Page 75 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 75
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THR.EE \ SPORTS I Lacrosse Baseball Tennis ISPORTSj Navy Stickmen Give W. M. C. Lacrosse Team a Trouncing I MEN'S SPORTS I L! _C_O_-_E_D----,,-S_P_O_R_T_S_ Western Maryland's Terror atiekuien _j were defeated 10 to 0 by Navy at Anna was BASEBALL NINE WILL polis on Saturday, April Hth. It LACltOSSE NET RESULTS W. A_ A. AWARDS LETTERS AND the first game of the aeasou for the Ter· BLAZERS TO CO-EDS that rors and although they suffered defeat MEET DICKINSON SAT. Lacrosse, the game lmaketbnll is nn(t said to do the uc-eds Iack the craze for their game fight against overwhelming hnvc the dash of the silver lOI'ing cups' Lust yenr 'I'he Women's AthleticAssociatiOltlllet crash football, was played 101lg ago the W. A. invested in two superb odds merited praise for their student Uarch 1(J, 19S). 'l'hepres· in West Bnlurdnj-, April ushers eoaeh. The first half was a hotly waged Murj-lund College's 16, baseball season when em by over the 11 large aron·of Their many game miles WIlS played cups to be presented to t.he elasa and In- ident, llogan, nunouneed thnt dividnnl in top tell' the coming exteut, on out battle in which the Terrors withstood the Green 'I'errura meet the Dickinson und lasted for maul' days, This gnme so ula tournament. But unfortunately there money taken in at lmskctbnll games had terrific onslaughts nt their goal and 301 nine on Hoffa field Tho Drcklnacn puraued the Indians, were no etaimnnts. The toumsmeut wns been gi\'ell to the radio fund. though UHJ)' were unable to score, their team is reputed to be very strong this way into AmeriCan The (ollowing freslnnen were admll.ted girls the strong defense held Navy to a S·O score Altcrutloua, nover fiuished. Perhaps a co-ed can are into the association, having acquired the at the half. year and the local boys will have to have of course, were trying to pro,'C that 1l1~y ueeessarv number of points: II.~~el to be at t.heir best to pull out of this dcfluitc playing field end baseballlmdsti11beallt(ly. Navy took advantage of the conrpnra the score. plnyiug Horehlerv Gem.ldlue 1'arrar, Murtha Hn,· first game on the long side of a time were established tively small Terror squad by rushing in decided grew rison, Rosalie \Vnthnm. Heretofore, there hus been a Lneroase in popularity ~mong the numerous subsfitutes throughout the 11 \\':1S annOlllleed t.hul Margaret 11a111- luck of interest, 01] the Rill iu the natlou- eollcges until it is now one of the prin All joking aside, tennis is n mnjor seeond period. It was these fresh men nl game, and the future atntus of basco cipal spring ~ports. sport nud should be taken seriOualy. It ilto]] had aeeumulnted enough points for that sueeeeded in rUlllling lip seven more hall at Wester~ il!"ury!alld will depell(l L"crb~se this is the dCI'elopeu iu college that her blazer. "'M's" aru to be given to goals in the lntter pllrt of the g:.l1ue, largely on the ~upport gi"en the team by l:lnd is lL!l1ldled continues gi"e enjo~'mellt nfter we tho 1'roy Hambseh, Sue iJri,!