Page 78 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAG.l!; rwo The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1iJuril'ty 1iJnx Qlumpllll lJ!rom OOtl!U GOt A REVIEW AND LIFE '----_I II __ QlumpllSl'll OF BOOKS, PLAYS Editor, The Gold Bug, College circles ate still agog over the If there be 11 fundamentalist among us, Newspapers came out tile next ecntly. let him pin back his ears in obstinacy Dear Sir: liquor raid conducted at Swarthmore re- With the. coming of spring, birds and and give assiducus attention tc Lewis small out. The same day with sensntional hcndlille~. 'rill) col- ccuie untetnr newapnpcr of weataen Murylnud College, published on Tlmrqday during Browne's THTS BELIEVING WORLD. nnirunls holds truo in t.he Innnan fum- lege world is condennuog Swarthmore, tho aeadcrn!c year by tho students of Weatcrn Maryland College, Wcstmiueter, Mr. Browne has presented, in remarkably principle but should we~ At least Swarthmore is Mnryl,,,,d. EJltere.l IlS Moond·claes mntter at the ·Westminster Postolllee. ily. We often nottce ameag thi;species, honest. She is making au honest effort unbiased fashion, the Qrigins end de- rosemblanee to lower nninmls, You may Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Yea.r velopments of fill tho noteworthy rclig find several vatietlea of auimal-Iike-hu to secure II better mornle. Are these ions amce the first prunit+ve mau made m(I1ISon "the Hill." The most prcv who condemn Swarthmore really trying oheisa nce to sticks and BtOMS. Begln- ntcnt this season is the "human ernb." to better conditions in their own col- EDITORIAL STAFF ning with magic, fear, despair and vir- ]Het him in the dining leges, we weuder f room crabbing . C. \V. KOOCKOOEY, '32 tually pitiful superstition, he traces the Perhaps. JOu bUH about the food , or in When we stop to think, college pro belieh of every country, leaving one Chapel crabbing about the nnneuuee- .ASSOCIATE EDITORS with It broader perspective regarding reo menta, made by the presiding officcr ; or feasora nrc rather mild iudividuals-no, 1'Ifal'YLee Shipley, '32 Robert L. Rodgers, '32 ligion. There are so very Uluny instances in the elass room crabbing over the us- we arentt thinking of them in the teasou- in whioh one is forced to parallel our signmcnt; und even iu the dormitory assignment role, We were interested in NEWS E01'fORS . and it is so all urtiele appearing in "What the Col· M. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 own modern beliefs crnbbiug over the good marks of a class- leges are Doing" rel:c!ttly. very apparent that literally scor<'f3of our mate. Whcrc..-er you see hinl, he is the Whatlf- COpy EDITORS cWltoms ha..-e evoll'ed direetly from those anmo disagrccable crenture, lllrtking life Tt isn't often thnt Ii. eollege pro.fessor Louise B. Crozier, '32 William G. Pyles, '33 of primitive man. You will wonder all miserable for e,-crrone else. calls down one of his students, but when you resd why you ha~e accepted things SPOHTS EDITORS . the folly of credulity will sting As the old 8/1)'ing goes, "If the shoe it do~s hllppen the studeut grumbl<.!Bto A. Beatrice Crowther, '32 TllOmasM. Gealey, '33 your mind to conclusion thiukiHg about fits, wear it." If you !Ire a "Chrouie himself just as though the profcsSQr were this business of religion. Crabber," please rcmember that the Iltfault. football Ou the other hand coaches MAKE·UP STAFF Sometime about tlie first century B.C., eraubing season on "tha hill" 'does lJot spcnd most of their time finding fault Ma.nagin(J Edito!' 