Page 82 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. College Calendar llJarieiy I\. liP I A REVIEW OF BOOKS, FIUDAY, ~r.AY 22- ~nlilnqu!J nf a ~l'ninr '11'11 REOEN::::~:O::: INTHE "Phi Alpha Mu Rush Party; after- eouraee, abaorhed enough of the kncwl- completed our Noll' that we have COLLEGE LIBRARY Normcnt Bpeeeh Oouteav, Alnmni edge Iha t hns been poured iut(l ua loy 111111; 8:00 P. M. onr profeesors to answer all or most of Oflldlll newspaper of Westorn Maryland College, pnblished on Thursday during Drums, bv .Tnme6 Boyd. A new version our exam questions witl, sufficteut ae- the ncademie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, of Jolin Paul JOl\esll.l\d tIle American SATURDAY, MAY 23- curacy to necnlllnlate units enough to Maryland. Entere{l ua eeecnd-etaea mntter at the Westminster Poatofllee. Revolution. Superb bmdi ug and u- Vllr$ity Lacrosse 1'1'1. Washington earn that most coveted ebeepeki n, n re Subscrtption Prtce, $2.00 a Year lustraticne. College; Hoffn Field; 2:30 P. "M. we Educated f Do we run wit.h the The Liberal Arts College Movement, I)y to Seniors; Dean nnd crowd thc hero of r.hc hour, and EDITORIAL STAFF A. },L Enl mer. A complete, authori- lor. TsanQgle; 8·10 P. J.L do we show the same lack of discrimi- Edilor-in-Chief C. W. KOOCKOGEY, '32 tative account of the Movement and nation as do the uneducated' Do 11'0 its leader, President A. N. ward, of FRlD.\Y, ?\lAY 29- vote the sarue party ticket, are we In- ASSOCIATE E;IT~RS Western )fnyland College. Delta Sigma Kappa Luncheon for tolerant along with onr ncighbors, do Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Robert L. Rodgers, '32 Senior members; College Inn] 1 By &eaoon' of Strength, by Gerald W. we put the anme vnlue on material SUIl- NEWS EDITORS Johnson. A new and 'ox('cllent novel P. M. cess as do the illiterate' How much. M. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 by this well-known Baltbncr can who SUNDA Y, J.IA Y 31- difference has cur education made in COpy EDITORS has become an important factor in our religious beliefs, in our social Louise B. Crozier, '32 William G. Pyles, '33 the editorial success of the Balt.imcre Open House for Friends, Parents, philosophy, our ethioal values, and our aud AIUlllnj; All Social Clubs. SPORTS EDITORS Evening Bun. general outlook on the world' A. Beatrice Crowther, '32 Thomas 11. Gealey, '33 Beginning June the first, do you real- MAKE·UP STAFF THREE NEW HUMOR VOLUMES ize tlmt our success is not going to de- Mamag;ng Editor .... . Thomas W. Otto, '32 Boners, hy Dr. Seuse. Vi.king Press. JUNE WEEK SCHEDULE pend upon 11011" well we imitate what Asst. MUlla[]I:-ngEditor. .William H. Sparrow, '33 'l'hil1 deliglltfully erazy little book is Frtday, May Twenty-Ninth others do and say' It is going to de- BUSINESS STAFF "Dr. Scus~'" eonta-iuutidu to the world's 8_QOP.M. Play "Launcelot and pend upon how well we can t.hink ont our own problems. We lire going to Business Manager _. . .... Roger H. Cissell, '32 store or incorrect "facts". The volume Elaine" The Dcpur t- have to do thnt which our education, fuuuy Adv(J1·t1:si?l[]ilIa11G[](J1·. .Duvid Trundle, '33 lllist:lkQ~ Illude in of examina- mcut of Speech if it was truly EDUCATION, will have Cil·c1tlat·ion Ma1lug61" , ... Wayne Moore, '32 trained us to do; think rcfieetively, tions in schools and eolleges (1.11 over the saturday, May Thirtieth ASS'f. CIRCULATION MANAGERS count.rr. As ,.t S"mple, we "King weigh hoth sides of n question a1l(1 Gladyse L. Somers, '33 Maurice C. Fleming '34 SOIOIllOIlhad 700 wives and col· 10.00A.?L Annufll Meeting of l.he choose that which is good. Zelma B. Calvert, '34 .Arthur J. Downey, \34 Ulnbi]los." Board of TrU8te~s 'rhis de$criptiou of the scientist by Lora M. Outten, '34 More Boners, by Dr. Seuss. Viking 10.30 A.M. Societ.y ReuniOIlS .TOllll Stuart Mill stands as a sugge~· CONTBIBUTING REPORTERS FOR THiS Iss"U"'E Press. 