Page 76 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAQE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md I,QUub.a,au~ ~nddir£l I 311m' ;1Il'sting! Iff ~nl~ 1Bug 1Buniug.a f f PHILO IRVING OONDOLENCE A BOOMERANG Please do.n'l read this article I You've To W. H. Murra.y and Mother already heard nbouf everything .the J~t Life is just a boomerang The Philematheau Literary Society Irving Liternry Society held its regu· era did on the Eastern Sho "! Oil, you held eleetlcns on Monday night. The lar meeting Monday evening at 7 P. M. lHo"cn't' Now, if 1 let out some seerete 'Tis sad indeed to lose a friend, For all rou- deeds repaying, following people have been chosen for The meeting was called to order by the me for more-but this A friend so tried and true. Life must be up and awaying. o1h~e: . president, followed by a prayer by the yon all will flnul pump Ar1(l one who fills a place so dear, Out from you goes your acta, low down fresh from the is the Without whom life is blue. Victoria Smith President chaplain. dairy-my eow,-millspelled again I But God haa called him from our midst, And passes many a place. TIle following program was preaented : )Jary Humphreys Vic.e President Current Event~ Sparrow YE DIARY OF A JESTER To rest at His right hand, AND LIKE A BOOMERANG- 'froy Hambseb Secretary Who Will Organize the Next House' And £rllm the field of toil and care, They all come back. Mary Ellen Senrrt Treasurer Edwards March 12 till March 22-Practice He l,as joined 11. heavenly band. Your grouch will pass away Betty Cain Chaplain The W. M.-Nn,";V Lacrosse Game-- makes perfect. Wbo w~nts to be per teet s Tt's hard to think that he is gone, A smile will take its place. Dorotll)"Rankin, Jane Wine, Ella Weir- Remick March 23-Come on nick, carry up His presence seems so near. Ypcr grouch though still away Room COlllmittee those rolls and hop m ! Untwist Irving's Possibilities at the Oratorical Hummy on that back seat so Hoover can ne heard tile Master call from high, Like a boomerang will come back. The Philo essayists, chosen for the an- Oontest I D. C. Murchison see to dr-ive. Yessir, it feels good to And answered without fear. The smile its ecurse pursuing nual contest with Browning, are Wini The Possibilities of a Joint Meeting of have old Hoov steering the bus again .. Although thereisa dull, dull ache Has spread a little cheer fred Bush, Gladys Somers and Dorothy Men and Women Prof. Whitfield ... forgntteu !l.llyUlingT Sit Whieh only time can heal. And madf three heroes of aviation, Wilbur and Th~ college Shakespeare Club met his mustnehc looks like ~ beard. He sent the showers So while, so pure--Ilnd yet .f. .. For ye old enri08ity seekers we. go To refresh the flowers As with the slimmer SUIlthe SUOII'mus.t told by Kathleen Mooro and Troy All excellent sumlllary of the play, "The to Parksley via Snow Hill. Court is in Ane1made the birda to- Bing. go. Hambseh. Midsummer Night's Dream" was given. session. Bolton hides in bus, while pass- He sent the CHRIST Is that thell'a)' that lo\·emust got The program consisted of talks on fairies, Installiltion of officers took plneeat the May·day games, and m.ythology IlS por ing through LUlleh lit Pocomoke. That men might have meeting of Wednesday, April 8. trayed in this play. The.fairyelement On to Parksley, Virginia. It's It great A life more full af love. , SPRING AND REST AT LAST-ABOVE. lYas empha.sized b)" a spiritual solo ~n· place, but no fun for Curly Sprague-- titlp(l "Over 11il1, Over DA.le" which was he live!'!therel ... We give atraijer PHI ALPHA MU Charlie Forlines mistaken ·for faculty ad· WOULD YOU By RoBERTT. ROGERS veryentertn.ining. An informal discus ,·isor. l!'rom Cape Charlel:l journey Bien followed the program. Phi Alpha Mu takes pleasure in an· to see us. 'l'hnnk you Dear- From the golden emit a clear sun springs nouucing that the "MiMesCeleste Benson FoUl" men nre ~nlled, wins If r eould hold you near And parts the douds of purple hue. and Henrietta Little have been pledged W. W. CLUB NEWS ilia prized Figgs. Sil! She 1<116\\'some· And whisper whnt I might. On a leafy branch a robin sings to the duh. body else in the tr-onpo before I But If you could hear- And warblC!:lto a 'lky of blue. The club enjoyed n dinner in tho The W. W. Club will be entertained at w()uld we. 10111 No, Dr. Whitfield, we If you would dare kitchenette of McDaniel Hall 11IstTue:;· II bridge party at the home of Catherine :He gentlemeu! . GrullU blowout 011 To-whisper what you might "Dad" SMELSER day night. -_-= Hobby in Westminster on, Saturilay way buck Thursday. . We drive to Sali~· If we could hoor-If we would dare ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, 1I1itehelltries to bury on flv\l feet April18. 1'0 tell each wllll.t we might. BLACK AND WHITE 1086 himself, but everyone in Salisbury I wander dear- COLD DRINKS GAMMA BETA CHI knows him. Would you' WOULD YOU' Opcn Ever}! Nite Until II :30 The Fraternity extends its deepest 'fo Seaford, Deluw:lr~ for :lllot!ler Kiss me just-Good·night' sympathy to Brother Wilson Murray, Gumma Betn Chi huld ih regular :;::~e~mUdSQm~a;.