Page 29 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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GOt THANKSGIVING HOMECOMING HOLIDAY FOOTBALL No GOLD BUG will be Varsity vs, Mt. St. Mary's Published Charity Game NEXT THURSDAY Sat., 2 P_ M., Hoffa Field Vol. 9, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 19, 1931 FACULTY MEMBER W. H. Murray Heads PROFESSOR G. S. WILLS Cadet Private Doughty PRES. A. N.WARD, W. M. WRITES ARTICLE FOR Jr.-Frosh Party Comm. ATTENDS INSTALLATION Given 6 Mos. Sentence CHOIR TAKE PART IN AMER. FEDERATIONIST nual The Junior - Freshman an OF N. C. UNIVER. HEAD of An the interesting of the phase LOCALBROADCAST SUN. the of theme mili- work party, which will be tary department was the held on Friday night, court - martial held last "More Balance in Business" is Title nigbt, November 27, in President Graham Delivers Inaug- week. The auam trial Dinner for Participants Given at of Article the girls' gymnasium, ural Address covered three full peri- Willard Hotel will be a radio broad ods. Its purpose was to east as seen and heard give the cadet-officers in- TRIES TO CURE DEPRESSION from a broadea~ting stu- FORMER PRESIDENT SPEAKS struction in conducting DR. WARD IS TOAST MASTER dio. Wilson H. Mur-ray, chairman of militar~' court. In the- last issue of the American the entertainment commtbtee, will be Prof. G. S. Wills, head of the English Pr-ivate F_ N. Poor radio reception halted the spe- ::r,ederationist there was printed an ill- chief announcer and master of eeremonies_ department of Western Maryland Col- cused. The chargcs Doughty was againat the him ac- cial service being beld in place of tbe brought terestingarticle. "More Balance in Bus· Included in the broadcast will be im- lege, n ttendcd the exercises of instal- inese," by Professor Howard B. wnaon, personations of such well known cele- lation of President Graham, recently by Captain Norman Barnett were em- usual chapel, Sunday, November 15, at a member of the faculty of Wo)stern brities as Elder Wallace Hopper, Kate selected head of North Carolina Uni- bezxlement, desertion, and disorderly 6.45 P. M .. in had Smith Hall. Professor chllrge assembly of the Brumbaugh Maryland College. Smith, the Boswell Sisters, Phil Cook, versity. conduct. Be was found guilty of em- and dismissed it when interference with This arficle contains some of the fol- and Beu Bernie. The brondeaat will ex- bezzlement and absence without leave. the radio program became so bad that lowing pOiJIW: during recent months tllnd throughout the evening, but th.e but wne acquitted of the other charges. it could no longer be hear-d by the nudt much has been spoken and written con- program will be so arranged that danc- Prlva te Doughty was supposed to have ence. The service was held in order cerning business eyclca. Trying to cure ing during the rendition of popular given government eompaesea to one that the students migllt hear the local the business depression of to-day by music by well-known maestros and their "Joe, the \Vop" owner of a pool room, broadcast of the Liberal Arts College orchestras. those who understand it is very import- in payment of n, debt, The convicted movement, iu which r». A. N. Ward ant. It has been a tradition at "Western man was eeoteneed to confinemeut for spoke. Class Business depressions harm all classes Mary1a~d College that the Junior Spea,lrers of societv. All have seen and felt the entertain the Freshman Class in the fall six months with forfuiture of two-thirds The program was broadcast from tl16 llia pay_ effects of the depression begun in 1029. of each year in order to help acquaint of the Even the governmeut has suffered. Not tho newecmera with upperelaaamen and Attorneys for the prnseeuttou were Washington studios of station National WRC. Company, Broadcasting only busluesa conditions, but social con- promote their participation in social Captnin J. H. Dixon, .Tudge Advocate, ditions as well have been victims of thll functions. TIle par,ty this year occurs lind Lieutenant Cameronl\furcllison; It included musical selections by the universal disturbance. later than usual due to the heavy social fOl' the defense were "Major L. 11. Pin- Glee Club of Hood College and the III the present situalion the world has schedule of the College and the late 01'- Lieutenant choir of Western Mar.vland College. become an economic unit. If' ono couu· gnnixation of ctneses, however, tIle par- eura and for the dofcnse Bradley werll BOII'man. Speeches were made by David C. Wine- Witneses Privato try is aifc'eted in production, trade, ote., t.y jlromises the to be thc this outstanding social Caples, W~llnce, lind Willey; for thG brenner III, who Secretary for of State, of Maryland, Governor spoke seasou. RiB event it likewise affects the wholll world. TIll) The following committees have been prosecution were Captain Barnett, Sup Rit.chie; Lucius C. Clark, Chaneellor of 011 ac]justment of this world·wide eeon01l1ic American University; Dr. George John meehaniSlll is a very delicnte one and appointed aud arc now fnnctioning: pl.I' Scrgeant Lamb, and Sergeant Jones. requires the greatcst can_ More "ell- Entertainment, Wilson :Murray, chair- Captsin Howard A_ Bolton