2.00 to 4.00 P. M. President's He- t.ionnstowhntnn educat.ed man shonld be: :Mary I-Iullphreys, '32; Elsie Bowen, '33; Anne 'Wolverton, ':.33; ccption June Cooling, '33; Martha Harrison, '34; Elizabeth Mellor, ';~4; Buth ol.OOP.~I. Allnual Business Meet- "To question 11.11 things; never to Kelbaugh, '31; Thelma Reid, '31; Catbcrine Ballmgl.l!."tucl", '32; 1\la1'- iug of the Alnmni .11.9' tUl"l! RWay frolll diffieulty; to accept no yaret El'b, '33. soeiation. rloctl"ine either from ourselves or from It rigiU scrutiny othcr people without. 6.00P.M. Alumni Dinner b~' negativc criticism; letting no fal-' Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. 8.00P.)f. Society Conteat lac? or incoherence, or confusion of above I E.-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI A Dog's Life, hy ,Jo Anelerson. Pounel 10.30 A.M. Baccalaureate 'rhe Serviee Re~-. by nupereciv6d; beforo having the menning Hnlllor". uuderstood by Sermon tion Iwforo assenting to it;-these are '31 There are mall~r things whie]1 \\'e might sa.y to the members I Publi~liiJlg Co: . JUllles H. Taylor, D. D., IlBiug it., and the meaning of 11 proposi- of Washington, D. C. of the Graduatlllg Class. We miO"ht for instance, tl'itely tell Jo Andersoll, ,\ell-~no\ln writer on the les~ons we lell!"ll from workers ill them that we'll miss them; or that we Wi;}l ~aeh Olle the best of.' Inc\;: . il~s ('hanged. IllS t.hcme to ~ogs B.OOP.i\r. Sacred Concert science. ",Vith all this vigorous mUll' as he "sets out upon the great sea of life". \Ve might even wax face- 1ll l~ttlc hook 111 wh.,.cll hc re ates ~gemollt, of the negative element. tiOllS and impersonating the famous" ld 1\-[ t·" ,I' . "1 I tile nmnsmgly damp e.l!.llel.le!!cesof "the Monday, June First inspire no sCCptidSlll about the 10.00 A.M. Commcncement of trnth or the indiffcrence to its pur· rOll '11 lil~e it!" . Bl;t if we could realfy llni~l~~d~E'~1~l~:'l~~~'lel~ts,sa~l,~~: ~:~t:.~,/;;'~~::r'~r~:t"" TI:~ ~I~ail~ ~~~: Coulorrillg of Degrees suit. The noblest enthnsiasm hoth for ~~~tt ~'l~aa~~vn~"/~~\l~e~~.llleSSage woul(l be far deeper and morc signiii- lovcs :wd lives dogs and horses, Addres~, The Nov. Har- the Acareh after truth and for appl.dng '1.'here is deeply moving attached to the departure of ~~:h~~i~~1:~I:::.lacking in ~~~U;_\:.~,m. ris E. Kirk, D. D., of it to its highest uses, pervades those another class from "'rhe Hill". Each ycar, :IS Commeucemeut chawi'; BHJt-.imorc,Maryland. writers." ncar, we are impressed with the imlllense potency of the occasion. When all is said, 11'11 nlnst be willing Anotllcr end-product of ottr educational system has been evolved. Has OF INTEREST TO mSTORY to acknowledgc that the ignoran~e and .the experiment sncceedecH Is the reaction cOlllllletef Will the individ- STUDENTS folly of n!(Ulare things that instit\ltions uals concerned behave as society has decreed that they should ~ ... The Rise of U. S. Grant, by Col. A. L. COLLEGE IS REPRESENTED cannot cure. E~eh must discover tho Such thoughts as these fill the minds of both educator and educat.- Congor. 'I'loe Century Co., 1!J31. AT M. p, CONFERENCE patl, of wisdom for himself. One docs ed alike as J nne approaches. PerhapS" this is an cxpln.natioll of thc "''11ile North and South alikc have not "g-ct" au edncation anywhere. If we thousands of adchesses find exbortations ,d1icll are bestowed upon in BUlging the praise~ of Lce alld (Continned from Page I-Col. 2) would become eduMtcd we mnst gi,'c graduating classcs eacb year-to say nothing of eclitol'iaJs along the Grant has received little {lr no onrselycs to pnticnt stndy, quiet medi· same linc. praise. chnrches and 50 Western Maryland stu- intellectual courage, and a lifc At a risk of being considered radical, we'll try not to bc trite. Gcnernl Grant has for hi$ uew Bnppor· dents joined the College Choir in the to the diseo'-ery aud sen'icc of '\Ve','e enjoyed immensely our associatiOlls with the Scniors. 