Page 77 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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VARSITY'LACROSSE MAY DAY FESTIVAL VB. ·MT. WASHINGTON COL HOFFA FIELD HOFFA FIELD FRIDAY, MAY 8 MAY 9-'2:30 P. M. BRING YOUR FRIENDS Vol. 8, No. 20 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 6,1931 COLLEGE R. O. T. C. UNIT Speech Players and Choir I JUNE WEEK SCHEDULE Troining Course Formed ANNUALCOMPREHENSIVES INSPECTION IS HELD Friday, May Twenty·Ninth In Scoutmaster Work GIVE FINAL RESULTS OF BY FEDERAL OFFICERS to go to Washington, Fridny, lIJn.l' 15, 8.00 P. M. PIny "Launeelot and A Sccutmaeter'e Truining Course was SOPHOMORES' RATING ~:~:o::,t~v~'~'~~I~':~:'~~'C:' . for the National Conference of the ]J, P. Elaine" Tlle Depar-t- formed ill Room ~I, New Science Hall, ~3. Theiustrue- ment of Speech of April on the evening W. E. WILLEY, N. O. WOOLLEY, B. the TEST mDICATES A HIGHER Church. The college choir will spend tion in scout work is under the direc- L. BOWMAN RECEIVE MEDALS entire day there, presenting several num· Saturday, May Thirt.teth tlou of Messrs. Marshal and McCloud of AVERAGE hers during the dny. In the evening, the 10.00 A.M. Annnni Meeting of the the Scout Headquarters, located in Raj· The annual tnapeetlon of tlle western choir will be joine-d by about forty more Board of Trustees timcrc. It is open to any men of Carroll Final results of the Sophomore COllI- Mnryla.nd College R. O. '1'_C. battnlion students from the eotlege and II number 10.SOA.M. Society Reuulons County who Me interested in the d irec- preheuslve Examinations, held April III for Third Corps Area aud also National ef singera from clfurch enotra in We~t· ~.OOto trnted rifle. SOI!holllcres Sermon by The nllv. C. R. Et?ler, and W. H. Sparrow. j~t~in which thQstudent has specinlized patrolled College F~Tm ']uest of cn- RESERVE CORPS PROPOSES Jnmes H, T:J.ylor, D, D., in college. These subjects are elected by emy outguards, Juniors defended College of Washington, D. C. thesl.udent. Hill witl, m,'l.ehineguns and eannon, and LOCAL ORGANIZATION 8.00P.l\f. Sacred C01H~el't SPEECH DEPARTMENT '1'wo illta.reating points ma,y be ob· Seniors displayed their al)ility to com· s~.f\'cd from the slud), ef the records of mund military nnits and lead in battle. Monday, June First INNOVATES NEW IDEA the first ten stndents. TI'e a\'erage of The most ontstllllding pnrt of the whole The stndent omeers of the college R. 10.00 A.).1. Oommencement the first ten thh yenr is higher ti,an the illspeetion was the parade and review O. T. C. nnd Alumni Reserve Corps nt· Jirst ten of the class of '32. Their av- of the battalion on Tnesday afternoon. tended n dinner ~t the College Inn, Confoning of Degrees :Members of the Speech Dep~rtment this year is 1l!J8.Sfrom ~ pessible The affair attract~th (\xaminatieD At the last meeting of thO) IIome A the daily schedule for dare goes to SUllJl'ise his friend, an number of Bchednlud meetings of tIle courses and fonl in the (legree conrses, Economies Club Margaret Fontaine was 1lext year will be ~nnollnced in the alienist dortor. lie ia surpris~.d by be elass pllt week. were graduate(l atUle fcrty·eightll 110m- chosen to represent the Western Mary sncceeding issue of the GOLD BUG ing taken for all inaane person by the meneClllcnt of tIle Westminster Theolog- land Club nt the annual eon\'entioll to to appear on 1I1ny21. lnd'iesofthehense. lIebeliel'cstllesc Paenlty ComIll. on Examinations ieal S~minary, which took place at 8 (Continued on Pagc 4-Col. 1) (Continued on Pnge -i-Col. 4) (Continued on Page 4-Col. 2)
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