'l'homas 'V. Otto, '32 liS the IItory goes, there wns nn nndent stayt nntil .Tune the first. "CO·ED." with their proteges in a verbal manner all Yay 1, l!l31 Asst. MaMgino Editor. .William H. Sparrow, '33 Persian legend which told of a dil-inc their own. What if coaches wcro pro· hero named MithrlJ.s whose mirnculolls fessorllf If they were, perhaps the c1uss· BUSINESS STAFF birlh had heen witnessed only by a few College Calendar room dialogue would lIound thus; shepherds come from lIfllr with gifts to the Hlsttel' with you bunch "What's B!(si'1lCSS MU1wger .. Roger IT. Cissell, '32 ndore tho wonder child. (Hu\'e y01.1CI'cr of hal"es~ I want you to put some pep .I1dve'l'fisi11fj Mall(Jgcr. .David Trundle, '33 heard aomething strnngely similar to that The ncxt issue of the GOLD BUG will into the rel:itationthis morning. You're Circltiaf.ion MU1wgcr .\Vayne Moore, '32 before f) Well, anyhow, tho people 11'110 nppear 011Thursday, }.ltiy 2]. not at t<;lR. ~\II you've done worshipped Mitlmts, (Mlthraists, as they THURSDA Y, }JAY 7- this year Hround, nnd l'm the onB ASST. CmOULATION l\[ANAGERS were called) arrh'eil nt. the comfortable gny t1w.t won't stand for it, seet Yeah, President's Fnrewoll Dinner to Glaclyse L. Somers, '33 Maurice C. Fleming, '34. eoneluaion that the mere consumption (}f Seniors; G P. M. 1 HlC1UIyou BilliJlga, nnd you too, Hart! Zelma B. Calvert, '34 .Arthur J. Downey, '34 the supposed flesh and blood of the god "There is one ihing I don't like Ilbout Lora M. Outten, '34 assured them of life el·erlasting. Thcy FRillA 1', "?IfAY 8- yOll, Hart, I\lld that i.s you arc too cocky. believed in baptism, in a judgment dny, MAY DAY }'ESTIVALj liOFFA Can YOIIrecite t,he lines of SlwkeslJcare CONTBIDUTJNG REPORTERS FOR TfliS ISSUE and M.ithms was some day supposed to FIELD; 4-7 P. M that I assigned for today' You ellll'~ Anne Woh'erton, '33, Martha Harrison, '34, Elsie Bowen, '33, eome bnek te eartIt again and bestow on Varsity Drllg; Sci~nc~ R:l.llj 8;30 dr! iU That.'s n.bout the class work Bctty Allen, '33, Barbara Daskam, '33, Geraldine Farrar, '33, Catherine the d06ordng, e,'orlaating bliss. All this, P.1>J. you'\'e been doing all year. Baumgartner, '32, Gladyse Somers, '33, TIelen 1I1yer8,'31, June Cooling, before the birth of Christ, understnnd SATURDAY, MAY 9- "Hey, you dizzy blonde in the front '33, Samuel Towushend,.'32, Clarence Bussard, '34. Alao in Rome, an annual festival was Varsity Bnseball ,·S. Dickinson Col· row, can you come out of the coma and held in honor o.f one. Attis, begiuuing lege; Carlisle, Pa. give iU All right, that's not bad. with n pagan Black Friday You're showiug ue!tcr form, blonclie. Worthy opil1iotl~·Model management~· Correct news. the death of tJui young Varsity Laorosse vs. Mt. Washing Shakespeare "-liS born. What' Why, "Wilke up, Smith, and tell mc where ton Clubj Hoffa Field; 2.30 P . .M. god; and after three days (enr Sunday) -A-LI it reachcd the climax in the "day of Y. W. C. A. Bn.l.n:tr, McDaniel you half·wit, you dumb cluck, gown,n to Hnll; 7:30·9 P. hl. IE-D-I-T-O-R-I joy" commemorating the god's resurrec- the shpwera. I mean it, don't stand tion. This Attis wus believed to haye MONDAY, MAY 11- there wilh that br·away look in Jour been immaculately eoncei\'ed in the womb Deltn'Sig1lln Rappa Bridge Tea for eyes, git. "~The Daily Iowan. A Step IVe cOllgl'atulate the Faculty Committee on Examillations of a virgin, nnd was said to have died Gradnating melUbers of all sorori Forward 011 tbe new plan rec:elltly adopted by them which I'cviscs of self·immoln.tion at the base of a. tree. ties; 4·6 P. M. Apropos of those dry lectures that we our old cOllccpl·sof semester hrain·tea!