Page 26 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 26
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. iSPORTSi FOOTBALL SOCCER iSPORTSi Green Terrors Trim Eagles' Wings as W. M. C. SOCCER MEN Boston College is Held to One Touch DEFEAT DICKINSON Down Margin in Spectacular Contest 'l'rouncing their strong opponents by a .. 0 score, the Western 1Iaryl[]:ld.Soc certtee "plowed" through the Dickmaon Boston College, making the most of westeru ilfaryJand InlS by no menus College line Saturday to seere praetic· its reserve strength managed. to eke aut spent. 111 the fare of almost Insur- ally :It will on a much 1110rc experleneed a 19-13 ,-ictory over the Green Terrors niounlnhle odds the Fer rors rehO\\ll(l('d (\utfit. of Western Maryland last Saturday. to til' th~ S~Qre heforc tlio qunrtcr eml The gf1111~was hard fought nucugnout 'I'llI.' genre resplcudcn t ,yith spaetacular (>(1. Doughty, who hn,l replnced Dunne and was observed by a large number of plays wtl~ one of the most spirited con- when the latter sustninrd a leg iuju-y students and f.allulty. Dtekluson, al- tests played in the Baltimore stadium got off II splendid punt which 1:'n'ita~ though handicapped by injuries, began tlli!! Sl'aS011. 'rho Terrors entered the fuml)le!l. Barnett recovered for West by stfltting 10 "shoot th(' bull" at West· us u decided under-dog to a team, <'1"11.\far:--l!J1l(J on Boston's 30·yard line. ern :\faryand's Coal. The quarter end- which IHHl soun(Hy trounced George- KOP1Je tried the line twice with,)ut edl-O with the West111iuster lads on the Lowu the previou8 week. Row· much gain, then faded back to henve a long end; as a result of "Dob" Etaler ts ever the team, led by the redoubtable 13·y:trd pass tc Doughty to mnke a first drive frmuf.hc goalHne. JilllUli" DUllll, guvo evidence of being down. Koppe lignin tried tlue-lino with- 'The second quarter found the table$ nrc terror team of old by the splendid cut suceeas. On 3rd down Bolton called quite turned when "Dirk" Mm-tln manner in which they wurched to their for a S~I'e()l1 PIISS to the right but tile kicked to the goal line of the opponents opponent's goul-Hnc in the first period. bull was groulldetl. Undaunted, the on a reverse at center. Redy Jaeger tel- The Harlow men, materially weakened Tcrror's qunrterbnck called for t.he lowed the kick and with a well-timed by the lose of 8evcral regulars through aumc play. 'l'l!is time the play was- left, found 'Ill opening for the "pig· injuries, played inspired foot-bal! successful and Boston who had been 011 skin" find booted it past the goalie for throughout and it was culy-a break of tlHl reeni\"ing end ".flS1"1.:n out of bounds the second score of the game. t.he game that prevented them frOOt at least tying thc- score in tI,e finul min- ~~c~~~ °t';1:1b:1~ ~~:; O~h~l:al~~~t~l~~~ 150 LB. FOOTBALL TEAM FROSH GIRLS LEAD OVER lads Hulftimeended te gin with the proved "'iVestminster be a what to ready utes of the game. Karl Jones, "chose i"jured shou!(lcr UPPER CLASS TEAMS Afttlr lhe Marylanders had reeei .....ed k!'pt him from the game, re· OPENS SEASON WITH WIN double attack to the Quaker lads. Cap- the opening Idck-off and picked up pbeNl Gregg, loug enough to tie the tain "Mike" Bernick led the assault 10 yards on an exchange of kicks tllay seore with a pel'feet plaCClllent kick. 'The Westenl i\f:\rylnnd 150 ]lollnd by "punching" one llCtween the bars for began n cOllNmtrated lllarch of 63 yards. 'I'lle qnarter endlld with Western foothill! tet)m sueeessfully inaugurated The beginning of the Inter·class the thirfl count of the game. The North Featuring this drive wore a 30-yard l'un i\[arylHlld holding the baH 011 its own hoek~y tournalllelit has IIlready brought Couutinns, ut this po;nt, began to weHkoll season 9, by Dunn and Hammil's reeov!).ry of R 25-ynnJ line. At this time I)oth de- its defeating on :'1ft. M.onday, Mury's NO\'ember 150 pound by ;!'\~~~er~Pl~~~~O go~!leint~r~l~~l~~; I:i~\~k~ and in order to save a goal for their St. fumble which place-d the ball on Bos- feuses wen) su(·eessfully l'cpubing t.he ele-ven, 7·0, at Emmitsburg. ton's 15·yard lillC. From this spot Dunn ntt(leking thrush of the other. How· 150 ~:·~~Ite ~;~~~ ~~\"~I~~:~~~sl~tl~l~yS~i:~!a~~~ ~~n~~;.e l~~~~~f,: :~~a ~i~,~:~n~la!