-gillg the final seore to 10·0. ilio student This year there is u haycleftsehool. Bishop. Since the TeO'ora' Defense Strong wealth of materinl lind the team ln~t "lCoting Vielnria Smith haa re~eh', edau"IIr." In the first half tJ,e Terrors trailed ~ that faces Dickinson, Snturday, will be Doro!ll), 'j'immons rol[llhe assoeiution to 0, yet surprised the MWdies with u worU,y of Grecn Terror traditions. (;luss tournaments arc starting soon. stout defense and holding possession o~ The initial practice Wll3 held on Wed Unless tllo ~'resln1ten eo.1111lthrough wilh alJout tile Girls' Winter Carni,·til held iu the bull more than one third of play. IlCSdfl)" April 8, 3nd approximately abuneh of dll.rk horses, it seems as Baltimo]'[', wllieh some of Ihe girls ai- The 'I'orror ac.fe.nse, over nnxious sever· twenty m~n respoHdnd to the call. '.rhiB UlOugh the Seuiors wjll mal,e good their londed. V al iimespro"ed a scoring thl'eat bnt on does not include the foo.tball plnycrs, tbreat to capturo bolh of the eups oO'er' )1.lIry Elten SClmt was appoint.ed tennis 8. whole lacked knowledge of tIle g9mo;: who at present nrc engaged in spring cd by the at.hletic assoeinlioll. eh:linH:\lI for the coming season aud nndpolish. praetiee.r A short gam(;WllS promoted to Mary Uumphrers was appoiutc(l head aid the fellows iu "gdting their eyo on of "olley ball aeiil-iUes. III Ihe sellfmd period, Jlarticularly late .A~ usual, jhe orgauization of u ,'anity in the game Navy benefitted by the re· the balL" A fcw adjustment~ in t.he tennistcam depends upon sev- Kny Cockburll awarded lette!'s and llU_ moval of several :Maryland st.ars, but of men were made, 'tnd girls. This project the sup· nleruls to: Hull, Call'ert, }'l:magan, Pre~', it was clearly Nuv.r's vietory frolll resulted in good port of hoth tho student bO{ly nnd coa~h HolnH)S, F.. Hmnpltreys, l,ines, Whistle to whistle. The "ursity men frolll last year, Law- 9-_jH. W,1shington esto.briugsueecss. Needy, Russell, Yocum !j]]d :McBride. Early SCoring renee, Koppe, Doughty, Wellillger, :'.fny lG-St. John's 'fhe election of olliters for 1!/1I1-'3:! 1foy 23-Wnshington College will ho held in Ule Y. W. C. A. room Westem Maryland gained th~ first. ~~~;dL:::~b! J~~l::~n'f:,,~~t~~: ~]~l\:~~;ll~O~~: MATIYL,ANDt dinner 'l'but'sday, BEA'!, face off but, 2 minutes later Elllot.t of eleus to bllild a powerful team :Jround. girlshaYebeen tore ill from tl'(l center of the The pitching staff will hold its eud up an open sho:. Navy did 1l0t I with l,nmb ant] flingers of high SPRING :FOOTBALL Presidenl; ..\Iar)' Rumphreys-Uurpby. score again for 1S whell Dial caliber, who will most tossed in a screened sl,ot from way out. of the twirling has "A]](l the pig-skin 0'1',-,1 soored Seerntury, H:lmbseh-Oockey. A minute from the end of the half Treasurer: Strow-TIf].w$Ou. proslJcetsfortheinfield,asprae- lIfonllure also seored from ollt.siuc. customary opening line for moot articles Bl'.£ebaJt liead: WUl.yer-Longridge. sholl'ttSC"eralCOlllinglulltinnries, Tile visiting T.:trrora lleld possession allhougl\ the batting as yet is rather on football. llowel'er, for this feature, BnsketLall llead- Ebaugh-RIlII. of the bnll and l,,)(} U llumber of shots weak. Work is under wny to strengthen such a lina wonld bc out of lliace, for Eio"key Reaa: Sell:tt-Bensoo. in the first <10 minutes of the seeond this depnrtment of the game, and by Snt- this is about spring pr:ldi(·e. 'I'lms that Hiking llend: D. 'rim]]]OllS-SOiller~. lin If. llowever, in less tt,(\n a mil]ute llrday n ofi'ensi\'e as well.1s de ~e"le\lce must he slightly rc\-amped. "fter thQ Wesbl1insterites lost the bali fen_h'e will t~ke lhe fi~l! to ml)et Outfield-Welling-cr, I.tJ.,\·rcurt', taek. The attaekmen dodged nOlle ton southern college tc~ms. !fl}wC\-er, Diksn, Cnll'lleH, Tollinger, well and were slow in dd(ling them- tl,ose institutioHIj wireu Grnduate )[a» Coach-ll. B. Speir. s~hes of t.ho ball nlthough occasionally ager Speir that tho tll:ltches woulcl huv(' ).bllagcr-Nohlc. tIll! pussing was of high ordor. to be ealled (loft' betfHtse t.heir courts were is TIm defensemen came out speedily not ill This g:lI'e th(J Terrors