Page 81 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 81
GOt WELCOME TO LARGEST ISSUE J"UNE WEEK OF THE GOLD BUG AND COMMENCEMENT! PUBLISHED TO DATE FRESHMEN GIRLS SPONSOR International Bazaar is HEADS 1931 ALOHA Lester L. Wheeler, '34 FAREWELL TO SENIORS IN Held by Y. W. C. A. will Enter West Point LANTERN CHAIN RITES Bazaar ill theY. Room of !\fcDIlllielliall, Lester L. Wheeler, '34, will enter the The Y. W. C. A. held an International Sa1.nrday, xlay 9. Betty Cain was head United States Nilitary Academy at West 1931 plebe Oil 1st with the Pciut Thomas Gealey Speaks at Ivy of the executive committee, assisted by class. of his appointment Speech Dept. Presents "Launce- Planting 'l'hetma Reid. last lot and Elaine" Ench uooth cmphaaiaed some ehurncter· to tile Corps of Cadets was received Three pre-couunencemeut activities iSliu o-f uic eonntrj which it represented. week. Adivities attendant upon thc sixty which are nlwnya of great interest to The i<-ecream booth, reprc~enting Amcr- His matriculation. nt West Point. will first ccrnmeneement at Western Mar)'laud Western Marylanders took place ic!!, ~n~ in eharge of KMhleen Moore; clilllaxWheeler'sstudent military life. College will begin on Friday, May 29, Wednesday,May ~O. j'ranee, featuring dancing, Kutberlne Before enteriug Western Maryland, he with the pres~ntation of the play, Farewell Exercises Ritchensj China, the home of attended McDonogh :McDonogh, "t Lnuncclot and Elaine," by the Senior members of the Speech De- Junior The annual farewell exercises for rice, Mary P/lrks; Germany, man- ":'lId.,whcre his proficiency militar)' and portment. 'rhiB play by E,dwin Milton aCl1iorwomen was hela ill aeeordunce with ufncturers, Katherine Downey; Rou· lllatters earned him the rank of Cadet ie in the form of It prologue and the old tradition, i.n the afternoon on mania, fortune telling, Ruth E. woot- 1IIajorofthcs.choOlbuttnlion_ Royle three nets. eott.; Mente Carlo, where everything de- East Campus. The program was apon During his freshman yetlr fit Western 'I'ennyeoute "Idylls of the King" fur- sored by the J llnior clas~ nnd carried pends on r.hance, Elsie Ebawor th ; Spain, lIlaryland, Wheeler has IIg·ninexcelled iu nish the source of Royle's plot and out ill modernistic style, the time of ac- Mildred Horsey. Militnry Scteuce, winning the npproba- tion being about 2000 A. D. ill the state This year te projeet \"Cry successfully tion of thc Department. Plays of "~Ierrilnllique." upheld the reputation which the Y. W. He played on Iflst aeaeonts frcslunnn Speech The "Uobots Modernlqnee," nud the C. A. ha~ acquired through similar pro The play has received high pmtse from "Rol)ols J<'antastiques,"who had redueod jecte in former years. The bazaar was BdiIOl·-in-Chiej of 1931 A!oha football learn, is n member of the Black the New York dramntic critics. J. ~Jld Whitt' Clnb, and lil'es at 1909 \Val· their cognomens to simpler terms, enter patronir.ed by the majority of tho stu· Ranki.n Towae, of the Evening Post, says tained with modernistic song ani! dance dent body at some time dllring the even· Thc 1931 Aloha will be on the Hill for brook /lsenne, Baltimore, iIId. "Tcunyson need nol stir in his tOlllb, numbHs. ing. distribution Saturday, May 22. The 1I0r !\Inllory eithor. It hoWs {liith with Between the propnetic features whieh "EI'olution of Light" i~ used as the them. The play leo,'es the iml)fCssion ing maehin(l, "The Eligible Mr. Bung$" COLLEGEIS REPRESENTED w~s done P. D. GOlTlsak,'30, more dC!;O)Hcs,ill a text that is always ade· were derivetl by means of a time revert· theme this 1'he art which DR. L.C.LITTLE WILL HEAD of a nobte legend trcated in the spirit it wns presfmted in an "Attempt Thealri AT M. P. CONFERENCE 1Il0dent thllu usual. 'fhe black aIld silo DEPT. OF RELIGIOUS EDUe. quate lind often heautiful." The Even· qne." 