Page 83 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Poets' Club Outlines A Program R. O. T. C. TRACK MEET IS Women's Athletic Association WON BY COMPANY "B" of Study of Modern Poetry Completes Second Year of Work Th~ unnunl 'I'ruek lind Field )feet of the R. O. 'I'. C. battalion at Western The Poets Club of western .1\luryllln(l member, if possible, will be expected to )lnryllind College WaJI held. all lIol1'a The Woments Association ed first ill theelassj thenjwhen each class Collcge has Gecn reorganized. This rend some original verse. Pield, Tll('sduy, May 19 at 3.05 P. M. bas completed the second year of ilB has a cbampicu, it becomes an inter- dUG, which under Dr. Herbert Taylor 'The club decided to makc II. study of 'The IIIe('I· wus won 1J~' Company "B" existence and aeth'c work. SOOIl class competition. Owing to Ole large' Stephens, Professor of Bible and Phllcs- modern poetry and poets at its meetings wilh a total Sllorillg of 108¥~ l}Oint.q. The nftcr O\lr rniul"ll to the mil ill September, number of t~nnis fans in the }'rcshmlln ophy, wal:! very activo Imd seteet, during next rear- 'l'he senior members of Ute meet wna (livided into Trnck, Field and a W. A. A. meeting wns held, at which cla$S, the winner has not been selected as thi~ last year seems to have IIccomplished club wiil ad as heat er hostess at the Speclnl Events. Ccmpauy "B" won the Christine. Hogan, prcaident of the nsaoe yet. 'fhe Sophomore class has for itl; little on account. of the failure of the different meetings, and will have charge majority of ]1·oiut~ in the Track and ia tiou, presided. The sports for the representnttve "Awl,-" student body to show lI"y interest or sup· of the program. At enet, meeting one Spc;;'i;tl Events whil!:! COmpIIJ1.l' "A" was yenr were explained in detail. lhQ. cnec of the Junior class, "Plit" Pl}Tt to the urga.nlznrion. represent.Mi,·e modern poet and hi~ poet high eeorcr ill tlteField :E\"(!llts. Later for Murphy is the class champion. The ry will he the subject discussed. in the week, plnns Ill) inter' At the last meeting of the dub which A sUlllluar.\' of the e"ents and their clnss hoek e)' toum.unent were laid. Each Senior Class, too, has completed its ached took place as a tea in the College Inn Dr. George S. Wills, head of lite Eng· winnersis as follows : class had n representative A team, a-nd lile and its chnuiplon is "Klly" Cock· tlte follol\'illg offieers Were elec!.cd: lish Department has. eousented to be cue 100 Sd. (]ash-:'II(·Nally, Fowble, Res· some more than one team. The inter bUm, who defented Peg Hamilton. President, Robert L. Rodgersj Vice· of the a.ctive houorar.r mcnlbers and to mo(k1. Time 10.3 80e. "Kay" has also defellted "Andy" mid President, Virginia 'Weeks; Secretary, adl'ise the cluh. 2::0 tlnsh-Dllllll, Murra.,", Brubuker. class which took place dn.r Robert B. Holder; and Trea~ul"cr, Each member of the Poets' Club iug the WflS \\"On by the Junior A "Pat" nud bas to play the winner of t.he .Louise Friend. Plans tor next keep a noto book of his or her own team. J1Ires}lInlln Tournament for the elmmpion· cluG were discussed, und a survey .for innl poctry and clippings of verse HO rUIl-f,ki\z, DlllagllUn, Culn:,rt. Following hoek~)', came iutc.r·elaS8 M1(l ship of the school. possible new members was made. events that pertain \0 modern poct~. Tho "arsity basketball. The class tournoment The baseball tournllment, though de· best of this