Page 28 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md SHAKESPEARE OLUB SUNDAY SCHOOL phyeieal and spiritual, which every girl COLLEGE CALENDAR BROADCAST COVERS should strivo to develop. 'I'he progrsm The first llIeeting of the Shakespeare The regular session of the Sund:ly was completed with a solo by Margaret NATION Iflub was held Tuesday evening in the school was held on Sunday moruing, No' Lee Nelson. -_-- J:'RIDA Y, NOVEMBER 13- Y room. The meeting opened with a vembee 8. Miss Dryden played "In the Val"llity Fnctba.llj Johns Hopkins (Conttnued from Pnge 1, Col. 5) few introductory remarks by the presi- After Glow" liS the Prelude. "Come BROWNING Unh-ersity; Homewood Eield, "should bring financial relief to every dent. Plana for the general make-up of Thou A.lmighty King" was theu sung 8.15 p. m , worthy eollege of liberal arts in the the yenr=s meetings were discussed. by the sehoul. Following this, Super. The Browning Literary Societ): held a. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14- United States." intendent Schaeffer offered prayer and Catherine Baumgartner reported on lire- Werner $lIng "Open My Eyes That business meeting, Monday evening, No- Some iden of the scope of the tre- eeut article on a new fonnd folio of vember the umth in the society room. A "Open Date" rush part lea by mendous projects lUay be obtained from sororities. Hnrulet ; Cleona Brinsfield read a-list of I Might See." "The Trees of the report was given by Sue Cockey on an Student-faculty aeaembly ; MeDan- the fact that praeueauy (Ivery college served as the Scripture rending. Lord" the diseases frQm which Shakespeare is 'I'he devotional port of the session eon- interview with Dr. Ward concerning t.ha iel Lcunge j 8:45·9:30 p. m. and unh·ersit.\· in the eeuutry has sai(l to ha\'e died. She also rend quota- eluded with the sc11001'ssinging "0 1.[a9· necessary adjustments that the literary joined tho movement. eoesettea lI1ustmake. The Liberal Arts College Bulletin, the tions us arguments ill favor (If the ex- tel' Let Me Walk With Thee." Election of officers for the coming year SUNDA Y, NOVEMBER J5----- official publication of Prcaident Ward's Ietcnce of autos ilt Bhakespeareta time. WIIS held and jbe following girls were. College Sunday School; Baker committee, has Ii cireulation of more Alverta, Dillon gave lin account (If the elected: ' Clltl.pel; 9:15 tl..1I!. than a hundred and fifty thousand Shakespeare Fulger Memorial Library Y.W.O.A. President .... . Mary Lee Shipley Baker Chapel Services; 7:15 p- m. copies. width is ncariug completion in Wash· Yiee-Preatdent KatWeen Moore MOI\'DAY, NOVEMBER 16- The T. W. C. A. held its reguhrr meet· ingtou. ing in the Y. rooll, Wednesday el'l'~ning, Secretory 'liillieent Allen Lit.erary Societies; 7:00 p. m. Government st,ntisties recently pub· 'fhen the group divided into two sec· No.\·c11Iber 11. TIle subject of the meet· Trensurer Cleona Brinsfield TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17- lished ro:!"eal tlm.t Sovi(>t Russia's eom- tions and a contest in recognizing fnmil· ing was, "The Three Sides of the Tri- Forty per cent of thl} teachers on tIle Social 01ubs; 7:00 p. m. llulsory eduillltioll enmpaign is 110 per cent. Dur· of sclie'l"" n"WD,"", I PRINCE ALBERT QUARTER HOUR, Alice J"1. To",. Wo_ and Camel Ordl ...... dirooe,ion "Old lltmeb." and I'dnoo Alb"",""' .... J.cq»eo RenU'd........ ,. nJ,;bt _
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