Page 31 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, W~stminster, Md. PAGE THREE BIG HOMECOMING GAME I SPORTS I HOFFA FlELD---SATURDAY. 2 P. M. I SPORTS I Hopkins Blue Jays Submerged 40-0 TERROR FROSH TRIM by Terror Team's Fast Rushing GEORGETOWN FRESHMEN IDROPS FROM THE WATER-BUCKET and Spectacular Aerial Attacks A heroic rally in the form of n long puss, in the last III'e minutes of play, Somehow or other pl~ying under the No sir, overconfidenee doesn't pay. spelled rtetory tor the Green :l!ld Gold are·lights seems to have a pleasing et- 'I'here ts the case of NorUiwestllru. The Seoring at ll.'a~t oue touchdown in i. flat pass front Doughty fwd behind ~'reshn"lH Illel"~ ever Georgelown Um- fect on ure Terrors. We played a. fine WihlNlhs had tied Kolre Dame and beat- every period and extra ones ill tue seecud splendid inter terence eaeeened througll verstty on Saturday, Noreuiber 14, at game under the c rttflclal sun up at Pitts; on c"errthing else ill sight and were gen· and third quarters, the Green Terrors the enlire Blue Jny secondary defense Grimih Btudium. The finnl score of the burg and rust E'ridnr's massacre 6peaka erully concluded to be "in" tho Big of Westoru Maryland swept up and do1Yll. fur a touchdown. t-ilt,whiehwtlsplayedasapreliminnry forilself. T'eu courerenee race, wiih only \;>"0 easy the greensward of Homewood F'ield, The opened with the 'j'crro-s to lhe Ooorgetown Varstty-c-Weat, Vir· teams to meet. Woll la$t Saturday, In Johns Hopkins' at:lI11ping ground, nnd kicking off to the Jays who look the oval giniH game was 19·13. dinna, cue of these so-called teams led pounded the Blue Jays inlo aubmlssion on their thirt.y-five yard strip. 'Iheir Ilcorgetuwn kiekell off. A concerted .\Lt. St . .\lary's are next on the docket, Northwestern 6 to 0 for nearly three- by the lop-sided count of .to to O. The efforts to aucauec were negligible and attack culrniunt.iug in a eueeeeenn pass The Mountaineers although not ha\"illg quarters when the eonfereuce leaders game played under the nrc-lights on lust the)' punted to tlH:J vtaiturs 30')'nnl £rem Shepherd to Biissman scored for j)ll$SCtl through such 11successful season managed to eke out II 7 to 6 win. No lo'ridny night, WIIS witnessed by 8,500 stripe an(1 Dunn retnrue(1 the ball to mid· the Terrors in the first few lilinutes of in the Ullloun! of games won aud lost, sir, ol"er.eonfiden:e ~Oe!IL't pay! spectators. En~ry available seat at the fidd ()ll the runhuek. IIopkins fighting play. 'fhe tl·J' f()f point, was not effee m'e al\\"a~'s keyed up for this contest University Parkway enelosllre was oe- eugerly to get the first breok upon tive. 'I'0\\,.1rds the end of the quarter :Jnd this ycar wlll be ll() exception with The Freshm~n team is coming along eupied and fans were standing three deep \\'hi~h they Illight capit~lize was suceess a 15 Y(ll'd peualty placed the ball on the the "Men of :!IJlIlloy." vary well, it's latestyictiIn being George- around tJICplaying field. ful in thr!lwing baek the Greeu amI Gold Georgetown 5 rnTd liue, and Sehwecker tOW"Il, which went down to a 19 to 13 de- W1ule it WIIS not generally expected ll(hDllCe at this pnrUeuIJll" point Hud t()ok went through ceuter on a we(lge play for fe~l. the bnll 011n punt whkh rolled out of I,hat the Bl~ek and Blue team would bounds on t.ho .Jay 40'~'ari! llIark~r. Westel"ll M
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