Page 32 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd Oollege, Westminster, Md. w. M. C. SOCCER TEAM The Relief Resources on Mobilization of tlley ought to be great demonstrations of Committee our determination to meet the emergency. of the Presi- ROMPS OVER G-BURG dent's employment Relief on Un- The register of the turnstiles ought to Organization run into the millions. In my call 1 asked the senior classes of the colleges aud schools to organize western Maryland '5 soccer team eomp- NOTE TO EDITOR: the students for nttendaece at thegamcs. ed ever tho Gettysburg College aggrega· It will be of great 8er·vU:eto tlt-(J Com- 'I'hrough this meaaage I am renewing the PHILO Y.W.O.A. tion on Fri!1I1Y, November 13, winning by mittee if tltis !lpctJio.l mcs8agc from Mr. call, as the time for the games drmv a score of 6·2. Although several regulars YOIlHg may be publis71cd in Y(}!(.Tnext~· near. The response of the students The Philo literary soeiety met Mon· The Y. W. C. A. !Ield its regular were absent from the llne-u p the 're- sue. It hajj been releallea ad,!! to tile should be unanimous, and 1 eall on day evening, November 16. The even- weekly meeting Wednesday evening, vamped team stu-ted off with u "bang". '"C1C~PlJper8af tho call-cges tllllt are ar· them to mak6 it eo. They should be- ing's program was 'l very Interest- November 18 in the Y room. TI,e tepie and in a few minutes 'I'ownsbend booted ranoing tlfflergC1tcy relief gomes. gin now their llIi~sionary work among ing discussion of modern literature and of the evening's discussion was "appro- the first marker. Throughout Ult~ first . Committee 011 lifabiliillltiOIl- of Relief their families and their friends. drama. lIbry Parks reviewed the life dation of Jesus", leader, Mary Hum· quarter the Green team had tim ball in Resources. I call, too, on thn alumni to attend. and poetry of Sara. Teasdale. Miss pbreys. The subject was emphaaieed Gettysburg's territory but eouldnvt get On October 14th in the capacity of I should like to know that as clubs and Jones, accompanied by Miss Hirons, very effectively, by poetry, Biblical lit past the opposing bucks. At the ijtflrf, eesoemuooe lIU? individuals they will sang several of Sara Teasdale's poems eruture and song. of the second f]llfirter, though, the home ehau-umu of the Committee on Mobiliza· which have been 5Ct to muale. Sue team carried Lhe ball up the field into tion of Relief Resources to which I have Strow gave a review of the Theatre scoring position where Etzler received been sununoned 11.1'the Pre8idellt'~ Or gnnlention on Uuemployment Relief, I Guild presentation, ''TIeunion in Vi· GAMMA BETA CHI a short pass and pro~lptly booted the old issued u call to all colleges and echoola enna' the outstanding etagc success of ball between the uprights for his team's ticipation. It is to be something over ihe d:o.y. Ti,e works of the popular Gamma Beta Chi takes pleasure in second tally. Soon Westeru )JaryJand in Ihe l;nited States having .football and above what they hal'e already doue or ,Baltimore poetess, Lizctte Woodworth Wll10unaing Mr. S. G. Towm:lhend, Jr. WIISawsrded :1 penalty kiek when one teams to gh'e to unemployment relief the may h8-veplanned to do. We have need RCefl6, wcre discusse(l by Sara Robin· end Mr. Ro. W. Kiefer as pladgesof the of tho visitors COllllult[ed Il. foul and. gross receipts, less actual expensea, of of every aid that' elln he rendered. son. The meeting was adjourned by the fraternity. -~-- 'rol\"llshelld was eleeted t.omake it 3·0 for one game. I nsked thnt, if the proceeds Through the GOLD BUG I call upon president, Mary Humphreys. his bunch. Near the cnd of the period of a regular game could not be devoted the present and former students of which to this purpose, or a SUbstantial pllreent· II good long shot Spiker made Westeru Mar;vland College to mflke her W.W. struck the goal post llllil glanced past the age of the receipts of oue or more games, contril)ution worthy of her traditions. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA I'isiting goalie. The home. boys contin thai extra or speejal games be scheduled OWEN D. YOUNG. The W. W. Club entertained at a for· ue!l to dominate the si\llIlhen, but were to rflise these funds. I did this because Delta Sigma Kappa enteTtnined sev· mnl dinner Saturday evening, Novembe! unable to score during the rest of the I believe it is lin 6..'ycllrcdIICCUrtlte ~~hool~ aud colleges ha"e done their whic.h have a place in higher education, to tile state than wonld be the case if Fllss·work. lind, nnd llOt without dijflaulty.', WED._THUR. NOV. 25_26! and whose program meets the educa· the state 11I1,d to assume fnll res]lonsi· DlIe ,"cry imJlortant aspect of the un· tiofml ideals and needs of the cousti· bilit.y for higher edueatioll. As the col· Noble, out of thegfllllcfor1ltimewith "MILLIE" tuencies which they rel'rI)Sellt. Its ap· leges of Murylllnd get on their feet a leg injury, played a sterling gnIlle lit (lcrtaking remains to be cOIlsidered, aud peal will not be for the few, but for ~ll; und become firmly established, are· half back, while Lciteh put up a fine considered with the same fine, heurty en· Featuring thusiaslll with which the other details for the AmerictUl college is a demo' (111eedtln,·rate will be the result and exhibition of i1efensi"a seecer at his full· ha,'e beeu taken up. HELEN TWELVETREES cratie institutioll, amI should make am· the stato univerBity, re-liev-ed of the back positioll; Routsol1, goal tender, pIe provision for the huml)lest boy er necessity of scattering her resourees made sc,"cral minu:nlOIlS stops. Etzler We must ha,'o speetators as well as 'rI'• ...........,........,...,...-,;o.·h ....hV ... h .. J'I f1:irl, as well as for the moro highly over too wide a field, will lie bettcr flll(l'fownshcnd, tiS well as Cnpt.ilel'lliek, ]lla.r~rBat these games. It is as spec· favored. The Ameriean eollege knows able to eoncclltrn.te upon thoae activi· plnycd a "bang·up" game on n!() line tators that the ol'erwhelnring lI1ajority of no distinctions and stands for all who ties IllOst needed by the state. With· for the home tenlll. Gernrd was out the students will IlaV'e their part in are worthy of a higher education. It out her many colleges, Marylaud would standing for the visitors. The line·np: achieving the ]lnrpose for which these would include all American youth in befaee to face with a serious situlltion games will be plaYIl(). My call was is· its o\·ertnres. ltspurpose is to take the with respeet to her su.pport of hi~her Gettysburg We~tern :Maryland su~d to nil students, not merely to the masses of youth and endow them with educatillll. And what 18 true in Mary· Glatunoff Go~l Routson IllCllIb<'Tsofihe football squads alone. It lOS mueh of our cultural inheritanee as land is the caS{! in practically every Joues R.F.B. Leitch is te the sllecw.tors that the uuemploycd I may be practically possible while rigbt· state in the Ullion. Without tbe aid Boachley T•.F.B. George lllUSt look for the assistance. to which ly preparing the exceptional student for of the }lrivately endowcd colleges the Reisz R.H.B. Rlludle the)' are so well. entitled. the, gr:l(lunte sehool. In the field of tax·rate for higher education would be Rege C.H.B. Woolley poiut of' I'iew these games From e\'~y cultural educntiolt tbe College of Lill· doubled or trebled throughout the Bowlll!! L.rr.B. Noble should be the most largely attended tbat oral Arts stands supreme. !tis the door United States. Durdillg O.R. Hernick have el'er been played in this country. TOILET GOODS through which t.he nation's best lead· Moyer I.R. Spiker crabill must pass. !tis t.ile grea.testpro· I am pleading for five hundred col· Gillespie C. Etzler They will be marked by spectacular foot· We are featuring vision ev-er mnde for th(" cultural devel~ leges scattered over tlle country, col· Koste I.L. 1.'ownshend ball. I alll told, indeed, that it will be Richard Hudnut's football beyond that which marked the opment of the mind and spirit of men. leges wbich are needed in the field of Gerard D.L Tuckcrmllll higher education aud which the nation regular schedule. In the number .and Newest Creation the spirit of lhe people who attend them DISARMAMENT IS TOPIC Cfln"ot do without. I huve II. deep in· GEM EY terest, of course, in the colleges of my OF Y. M. C. A. DISCUSSION own and neighboring state-s. I want to In Face Powder ask the people of this section of our Perfume (Oontinued from Page 1, Col. 3) great country to rally to the support Equitable life Ins. Co.of Iowa Toilet Water of our colleges. In a changing eeouomic dowu goverllmenh'" The IInswers to order there are some things we must uot Bath Powder this llroblem were ill the negative: let go. 