Page 84 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 84
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. \SPORTS \ Lacrosse Baseball Tennis \SPORTS \ WEST. MD. TENNIS TEAM GOLF TOURNAMENT FORM. Green Terror Netmen Trip Johnnies in SUFFERS FIRST DEFEAT ED AMONG STUDENTS Two Straight Meets I MEN'S SPORTS I The Western Maryland Tennis Tealll .J. new sport bna been innovntr-d ;,t W. wn.~defeated by the Loyola College Net- .\1. C.-golf. At it is Ltl U lIIen in a very hard fought contest stug. rath~r immature but perhaps t]Ie 81. John's College nctmen fell prey to St. Johns wna again defeated by west- Tennis seems to be the m08~ sueeeseful soon b{1nsto.f a golf a strong "\Ves.ternMaryland Tennis team ern Xlarylund in n liard fought tourna- $pring spor-t on tIle Hill this yeur- The ed at Homewood Pield, Baltimore. Green TcrrorB will team ,·..lJi~h will engage in oompetjtjve The Cltymen when they wore dcfeateil 5-3 by the Ifill- ment played at e nunpolia, May 18th. have tnrneilill tour victories out whel1 captured got off to 1\ fast start meets with other -ouogrs. As yet, now- four of tho ~ix sing. The Hillmen experienced a very bad men ta$t Saturday. start when they won only two of the five of five matehes. which ia n fine reeord ror II'S The doubles proved a bit pvcr, it is limited tc a tonrll.1mellt whi~h Western Maryland got oil' to II. flying Woolley a team tlwt doesn't even have a coach. more suceeasful for the Hillmen, when is beLtlg played off_this week. J\ 11Um start by winning four of the five sing- his eontests. experieneed The other sports lJa\'e not fared 110well. they practically ont.clnssefl their Loyola bcr of the bO)'9 have entei-edj uud at the off-day since the beginning of les contests, and one of the two doubles. the season, and was defeated by Cselu Probably one of the great reasons ill the riyals b.\· taking two of the three events, present time th~ ('ontest is entering the lack of student support. No school can "Edilie" Palmer, playing number one saik, after being forced to three sets. His ever hope to have a.lvinning team if that and forcing t.he third to Ilxtl'l). sets. f'unrt.h round. It is difficult to even pOl!ilioll,was defeated by NU!;SQner,in a scores were 6-4; 8·10; 6·1. tenm much enter eaeb game with the In tbe singles, "Eddie" Palmer got a gness the winuer of the r'ontest, a.~ no superiority over lultdfonghteontest,6·3;G·3. "Eddie" Palmer and "Win" Willey knowledge that the student body is iudif- rather hasty start en the ateady Oityman, one hns shown u decided lhefiel'l. Palmer, and took the first set, 6-;l. This Cl.elnsnaik, playing a. very neat strok- also experienced difficnlty when they were rere»t, nnd doesn't care whether it ",ins Steese nrulmK('I', \\'~nrj!lg thc colors of ing gam~, defented Campbell 9-;; 6·3. defeated in their singles contests by Wil- or loses. Build np an enthusirultie st1i· seemed to enccumge his rival, who mnde Porbgc:lnfllheSwe!lterofllisrOGllllll."lW, a ~trong comeba(:.k,and de£eatcd "Ed", The match wns well played, Campbell liumson nnd l'\assnuer. Pulmer, playing dent body, nod wi.nning teUllls will eome 6·4;6-4. llll~ he WAS rjnickly first hn\'ing the UppCIhanil and Ozelu· nUlIlber one pCleiUon_,hada har(l man to as a matter of course. NBal Woolley, the old '\Vesteru Mar." eliminated he his b~ll and had contend, ~Ild e"h.ibited a. fine brand ef snnik finally "grabbing the ribbon." lennis while meeting his defeat. He was Dllr records this spring nre had, but land standby. {'ame agnill with fa di~e"ntinne play. Thr mnteh between Woolley easily ontclnssed Kimpell probably ontcla!;Sed, bot his spirit was ccrtninl.Y nothing to bo ashamed of. the {lId Green aoti Gold when lie "RalstonBrown and hi;! roorumnre, Chndes wh~n he defellted him in straight sets, nlll'ays present. Baseball is stili in its infaney on the defeated Strcckfnl in ~tl'night set.s, 6·1; 'Ventlundt, of .