Page 27 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE INTER·FRATERNITY CONSTI. eaen month of the eeboiaeuc year. He TWENTY·THREE FROSH ARE may also call spwill.l meetings whenever TUTION ADOPTED BY theoceasiondemandsit. INITIATED IN W. A. A. VARSITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ALL SOCIETIES Section 2. Tlie£ulluumber (eight) of 'l'he second mE'eting of the Women's W.M.O.OPP. delegates or their proxies muat, be pres- Athletic Assoelat.icn was held Oil 'I'hurs- October 3-0l>Qrgctown University 25 The following Constit.ution h(\s been ent and voting at all meetings. day, November 5, at 6:30 in the "1:" Griffith Stadium, Washington, D. C. ratified for the Inter-F'rnteruity Coun- Article IV rOOHL Dean StOHr spoke on Hiking, as October 10-St. Johna College .... 59 eil, hy eneh of the four Fraternities on governed by the Studeut Gorermuent and Baltimore Stadium the Hill: Powers of the Oouned Athletie Aesoclntion. Mrs. Stover gave October 17-Washi..ngt.on aud Jefferson College.. . ... 12 lt1 PllE:\.l\IDLE Section 1. (a) The Council shall 11 short hiator.l· of thl) devctcpment of the A. A. ar, Western ?>fnrylnnd nnd ex- Bnlfimore Stadium We,thcfrnternitiesatWcstern Mary- lW\"ll the pow<.'Tto regulate pledging and plainI'd in detnil Hiking "privileges for "Oetober University . land College, in order to form a more rushing periods, setting the datt~ for co-eds. Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, Pa. pcrfectunion, promote agrenLcrspirit of tile temunnticn of caeu. Pollowing this 23 ~'rcshm<,nwere given a higher Oetcber ltl-Loyola College of Baltimore . eo-cperatton, and maintain reluticns on (b) The CUlluri I sh~ll have the. power the oath (If membership. Awards were atauflarrl of inter-fratemal Baltimore Stadium the Oampus, do hereby o"dnin and es to regulate uniformHy iu the presenta- presented for Athletle a~hie\'eJ1lellt dur- November 'I-Boston College . 13 tub1il:!hthis Constitution for the Inter ~ieOr~of hids, ill regard to time nnd men- ing I.Iw past yeAr. 'I'hosa who received Baltimore Stadium Praternity Council of Western Mary- the btaacr, the highest n,ward for woo Section:!. The Council shall have (n) "November la-Johns Hopkins Univpraity . lund College. tnc power to ApporUon among the various men's. afhlefiea Ilre:-i\fnry Humphzics, B~~trlcC Crowther, and Elin&r Ebaugh, Homewood }"ield, Baltimore, Md. Article I Fr!Jterni!iell, the dates for the formal whIle thosc awar(]!X1M's were: C. Ben- tNoI'ember 2l-Mt. St. Mary's College . Memhership monthl~' danc!l<:l. TIoffa Field, Westminster, Md. (I)) The Council shllil the November 28-:lluhlcnberg College ... Sectioll 1. '.Plle l:!'raternities which Anunnl Inter·Frllterllity Dance eaeh ~~:'~~~:t~l~~~¥:k!~~;~~~:e~~~;;!~:;,ti~: "Baltimore Stadium hereby bUl(l themseh-es to elect repre- ~'ear, nsscsaing each }~ralernit)" on :1 pro Reed, M. E. Senat, aud J. Somers. to,il '_1 Dreember 5-Ullil'er~itJ" of 'Maryland ... sf'ut.atil·es to- SH"O {)n the Council shall ral~ ba8i8. .Tuue Kriuer and Gertrude Slwfnwu be: Alpha Gnmnm Tuu, Delta. Pi Alpha, Bnltimore Stadium GllInmn Beta. Ch~, and Pi Alpha Alpha (c) The COlll\/·jj8h:t1ls}Jolls(lruny ad- were gil'{m the goldell 'H' for lliking nndlet- 100 points in I yeur. -Indillates _N·ightGames ~. The Counell shall consist of eight ditional !W(!iui fuudions which it Il1tl)' ters forsCllsonll1 sportswerealse dis- lAnnuul Home·coming Gume men, each Fraternity electing two of its decm Ild,"isuble b.y unanimous consent, tributoil at this time. Tlle remainder members as its rr.preselltll.til't>s. The with the same prol""isous in seetioll 2 {)f of. thB meeting \I'RS given o,er to euter· llighcst officer in eneh irnternity shall be lhis Artiele in regard to ussessm~nts. l,l.1llmcnt and rcfrcsllllienh. VARSITY SOCCER SCHEDULE one of its two delegntes, ex officio. Since ('aell Fraternity ~hlll1 be Seet.ian 3. Each delegal.e to the coun- rel'n's('ntcd 011 the. Council, iU W. M. C. OPP. ('il shllll be. elected by his fraternity on(l will be final, but must be car· October J4-Mar~'land Statl> Normal (Towson) :'i 1 sIHlllsel\'e foraueyear. n \I1l.lnimous \'ote. Home Artide n. 4. (a) The Council shall pass October 17-Penll State Collego ullaui')Ionsl'o!eforeaehcnr' AWAY Officers of the Council interpretutions of tile pow October 27-U. S. Naval Academy Section]. 'J'he of the Co-uncil 1,.1' Uli8 Constitution. Awny Articlo V. October !21-Uni,'ersily of Pennsyl,alli."l. ~'i:~~_C;~~~~i!