\ers. This program, Is. this a pla\ll3ihl!.' of our never gct at W. !II. C. <') wo reprint announced in this issue, will do much to relieve the ulIdne emphasis current conception of resurreclion of 'fUESDAY, lillY 12- t.he following: which has traditionally bee]] attnchNl to the College and Universitics. Christ' Phi Alpha :Mu Dinner for gradullt· Wor,]s, WOf(~, droning on, endless The plan comos as a distinct shock to those stndcnts who oonsistently I was trBmendo.usly interested in the ing membersj 5_30-7 P. hl. words- loaf through courses. relying on cnlluming for tIle finals to pull them doctrine of Gautama, the dei,ficatiOll of W_ W. Rush Party; -1-6 P. hl. lI-.fythoughts slow flitting 'roUlld the rocm like eaptive birds. :lCI'OSSthe d'cadline, and for that very reason, if for no other, the pro· whom is nowadays known all Buddhism. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1S- 0, let in air. posed system will be of real benefit,. 'rhis Gsutama wae 11. weillthy young In a sense, the .Administrat.ion is pioll(';eringin t.he field for, while prince who overnight becam!l adverse to W. W. Club will be entertained at Low buzzing toncs and grny monotony- educatol'.'; have long fclt tIle need of lessening the strain and over· all pleasure and In''lII'y. His cyea were the Reifsniflcr Home; 3:30-6 P.M. Drab vocal killing mediocrity emphasis of fOI'l1131three·hour eXllminatio'.1s,no other plan has come suddenly opened to the unntterable mis· Varsity Tennis I'S.U. of Delaware; With vacant stare. to onr notice which deals with the problem as intelligently as the one cry of all life, and the sight so burned Newark, Dcl. whieh will be given a trial hel'c on the Bill this month. The very fact its way into his soul that he uo,'crmore THURSDAY, :MAY 14- Details, without 11vision of the whole. that this first attempt vdll be all experiment tllat close eo- could be at case in his palace. ·Where' Vllrsity Tennis Drexel lnsti- Tmagination gone, Rnd with it souL operation betwec]) students and .facl1ity will be esse.ntial to the final upon he left his home and weut forth in Phila., Pa. VB. Wcak,worn-{}utelilY· sncccss of tile plan. The rcal frnits will not be apparent until next search of sslvation. "Y" mreting; 1ic.Danicl semcsteT, when the full effect of not ha,-jug all-important finals to faU For six years he practiced austerities .A grinder·out of lectures, \\'ord.s ~nd back on \\-ill be in evidence. From now on, eonsist.ent day·by-day the Iikc of which hnd ne"cr before been Rallj 6.30 P. M. fncta, Augmented Choir Practice. efl'ol·twill :!.lonebe tile criterian by whjcll stndents nre passed 01' railed seen in the hmd, living oua grsin of rice Outdoor French Plays; 3.30·5.30 A mere machine for tying thcughts ill Slicks -and this is as it should be. a dny or a single sesamum sced. All P.M. To store aW:1.'-. to no ayail. Ho had to con The lnlereollegi(l1t. fess to himself that senseless and irra- FRIDA.Y, MAY 15- Student Again the old bugaboo of Student Government comes tional self afflicticn WlISnot enough. In Varsity 'I'ennis VB. Penn. Military Government up for attention! "~esterl1 Maryland is not alone in hel' despair be had to admit that the dismal Ccllegej Chester, Pa. ~ iKnlll'!1l' ~ I diffieulties which SUlTOllndthis pAramount funetion of path of sc1f denial enuld nc,'er t>efor him OUl'student life. Exehange newspapers :from other campuses which the way of peace. The {'lIsenceof whst SATURDA Y, MAY 16- Anna I - nlltllll'utn ha.\'e round their way to the Editor's de~k al'e replet.e with lamenta- Gnutamll had learncd was tile felly of nil Varsity Baseball ,·e. Nary; tions And snggested refonns 011 this e011troversial subject. 'rhis, how· excess. Hc hnd suddenly come to sec polis, ~d. ~~he IlC\\'S regardiug the abolishutent evel', is small consolation to our own campus. Thel'e is no getting away that asceticism in().vitably misaed its V~rsity LacrossI'. '-S. St. John's Col of formal, three·hour e:
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