Page 79 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 79
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE \SPORTS I Lacrosse Baseball Tennis I SPORTS i Penn Stale Takes Close Game w.M. COLLEGENETMEN I I Terror Stickmen I MEN'S SPORTS I ~~:,~~~y,~p~;,r~~~vL~N~ CO-ED SPORTS TERROR LACROSSE TEAM DR:'~om COLLEGE NINE DROPS upB~~it~,gilf~oat:=llo~}r:~~!~le~;a~Vh~:iS~:= ~:::l:e~~ht(;ll:d~~n!t:t;:d 0: SUt~~ria~,O~:~me~,l~eb:;:: ~~:~:;:,as:p~~S~~IlW!~:r;I~~ THREE OUT OF FOUR Of'f:;~ci~~:\:n~~~i:~: ~~:g:o::in:ef:~: !:~:~~se~~Jeo;''C~n~loo~~eal:'~I~I;l~;~:~u~~: b~~~~je:u:~~t t~,! tl;:s:na~ohu~I:: :o!ho;~::n~ 2t;~~ a~~e;::n;r~~l~::S: the W. M. C. stiekmen 1-0 in It hard clashed lit Hoffa. field. The game, play- match had been completed. The singles defeating Freshman C, 27·7. Out of.a fought game at Hoffa Pleld May 1. The Western Maryland College ushered in ed under ideal 'weather conditions, ended mntehea were llI'enly divided, each team toter of twenty-one scheduled games, SIX Blue and White laeroasemen were on a its baseball season by defeating the Blue up in a deadlock, without either team capturing three apiece. Neal Woolley, have been played and four postponed. sh{lorttrip on which they engaged both Ridge College Nine 9·6 in a seven Inning having crossed its opponents' goal line, "Buuny" Tuckerman, nnd "Hnwkeye" The first part of the eeason proved un· Western Maryland and the University {If game at IIofl'a field on April 16, The The "Green" was eaptaiued by Captnin· Buesnrd won for Western .:>.laryland, exuiting for epeetetors, but the games Maryland. The weather for the game Hillmen took the lead in the first frame elect Pincnra nnd coached by Head Coach while Goobeau, Roberta and Busick were promise to be more intereeting as the was ideal for the spectators but r~thcr by piling up a eommanding margin {If Harlow. The "Gold" was led by the victors fur the Old Liners. Western season advances. This is proven by tho warm for the boys. Although it was. the nine runs, It looked as though the game husky Barnett, aurl tutored by Assistant Maryland won two out. of three doubles rosuns of two recent games, The J'unior first home game for the Terror stlekmen woud be a· walk-away for the Green 'I'er- Conch Stahley. The teams were just as to clinc1,the match. "Ed" Palmer and A team was defeated by the Freshman A there was just a handful ()f people gath rore. However C. Hurley relieved Clark, evenly mntehed as the score indicates and his hrother "Vic" lost to G()nbClluand with a score of 8·5 on Thursday, April ered on the hill to watch the fray. The wl!()had heen driven from the mound ill neither team was ever in serious dunger Roberts 6-0; 6-3. "Bnnny" and Neal 30, To atone for this loss, the Junif sta~~\:d~:o~ :I:mb~/Ia~~;pai~\~ :I~: ,;a::te test was loosely played hy both teams, :phr~n~a~~o~~~~~::~nt.he curtain on the 10\~~1:eresume of the match was as fol ~,~~::'sel~:~n:;dw~::~:~ngal;o~~:s~. te~~: ~~h:!:rJ~:~nnd f~~~~ ~~r:i~~:~~ot~U~a:~~ who committe: qu;te asf~l: err:rs. 6 7 ti\~P:::~::~!1\~h~o;:C~~~YS:!I~~mpara Sing~S~01Ie~,o~~;~uM.t20, :.~~eatod D. ~~:e;:~t~:~n;r:~l\~l~~P::i~~b!~~~6!~:;7~! 'l'hull the game see-sawed hallk and forth W, M. C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maryland 15-W 1.1 C 0 ( feb 11 (W :'II) t t- during the ll1ajor portion of the haU, Blue Ridge 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 P~nn ~tate 1-'~. l\~. C. 0 HO:'~I:t~.1~[)de (luted 'amp e . .. ~:r~ ::', 7 (JIllI. A VS. Seu. A) without either team tailing Ule lead. ~{nryland 13-State O. "Busick defeated Willey (W . .M.) Tinle 3;30 ~i::"S t~:r:~~set1~: ~:~ ~:~~'Ilth:e~:ttat~: dei:~~~;O~I~~~:;:er:a~i~;~~:I:~()~!;~e~: se~:~:'C::~i~t:~'~~:r~:~;ti~~ :~:::;t:e:~ 6·2, Western :'I[aryland cago. 'I'hen. they reo Baseball Team 12·6 on the home grounds two teams. ~'()r insranec a St. John's Sat.. !lIlly 9 (Frosh A '·S. Frosh B) eeiYed their great opportunit~', nnd April IS. Slomack, who pUehed for the Alumnus last ycar figured f t.hl! singl('S JnvHh~s wpre inter ea~il." merited the "ictory. "It Willi simply their absence the Hillmen attaek rnshed ti()n of this frall1e the opp()sillg Ulounds- estingl;r played and. proved very cxcit· a ease of being eutirely ()utelasscd by a EVERHART play but the Nittany defense guarded mon wne never in gren danger. The ing to the speetat()n, tC!l1lIof championship timbre, :~d~g~\'ilt\~\~afeoto:ftl7:1~~ng ::~ee:at~ ~:~ro:~;ht~dei~~~:f:::s fi\~li~~:~ltd:~::~~: th:: e o:itl~';:~ :~~i~:du~!tCI~:a,~:~U~.~ser~::s, :~:I~~~~: ~::et~~W~~Sti!I:~;e~~~ BARBERAND BOBBER 1-0 score. On Saturday, May ~, 'Vestcrn Mary of the three doubles mlltches. Opening crosso ehlllnpionship. 'I'his year the At the Forks The game was marked by a number of I laud received aaother setbaek when it the !lay, Neal Woolley handed Bud Me· lIiar~'land stiekmell ate especially p()tent penalties inflie!ed impartially on both eame ou~ 2 0 0 1 0 "IT,unp", w!t() is a new eilition on the 1600 people, 4S elephnnts, 1009 mena- team this year, hails from Yonugstown, HARDWARE gerill nnimals, ineluding a herd ()f gir- Ohio. Ris stenily stroking game gh'ea us aITs, and iOO horses, will unload at in- Scorc by innings: every indication that he will be allie to phone 318 ten'als show·day morning. C()lossus, Mt. S.Mary's 410051022-15 fill a place on the team left yaCaltt by I1wesomeSiX·tOllsea elephant, comes iu W. M. C. 2030{)OOOO-5 grllduation. Best of luck "Rump." Westminster's Leading Store Westminstet, Md. his private tal(k ear. Umpire-Bloom. The double~ for the day openeel with
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