will he seleeted, und will he 880 .rd. run-Djks~, Shilling, Borchers. layed by the wcather, was finally complet· The President g.we a tea for the new 'rimE:--:: W.1S carried on Il,jth hardly allY post· min. 8 see. officers Jl.nd memberl:! on Wednesday, preserved inlas(;ng form as a reeord of 1'un-Cr()lI"tl(cr, Boyd. poncments, 1.ud sfter n very strenuons ed, :lnd was wou by the Seniors. the club. 1931·32 Ma.r 13, and 01ltlined tlle progrnlll 6l'r If enough interl!St. is shown by th~ stu One mile Malkll~, season, tlte SeniMs Mille nut 011 top. Of eourse,thcrcha\'ebeen hikes !Lit the uextyear. It was decid('d that not only drn! body lmd have been Tim!!---4 min. 4!) see. Here should be mentioned thesueeessful .yeaJ", which Ita"e played an impOl·tllllt those who wrote poetry,-bnt all those !o hold partintheathletiescheduJe. who nre interested ilJ poetry-tlB a cllI mlHle a pootr]" next spring at TItUs ends a resume of rhl) ye:u's tnral subjed should bein\"ited to join. which Hmo original »ml pap~rs will be reHd by the difl'erent mcml)ers sporh. Th~ eo·eds of 'Western Maryland The ~Iull meeti.ngs will be held oMe a It is planned to invite niember~ of the College extend their thanks to Miss Park· mouth in the College Inn. These meet· student bodl', fa{'ulty, and town~peoplo er nnd 1I!iss Todd of the Ph"'sicnl Edu iogl:!will be ill the llalura of a social tea, who are illtcrcsted. clltioll Dl)partment and to the officers of liS it is thouglIt that lI11(,lt n man.ner All melllbl)rs of Ihe college who write t.he "\V. A . .A. for their part in the ad would be Illore eonduci,·c to a cultural or poef"ry al'l) urged to ,ioin the l"flllCement of \\"omen'~ :lthletios. and social atmospllere. member sllould reeei"e both, the mid·winter sJ!orts eame Originnl poetry will have an illlpor· praetir.nlhenefitifhc('ntera of,·olley·ball played in the taH~ plaee at uLi the meetings. Each tonrnament This WlIS short and w~s won hy the :Freshlllan A lealll. JUNE WEEK FESTIVITIES BURLESQUE MAYDAY Soon after volley·ball clime tennis and basebnll simult:lneously, the 2 major (Con tinned from Page 1-Col. 5) (Omtinued from Page l-Col. 4) Diseus-Wilker, G. D. Lamb, J. 1<'. Tim· spor'ts. The tennia tournament is plny- IllOIlS-10!l£t.81,.6 in. ;\liles Patterson, acting as Queen BtlSeball Shil!iug, Toll· This grollp Ilf mcn detel'lllincs the policies Crowner, preceded the nollle flock o.f lind activities of Wc~teru Maryland Col· beantiel> ",110, in keeping with the May Three legged rHc!.'--Wilk'y-Ba""~tt.. lege for !he coming year. Dar lrflditiOll, represented each of the Society ReUl!iOIlS fonr classes. Wheelbarrow raee--Outtell, (1. S. Brown. The sixteen May-Pole dancers, clad in Jockey Th,cc--B~l"Hctt, Willey. The Alumui aud stndents of Webster, in the In'ing, Browning, and Philomathean sheets 240·pound Grecian manner, ihe along with of a in person J_itemry Societi.~s will hold their reo Joe Timmons, gridiron warrior,and unions at 10.30 A. M. Interesting pro- other specialty clwracters concluded the grams are being planned for tl,is lJllIlUal procession. We're right on the job- home·coming of old members. voile, blnck TIle Qneen wore blue one ready to scrve you and yours Alumni Reception stocking ani! OIle white one. A long with a hearty dinner-or a blaek cheroot hung from her (or Ilis) Dr. Albert Normlll! Ward, President I d,Linty lips snd its (!) eyes werc masked farewell breakfast-during Of. Western Ma.ryland College, wj]j ra- graciousl.y behind a battered pair of JUNE WEEK ocn'e the alumlll and parents of the sDloked'glsMCS. ~~a~.llting students from 2:00 until 4:00 We'd like to go on with thc story, but Gilbert's Inn I The Alumni Assoeiation will convene Rt spaee does uot permit it. Hcre'B'theline·up: A REAL PLACE TO EAT 4 P. ~1:. to hold its busine~s meet- Mlly·Queen, "Reds" '\VolltlundL fo< SLEEP AND REST i:J~\~:h~;~;~ ;:nqnet. at 6 P. M. ~.