Page 85 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE WEST. MD. TENNIS TEAM PHI ALPHA MU ALUMNI NEWS SUFFERS FIRST DEFEAT f ~nnl i1ug JUHtngn f I Phi AlplHl. Mu takes plcasure in an- The ma-nage of Frances Tubman, a f f nGullciug thnt Miss Henrietta Little has former stu~cnt of western Maryland (Cont luued frcru Page 4-Col. 4) been formally taken iu the club. College and resident of Westminster, to 'I'hn officers for the fall semester of Sewell Watts, Jr., of Baltimore, has The third set of doubles, played be- WIND THE SORCERESS 1931ure: been announced. tween Campbell and Palmer and Bender Catherine Hitchens. . . President Mildred Daruee, Frances Phelps, Vo· and Milholland, proved to be most inter M. men were I throw a quivering ehndow 'gainst the Marion Humphreys Vlee-Prea. Hvla Greene, and Mrs. Stanley Bowlsby, eating. The W. defeated Spring! Everyone aeema to welcome 6· .. ; ,1.·6; 4·6. sharp blue midnight walla M.1ry Orr Horing 'j'reuaurer formerly Blanche Ford, were "among the her with outstretched arms and a ready And call your name with a voice gone 1Ilildred Horsey Secretary graduates to visit the Hill last Sunday. The match r('8111ts depended upon this smile. No onell3s so Illorbid Q soul as to engagement, which at one time was open cold. scowl upon her, nor do any wish for her Catherine Hitchens, Owings Stone, '29 was ordained into That air tha.t cuts me, that shrieks pasaiug. Yet spring in all her beauty Mar-ion Humphreys, lhe Episcopal Chureh by Bishop Helfen to either team. The Citymen finally sue- agninat me Elizabeth atetn, in Frederick last Sunday. needed in taking it, wbteh gave them the nnd appeal Pauses a moment at your door-then every student. is tI-!I a veritable adder to Jnter·club Rcpreseutat.ives. 'l'he college wishes to express its sym edge Gn Western Maryland, and awarded haatens ou, The club entertained at College Inn pathy to the relntil'ea and friends of t.hem the tournament, 5·,1.. A futile attempt, scarce heard above the Spring beckons with her sunny smile on },fay ]2th in honor of the Senior I Golda Owings, of Westminster, whose moaning of the wind in the bleak and almost invariably students discov- members. The Club will entertain a (leath occurred recently. ALPHA GAMMA TAU er that their lessons must wait. They trees- have some tong.ptanaed jaunts to take, number of Freshmen girls at a Hobo Announcement has been made of the A IGng thin wail that trails into distance. jjay The F'rateruity wishes to announce the errands on tbe back caeupua, or t('nnis p:lrly on Friday, 22. marriage of Miss Mildred Carnes, '28, cfftcers for the next term: matches to playoff. Spring whispers Open House will be held in MeDanicl ' to Mr. Henry Peterson. The couple will .......... H_.A. Bolton, '3~ One shaft of wavering light reflects a with a breath from tile Elysian fields and Hall Parlor on Sunday, MflY 31, from make their home in Newark Del. blue·stained window, for an instant immediately stndies lose their importnnce a.oo cetu Vice·Pres. . ... F. L. Donght.y, '32 And you-head erect and classes become a bore. Facts be Ellwood Hawkins ex·'2!l visited West Beeretary .. "Karl Jones, '32 Gaze through unaeeing-c- minster during the past week preparatory Treasurer R. M.. Hall, '33 Over my head-into fathomless sky be come elusive and minds find eoncentra- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA to sailing for Paris where he will eon- C. M. Lee, '34 of Biey- bind me. tio", a greater task than that tinfle his studies in I'oiee. H. H. Chlllldler, '33 A serene--rnaddening smile moves your phus. Test marks point out deficiencJ Delta Sigma I';:uppa fntertained anum· JJyal Chrke, '30 \·isited the Hill this marble lips- regnlarly bnt Illis Circe still keeps her ber of guests at a Swimming Party at week and took up his old plaee on the victims nnder the spell. Like the myth Then more darkneSJI. Silver RUlI on May 16. The Mourner's Bench. The wind, the IShaft of light, and the ieal Hippomene, Spring keeps dropping Seniors will be thc other mem· her "golden apples" to lnre us from our Earl Lippy, ex·'2\;1 entertained the C. smile duties. No profe$~o-r ean co-mpete in per· bers of a hmehcon on Friday, D. of A. reeeutiy at l~leir club in Balti· Are infinitel~' too d(lvoid of warmth sUasi"eI1CaS with t.hese e10udless days and Mu'y 29, at College Inn. So I pass on. sublime evenings. There are very few The al1111wl "Open Honse" for Alum· Bu~y Mellor. nae aud fmnilies of the members will be who- are immune to her charms. held on Sunaa.)" 