~e kic~~I~ produced the first score of the game on el-er, Bhortly after tho (lOlllnHlUecment The pound teum, which is !lll- three njJJler clUBS tcamg. The scores I .Martlll:\ sa,)' III the ]Hatter. a reverse around the left sido of tho of this qUI1fter CLwsnulCl"itch l'epluced other step in "Diek" IJarlow's plan for Boston line. In executing this play D.ougan. 'l'hu llell"(lOnH'r bronght. with student athle~ics, "'liS a sueeess in eVHy for Monday, NOl'ember 9 were Fl'osh C Martin kicked suceessfully anf! raised Dunn displayed one of the neatest hll11 t.he llccessury )lundl to push over ;~;~J'.nlJ~eoa~;i~;fs, \1~CI~e~:;~n~~~r/i~~;~ ·va. ,Junior B, 2-1. the tOlal ta f{]-ur gOllls. The rcmainder !lieee~ of running !lcen anywhere this tI'e ".illnillg toueh-dowll. His first effort Frosh V vs. Soph B, 4·0. On Tuesdny, of the third quarter was short and the ~enllon. As ho reu~hed tile line of WH~ a neat off·taekle thrust which net· displ:ly~d a (Ii\"crsified and dl·iving at- NOl'l'ml)er JO, tho Prosh A team eon feurtb "~etto" found the UO.l's "kick· serimmllge his interferenc.e split up aud ted him 12 ~·nrds. This tllfust was a tack. quered !h~ veteran JU11ior A team by iug lhe pill about" ,lith 110 definite plm.l lwo Boston liuemen elutetH~d at l1im. erilc'rion of tha.t which was to follow. 1'I1t. St. :Mary's kicked off to thc a seoro of 3·2. Their line·ups were: of scoring in mind. 'I'hey h[]d trounced li()\\·e'·erDunn eluded thlliroutstretehed Green T\'l'rOl' ieam, :lnd immediately !o- the Quakers for a -\·0 yietor~' a.nd when lU·U1S and set off toward the side line. Chcsnulel'iteh, Friobu; alld Kelly con the 'J't'TTefs nttack began to fuuction. Frosll J.~rosh .-\ tho game ended, We;;tel'll :Maryland had Joe Kelly, the Boston capblin, bore 1illuc(l the nS8ault on Western :Mary· )o~J'011t tileir OWl! 4~·Yflrd line tIle l50 R. Jenkins L.W. B. Daskfl.lll scored its third win of the season. down ou l,ull from the right and man- land's tiring ferwnrds. Whcn tho ad· pounders beg:m a ateady march to the L. Burk 1..1. 1:. Andrews aged to knock him off his feet with It vance reached the 5·yard line Freitas goallilll'. Two off·taClldc thrusts netted J. Rutt C.F. }f. E. Sen~t desperate lunge. DUlin regained his cut, back between "'iVestern .Mnryland's a first down, !In f,nd run, alld nuother i\L Brown R.I. R-. Rawson Cockey ~JI feet before hi9 ol'poncn1s could fall on guard and tHckle for the final score uuck earried the hall to the "Mouutain F. Elderdice R.W. M.Mills him and :tlthough Dougan knocked him of the gamc. eer's 40·yard jine. A !Jig pailS over P. Downing L.R. J. Cooling down again with :\ flying tackle, his do The 'l'crrors, with their backs to the center by Bo:\'tl, with Muhoney on the H. Wl,itmore C.L. T. ITambsch lay was only momcntarily however, as wall launehed a forll'ard·pass barraga recei"iug cud, placed the ball on the C. Sprague R.R. S. Strow he got up and stumbled neross the goal which cnahled them to drh-e from their ll-rard line. Anothcr first dowll put Childs R.F. J. Wine Jine. oW1l33·yard liBe to Booton's 13. Rere the oval Oll tIm Blall and White l·ynrd E. :Main L. S. After the kickoff following this the stage-was a1\ set for a final scoring marker, where Gear.l· Calvert took it o"cr E. Glynn G. E. M!iBride touch-down the Eagles un· throttled a thrust. Koppe hit eCllkr for 2 yanls. for the tOllelldown. Pnt :M.'l.honey drop- rMD rUJllling att.aek, which during the course On the next play tI,e big Terror full- kicked sllecessfldly to make thll score n bG~ti~r~~~:r ,~~:~s i;~t~~~~~,~;\~~~l Jl~;~; of the game was potent enough to score back went at the line like he was going 7-0. elaSSUlCll should lake the }~rosh vieto!' 