'l'hey've ter Col. 8.. L. Conger, the anthor of The to sing Mendclssohn's "How contril)uted their fail' share to stnd'eut life on "The Hill". On the field. U. 8. Grant. are the Messengers" ~nd Hnnd in the classroom, and in extra-curricula !lctivities they have left thcir Grunt adopted foo!.bnll tacHes in his CllOrus," from the stamp. Their I. Q.'s arc doubtles;s well above the nOI'l;l-thev arc plly- campaigns. Although manoenl'ers Messiah. at closing of the to "find yourself'" H:1\'o lYe sically sound and moraliy npright . And yet of !Ill their ~ttl'ibntes, lacked finesse and graee, nevertllelcs8 his I conl'elltion. more to show for our work here \\·e congratulate them most on being ref)l \Vesterll 1fHl'ylalld men alld constant driving and p!!l"sist.ence finally At the Young People's Rally Friday ~ Bcr~p of paped If tha.t is simp- women. That's .someflling to Live up to! won the day for the North. :lft.nlloon, six students lInder the diree- I;;, DI1, could not we have spont If )'on arc among those who refnse lion of ).fiss "Esther Smith, t)lmeted "The Ihesepastiouryoar8f to concede that the World War has fore- Gift," a play present.ed recently in Au Inter- Plans for an Inter-Fratel"llity COllllcil at Western jUnl'r- Fraternity laud are not new but, to date, they've Ulet with decidedl.,· cd the Cj,-il War int.o ~llllde,rend Illig Smith Hall. Council little Sllccess. '1.'his is not onl~' regrettable, hut is a direct book. "R. R." Dr. Lawrenee Little, recently appoint- AN OPEN LETTER challenge to the members of tile Men's social clubs. '1'0 ~!l Dean of Religious Edncation at the admit that eaell organization is too selfl'3h to see beyond its own door- A FASCINATING BOOK BY A college, lI"as a partieipant in the acth,i· To the Class()f '3); step is uot pa.l'ticularly complimcntlll'y-allCl yet this is exactly what WESTMINSTER.lAN ties ()f Ule com·cntion. Other prominent The four years which you have spent Ollr lack of an Inter-F'raternit.y COUTIcil means. Jungle Ways b.l· William B. Seabrook In ad'clition to the bene.fits to the College which would re.~l1lt hom )l.llother f~seinaU g book "J I :~~:~gi~:kl~n;~~rsw:!:Il~~~I~ ~~ ~~:rl:~~: ::ea:~~~,te.:ll[]~~~;~~:do~lat~:a r~~i~~~d\\~~ an ~lIlselflsh cooperatiOll of th~ fonr ol"l?un.izatiolL'.!, there is !lOW added; "aI's", ha~ ;'eeently~eCn wri~tell byu:il~ ~~:a;lll~~' ~;~.erl~~Cr~ldan~;le~:~,;~r.~:~~rc:':I~~)~111:1~?;~~ei~i~~,s,ted in what is ~a~~~~e~~l~~~~ ~~II~e~~~;~~~~;.I:~~I1~c~I~~~t~~~~~h~,1Iil~~d: l"~~ ll~~~,tr;~~l~;l~t~~~ lia~l B. S~:~~~~~\~s ll~:~~~::re\~:st~'~i~>~ B. Evans, "Mr. John Paul L8mbertson, Pl g. .. Next yenr w111uc one III whICh you by the college adnll111strntlO!l. an Inter-Fratel"lllt.v councll call nnd after gradu~ting from a. Southern ~lr. Wcslcy Day and lIfr. Takagi Ku-I will ,,"'lilt esp-etial1y to "keep in toucll." uiel of the Theological Sem- apportion these dates fairly and impartially mnong the diffet'ent or- college, 8pent se\"er~1years rO:llaing ()yer inar\" were also conlriuuiors to the pro- i\~soeiationa and fri~ntl~ caunot bll cast ganizations. Europe, .Arabia, Kurdist:1ll and ll~jti, . ofl' at II. moment'a notiec. You'll want The ~eed for some regulation regarding pledging has been pain- studying eustoms. His "Ad- gram. to rem~in n pllrt of your College lind be Ih-es allll fully evident ever since the ilH'I11guration of men's social Clllh~ on "the ventures in Arabill," and "The Magie i."forlllcd as to \I-hat your classmates Hill". Disgust ,dtll the ineqnalities of the present catc11-aS-C<1n system T.BI.:llld" g~l'e him quite a I,aste of fame llre doing. has become quite general dnring t.he P!lst year, and some of the Clllb~ and pnt him among tile foremost writ_ DR, L. C. LITTLE WILL HEAD If we',·c been right in our 1!SSulllptions have decided to clean house on their OWl] account. ,\Vhy not solicit e,·s of lI(henture in America :wd Europe. DEPT. OF RELIGIOUS there is only oue ~OlUtiOllto JOur prob' wholesale cooperation in these effortsY "Jungle Ways," his th.ird book, portrays EDUCATION lem-whenl,'cr you go, make sure that Now is the time to act.. 