1.1ay 30J from 2.30 to 5 SEE But Spring with all her subtleties doos P.M. for us what few other things can. She R. Mark Reed, '31 THAT GOOD OLD WESTERN SHORE The following officers were elected for causes us to forget ourselves, our war· 17 LEVINE HAl,.L ries, our prejucliees, and ollr vexations, uextyelu: (A paro(]y t,o That Good Old Eastern President R. Muriel BisllOP OR lJJ' transporting ns to a. state or bliss. Shore) Vice·president i\f:uy E. E. N. Hassell, '33 S~retary.. . Dorothy D. Oh, the snn ia ever shining 1'reJlsurer.. . Mary Susan Strow ROOM 13'5 WARD HALL O'er the valleys and the hills. SOUR GRAPES Alumnae Secretary .. Susanna S. Cockey FOR And my heart is every pining CLEANING-PRESSING For the good old joye and thrills. In the spring a young man's fancy Representatives of Lightly turns to yello-w spats, Thcdalea bet"'eenthemonntains U:W. Miller Are fertile and the best, Fancy sllGes and speckled hats And his earnest heart is burning And the streams are like a fountain, With a forcra\'ats. Which sings my so1l1 10 rest. So he the shady pathways And {1ft do I to mind reeall With a different girl each night. Here's wishing "dear sailing" Of days among God's "bowers. Lips so red and skin so white! In the summer, winter, spring or fall, Then he tella each one he loyes her For The Class of '31 In sunshine or in sllowers. And he thinks he must be right. Soon he finds it's .just the springtime Before You Leave "The Hill" Por God's own grace is in ih midst. Filling him with amorous zeBt It shiues forel'crmore, Sprinkling powder on his vest. Bring The Folks Up For And there is always ,joyfl1l hE];!,'; Anil he tires of all thc co·eils. Refreshing Food Ou the GOOD OLD WESTERN Dumb·bells, nit·wits au(l the rest. SHORE. Heasoll eomes again with summer Dining and Dancing And tha madness of the spring- Dad says.. . \"1. H. Sparrow, '33. These warm spring nights Hearh that throb and birds thatsillg- just ~a:tura!!y make a ~ellow's Turns t.o peaee and deep contentment appetite turn Midnight THE EVER.HAR.T With SOlllC 11eartaelle lingering ~ to So it is with llS, my ehildren, BARBER AND BOBBER How we giggle in t.he spring! ~iLD'~DSMELSER'S MASON~DIXON INN Flirt and laugh at anything! ICE CREAM, At the Forks How our \\'e cry youth the must morn.iug hu\'c after- fling. SOFT DRINKS, On Route 140 between Westminster and Gettysburg its -,__ M. L. E. '33. .......................... SANDWICHES rI'w"rlY, ~ 1 mile somh of Littletsown, Pa. Yet .N"rI' ....................... Westminster's Leading Store A Particular Place For Particular People Phone-Littlestown IIIR·21 For Better Best of Sundaes Tools. Westminster'B Leading Store SPECIAL ALBERT BROTHERS CO., Inc. CHOCOLATE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, STEAM MARSHMALLOW AND HOT WATER HEATING 10, Drugs FRESH STRAWBERRY long enough fo~ a real good that are meal? Before you tuck that nice new diploma in your Standard trunk, take a last dinner or COLLEGE SPECIAL lunch at 15, Elmer Inn All the co·operation of a quality drug store is giren your physician when he prescribes for you. Pure, fresh, full strength ingred· Griffin's Goodie Shoppe FRIZELLSBVRG, MD. ients make up all of our prescriptions. Phone King's Pharmacy 59 West Main Street Westminster 816·F14 Prescription Druggists 55 E. MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MD. SODA, CANDY, KODAKS AND SUPPLIES
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