Page 86 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BROWNING w.w. BLACK AND WHITE GAMMA. BETA CHI Equitable Life Ins. Co. of Iowa Monday night, the- nineteenth, Brown- The W. W. Olub was enlertnlned at .Announces the foll-owing officers for ing held II- farewell meeting for ita Sen t.he home of ),fias Anne Rei!suidor on The Praternity auncuucee the renew- J[131·32. ior members. Hilda Shipley, dressed 11S 13. ingoffieersfortheycarl!l31.32: President ... . D. C. Muruhiaou -_-- a gypsy, read a prophecy, and the his· Wednosdny, May Alplu\ . . ..... C. W. Koockogej-, '32 vtee- President G. D. Lamb Represented by t\. number of guests lI'ero entertained tory, of each of these seniors. Refresh- cu it Wouderbnf l Hike to Tramp Hollow, Secretary S. D. Kerper menta were served. on Monday, May 18. Master of Ceremonies .... S. D. Sunday Treasurer. . W. W'illinrns BUCK CASH R. H. Cissell ... VieeAlphn. '32 .T. H. Dixon, DELTA PI ALPHA A tea-donee for all the social clubs on Beta .. ... C. R. Etzler, '32 Uhuplaiu L. Pineura Sgt.cnt-Arrua the "Hill" was gh'sn by the W. 'V. WESTMINSTER, MD . At its regular meeting on 'l'ue$lhy, Club on Tuesday, May 19, in McDaniel vtce-aete : .. T. W. Otto, '32 B. P. Officer' 0. Myers },Jay J2, the fraternity held its election Hal! Parler. Gamma W. R. Sparrow, '33 of officers for next year. The resulte of The W. W. Club will hold Opcn House Della. ..V. R. Martin, '33 the election ere i on Sllnday, May 31. Smith « Reifsnider Brown's6oodie Shoppe Delta. ... . . .Howard M. Amo~e The \Y. W. Club annnunees the fol- The- Fraternity will hold its annual Vice-Delta J. D. Stillwagon lowing officers for theue.xt term: Farewell Banquet at Clear Ridge Inn on \VIestminster-, Md. Ridgeville, Maryland Alphn Robert L. Rodgers President Elsie Ebsworth l\fbnduy, May 24th, to which the tnem- Beta Elmer N. Hassell Vlee-President Mnry 11.eComas bees of the Alumni Chapter l.Jnve been . LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES First Class Gamma . . .. William .T. Wright Seerurnrj- Louise Weaver invited. Ronornry Brother G. S. Wills SODA SERVICE Epsilon . . John R. Jaeger TrCllsurer Mary Bl1en Senat I'{ill be II guest. AND COAL LUNCHEONETTE On Tuesday evening, May 19, the Jrn- Alumnae Beerctu ry .... C. Buuutgartner 'l'he Fraternity will hold Open Honse DANCING ternity went on a supper hike to Tiger Sunshine Messenger .Eliaabeth Andrews en Sunday, May 24th, ulld all during SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Adjoining the "Rinky Dink" Valley. Sgt.·at·Arms.. Mndcllne Murphy June Week. GENERAL MILL WORK Golf Links 50, 00 . Paid to "Winners of ~AMEL ~ONTEST! R".J. Reynolds Tobacco Company takes pleasure in announcing that the decisions of Judges ~RLES DANAGmSON. ROY W. HOWARD and RAY LONG in the $50,000 Camel Prize Contest have been reached and that prizes ncccrdingly have been awarded as follows: First Prize~ $25~OOO JAMES THOMAS SHARKEY, 101 Train Street, Dorchester, Mass. Secmld Pri=e~ l$lO~OOO Third Pri=e~ $5~OOO MRS. WALTER SWEET, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. JUliUS ~L NOLTE, Glen Avon, Duluth, Minn. 5 Prizes 01$~.OOOeach 25 Prizes 01 $100 each ELIZABETH JARRARD, Porter Apts., Lanaing, Mich. A. B. FRANKLIN, III, 52 Kirk1and sc, Cambridge, ~11I.!i&. MARIE ALBERTS, 6252 So. Spaulding Ave., Chicago J. W. KEATING, 523 Prm.pecl Ave., Cleveland, Ohio JOHN R.. McCARTHY, 721 Sr.., Con... W. B. BARKER, JR., 420 N. Spruce, Winston·Salem,N.C. J. H. KENNEDY, 2627 W. Stale SL, Milwaukee. W'1IICo FREDERlCK E. ROBINSON, Coronado· Beach, Calif. EUGEI\'E BARTON, 3625 La LllZ Sr., EI Paeo, Texas JOHN KILPELAINEN, WeilL Paris, Maine WM. A. SCHRADER, Brent Apt8., New Albany, lod. MRS. EDW. F. DALY, 1133 Louisville St., Sr.Louis, MOo DR. CLIFl'ON B. LEECH, 211 Angell Sr., Providence, R.J.. DR. D. H. SOPER, 523 E. Brown, Iowa City, Iowa. WJ\I. G. ERBACHER, 308 N. Front St., Conway, Ark. EDWARD l\-lARTIN, 121 Liddell St., Buffalo. N. Y. 5 Prizes 01$500 each LEROY FAIRMAN, 69 Dartmouth St., Foreet Hill", N. Y. MRS. L C. ~nLLARD. 609 Stockley Gardeua, Norfolk, V. EUGENE SARTINI, 745 Chapel SL, Onawa, m. KATHRYN R. FRANCIS, 448 E. 22d St., Baltimore, Md. F. CARTWRIGHT, 1ranap't'n Bldg., Waahington, D. C. ~ms.ALEXIS GODIIX.OT, 191 Waverly Pl., New York GREGORY LUCE STONE, 755 Texaa SL, Mobile, Ala. EDITH COCHRANE, GlenvaIe Ave., Darien, Conn. C W. GRANGE, 2316 Central Sr.. Evantllon, DL DR. C. L THOMAS, Monnt Airy, N. C. BARBARA LAWLESS, Ardmore, Pa. Co S. GRAYBILL, Paxtonville, Pa. LEE R. WO~IACK. 448 Tenney Ave., Amherst, Ohio JANE PARSONS, 325 E. 79th Sr.. New York, N. Y. JOHN I. GRIFFIN, 1208 Jacbon, Pueblo, Colorado· J. ARTHUR WOOD, 21 Burke St., l\-Jechanicville, N. Y. RlCHARD W. VOGT, Grecn Bay Road, Waukegan, IlL DAVID C. HILL, Peyton and Arlington RdB., York" Pa. EMERY HERBERT YOUNG, Painted Poat, N. Y. N congratulating the winners in the moisture~proor Cellophane wrapping the I great Camel contest we 'want at the same rich aroma and fnIl flavor of choice Turkish time to thank. most cordially the approxi~ and mellow Domestic tobaccos have been mutely million men and women who dis~ air-sealed in Camels for your enjoyment. played their friendly interest by sending U you have not tried Camels in the Humidor in an entry. Pack all we ask is that you switch over to this We wish also to thank the millions of smokers brand for one day. throughout the country for the appreciation After you have learned how much milder, they are showing for our new Humidor Pack how much cooler, how much more enjoy- as is evidenced by the notable increase in the able it is to smoke a perfectly conditioned sale of Camel cigarettes. fresh cigarette, go back to the harsh hotness By means 0"£ this dust~prooC, germ ..proof, of stale cigarettes if you can. CAMELS @USl,R.J.Rop>old.Toll .... "C .... '...,.,1P'IarI .... kI_.!f.C.
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