~:,~flll~(j~::~:;s~~;;.S~reta.ry, FRL Be SAT.-NOV. 13·14 ~ Awny 8eclion 2. 'flleBe officers shull be Ratification October SO-Franklin nnd Marsball College. cledf!d hy the dolcg.1tes sitting on the ~t·~tion 1. This' Constitutiun shnll be- STAN LAUREL and ~ Away Coulltil, nnd sh:!ll be selected from cume dl'ecti,'c nud opcrat.i,·c immediately OLIVER HARDY NOYCllIber {-Dickinson Coll~gc !twang these ! :lflcr end Fmternity hns ratified Cllch ;n Seelion 3. Each of these officers slmll Home uo;>hcldbyamelllberofadifferentfro· and '!;"pry Sl'eHOll. "PARDON US" NOI'COlber14-Dickinson College. ternity. ArlicleV.r. Away .'3eetiou 4. Chairman-To call lind NOV. 16_171 NOI'mllbcr 2Q-Maryland Stnt!) Normal (Towson) 'prcside Ol'er meetings of the Council; to Amendments MON_ & TUES. Away sceth:lt deeisiolls and projects of the Rection~. Proposed nmcn(]ments to JACKIE COOGAN and Council nrc earried out. this Constitution shall origin~to when MITZI GREEN Viee-President-taearrr on lheduUes pussed l!r a lln~!linlOUSI-Ottlof the COUll FRESHMAN FOOTBALL SCHEDULE of the Pre~ident in the tlbsence of the ~il, ufter which tlley shall be subject to latter. n\!ilkntion l,y cneh of the }'rnternities W. .M.C. OPP. RecrPlnr.r-To record the minutes {)f "HUCKLEB~~RY FINN" October l7-Gaorge Washington Unil'ersity . Sl 12 eneh meeting of tho CounCil; t.o e~rry on Vefnre becoming u pnr! of this ConsUlu ------:: tion. Away nn.l· eOrl"e~poHtlcHeewhich m~y be neees NOV. 18·19 :: October 2-l-Bucknell Uni\"Crsity ~ary. WED. & THUR. Home Tl'casnrcr-To net ns trellsnl"er for the "liow (lid you comB to raid that bar· JAMES DUNN and :: October SI-Bellefonte Academy . ;;U;:~iliJ~~~:~1~~1i~!~~s~:tiC:l:.jlletere<:ord her shop'" the dry agent \\"s9Ilskcd. SALLY EILERS :: ""\Vell," he replied, struck me "it Away kind of funny thutJ!ueh Il.lot of fellows November la-Georgetown Unil'ersity Article ill should bn:.,. h.1ir restorer from 11 bald- ~.~...::::.~~..J Away lIIeetings heatledbarber." -Baston Transcript. 1. The Chairman shall eall of UIO C(")uneilDt least once LOOKING AT OTHER A. G. BROLL, '29, MARRIED IN CAMPSES BALTIMORE SATURDAY Christmas is Just Around the Corner! And Balfour is ready with a distinctive assortment of greeting cards exemplifying the season and bearing the Western Maryland College seal in gold. Do your Christmas shopping early. Reservations for cards may be placed now. One dollar for an assortment of ten engraved cards, • for twenty. E. L. Humphries, '34 c. W. Koockogey, '32 The murdorers of the King's English McDaniel Hall Levine Hall who ha"e been in tria.! at Columbin. llnve ]Jlead.e{]uot guilty t& the ch:nges of the student body. Professor Mark Vall rA~::~~~wh~VMV.w~W~~l Doren of the English Dep~rtmcnt snid that the professors were generally gram· m.atical. Dr. Vall Doren said that n certain amount of errors are to be "John" Everhart eO. and permitted in conversation and lechrres. He declared that tho langullgc THE COLLEGE BARBER undergoes r.hanglls all the time, and that some students are lHlaWare of whitt is AND BOBBER pOTlllittcd in good usage and what is not. Professor Van Doren pointed out tlwt AT THE FORKS expert.s now admit n'G eorrectnEa~ of HORINE'S ~ It'.~ me, especially in eonvers:llioll. S" we suppose we shall llal'o to give o:n ver- When lInllgry Nyal Service dietiuial'or of the defenilants, amI (;,'1U' tiOll the O"l'erwisestudent to oe mon Oct delicioll$ sandwiches, eold DRUG STORE careful in his ae!lus."1.tionsaftc: this. milk, ice er~am, and ealws from "">:~.:~:,::~-::::".,! "DAD" Gettysburg college ellll boast of one student who is willing to risk ."1.court He se,,'e!> you bountifully and scntr.nce in his search for knowledge. One well signed u eontraet with the GOLD BUG for a. scri~s of two a(lI'erlise' ::: 8undny night /l. Sophomore at Gettys burg college was nttempting 10 solve "Dad" Smelser ,::::',,'::'; ~:;:,~::,e,::;:d;,g,;~,,;::;,:,~~;.~~:,'::,~"g:d"';'o'"d~';:~:;~ SOlDedcep problem, and he had all his material at hand c.'born in Gear· Agents for product or idea "sold" Call gia, but J. was born in Ute United ~~:.:::'~~.:~~:::::~:::':.y.wu.v~~~ States." White Swan Uniforms "My, my, it must be the Priuce George count.yatmosphere." J. C. Penney Co. I 56 West Main Street, Rates Furnished on Application ~ only hud wind enaUgl1 WESTMINSTER, MD. so we took the other one ......v.·...·hV..VN ...·~.........•......•.....•.....·NN.·.I.·.......v.......•...•...•...~
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