\l:lY Dlly fame, pr().misas 6-2; 6·4. KiJllpell, using n. steady cnt· Willey \I'US dcfeated by the IllRnwholU Hill. Give it a ehaneel It will grow 6·1. to be the 1Il0st eolorful contest of the just. as footbnll and bo)':ing have done. game, WIIS Qutplayed ill practicnlly ffi"ery he defl'ated tIle before wht'n he In laEross6-we must remember that we Willey, in the Humber thn'6 tonrnament. A l~rge field is uT'cctecl to method of the gnme be employed in try- bowed to Williamson, 6·1; g·6. are without a coael). Add to that the position, gal'e snmll Cityman, JlJe- :rlt~n(l these two Hspirnnts when Ihey ing to solve "the Woolley ~lyle." "Hawkeye" Bussard and "Bunny" fuet. that. we Ilre meeting tbe best teams AleeI', n good battle for tile flag. He cla~h thiB weok. Tuckerman came through with wins, how Duly losing =========~ WillerdGfe:~ted Willianls(lItin strnigllt ill ths country a.nd we cannot llsk mUEh !~~~e~_(il;i~.4~0cxtr~ sets, sf'1s, 6·4; 8-6. In accomplishing this, he c,'cr, when they defeated Kimpel and nuder snch circlllllStanees. "Chil!f" Bender, Loyoln, proved a ADVERTISE IN THE Blalll eAperi~nced a bit of difficulty ii, winuil1g "Bnlln)'" was practically defented in A.ssoonosthestlldcntbodyll'9.keanp faulty stone i.n the Western ).faryland Ius last set, bnt finully pulled through tho first set when hc stagefl a eom(1)nek and its pa·rt in spring spe-rts, the nmelli11ewhen he "tipped" ofl' "Blin- GOLD BUG after two extra games. and began to smother his opponent with on field will begin to play real n:,," Tuckernlall in iitraight scls, 7,5; IT PAYS! just couldn't get go· I ~~--- "Bunny" Tuckcrllllm camB throngh back line dri,'ea. This I)l'oved too much lIud rcal lacrosse. It's up to yon. 6·4. '1'ho.nmtch was hanI played, but it ..._ - with It. win when he dcfc~te(l "\Valler6·1; f:or tl1<3stendy Ki\npel, and he went '''hat do you say' seemed "BUlllly" 6-3. Thismnteh was interesting towateb, down Il1lder "the fire of Tuckerman," illg HI, top spced. tl. hard mntch i A+ i . bnt was constantly interrupted by the 6·;l. "Hump" Call1pbellloat wildness exhibited by the Citym~n. SUMMARY OF SCORES ~,~I~:rl\I:~~a:h;e:::~c~fb~I~,~:J~~I~,~rt:(~, i ! Bn~snrd carne tllrough agnin wiih fI. Lacrosse .6 his: win, registering a 6·2; 6·2 resnlt W .• 1\[, C.-O-Navy H) Icy, 6-1; g·6. Camp~ell the i Blnul,thetall,stea(lylndfrolll W. :),1. C.-O-Marylnnd 1ii ;':~:lk~~s,t, nt o~~ h:ll~~owcr. i proper. 'fhe Frcderick lad W:1S constant- W. :III. C.-O-Pellll State ly tronbled in making shots wilen the 1 : "\"ashington O. ~Iendcr Blan1 would tal,e the Jlot. W. 1If. C.-2-lIft. .• Tohn's 15 tI", Y"''', "",,do' ,ootl", win whon h' : SHOES i. W. hl. C.-O-St The doubles contests were interrupted defeated Gllddy in straight BeLs, 6·1.; I WHEN YOUR er:l~a~~~~:~t ,~.!sd~~~~~:~~~n}~n:~~;; i b~' darkne!lS, but were finished without Baseb&ll 8·6. • i lIlnell gain fer Western lIbryland. Neill W. 11. G.-9-Blna Rjdge 6 NEED DOCTORING il11d"Bunny" took their match by de mighty Nlls~nner lind bis W. Y. C.-f3-Dickinson 12 'ruckenll:Jn and Neal Woolley when they i. i!. fC:lting Kimpell and Williamson, ;l·6; rl(mbl~sp;lrbler, Waller, 6-4; 9·11; 6-1. W. 1If. C.-8-West Virginia. 12 defented Mc.
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