'Vide-awake ol"gllnizations arc alrcady ,,,ost illuminating fads about Africau the GOLD BUG follows yon. laying plans fOI" llext year. .A pro lem committee sf'lectl'd now could nati\"es. Scabrook writes, not as a. spee- (Continuetl frOlll P;lgc l-Co1. -I) lay sound fOllndatioms for furtber work along this JU1Cnext yeHI'. How t:ltorwho vicwsnt a d.istanee, but. as one We promise you fJ. bigger, better and about it? II"ho lives and .fl'"{'lsand nnderstllllf1s as ing the coming year, in uddition to his n(\wijier paprr thlln ever bcfore! As n gentlc reminder, mny we suggest IIH!sesuperstitious nati\"Cs do. His life's p~ition hnf', lop will still hold hia posi that you pin two dollars to the conpon A Mighty Few of us seem to l'ealizc the s(:ope and magnitude of the inlerestconstit.ntee nn insatiabledcsite tillll in the church work nnd leHye it wilh lhe 13nsUleij8M.anager Project LibCJ'al Al·ts Collcge .\lovemcnt, inallglll·ated. fostered, to glenn ev('rything possible frOIll tile Dr. Littlc jlllS II.lread.llx·gulI to tnHke a of the G01 ..D BUG before 'you pack your and directed' by Pl'esident Albcrt Norman Ward. A nc'" samgeeecentridtil.'S of tlJeee strange peo study of the religious activities, interests lnlllk for the last time' vohune on tbe open slleli in the College library is devoted entirely to a pIe. The n:l.ivette and wonder of thjs and problems of college students and description of the Movement, its aims, and ideals. The Liberal Arts black race is so cleverly fused with the their impliEatiollf! for the eonstrndiOll of College Bulletin has carried stories, Rnnouncements and challenges in h~rsll of tllcir other n!ltur~s a collegc currieulum of Religious Educa· regArd to the lllJderta.ldng, but it has remained for the incoming Gold thrtt the is intensely interesting. tion. He has forwarded tc the dean of Bnsiness .Manager, Bug mai.l to bring ns to a fnl] realjzation of the lHl.tion-wirle effect of Witelicraft nnu blllck magic have been the college an outline of the work which the project. Each week, exchanges i.ll the form of eampus l1e\l'J>pnper~ found hy Ule ~uthor to Iliselose (lstoll"lld he experts to carry out here during the T!ie GOLD BUG. hOlD nearly every college .in the cOll.ntl',Y arrive on the editor's desk lng re~ults und evc!! the ieonodast is next year. He is planning {lQurses suit~ 1'111 illl·esting$2.00 in real Western and just as regularly, 'we've gotten a real thrill from notieillg the ,,·ay solllehl'lY fomed to relent just a little. nble fl)r two groups of stndents, consider- Maryland nOI\'3for the comlllg year. in which othB-l' institutions are respond'ing to the 1foycment. About S('llbf(Ok mixes his witch-doctors, jO'UQ- ing the Ileed~ of both the stndent who three lnmdred colleges are now enrolled, and the entrance (1£ each onc leurs ,'l'll/on;ts, sorceresses Hlld black wishes 10 major in Religious Education, Namc. has been llailed by its campus newspaper in front page al·ticles com- king illto a potent winc, seasons it with and the one who is pursuing general ill€!nding the wisdom of the plan and landing its founder. President subtle hUllwl' and nath'e songs, plucing courses III the arts and sciences and who Ward. it 311 before us ill gl8morous array. wishes to include in his training some in· Address Western Maryland has il president of whom \I·C are morc than It's worth rellding. struetion snd guidance i.n the field of proud. We almost feel like boasting! I< BilBY" ),!ellor, '34. his r~ligious interests.
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