press or in his Ch{!ll, Relen Doengos, and th~ Association of Ameri<;an M.edical 'Friday~lifove\llbcr 27. One, of the 1Il0st synonymous, for Coa~h ~arlow has mlUly public addresses, has he ever :Muriel Bishop. The personnel of the Colleges ill October, 1930, and were au- out~ta~ldillg changes in -the -;new year lately had difficulty III rounding up beeu e.'" a noyi!LYiew,."etian..Ber_a' de.en :uninjured men for scdmmnge. false move. World Wllr dcbts has not yet been dsp- States for tIle first time lllst year. Last:" Maryland returns to the stadium The lecture to the students of,West· nitely decided upon. Both tcamll will yenr's tflst eontldned thlo fol1owin~ six with ~ veteran outfit, the hest team, ern Maryland College will be delivered debate either upon the Obregon plan or 11(Uts..;Scientjfic Vocabulary; ~rem.edi- porhaps, wbich the College Parkers in Alumni IIall on February 19, 1932, the old formal plan. cal Information; Comprehcnsion and have ever sent on any field. So fnr, the have been s(lhe(1uled with Debates Ilt 8:00 P. M. It will be one of the Ursinus College, Lehanon Valley Gol· Ret"ention; ':Jsnal Memory; M(Jll)ory 'l'errapins have eusily aubducd all teams rlJquired attendances. ..for Content.; lIn(l Understnnding of from this section of the country which lego and American Unh·ersity. The Pt'i:uted l\taterial. This year's test will the' first two have been debating Western lto ver." similar in natur~ u.nd will in· thoy hnve encountered, earning end of championship of the northern Marylnnd for SOllle,vcarsbut American yruvo "11mgeneral pr:inci'ples IIn(lcrlyillg STATION W. M. 33 BROAD· Unive.rsity is tJ. new opgonet. Debates Inst Y.LlIlr"iItest. The aetual qUC!:Ition the Southern Conference. The powerful aggregation has becn the Vanderbilt with Eli2ll,bethtown College, Hood Col- 1:.01lte,1t,of cUJUBe,will be different. CAST JR,·FROSH PARTY lege and Univerllity of Maryland ll,I:e 'fhe. task of giving the Aptitude only team to top the Terps to date, and in this game, which was played in planned bnt have not us yet beOll. d(lfi- nitely scheduled. :rcsts tQ thonsands of students in hun" of the llcat of a Kentucky afternoon, uredl$ of COlleges, ann slIbse uentl Maryland Wll.Sfar below par. The Junior class entertained the An unusual number of girls hllve Freshmen at a party and dance in the shown all interest in this activity and Highlight of Season it is hoped that liS a result of this sea girls' gymnasium on Saturday evening, son, debating, which has been on the Advanee interest throughout the Stnte indicates that this contest will November 28, at 8 P. M. The program walle for 8e\-erul years will agajn take oasily be the highlight of the local sca- was centcrcd abont a broadcast from its plac:e as a major interest on the the studio of Station WM 33. The en· Hill. sou, eclip~;ng nil previous contests as tertainment extended o\'er a period of the hattle of the year. about OM)hour, and foUowing the servo cI11seh901s. The co~t is covered by II. Tllc student bodies of both institu· ing of refreshments, dlmce musie was W.M,C. Will Take Part lIoDlimti~harge of $1.00 from each 5tu- tions will attend the game en nm~ae, broadcast ulltil eleven o'clock. tll!ntfor the test, All 91lpers lire graded Chartering a fleet of ten big busses, TIle gymnasium was gayly decorlited In Peace Conference by 1, of the Assoeiatio.n West('rll Maryland students will lcave with green and ",Lite, the colora of the of _,\meril!lInJ.ledicnl Colleges and the tllC ClllllpUSat nooll. _It. COrpBof State Clan of 1933, and at 0110end of tlle WC$tern :Maryland College will be re8ulfs compiled in book f.orm and ro- troopers will cscort lhe cavalcade to liall a mierophone and several adver· well reprc~ented at the Buckrn:!l1Mod ported in, couJldenee to the deans of all Baltimore. Tlte test.s are llscd by tho admissions Dr, Bertholf Talks on tisemenh designated the studio.· eJ Disannament Con'ference, which will CllUI!.A medicnl J!.Choolsrn America. Coach Barlow, when interviewed re- 'l'he progral\l begnn with a word of be in seuion iu the auditoriul\l of the garding his views of the gam~, stnted, from the president of the Ju· Lewisburg High School, December 4, O, oftic.,rsot thc medical scllGois as one "World Ciiizen'<:At "Y" "Western AfllrylJilld \\'jJl seud eleven nior elus!! and then Wilson Murray, and 6. Delegates from twenty·sb. in- of the nrjte.ria ill ad.mitting studenh. courageons boys on the fieil] SutllnlllY. lllastcr of ceremonies, opened the broad- stitutions will be prose:ut, each body Study of the te~t results has shown tllat \Vlt:ltcyor the outcome of the game, cast wit.h stHtioll aunouncemeuts. Doro- of reprli"sentatives comiiding of froul tIl!' AptiudQ T(!st e~n Le relicd upon to tll~8e boy~ are going to give Maryland thy Rtln1il11thcn went on the air as tllree to five students Ilnd one facu\ty prog!losti~te t)1e fntu.e suueeBSof stu· Olle of th... hardest battles of the sea· Connie Boswell, erooning several popu· memher. Dr. Lawreneq. Little will dents. son." lar numbera to the accompanimcnt of he>
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