~~~eer\:~I:a~WJlrd.;~: EVERHART .~:;il'~:OlS;3:'tlther died on Wodncsdlly, ~~;i:~e~i~l:q~:t6~3tot~~ ;t 1ege Inn 'fues· hllulltcll hOlls()again for entertainment SENIOR STUDENTS ARE INVESTED BARBER AND BOBBER ==========~========== ~~~~:(!i::.ts~~::;:ri~~~ll~t:~swi:r ~::;; WITH THE ACADEMIC COSTUME MR. JAMES R. BROWN SPEAKS ON CURTIS STUDENT·ARTISTS PRE· lJirls go wild over Tommy Otto and (Contbl\lell from Page I-Col. 1) At the Forks SINGLE TAX QUESTION SENT MUSIC RECITAL Kitty Kat:r.-it's their own faultl Hum· :~~a:~:_~:e~ :~t~l~il::l~~place by clever position wldeh 5110111<1characterizo their (Continued from Page- I-Col. 2) :~~~~~il::CS":~n~f:o:Sl~f: ~;:!U~~et~: Brown's fioodie Shoppe (Continued from Pnge I-Col. 4) ~.~i~ ~~I~~~liSb~:lerdi~e n ~~!::sridt~ a~! little government and it is higb where Lc 'fhe Charles Koechlin pretty popular. lIe sings "so nice" ::~~s fellow men", were his parting Ridgeville, Maryland tliere is muell government., a natural measure of the valne af soeinl serdce ~aJ~::::O(~C~:~I~~ll,t,~~~::~'~::8;~;::.;::f::~:~ee~ot~o:~t~~'n~'p:~::~::I~soi~~:'I'S~:nl~~:~e{~ftl::O:;;;:r: f ~l:l:!:t~~:~ First Class and the only just basis of taxatioll. SODA SERVICE There is a sel1001of tbought which ar Mr. Thibault I arrive early, bllt they rcfus~ to smg. vcstiture ceremonies. With the words LUNCHEONETTE gues that the way to get public reven- TIr. Tn 10 SRl Guiseppe Torelli !~~~;~I:o:v\~~~n~3~:~: ::~; i:t:~li~ of that famous hymn ~inging fr~m ueis to eollect the value thllttheser· Non aD piu !lOBason, eosa faeeio, on shoes. I ,."or)' heart, the proeesBlo.n mnde It.B DANCING vices, create, to pay for them. Other wise, (lie money goes to tbose who did from "~~:lf:~:;i~~:a~~u~~~:::;; br~~n~:I;n~~: t~,:~vei~eo~:~.ts,;~: :~:U:~:~:·~n~~t ~'~'i~l~k~m~~:f~:i~:d thi~Ssa:l~ Adjoining the e'Rink}' Dink" Tlothing to earn it." Nymphes et Sylvains cOllies back to Baltimore, Westmillster trallcc. Golf Links lie illustrated tllis last point by the Herm:mn Bemberg and points out, knowing that they've I ========== Wendell fllmily, whose early pnrehases Miss OJrilay done the-ir bit. 'fhese light-headed boys Westminster's Leading Store of land inerea,~ed so enormously in val- IV. Praeludim . . ... Bneh·Kreil!ler lUl'·c ra<1iatcd the good will of Western Smith & Reifsnider ue, through 110effort or expenditure of Shepherd '8 Madrignl Jo'ritzKreisler 1>I:nylnn(l! own. Their control of land, the Polonaise in. A major We',-o held off long enough now- Westminster. Md. source of wealth, enabled them to be- Henri Wieninwski you'll ha,'e to decide for yourself-we'll come fabulously wealtlly at the expen~e play in Westmmster at the Opera House af the rest of society. The "unearned Mr, Stcinh:ndt au the 29th and 30th of April. Reserv- LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES illnrement" which poured into their V. A Spirit Flower .. Campbell·Tipton ed tiekets at BO!lllie'a.. Students be AND COAL llUnds, and is going into the hands of Clmnning Chloe Edward Germnn early-firsteOIlle,firstsen·ed-withseat.f!. many other lnnd-owneu, illcreascs the Lithnaniau Song ~'rederic Chopin WARNr.>rG-Don't come, if it hurt~ SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND cost of living by a great deal. Prelude from" A Cycle of Life" your hee to smile. You'll laugh out- Westminster's Leading Store The eff1"Jctof our pre~eut tax system, Landon Ronald right! GENERAL MILL W0RK concluded Mr. Brown, is to discourage Miss Corday SEE people- from producing. If we bnild a VI. E 'en as a Lovely Flower PLANTATION THEME IS TO BE house, we pny for the materials out· Prank Bridge CARRIED OUT IN MAYDAY R. Mark Reed, '31 right, and tlu~n overy year thereafter in A Piper . . .. Michael Head FESTIVAL 17 LEVINE HALL D. S. fiEUR & SON tile form of taxes. lndlll!try is not re· The Roustabont ... P.upert Hughes wnrded bnt pc.nnlized by taxes on la· Louesome Song of the Plains (Continued from Page l--CoL 5) OR (Established 1866) bor products. It is a fact the land val· D.~vid Guion E. N. Hassell, '33 ues move witll population, bnt taxeB do When I Think Upon the Maidens Freshman Duchess: MillS Estelle Wil· Wholesale and Retail not, under the present system, aud pri· MiehaelHead Iiams. ROOM 135 WARD HALL vate property is taxed to make up the Mr. Thibault Freshmall Attendants: Misses Louise FOR HARDWARE deficit. Needy and Mnrgaret Yocum. CLEANING-PRESSING Mr. Brown remained after his lectur"l VII. Recitative and Duet: "Douts de III The music for the- da.nces will be fur· Representatives of Phone 318 to answer the questions of several of Lumiere" from "Hamlet" nished by Misscs Elva Dryden and Eva the students w110,vished to go into ibe Ambroise Thomns Draper, pianists, and Misses Mary Haig U, W. Miller Westminste.r, Md. subject more fully. Miss Corday snd Mr. Thibault and Katherine Merritt, violinists.
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