presided son, of the National Catholic Welfare liglltened selfishness" in business con- man, Mary Ellen Senat, Sll~an Strow, liS presidcnt of the court and Captain Couneil, for Archbishop CurleJ', and Dr. trol is needed. Mason !?prague, William P.ylcs; Decora- Lamh ,,'as first member. Other members A. N. Ward, Presidont of Wcstern The economic data and knowledge are tion and Property, Troy Hltmbseh, were CaptHin Hammil and Lieutllnants Mar.yland Collego. Dr. Apple, Presi- making for sounder business judgment ehairnHtn, Tessie Cox, Herbert Leitch, Karper, Otto, Sunday, and Etzler. Cap- dent of Hood College, iutroduced the and more elflletive regnl~tion. This is William Sparrow; Refrllslllnonts, Kath tai.nNeil Woolley was law mcmberof the speakeTB. available if the business men will only lecll ~Ioore, ehairmall, Ida Duphorne, Dinner Held use it. Carohne Reed, Jane Wine, and Rizpall court. After the broadcast, a di.nner waB Many things in tbe country to·day Wickes. held in the New Willard Botel, at are as gooll as ever and it appcau that The ceremonies began with the gath- which Dr. Ward was tlle toastmaster. of the onset of a decline is primarily dermin- LARGE NETWORK CARRIES ering of the efficial representatives the TRAVEL TALK FEATURES a peace problem. In regard to colleges and uni"orsities Ihronghout Pres_ Ward's Speech ing the price, tllerll are two factors: the LIBERAL ARTS BROADCAST United States. Delegates of learned so· EXPERIENCES IN ORIENT The text of Dr_ Ward's speech fol- general price lovd of any given period cieties such as t.hc Americnn Chemical lows: ~uHI the operation of »upply ~"d de'nand and American History Associatiolls at- "L~st n;ght from the New York Stu- upon the particuJar product involved. tended /1lso. Tht> Boanl of Trustces of dio of the National Broadeastiug COlll- Botll groups are determinants of tIle President Ward Speaks Over North C~rolilln Unil'ersity W1l8 prC9(!nt. Mrs. Alice F. Newkirk Gives pany, the speakers in the national general level of prices at any particnlar Air to 49 Million All of the guests of the University Illustrated Lecture broadeast in the intcrest of our Amer- time. formed II IHocession and marched in ican colleges. addrllBsed an audience es- Evcn though thllse mEans are availa- academic costume to the Kenan Sta- timated at fift.y million people. Tonight ble, everyone will have to work together. President A. Norman Ward's dream dium, where the innuguratiou was beld. On Tuesday evening, November 17, in the local broadeasts for Maryland, for this interest_ of foeusing tbe natiou's attention along President Grahfllll opened the exer Mrs. Alice F. Ncwkil'k gave an extreme- Delaware, the District (If Columbia alld are educntional lines was realized Satur- dacs wilh his forth inaugural ide~ls address aims in ly ed interesting on her and trip instluctive thc illustrat- near-hy two states, we p<1ople. speaking to at whic.h and the "C{,l- through lectnrc hI' set huge lell~t November million 14, in the DR. LITTLE SPEAKS TO day radio evening, the National the rClldCllsting York Com- of dress thl' was new followed by speeehes The ad- erfulO"icnt," generally desetibing the points tuitions ia not paid generally students known in that college, the awui.nistration. hook·up Stu- from It New of groet· Beside of by dios 1000 YOUTHS AT CONF. pauy_ This ever brondcast to was awaken largest the (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) ()f interest Newkirk places whiell several &he visit- state or privately controlled, cost meet of only in the the percent ed, thc fort.y about cdu· made per- of Mrs. related attempt American public's thinking. Through DISARMAMENT IS TOPIC sona1 iucidllllts which added a great catioll. If students paid the full cost the courtesy of tI,e NBC a nat.ion-wide deal of color to ller t.alk. of their education, only the children of Dr. Lawrell~e Little, dean of Reli- gious Education of thi~ college, rccent- edueational program, "'The Liberal Arts OF Y. M. C. A DISCUSSION While in Japan, she was a guest of the rich could go to college_ Thll otber ly attended the sessions of the North College," direeted by It nntional com- the roral family at a garden party. It si.xty percent of the cust of a boy's or nir must !:l.00 to state Carolina Conference of the Methodist mittee, 'Hnt on the evening. from Those of is all interesting side-Jigllt that il\ ease a girl's education private come gifts, from endow- appropriations, !:l.30 P. M. Sa.turdsy Prolestanteburebwllich wnshcld in the the committee were: ]\frs. Cleveland E. of rain, the guests were expected to at- city of High Point. Prof. F. B. Burt tend just the same, but tloat prinee aud meuts, profits from dormitories, and Oue of the special features of the Dodge, Mr. Alhert C. Cox, Dr. Robe.rt of the Social Science princess wonld not appear, becauso even the like. Without privaie or state ben· ('onference this year, was tIle Young' .Kelly, Dr. Charles R Mann, President Departmcnt con- the rain should not look down on roy- cfa,ction~ no college could be main- Peopll,l's Night, at which time more than A_ Ceter_ Norman Ward, 11n<1 ::'lIr_ All,)ut, St. dudcd a discussion alty. taine
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