1;) first downs on tho terrors. Koppe to tear it to pieces. Whon he reached. The seeoll(l quartH was marked by ies as a wftming. Games will be-plarcd !lnn\)le'd Wcstel·ll Maryland to proteet Doughty, who had turned from his the i\Iount'a desperateatlempta to score, regularl,Yfor two weeks. Come out and Ou, its earll' load by intercepting a pass ell wing·baek position to face him hc only to ha,-e tho Green Terror team lend .yonr clnss support, if only from lhc Tenors' ~9-:-'ard line. slipped him the ball. Tho play ealled stllbbon\ly resist thoir attack. A steady the sIde line! Shortly after the quarter ended John- for Doughty to lateral-pass the ball to nwreh was halted when a. P[]SS was ny Prcitas tlle Eagle's stellar field gen- BrOll"n who hnd fllded back aud arouml intercepted on the Terrors IS-yard cral, who along with two othllr regular lill<'. The half Ill1(led with no furtller backs had been withheld during the first ::~t~h~i~I;:;S!I~~~r ~,:ti!~:!li:·~~~Jll\:~: seoring. period, entered the game. Boston could u8k~', who hud replaced Coughlin at The third quarter fOUlHl hoth teams not sustain its attacking drive but prof- tackle slllashed through aud crashed into battling up and down the field. Severnl ited I).v reeOI'erillg a IOllg punt on the Dough!.,· just us lIe was !lttempting to end runs h.1' Grcco, the )[onnt's qu[]rter- Tnrol' 20-yard line, whieh tlJ(]. terror relay the balL Thll ball flew from his back ,,-ere l)alnueed h~' the fine kieking ~afety-man mufi'lld. A mixture of bucks hnnds and was recovcrlld \)y Git11ngher. and gail1s through the line of tl,o"Tiny" and off tackle smashes, with Dougan There is no doubt that the' play would Terrors. The last qnuter found the :111(1Joe Ke!1~' alternating as I)all ear· have gono fo\" a sizeable gain if it Blne nnd White's resorting to long riers gave the Eagles (l first down Oll could hare been gotten off n moment jlassesl)ut the alert lJaekfielrl of the thc terrOl·'S 9-yard linll. }'our plays sooner. 'I'hcendnnd tackle were drUWll J.~yvel's I)roke them up. After several lnt1!r Captnin Kelly I)ueked across the in by tho threat of a I)uck throngll the exchanges of kicks the game endcil, goal-Jill(} fo1' Boston's first louch·down. line and fI Terl'or linesman was erollSing with the Terrors the l'i(ltor8 7·0. Freitas, like Dunn, missed the. try for 01·01' into Roston seeoudary dcfense to The IIplendid !.eam pIny exhibited by jlo'nt and tho ~{:oro was tied 6-6. take out the half baek, the only reo the Western Mar.rlanu sqund gave in· \\'esteru·Maryland rceei_ved, but aOOn maillillg" hiudrance in rite pat.h of tIle rdilHjuislled the b~l! 011 a kick. From "'ould be ball carrier. ~~~~ti~~ect\l~:!. "Dick's" eo[]Ching had thc neig-Ilhorhood of their own 25-yard Tho line-nps were: Bost01l started a eonBentrnte(l assault Westt'rnUaryland Bost.on College on the t(>Tror line. Freitas managed to Hammill W. M.a. i\ft. St. Mary's ~],llke llimself loese for a 42·yard jaunt L.E. Killilea Musselmaa L.B. ·Walsh to the gonl·lillC, but the play was re- Pineura L.T. ReynOlds 1IJ~1ku9 L.T. Freeman called nnd Boston was penalized 15 Gregg L.G. Whalen L.G. Develin )'tHds forhoWing. 'l'heball was ill mid· Put.terson C. Downes Dclnney O. O'Brien "Hi!" field in Boston's possession at tI,e half Barnett R.C. 'I'aylor Ebert R.G. 'Gnnley time. o 'Lenir R.T. Coughig Keiffer L.T. Ennis "Ho!" Boston kie]itas made good the extra pOhlt with Boston College ..... O 7 6---19 11ft. St. 1'If. . 0 0-0 "Telephone?" a drop·kick. Westeru .Mur~'I[]nd.6 7 0-----13 "Hot." **~~****-l(.****+:-************-lI' "Long Distance?" ~ SUCCESS ~ "Yea, yea." $ CONSISTS NOT SO MUCH ~ Beat ~ IN SITTING UP NIGHTS ~ ~ AS BEING AWAKE t ~ IN THE DAYTIME ~ Hopkins! $ ~ A ste:ldily this growing bnnk ioterest snre aeeount ~ ~ is a with * sign of your snecess. ~ ~ * $ THE $ = ~ Farmers & Mechanics ~ t National Bank ~ Anything ~ WESTMINSTER, MD. t from a pill EVENING: (B.,tw ..ed;:;~';'~sand 8:30~. m.) 15% to 20% lo",,,~tho.n to a Telegram NIG~~%~~t50%nl~;e~ rh:" J~:z,!;;~a. m.) ~ OSCAR D. GILBF.RT, President ~ "Bill" Griffin Th~.~ 'educlions applyo" all ute. :>bo.....SS" t J08. N. SHRIVER, Vice·Pres. ~ Meet me at * .TOHN R. OuNNINGH.AlJ, Cashier * Mackenzie's Pharmacy Tho Chesapeake and Potomac City CompilIly Telephone of Baltirnore ~ W. CARROLL SHUNK, Asat. Cashier ~ (BellSyslem) ~*************************
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