Page 30 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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'PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Around the Campus I VARIETY BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF The Denn of the College and the Mcn'!! "AS H11SBANDS GO" man a.t first sight, and throws l,er hua- Dean will be candidates for the dodge- band into the depths of despair. There ball team, having had considerable pme- .d play by Ro<:l!d Crot/wrs, p,·esl)-lltcd totlows ll,.period of hectic umotdcnal title during the recent "t apple-ehower.?" by tile Theatre Guild at Ford's stTCSS for tue husband. lIe is a duo-pee- Official student newspaper o-f Western Maryland College, published 011 'I'hureday 'I'he mighty "Strangler" has been Theatre, BI}/.timwrc. sonality. The fascinating GuardSlIlRll during the academic year by the students of Western "Maryland College, Westmin.ster, The story of "As Husbands Go," for (lll hour or two; then harrowed, wr- Marylaud. Entered as eeccad-elase matter at the Westminster Pcatofflee. thrown. ecnters around two woruen who come castle husband. His mnaquerade is done SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YE9- A certain curly-haired Junior, Blightly home from one of their visits to- Pllris beautifully-c-eo beautifully I hat, when abashed, but nevertheless desiring a. date totally changed, Il.S a result of their fru· the husbaad is ealled away "for a with an iunoeent Fre!;hman, finally used EDITORB..L STAFF ing in love. Emmie, the elder brings night's perforlllllnce of .H'::l1ll1ot in Q. Editor in. Olliof . . , C. W. KOOGltOGEY, '32 the old story of "asking her if she her fianee, "Heppy" back with hor, neighboring city", his wife succumbs to- Assoc.iate Editors . . MARY LEE SHlPLEY, '32, ROBERT L. RODGERS, '32 wasn't ufraid to walk from the library much to the disgust. of her duughter, the ardent adcaucce of the Gunrdsmau. of rcturus News Editors.. . .. M. SUSAN Snow, '33, C. RUSSELL HERBST, 33 to the donn in the dark." Peggy. The of character America Peggy ; was a 'I'he f()Jlowing greets morn his the wife husband the library. young l)foud, and home conception in of Cleopatra and g~~~:~~f::r8 . ·······.·.·.·.·.A ..B~o;::I~~~~~:;.:::: ::~~:~~NGO.P~~_~; :i! Again Shades a woman has usurped )lark mnu Antony! conceited, prejudiecdj and was balanced lie seems at ease, yet one senses a subtle ts net- rover, MAKE-UP STAFF ural right and has become the command- by young her man. Jake, a typicnl American undercurrelltofdeeisin;nessalldrealizes his wife of iu- he is about that to accuse Managing Editor . ...... THOY ....S W. OTTO, '32 er. OUI· "Pighting Colonel" is now Lucille attempts to tell her husbnnd, fidelity. She g-reets him coolly, perfect- Assistant ],[anaging Editor . . .WILLIAY R. SPARBOW, '33 Second ill Command . Charles, that she has fallen in love with ly at, case. He goes i.nto lua dressing BUSINESS STAFF Russ, Stew, Charlie, and Will furnigh. all English poet, but somehow, in the room, apparently to unpack, and reap- for BUllincS8 il[anager ... ..•.••••••.•• R.oo:!R R.,CISSELL, '32 ed girl$ mOI·ell1ent the !lanee at way liopTdna. the quar· The fIlee of his 100'e for her, his past 1()lIe- pears in the doorway. eostutn.e, He is dressed in latest under by AdVllrtising Manager . ........ DAVID TRUljDLE, '33 tettei..5 to hirc II h:ll1:md Qand for [hcir lillcss without her, und his joy at having his Gunrdsman fingering Q. Ass;ston! ..d.dVll'Ttiaing Ma·nag8T . .......... MILTON A. KAT:!;, '34 own limited pleasure, and no "cutting" her baek, ihe opportunity never preseuis slwrp knife. His wife stares for a mo- Oirculation Managcr ... ...... WAYNE MOOaE, '32 itaelf. Wh('n Ronny COllle~ to America, meut (is she takel) aback!) but theu she allowed. he is attrooted immediately to Clmrlea. laughs-and tells hiUl that she penetrated Assistant Circulstion Managers Their friendship grows and thraugh it his disgilise the moment the Guardsman Anyone desiring information as to why GLADYSE L. SO.MERS, '33 MAURW£ C. FLEMING, '34 ROlln)' learllS of Charles' great love for met her. He iscontrite,humoled by her ZELMA B. CALVERT, '34 ARTllUIl, J. DOWNEY, '34 boldness inhibits love·making, m.ay eon LIl~ille. Unable to faee tlle 8it.uation, e1el·ernes..~, nnrl, lov('r·like, beliel'ea her. LoRA M. OUTTEN, '34 suit Rrtleigh Brown. Iw tllllS llway, le:n-ing Lucille bellrt- But the Hudience smiles, and is puz- really reali.