'l'he cast lI"as: vereol'crpreSflllsall;lrtisticandpieas ing Telegram published the following Jane Poster-Mildred Johnson. -- ingllppcarancc. Dr. Lawrence Cull'in Little has been comment: "Totllose who love poeticl;lnd Tom li'oster-Margaret Myers. A number of representntircs of West- A new featuro of thiS rear's A.llihn chosen us the dean of the Religious Edu romantic dr:llnu l Lanneelot and Elaine T.,ucilleMorgtw-Winifred Bush. ~ation DepMtmcnt whieh will be iuaugur· will come with refreshmeut and beguiling 1I1r. l,eighton Bangs-Elinor Ebangh. ~~: ~;~;~~'~I~(lM~~I~~:i:t';::te~::I~~n~o~: j ~,~:u~'I~a:':Ol~:n~:~:C;I::ve b~~:,r~outstand. ated lltWest(lt1l Maryland tllis fall. Dr. eharlll." 'l'he progTllm was arranged by Mary velltion held in Wasltington on ]lIay 12 ing during their eollcge careers both ill T~i!tlc was formerly a member of the Froderick II. Law, Chairman of the Lee Shipley, Winifrctl Bush, Marian 1(;. Preaident Ward took a prallli.nent the e!asaroom and on thecllmpns hal'e Methodist Protest~nt Conference of Department of English in the Stuyvesant Humphreys, and ·Muriel Bishop, and the part in the convention, which met mllin been picked by a fawlty eommittee of Louisiau;l. In 1923 he was trall.Sferretl to High School in New York City, said, "CUll Ceremony" was in' eharge of Iy in the Memorial Continental Hall. The fifteen. NOI·th ClII·olinnwhcre he wa~ fi~ltl seere· " Illa.y is extraordi.narily delightful. It rarious meding/l were alao attended by M:lrY Humphreys and Alverta Dillon, some students from the college and the The elass t"(1()lle!;;~ f01 his EadHllor 0'!:sther Smith, lil~ ~peech De· A fec of $ .50 n,t1clt1.Je IJ:nalso clceletl ·D'elrn l~yOll, tended hcu1t.ymelllbers,studentHl11ld Compnny "A" of the local R. O. T. WILL BE HELD FRIDAY friend~ tho county high schools. M. C., ",). D." as~isted Dr8. Bertholf '3:?, \"ice-president; Elsie Ebbsworth, C. ullit won UIC Iuter·Company Pri?:!! The amiual Norment Speeeh Contest and Bennighof in the biology laboratory '3::!, honor ehail"llllln;Kathlee.n Moore, Tho plays were especially f;llhanced by Drill which was held on Hoffa- Field on will be neld this year on Friday evenin.g, work. He is intensely interested in his '33, treHsurer; and lIIae Russell, '34., the stagc-setting of the campus. 1'Ilesda~', MIlY12th. Tile two companies May 22 at 8 o'clock in Alumni Hall. field of work, and spends many hours a secretary. "L'EnflJl1ce de Jeanne d'Arc" was (t werc closely contested and .it was only The Normellt Prizes, founded by the late daY,asidefrOlll his clllsses, in research E. A. Lllmb, '32, 11"115oleete(l by the striking review of· the childhood of ~fter eonsider:lblo deliberation that the Samuel Norment, of Washington, D. C., work. Illen as vice-president, aud Roger (,'iasel, Jl'nnnr, c1 'Arc. These real and "idd judges awarded the silver Iming eUI) to a graduate of Western Maryland Col1~ge, While ~iding in the r.oolog~· depnrt· .'32 seeretary. The other scnior repre· el'ents were made 1Il0r(lreal b~' the fine Cadet·Cnptain Paul L. Bates, the com· are gold medals thllt MU awartled an lllent at Northwestern, "J. D." will ~entath-c is Ha.rriSOll Di'":iefl"er,Qu(>ntin Carrara and followed. Between the officers and men and it was with the competition for excellency i.n oral expres Michigan State Coll(.'geBiological Field .Anthony Diksa will repre5Cllt the Sopllo· greatest precision tJmt each command was Laboratory, EllSt l,unsing, Michigan. execute;:]. Six contestants are choscn from each 'fhe companies drilled separately, one class by the Speech DepMtment. The resting behi.nd the grandstand while the representatives Ihis year for the cl~as of other drilled on the parade ground 1933 will be Kathleen Moore, Cleona Compllny "A" drilled first under the Brinsfield, and .M_argaret Brb for the The most spontllneoUJily fnnny event w~.r of 1l0fIa Field, IInlil tho 1!'inalc, the eomman(l of Cadet·Captain Panl L. women and Wendell Junl
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