Page 80 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAnE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md QIlttn.!wn, QIlubn, ttUll .§ortdtrn I Alumni NPlIl.!1 By "Cappy" Baumgartner, '32 FRENCH CLUB PHILO WIN THE MODERN INDUSTRIALIST Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor of nan- wood, Va., have announced the engage- At the meeting of tho French Club on _At Philo, April 27, tha program was 'Tis strange indeed By Robert Holder Tucsd(l.Y, May 5, the follol'iing new offi- devoted to readings. Evelyn Collison gave ment of daughter, Pauline Alma, TI,nt days must come of Berlin, Md. to John Pruitt, l\._[jaa And days must go. cers were erected for the year 1931-32: three Italian poems by T. A. Daly. Mary Taylor, who is a. member of the elass of He pnt ma shoulder to the wheel President, Virginin WQeka. Ellen Sennt read a ballad entitled "The '29 o-f Western ~[aryland College, has And each day lUISour deeds. Ana mll.(lc it turn. and turu ; Vice·President, Miugn.rot Lca Nelson. Diver !", and Helen Eckard, a visitor been a. teacher in the Wicomico Blgh Eaell nlOlll~lltseemed like an hour Secretary, Harrison Dixon. from Bro-wning, gal-e a read lug, "Ponr School for the past two years. The dale The yesterday you may ha\'c won, As he pushed and pushed. 'l'rcusurer, :Marie Tanner. teen." of the wedding lUIS not yet been Today is the day to win. But night came. at IllSt and he could As an interesting pll{tof the programs On ],fonday night, May 4, the program tin· So start 10(111)" do not be stow, rest- (If the two previous meetings four very was opened with a talk on the English nounced. But etnve and strive with vim, Hls labors for the day were done; good short, Preuch plays were giycn. May Day, by Mildred Johnecn. Louise Announcement has bcen made of the That you may mnke today a day But like Il. dogged plouccr Which at the end you say, "I 'I'hese plays WHO written and aeted by Needy discussed Roman feativala, or Sat marringe of Miss Laura Cordelia Myers, -win." Cntting his wily tllrough dense forests the members of the Club. Congrutula- urunlia, anI] Dorothy Rankin gave a danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. The sun has risen He kept on. tions am due these members as the plays Spanish Dance. Myers of wes+nucstcr, to Mr. Joseph 'fhe dny is young, His body 1I'11S crying (or rest, reflect not only their interest in the Club, Marvin Dhalk, of 'j'owson, Md. The You have 11 chance to win. Bis soul wns weary and sick but also their prngresa in the J.'rc.neh lan- ceremony took place at the Little. Church :Forget the yesterday's mistakee j But still he pcreiated-c- guage. BROWNING Mound the Corner, New York City, and 'l'hink not what tomorrow brings; .Caring less and less for the c1oek's mcaa was followed by a reception at the Hotel But make today just such a day, ured tick. A t the meeting of the Browning Lit- New Yorker. The groom is a graduate That you can say, "I win.1> IRVING of WMtorn Maryland College, class of Gradually he felt a sweet weariness enuy S.xiety on April 27, the debating leaden his limbs team was announced. The members are '25. Stort right; you know the way, At the regular meeting on Apdl ~7Jthe So why should you go wrong' And benumb his already straincd body; members of U10 Irving Literary Society Kathleen Moore, Cleona Brinsfield, and At tho final meeting of the Parent But stilet toda~- with juet one tllought As he sank peacefully into- a vast Un- Martha. Harri80n. eJecto(} the following officers: Teacllcr ASBociatian at the Wicomioo And say, "Today I kno-w1'11 win." known. President, WilJil\.UlB. Pyle. ThcOlllertainmenteonsisted of n piano High Sehool, Evclyn Segafoose, '29, wu~ And say, "I'll wark and play He drcame(l of what hc might have done V. President, Prentiss EVllns. sol{l,a BGleetionfrom Mignon, plnyed by elected secretary for the coming-yellr. And make today a day which pays, 1[ lie na,1 [miL' wr;!Tkeil! Secretary, Roger Cissell. E"a Dryden, Ilnd II "ery vivid neeount Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Eline {If Reis- And a day which I Il(n--ewon." Treasurer, Joseph Snyder. I of the opera Tosea, told by Thelma Reid. terstown anllounee the birth of a. Bon, Critic, Cameron Murchison. .Joseph Edwin, born April Mrs. Then as the sun. seh slowly d{lwn HOW? 27. Chaplain, H~rry Zimmcrmall. Eline was, before her marriage, :Miss AntI you fin(l that your task is done; Scrgeant·at·Arms, Faul Myers. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ?lTaryBelle Beyard, of the crass of '28, That yon ha\"o workcd and played today, I MW him as lIe passed me by Delta Sigma Kappa wishes to nnnounce and a mcmbcr of the W. W. Club. Thnt .you have ma(le today a day A smile on his lips, a. gleam in each eye. His heart wns atune and seemed to ring, 'Which you can shout "I won." W.W. !ll!!t the Misses Do-roUly Connor /lnd AI Whittaker, ex-'33 visiied the Hill 'Vm. ll. Sparrow, '33. In response to the notes that birds did Elizabeth Buckey ],ave been received in· for a few days last week. sing. The W. W. Olub held ita. annual aup to full membership in the club. His feet it seome,l ~oul' Maryland College, and by Drs. C.E. For of !lIe elass of 1926, also hc.lpedwitllthe pared some de.lcctnble produets. lines nnd Fred. IIol1nway, of the scm· STRAYER On Saturdl!Y, 1Ifny 2, the Hom~ Ee. ;"n,-y. The Rev. H. H. Price, editor of rcnlc, 11'hichwas s]lonsored by the Home onomi!'.'! Clnbs of ~f:l.rylltnd held their the ":Methodist R.eeorder" pronounced Economics Club. COLLEGE 721 Thirteenth St., Washington, 0_ C. A lnrge group {If ~peetll.tors was pres· ~nnual eom-cntion at Easton, -Maryland. the benediction. ent at the affair, 3nd runny were alao The following del0gutes represented the 'rJlC Rev. Rubcn Y. Nic],olson, class of drawn to the exhibit held afterwards in Supplement your liberal arts cducation with college c.luJ): V. R.eid, A. lJorner, Rei,,· '31, who is now p~stor of the Rhode Is· McDaniel Rail Parlor, under the supor· a specialized college-grade business training! ecke, Ctlllallan, Cain, Benson, Daskam, land A_vcnuc Methodist Protestan.t vision of the Miss .Ayers and Miss Tar- Executive Secretarial courses qualify JTttig, Von Eiff, M. MaUler, R. Gilielan, Church, Washington, D. C., delivered college students for responsible business and A. F. Sewar(]. They were accom· tho alumni sermon in tile evening. positions. panied by tIle Misses Avery and Brown. FORMER STUDENT SPEAKS ON Accounting and Business Administration In the morning the State Association On J\[ondll.v, :May ;t, tile class in reli· BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG courses leading to the B.C.S. and M.C.S. of two one-act held its business meeting. W. M. C. was gious drllma presented Mnn" and "He degrees offered in Strayer College instructors Ac- of C.P.A. Able staff countancy. playa, "The Traveling elected president of the Student Club of Cmne Seeing", in tile seminary chapel. (Continued from Page I-Col. 2) and attorneys at law. Maryland for next year. A luncheon was 'l'he plays were direeted by "Miss Doro· Two Hundred Fifteen Colleges and served at noon, followed b~' an address: thy Elderdice. showed the reBult of his study of the Universities Represented by AnnuaJ "Somc Historical Old Homes of the battle-field, and illustrated clearly his EnroJlment of 1600 Students. Eastern Shoro of Marylaud" by }'liss rile annual meeting of the board of story of the Mtion. K~therino Scarborongh. In tile after· gon,rnors was Ileld Tuesday morning in According to :!\fr. Phillips, the battle noon the club visited "Cleghorn-on. the seminary library. The Rev. Wm. J. is worth seriou~ consideration because it Add"" R,.;"", 10'C."lo. I A COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION Wye," "North' Bend," and "Hope Thompson, D. D., proi08sor o( religious marked the point after which the North Fe, House," lind were grc.atly impressed by psyehology nnd pedagogy in Drew began to win consistently, and it, there' BUSINESS TRAINING these beautiful old l)omO$.~nd their IOI'e Theologicol Seminary, 1\[adiaon, New fo-re, mode i\ momentous contribution Iy ~ardens. Jersey, addressed the gradnating el3Bs. to the eOllstlfvationof our Union.
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