an· iJase,1udis and upsct the Torror offensive altllOllgll other of praetiee1.Jefol·einaugurat· the visitors lneked ill fhlOSSC. Navy on iugthcirl!l3Jtc.llnissensoli the general a whole appeared a. vugged team green Practiee has becn very enthusiastic. BEAT DICKINSON I yet ahowing promise with JJlHle~ of the Ynlunble reinforcements ha~'C come from defense especially looming. For Wes the 1:'reshmllll class anll willlielp fill TheaeJlcdule: t.ern :Maryland, Wilker, husky cover lIw g:lPS left by the gl'llduation of Engle April :l6-Bluo ]~idge )Joint wa!l' outstanding. anll Williard. Tile dcp~rture of _<\pdl J8-Dicki118on ,Homc A fair crowd witnesscd the cont.est. alIll -"fatller from school has crcfltecllHl· A pril ~2-Marylalld A WHy 'rho slltltmary: ditirmal racaur.ies in Ihe line-up. Wool ley, Wil1~y 1)' Pressey O.P. Wilker The tennis schedule this yenr is the sehedule including sudl teams as a1:ary· 'rellnis )lnnngcTS, l'at ).lurph~' an~ )fnry Jilmcs 3D Bcnson most eillboratt' an[\ most (Ufficult a West· land, Booton College, Washington and Elle" Sellnt, rCBIJ(;cli,·cly. lib.\, 20-1IIt. St. 1Jary's AII'u.l' Kirkpatrick 3D HRmill ern ],Juryl:md telluis te(l.m has el'er faced. Jeffer$Oll, Duquesne Univer~ity and Diul ID Doughty ]t c31ls for se,'eral trips on which two or Georgetown, is enough lo make allY coach c. Gilbert Bates Ihree teams wllJ be methdore the boys worr~·. _o\dd to tld~ the 103S of sucl] sea· 1I.forrow 3A LnWTBnee eollte 1I0me. Induded on it aro SOllie STRAYER Elliott Crothers of the hest tennis te,,,ns in Penl:lsyll'lmin Castree U }Jkaitia nnd )fnr)'laild. The tennis candidates, COLLEGE Moneure O.R Seitz are Ilot ol-er-awell by lhe O'Neill I.H. Usinger of their task,butare l1singit simpl~' as an a!ldcd stimuln\ion ill their Supplement your liberal arts education with Score by Periods work. Practice is progressing regularly ill his powcr to keep Wesiern a specialized college-grade business training! Navy 37-10 ''11(1 !Ill uUl1su~l optimism is lleing cUa· the ulldde:lted column. Executive Secretarial courses qualify Western Maryland a 0- 0 playe(l. At pr~Bent all !!Te workiug hard college students for responsible business to II'hip themselves into eondition for tIle positipns. Substitutions: Navy, liaU for ~lllel'; Accounting and Business Administration Miller for lIali; Smith for Elliott; Fer mukh wiD] Loyola Saturday. 'l'he ten- courses leading to the B.C_S. and M.C.S. has Equitable Life Ins. Co. of Iowa of College guson for Miller; Bowers for O'Neill; ni~ squNd hns no COAch otl{l :I'et it degrees offered Able in staff Strayer of C.P.A_ instructors Ac- countancy. Born for Gilbert; Shurp for Elliott; usually won II majr;rity r;f its Iltat~.hes. and attorneys at law_ South for Rogers; Miller for Oastree; 'l'heschedule: by Two Hundred Fifteen CoJJegesand Slater for Dial. Western Maryland, AprillB-Loyolu Here Represented Universities Represented by Annual Patterson for DougiltYi IIerniek for April 25-Unil·. of Maryland Here Enrollment of 1600 Students_ Flater; Borchers for Lawrence; Gulla April 29-Geltysbul'g Here BUCK CASH han for Crothers; Bnrnett for Hamill. )'Iny 2-Ropkins Here Scoring, Navy: Elliott, Z; :lI[olieure, May 6-Lo}'0Ia There Address Registrar for Catalog A COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION 2; Disl, O'Neill, C!lstree, Gilbert, Sharp :May lS-Urn". of Delaware There Fo, and Slater. Time of hslve&-30 mill- Ma~' 14--Drexel There WESTMINSTER, MD. BUSINESS TRAINING utes; Referee--Keeeh, 11ft. Washing- 'Uay 15-P. M. C. There tOll; Umpire-iSm:ith, Ma.ryland. May 20---Gettysburg There
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