~:~:;i.e-the')fOOCher skit, Brown o.nd FEEDS AND SEEDS OPEN ALL YEAR FARM, GARDEN, AND Oratorical Contests Florndora Girls: Brrnll, Callahan, One the Gettysburg Road one POULTRY SUPPLIES On Sstnrdar evening, at 8 o'l!lock, tM ~)~,ltn;~n~:~:,dlill~~:,~:,:,ge1ie;;~~~s,\~:~~, Phone mile out of Westminster I:e~~.·soe~e:~~j~~·tt::;: ~'~i~lte~:s ;:~I! ~~. Baker, Jones, Ml1rtin, George, DeIAl)cy, West. 197 Phone 853-F2 members of the feur literary societies. and Hopler. Cosched by "D(ley" Rein. Phi10matll('an will he reprClleuted by SP;~!::'I::;:f sh~:n~arr~e~:~~;.:nc~n:rley, ~~r~~~;'~o~~~::' ~:;~~;::~C).BU$I~ro~,~~~ 1Jltcl!cll •. Tunkin, Metcalf. ing's coutestant$ are Catherine .T,eidy, ~~~I:~li~;:tc~:1:rl~~~~mons, Dorothy Kephart, and Mart.ha, Harrison Dunn. ;:I~~::::!:~' ::~:~:~,.~;'~n~~ O~:t~~~ong" Man Act: Timillons un(1 Amoss, Thomus Gesley, nlld Camerol! May.Poe Danecrs: Crowthers, n.. l\f~~~~i~;~c~:~:::t:~l~~~~;ce is scheduled Brown, Wallace, G. Lamh, BurroughS, I!~~ ~~'~~JdAj'n ~·lu~:dri;Il.!I[;~e ~~inr:~~ ~:~~~:::;, Re\~~k~;~k, ~~:il:;~n~e~::; IN KEEPING WITH THE BEST COMMENCEMENT DAY es. of Westmins:er will pllrtiejpst~ in Di~S:~.:~~ejL~~mmill. tll)~ anllual affau. The sermon wlll be Duet: Rein and Albrecll!. TRADITIONS GIVE HIM OR HER ~:~::;;:~ ~aI:~e:~:'d;:~.;:;, CI~~S ~~, th: ~~:!;gia~ .HOP; tSh~aw. tt Outten, Prl)sbyterinn llIinister of WaShington, D'I Kop'pe.e Hl c.. urulJ, Columbia Jewelry Co. C. Finale: "Sehool Days". b J ' I WESTMINSTER, MD. Pen and Pencil Sets The Haker ::: ~:::~\lgl!1ented ~~~~d~;~m;!~~~r.~recormack. studentl\ from the Music Department Imd rlirccted by 'Miss Rut.h Sherman Jones, instructor ill }tusk, will prc.$cnt a sacred Stationery tllntlltll entitled "The Holy City," On Sunday CYcning, May 31, at 8 o'clock in NAPOLEON said that Alumni Hall. The solo parts of the ea.n· tata are being snng by Wi.u.ifred Bush, Army traveled Leather Goods sopran,), Margaret Lee Nelson, eontralto, RichH.rd Weagly, tenor, and Dr. T. M. stomach! Whitfield, bass. Kodaks AND, whether you're taking Commencement The €omm€neement exercises will be R. O. T. C. or Home "Ec", held on Monday, June 1, at 10.00 A. M., we'll be morc than glad to College Seal Gifts ",hdi!! degrees will be conferred upon sixt.y-one seniors. The Reverend Harris pl'OVC to you and your folks E. Kirk, D. D., LL. D., ",-ill address the during June old graduates. Dr. Kirk, wlto prefers to be Week that known IlS "Kil"k of Baltimore," has "Nap" was right, after all! been pastor of the Franklin Street Pres byterian Chureh in Baltimore since 1901. BONSACK'S He hID been a professor of Biblical Lit· erature at Gonchcr College since 1928. COLLEGE INN Dr ~k is also the anthor of three 'The College Slwp books "The Rcligion of Power," "The SUPERLATIVE FOOD RIGHT UP ON Consuming Fire," and "One Generation ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS THE "HILL" to Another," in addition to numerous maguine articlcs.
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