~e HEPORTORIAL STAFF Spood-::wd more Speed-in fact a br{)ken. Hisowu.Oiaillusioninghashccn zled. Did she she merely displaying his disguise! of 01" was bit a Winifred Bush, '32, Alverta Dillon, '32, Mary Humphreys, '32, Sara Robinson, sk~mpede occurred Sunday night around particulnrly bitter, and It!! is rather glad Ive do, '32, Betty Allen, '33, Elsie Bowen, '33, Susanna Co.ckey, '33, Tessi!) Cox, '33, Troy College Inn when (I "stranger" was dis tolellve. ~c!ing of both Gloria IIolden and clever wire Knmling, as we arc bound that the actress, is a eleHr 'rhe Hambseb, '33, Aline Wolverton, '33, J.lartha RarriBon, '34-, KaUllyn Mellor, '34, (:Overed ill the midst. ,Tflj" Fils$ett; who played Lueille and io b~licl'o that, perha1's, tho h11sband Louise. Needy, '34, Esther Righter, '34, Margaret Yocum, '34, Edith Forney, '35. I'rob/lbly the bc-st system of blind Chnries, is pal"iienlarly prniseworthy. III \\"asfaoled. Samuel Townsbend, '32, Louis Tuckerman, '32, Joseph Addison, '32, Howard Emlwi{) "l1c:ppy", married of Pyles. Amoss, '32, Wilson Murray, '33, Pat MahonG)', '34, Clarence Bnssard, '34, Brady dates last haa \;lccn soil·ed by Bill to further They aid lhoroles Dornet nnd alld Bohnen the The ill~Ol\lpnrable cOllple are portroyed from "by only Lun\s-bol"rowed mimltea fifty and Roman Catherine Bryson, '35, Carlton Brinsfield, '35, Keithley Harrison, '35, Robert Himmer, '35. thcsitllotioll one ofthcm lJasto vi.;,;it IIrc to be eOIllI)limCllted. the Thentre Guild's list of most popular relatil'es who-live on the route of iileridc. The pl'l~· \\"as f( trllly artisti(l perform- and finished actors. Quoting Mr. Eaton JUNIOR EDITORS FOR THIS WEEK The score is now I!'\"cu bHween Bill and flll~l.', liS we should expect from a in II. ml"iew of RCll1lier 'i IIlIa S. Repre· npprol'e of e.""pellsive nud rather wild col- this of scholastic sbwdards and ideals at Western Maryland to an equal )l~l")·land lHiS \lao this lil)llI(lCf!miuil cel- scntativcs from lllauy of the middle-At· lege dunces, 1 do think el'ery collEge degree, or even to the best of his abilit.y. We do feel, however, that el)l·atioll in its elltirety. Tile dnllce l!lJltic ~tntos <:olluges \\"ere present at Ule ~hould sponsor dances for tbe students. public opinion, certainly a very potel1t influence, is gra<.luallycoming whi(·h, '1~ 3 llwlter ot' C(>!II"se rouml:> off ll[()etiug iu C':n·lisle. Sessions began at Last yeM the WesteT·n :lI.!arylnlld dllllcea held to demand respect for the sLudellt rather than the "loafer." Defects the day is being omitted. This is a 2 o'clock, after pre$ident, rcgist.ration, charge. with R. B. that were nfl'air~ in (rom the dining hall were of desirnole point in every 11.iSB [):ouJlscllor, reasons ill marks arc deservedly received with more attention than formerly. r~gr('tt"ble faet for has two always (atleust EstlH'r Cltnlllbers, editor·in·chief of the ,·iew. The students enjo)'ed them, and ·Western)!1Jryl(ln(j True, no one wants to witness a teeth-gnashing party next week Far from the writer'S f'~pt'ri{'ll~"') regllrded "Diekinsollinn" greeted the members. they were n, 0' ,,11 395 that eorr~eting impression Other sc.hools are giving and will give greater amounts than of Nort-h Carolina Unh·ersit;v, and now many hold concerning college: tllll.t foot· of tllis college, but it. must be remembered that they are more able to presidCllt this function tile UlIiI'orsit~, of of Illinois. hallnnd fraternities are the only things Lowry Beauty Shop ~ talks At number n do so. The United States Naval Academy is departing from its usna,} were givel1 on the general subjeet of the gil·ell nn,\" attention in eollege life. procednre and .is charging admission to athletic contests. The money ne\\" administration. Absolute eonfi- 105 East MaID Street ~ derived from this source is to be given to the relief fund. dOIlOO ill tJHl new president, WIlS mani· '['hc time is drawing nenr for college The Gold Bug now makes an earnest plea that the students, fac- fest. Western Ya.ryJamlCoUege success jOillS in in proms. I wonder if Wl'"5teru Maryland WESTMINSTER, MO, :; Graham President wislJing ulty. and alumni·will aid.ill this great mo"ement, W. G. P.,'33. his ne_w office, Coll~g~ will hav~ one. In several ex ~VN.V. .. •........ ·.r.·'iIY'rIYri
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