'Ve must stllni1 by our colleges Represented by Talcum Church and college snd onr churehes. "Do we now have peace maelllnery The height of the sufficient enough to do llway with arma· ~re allies in any reconstruction of so· Perfumer's Art eiety which Ilan have lIIating valne. An ments"f Prof. Hurt continued. It wss BUCK CASH admitted that the pre~ent Japan·Man· average of two million dollars speut on King's Pharmacy ehurian affair is a test of the League ellch of five llUndred colleges would give of Nations. "But", saidl\fr. Hurt, ''1 be· employment to hundreds of t,hous8.uds, 55 East Mam Street, would stabilize our educational insti· lieve the League is stroug euough to tutions, give them buildiugs and equip· WESTMINSTER, MD. WestmirL';iter, Md. llleet the situlltiou." International ment that a returning prosperity will finallce is so intenvoven that one na· permanently endow, and will ennble our ........~~.....•...v.v...V .......y......... tion's move affeels all other nntious. American colleges to "carryon" in the This sta.te of n1I'airs puts teeth in t',e Kellogg Peace Pact. nation's greatest crisis. Prof. Hurt concluded the discussion The American college is a democratic by {:"iving a summary of the principal institution, existing for all and not for Smith & Reifsnider efforts to prevont Wltr. "'Ve now have the few. It is too wide in its sympa· the machinery for peare, so what we tides und too sound ill its philosophy ........ need is the will to make that machinery to commit itself to a policy not demo· For Anything effeeti\"(~," said Mr. Hurt. Tbe press cratie at heart. It would include all From a Pill to is often biased by busiueaa interests so AIll~rieall youtb in its overtures. In Lumber - - Coal that militllristia public opinion ndght the- field of eultural cducation it atands a Telegram uot alwllYs be founded 011 true facts. supreme. It is tJle door through which Come to Beeuuse of the attitude of the United the nation's beat leadership lIlnst pass. Sash, Doors, Blinds States towards tile League, the cause It is the greatest provision ever made Mackenzie's Pharmacy of IleRee haa beeu handicapped. But for the cultural development of the tlle United States because (If its finan· mind and spirit of man." General MillWork -_-- cial status and ih geogrnphieo.l loca· tion is in a position trJ take stepa to· ****.***".*****************-lI' ward disnrmllment. ALUMNI Cement and Plaster DR. LITTLE SPEAKS TO "Steeae" ICollege Students! i ........ 1000 YOUTHS AT CONF. were Among the recent vi5itors on the Hi!! Phone 227 WESTMINSTER. MD. and Crawtbenl "Bud" (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) Brubaker, bOtll ex·'33. ~ There is no time like the ~ young people; by training leaders who ~ present for insurance. We ill are able to place the work of the churcb school upon a level eomparable to that PERFECT STEAMED ~ cord.ially invite you to visit us ~ of tIle public school, aud finally to PERMANENT WAVES REMINGTON courageously apply the spirit and prin· * ~ 'when in quest of insurance of * ~ ciples of Jesus tQ the social eeouomic, STORE industrial, a.nd political problems of our present age. $ any nature. \'Ve'll be glad to ~ 51 W. MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD. i advise you upon such matters. ~ BEST PHOTOGRAPHS * * GENERAL INSURANCE I! '" ~ CHIFFON HOSE RAYON UNDERWEAR THAT SKILL CAN ~ Pure Thread Silk ~~'?~N:'fS39c 49c PRODUCE 79c 98c $1.35 79c ea. ~ Stoner & Hobby ~ STEP.INS Kodak prints by experts Shampooing, Ma.reeling, and New Adjustable Top PAJAMAS Finger Wa.ving, Ladies' and Chil- * CHIFFON dren's Bobbing, 250, 35e ffi 17 West Main St., HOSIERY 98c 98c and $1.49 Wilson Studio GLORIh BEAUTY SHOP i Westmins~er, Maryland * COMBINATIONS ~ Phone 319-W 88 West Main Street, Also Service Weight and 89c 98c WESTMINSTER MD. Westminster, Maryland. Insurance Plus Service ~ t'Gym" Hose Phoue 358·J *****-K'************')E-'*******
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